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时间洞察力(Time perspective, TP)是个体分类、组织、管理人生和社会经验的必要心理时间框架。在当今快节奏和高竞争性的社会中,寻求过去、现在和未来时间洞察力之间的平衡被认为是优化个体社会适应、提升幸福和促进心理健康的重要方式。然而,由于概念取向模糊、测量方法局限等,现有平衡时间洞察力与心理健康的关系研究较为繁杂,作用机制尚不明确,且缺乏宏观角度上的理论框架。通过对现存研究的梳理,从平衡时间洞察力的不同概念取向入手,整合形成平衡时间洞察力的双通道理论模型,包含时间转换取向与总体健康取向平衡时间洞察力对心理健康的直接与间接作用路径,以及潜在的边界条件。未来研究应区分平衡时间洞察力的不同概念取向,并分别进行拓展研究,着重发展时间转换取向平衡时间洞察力的测量手段,深化中国文化背景下平衡时间洞察力与心理健康的理论研究和实证探索。  相似文献   

通过对530名大学生的问卷调查,考察特质焦虑、压力知觉、未来时间洞察力和网络成瘾之间的关系。结果发现:(1)压力知觉在特质焦虑和网络成瘾之间起部分中介作用,特质焦虑既对网络成瘾产生直接影响,也通过压力知觉产生间接影响;(2)未来时间洞察力对压力知觉的中介作用起调节作用,压力知觉对网络成瘾的影响随着个体未来时间洞察力的增加而减少。大学生特质焦虑、压力知觉、未来时间洞察力和网络成瘾共同构成一个有调节的中介模型。  相似文献   

延迟满足是个体为获得更有价值的奖励结果,坚持目标行为而推迟即时性满足的倾向与行为。其产生机制在很大程度上基于未来取向的自我调节。未来时间洞察力对延迟满足的作用可由期望-价值理论、解释水平理论和自我调节周期模型等多种理论进行解释。除行为层面的机制,未来时间洞察力与延迟满足涉及腹侧额叶-纹状体环路等相似的脑机制。未来研究需深化和丰富延迟满足的理论机制,明确与时间洞察力各维度的复杂关系,探究与时间洞察力相同的生理神经机制,促进其应用于社会实践。  相似文献   

物质成瘾与反转学习损伤密切相关,成瘾者往往不能灵活地适应变化的刺激—结果的联结,这可能进一步加剧成瘾者的物质使用。近年来研究发现,物质成瘾者的反转学习相关的腹外侧前额和背外侧前额等脑区激活异常,这些异常与成瘾者的冲动性和强迫性有关。此外,个体的反转学习能力对其成瘾行为具有一定预测性。今后应增加对不同类型物质成瘾者的反转学习脑机制及物质相关线索对成瘾者反转学习影响的研究,并且进一步探讨成瘾者的冲动性和强迫性对其反转学习的调节及个体反转学习能力对其成瘾行为的预测。  相似文献   

论时间洞察力   总被引:33,自引:7,他引:26  
时间洞察力既是能力特质也是动力特质,是个体对时间的认知、体验和行动(或行动倾向)的人格特质,它可以区分为过去时间洞察力、现在时间洞察力、未来时间洞察力,也可以区分为特质时间洞察力和状态时间洞察力。时间洞察力是决定个人事业与人生成功的关键因素。我们已开始用多维度-多方法对时间洞察力开展深入的研究。  相似文献   

杜刚  吕厚超 《心理科学》2017,40(1):96-102
思考未来对个体现在行为具有重要指导意义。本研究以1002名初、高中学生为调查对象,采用问卷调查法探究未来时间洞察力与学业成绩间的关系,以及时间管理倾向在其中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)学业成绩高低分组在未来时间洞察力各维度和时间管理倾向上差异显著。(2)未来积极、未来坚持、未来清晰和未来计划与时间管理倾向和学业成绩呈显著正相关,未来消极和未来迷茫与时间管理倾向和学业成绩呈显著负相关。(3)未来消极对学业成绩具有显著的直接预测作用;未来消极还通过时间效能感间接影响学业成绩;时间管理倾向在未来迷茫、未来清晰、未来坚持、未来计划和学业成绩之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

近年来越来越多的研究证据提示, 个体冲动性在成瘾疾患发生发展机制中具有关键作用, 可能成为成瘾行为的潜在易感标记以及早期识别和干预的重要靶点, 但冲动性对不同成瘾行为变化发展的调控机制尚不明确。项目拟综合跨成瘾谱系比较、纵向追踪设计、冲动行为干预等研究途径, 采用人格测量、神经认知、神经影像等技术, 首先比较尼古丁依赖者与网络游戏成瘾者的冲动性结构及其在前额叶–纹状体环路的结构功能改变; 然后采用混合分组设计筛选出具有高低冲动性的非成瘾青少年进行连续追踪研究, 考察冲动性对尼古丁依赖与网络游戏成瘾的预测效力; 并采用认知行为训练, 对吸烟成瘾者与网络游戏成瘾者进行冲动干预, 考察行为干预对冲动性水平及前额叶–纹状体环路功能的改变, 以及对不同成瘾行为发展的抑制后效。旨在探索冲动性作为成瘾的潜在易感标记及干预靶点的效力。  相似文献   

反馈相关负波(feedback-related negativity, FRN)是反馈加工诱发的脑电成分, 体现了个体对奖赏的敏感性。成瘾分为物质成瘾和行为成瘾, 两类个体的反馈加工都呈现病理性模式。相对于普通反馈物(如金钱), 物质成瘾个体在加工成瘾物质时诱发的FRN波幅显著增大; 在与非成瘾被试的对照研究中, 物质成瘾者加工金钱反馈时的FRN也表现出与成瘾相关的异常模式; 在行为成瘾个体中亦观察到与物质成瘾个体类似的FRN失调现象。但以往多数研究中对成瘾类型的区分还不够详细, 未来研究应进一步考虑成瘾不同亚型的特点; 且成瘾个体往往伴随其他精神障碍(如抑郁、焦虑), 将来的研究要区分共病因素的影响, 揭示成瘾独特的奖赏加工机制问题。  相似文献   

杨玲  马丽  赵鑫  张更生 《心理科学》2015,(2):482-489
负性情绪是导致个体毒品成瘾及复吸的主要心理因素。毒品成瘾者在情绪加工过程中会夸大负性刺激,产生负性化偏向,提高负性情绪的唤醒度,最终导致其产生更多负性情绪体验。而当毒品成瘾者体验到诸如焦虑、抑郁、压力等负性情绪时,他们却更倾向于使用毒品来缓解或逃避负性情绪带来的不愉快体验。研究表明,毒品成瘾者这种负性情绪加工异常的根本原因在于长期毒品滥用所导致的个体大脑情绪回路相关脑区的受损,如杏仁核、海马、额叶等。未来研究应更进一步探讨成瘾者负性情绪加工与毒品成瘾之间的关系;并对戒断者在负性情绪加工能力的恢复方面做进一步探索,开展更多的关于如何改善成瘾者及戒断者对负性情绪应对方式的研究,从而更为有效抑制个体对毒品形成的心理依赖及强迫的药物渴求行为。  相似文献   

本研究采用经典内隐联想测验任务,研究了现在享乐、现在宿命和未来三种时间洞察力特质中学生的健康行为选择内隐偏好以及未来情景性思维在时间洞察力类型与健康行为选择内隐偏好中的调节作用。结果发现:未来特质中学生的健康行为选择内隐偏好高于现在享乐和现在宿命特质中学生;未来情景性思维水平在中学生时间洞察力类型与健康行为选择内隐偏好的关系中起调节作用,即未来情景性思维显著提高现在享乐和未来特质中学生的健康行为选择内隐偏好,而对现在宿命特质的作用不显著。本研究的发现表明未来时间洞察力特质是中学生选择健康行为的积极因素;未来情景性思维能促进现在享乐和未来时间洞察力特质中学生的健康行为选择内隐偏好。  相似文献   

Researchers have studied individual’s pursuit of well-being through two perspectives: the eudaimonic perspective and the hedonic perspective. Peterson and his colleagues (2005) introduced their Orientations to Happiness scale, a self-report measure assessing individual’s pursuit of well-being that corresponds to these two perspectives. Specifically, the Life of Meaning subscale is the index of the eudaimonic pursuit; the Life of Pleasure subscale is the index of the hedonic pursuit. Previous research has demonstrated that orientations to happiness are positively associated with individual’s subjective well-being, whereas little research has addressed the mechanisms underlying the associations. Based on goal theory of happiness, the present study investigated how orientations to happiness were associated with subjective well-being by examining the indirect effects of the prosocial behavior and Internet addictive behavior in a sample of Chinese adolescents aged between 13 and 18 (N = 2082). The results showed that: (1) both life of meaning and life of pleasure were positively associated with adolescents’ subjective well-being; (2) prosocial behavior partially mediated the positive association between life of meaning and subjective well-being; and (3) prosocial behavior also partially mediated the positive association between life of pleasure and subjective well-being, whereas Internet addictive behavior undermined the positive association here. The findings shed light on the underlying mechanisms between orientations to happiness and subjective well-being.  相似文献   

从三个角度(被排斥者, 排斥者和旁观者)三个时间点(排斥发生前中后)出发, 正念是否、何时以及如何在社会排斥情境中发挥作用这一系列问题被详细论述, 并概述为一个正念和排斥相关的模型。该模型表明, 排斥发生前, 正念能够缓解被排斥者的拒绝敏感性; 减少排斥者的排斥行为; 排斥发生后, 正念能够缓解被排斥者的痛苦, 有助于旁观者的助人行为; 排斥发生时, 正念可能促进良好沟通, 减少排斥恶化的可能性。未来研究可以针对正念在社会排斥中效益发生的机制以及边界条件方面进行深入的探讨。  相似文献   

Both personality and emotional experiences may be influenced by people’s time perspectives. The Zimbardo time perspective inventory measures five trait dimensions related to past, present and future perspectives. Two studies were conducted to investigate how these time perspective dimensions related to mood. The first study (n = 260) confirmed that ZTPI scales predicted moods including energetic arousal, tense arousal and Hedonic Tone, revealing that past negative and Present Hedonistic time perspectives are the most robust predictors of current emotional states. Moreover, future time perspective proved to predict energetic arousal, but the effect was suppressed by present hedonism. The second study (n = 65) measured mood twice in a 4-week period, and focused on relationships between the ZTPI and recalled and anticipated mood. Analyses conducted using DBTP, an index of temporal harmony based on the ZTPI scores, proved that balanced time perspective was related to more positive mood states in both studies. Findings confirmed that time perspective appears to influence both recall and anticipation of mood. For example, past negative time perspective is associated with anticipation of negative moods, and Past Positive perspective relates to both recall and anticipation of energy. Time perspective may structure the individual’s affective experience.  相似文献   

本研究从贵州、江苏等十个地区选取4500名四年级以上的小学生和初中生,采用问卷调查的方法,探讨自我概念对网络成瘾倾向的影响及网络消极体验和学校类型的调节作用。结果发现:(1)自我概念对能够负向预测网络成瘾,重点学校学生的网瘾得分高于非重点学校学生;(2)网络消极体验、学校类型都会影响自我概念的作用。结论:重点学校通过自我概念能够稳定预测网瘾,非重点学校则需考虑网络消极体验的影响。在此基础上对青少年网瘾干预及学校环境进行讨论。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how an individual’s religion relates to their time orientation. Specifically, we hypothesised (a) intrinsic orientation would positively correlate with future orientation, (b) extrinsic orientation would positively correlate with present-hedonistic orientation, (c) quest orientation would positively correlate with present-hedonistic and future orientations, (d) orthodox orientation would positively correlate with past positive orientation, and (e) secularism would positively correlate with past negative orientation, present-fatalistic and future orientations. Participants (n?=?150) completed an online survey of time orientation and religious orientation. The results showed that perceptions of the past are strongly linked to religious orientation, with more positive perceptions being linked to the more traditional orientations, and less positive perceptions linked to the looser and secularist orientations.  相似文献   

苏波波  郑美红 《心理科学进展》2019,27(11):1863-1874
成瘾者失控的物质寻求和使用与反应抑制的关系密切。很多研究在物质相关线索情境中探讨了这一关系。物质相关线索既可受到自动的注意加工, 又可诱发非自动的趋近动机状态。因此, 它们可能通过刺激驱动和状态依赖两种方式消耗有限的认知资源从而影响反应抑制, 这在成瘾行为的发展和维持中起到重要作用。未来需要在揭示其神经机制、明确物质使用动机或态度的调节、采用真实情境进行研究, 以及开发有效的干预方法等几个方面开展研究。  相似文献   

The present study examined motivational influences on visual perspectives in remembering past events and behaviors. Participants were first induced to believe that extraversion or introversion is conducive of success. Next, they recalled in details two introverted past behaviors. Introversion‐success participants, presumably motivated to see themselves as introverted, recalled and visualized the behaviors more from a first‐person actor perspective than did extraversion‐success participants (who recalled the behaviors from a third‐person observer perspective). Remembering past behaviors from a first‐person actor perspective implies that the behaviors are true of the self and impacts self‐definition to a relatively greater degree. The findings thus extend the influence of desired self to how people remember past events. They also contribute to the integration of motives in research on the link between self‐inferences and the subjective experience of remembering. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Time perspective therapy (TPT) is a new time-based therapy that focuses on clients' perceptions of their past, present, and future. Based on Zimbardo's temporal theory and the utilization of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, the authors have developed this new narrative therapy approach for the purpose of treating clients diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. The goal of TPT is to identify clients' six time perspective factors and then work with and balance these perspectives to promote a more positive future orientation, replace their traumatic past negativity, and thereby create a more responsive and healthier individual.  相似文献   

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