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本研究采用实验室和现场实验的方法检验了默认选项的助推策略是否能够促进慈善捐赠行为。结果发现:(1)相较于把被试费的“保留选项”设置为默认,把“捐献选项”设置为默认时,被试捐献的概率和金额更高;(2)在多个捐款选项情景中,默认选项的设置总体上提高了默认选项被选择的概率;将最大金额选项设置为默认选项有助于提高被试平均捐赠额。这些发现表明,应用默认选项的助推策略能够有效促进人们的捐赠行为。本研究结果对减少募捐成本、提高募捐效率有所启示。  相似文献   

助推爱心:利用默认选项促进捐赠行为   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
宋官东 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1174-1179
本研究采用实验室和现场实验的方法检验了默认选项的助推策略是否能够促进慈善捐赠行为。结果发现:(1)相较于把被试费的“保留选项”设置为默认,把“捐献选项”设置为默认时,被试捐献的概率和金额更高;(2)在多个捐款选项情景中,默认选项的设置总体上提高了默认选项被选择的概率;将最大金额选项设置为默认选项有助于提高被试平均捐赠额。这些发现表明,应用默认选项的助推策略能够有效促进人们的捐赠行为。本研究结果对减少募捐成本、提高募捐效率有所启示。  相似文献   

支付渠道通常是捐赠信息中的必要元素。研究基于元认知推断理论, 探讨了支付渠道数量因素(多个vs.单一)对个体捐赠的作用机制。通过6个实验和1个单文章元分析, 结果发现:相比单一支付渠道, 多个支付渠道反而会抑制个体捐赠的金额和意愿, 感知商业化和道德怀疑连续中介以上效应。关键原因在于, 多支付渠道在商业化背景下的频繁应用会使得人们持有“多支付渠道=商业化”的朴素信念。基于此, 个体会对多个(vs.单一)支付渠道的捐赠信息产生感知商业化的元认知推断, 进而怀疑捐赠对象的道德性, 最后弱化捐赠意愿与行为。此外, 朴素信念的可诊断性具有调节作用。具体而言, 当“多支付渠道=商业化”朴素信念的可诊断性低时, 个体将无法产生感知商业化的元认知推断过程, 从而弱化多个(vs.单一)支付渠道对个体捐赠的负面作用。  相似文献   

本研究以买房送家电为情境,通过三个实验探索默认选项对赠品选择行为的影响。实验1和2通过情境实验,分别在不考虑家电成本和考虑家电成本的情况下,考察默认选项对选择行为的影响。两个实验结果均表明,在设置默认选项后,个体倾向于选择默认选项。实验3通过现场实验,采用普通居民作为被试,也发现了默认选项效应。上述结果共同表明,设置默认选项可以影响个体对赠品的选择,既成事实的默认选项对选择行为产生的影响更大。  相似文献   

行为决策中的默认效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
默认效应指的是当存在默认选项时, 人们决策时倾向于保留默认选项而不做出改变的一种现象。这种现象广泛存在于器官捐献政策、退休金储蓄计划和消费决策等领域并在这些领域中有巨大的应用价值。目前, 研究者主要从损失规避、质询理论、暗含的推荐和神经心理机制四个方面解释默认效应的形成机制。默认效应还受到努力成本、默认选项的框架和个人经验等因素影响。未来的研究可以从深入探讨默认效应的产生根源、加强其跨文化研究以及拓展其应用领域这三个方面来展开。  相似文献   

社会捐赠意愿的强弱影响到民间慈善组织生存状况的好坏。捐赠作为一种意识行为,是个体特定心理过程的结果,在生成功能认同、价值认同、路径认同的基础上,具有道德义务意识的个体可能会找到自身与特定慈善组织的价值联结点,进而将慈善组织看作其履行道德义务的工具,在个体价值安排空间存在的情况下,个体产生捐赠意愿。当捐赠意愿达到一定强度,在需捐情境的刺激下,个体就会生成捐赠动机,进而实施捐赠行为。  相似文献   

赵宁  刘鑫  李纾  郑蕊 《心理科学进展》2022,30(6):1230-1241
默认选项设置指通过设置默认选项以增加人们选择该选项可能性的助推方法, 近年来被越来越多地运用于促进公众积极行为上, 然而这种方法在有效性上却受到了来自公众和学者的质疑。据此, 本研究运用元分析法整合了近几年有关默认选项设置的已有实证研究, 分析该助推手段的有效性, 并进一步考察可能影响其有效性的相关变量。研究共纳入符合要求的原始文献56篇, 含92个研究, 结果发现:(1)默认选项设置的确能有效助推人们的行为; (2)默认选项设置的助推有效性在东、西方文化下存在显著差异, 其在西方文化背景下的助推效果要显著好于其在东方文化背景下的使用; (3)默认选项设置的助推有效性在不同情境应用领域中存在显著差异, 相较于健康和环保领域, 默认选项设置在金钱相关的情境领域下助推效果更好。  相似文献   

为探讨在线评论数量和质量以及认知需要对个体网络购物意愿的影响及其作用机制。以320名有网购经历的在校大学生为被试,采用2(在线评论质量:高vs.低)×2(在线评论数量:多vs.少)×2(认知需要水平:高vs.低)的实验设计。结果发现:(1)在线评论质量和数量对网络购物意愿都有着积极影响;(2)在线评论质量和数量对网络购物意愿的影响会受到认知需要的调节,即在线评论数量和质量对不同认知需要水平个体的影响不同:低认知需要个体会受到在线评论数量的影响,而高认知需要的个体则会受到在线评论质量的影响。研究结果深化了在线评论对网络购物购买决策影响的研究。  相似文献   

通过四个实验(474名被试),采用三种不同的刺激物操纵拥挤感,在三种不同情境下测量两类金钱捐赠行为,来探索拥挤感对金钱捐赠的影响。结果发现:拥挤感强(vs. 弱)的被试有更高的金钱捐赠意愿、更高的月度和年度捐赠金额;其中个体的自我表达需要发挥中介作用,即体验到强拥挤感的个体的自我表达需要更强,为了满足这一需要,更积极响应金钱捐赠的呼吁。  相似文献   

刘耀中  张俊龙 《心理科学》2017,40(6):1412-1420
本文基于权力的社会距离理论作为切入点,探究在合作的过程中权力感所产生的影响及社会距离所产生的中介作用、群体身份所产生的缓解作用。利用角色扮演法、情景回忆法来操控个体权力感,采用虚拟与真实的公共物品范式、囚徒困境范式来测量人际合作,通过IOS问卷测量社会距离,并用最简身份范式来控制群体身份,从而让实验得以更好探究权力感对合作有如何的影响机制。本文通过三个实验,得出的实证证据表明:(1)在虚拟的投资游戏中,高权力感的个体捐赠金额是显著少于低权力感的个体;(2)在互动情境中,个体所感知到的与其互动对象的社会距离,在权力、合作之间起到部分中介的效应;(3)对于同组内的成员,高权力感的个体相比较于低权力感的个体,有着更多的合作行为。因此,权力感增加了个体的社会距离感知、从而减少了合作行为,但互动对象中的群体身份也在有效调节着这一心理现象。  相似文献   

Buddhism is prevalent in Asia and has been growing in Western countries. Its perspectives have subtle influences on people’s ways of thinking and behaving. This study focuses on the association between Buddhist beliefs and blood donation intention. We draw on a social-cognitive perspective to delineate how this link is mediated by moral attentiveness and moderated by self-monitoring. Data were collected via online surveys, and 508 respondents were included in the final sample. We used Hayes’ PROCESS macro and simple slope analysis to assess all relationships in our moderated mediation model. Results indicated that Buddhist beliefs were positively related to blood donation intention, and moral attentiveness mediated this relationship. Moreover, self-monitoring was found to moderate the direct relationship between Buddhist beliefs and moral attentiveness, as well as the indirect relationship between Buddhist beliefs and blood donation intention through moral attentiveness. The associations were strengthened with increased self-monitoring. This research provides a nuanced explanation of the manner in which Buddhist beliefs are associated with blood donation intention. Blood donation recruitment campaigns can incorporate instrumental elements of Buddhist teachings, such as the pursuit of moral perfection, the cultivation of the virtues of unselfishness, benevolence and understanding, and the laws of Karma. Meanwhile, mindfulness as a core practice in Buddhism can be utilized to improve moral attentiveness and self-monitoring, thereby promoting blood donation intention.  相似文献   

This research applied the Trans-Theoretical Model and the Construal Level Theory to framing messages for blood donation. People can be at different degrees of readiness for blood donation and are, therefore, dispersed into discrete stages of change. These stages of change correspond to varying psychological distances that define the extent to which a person's thinking on the suggested behavior is abstract (high construal level) or concrete (low construal level). Differences in psychological distance thus affect whether individuals focus on how easy it is to donate blood (feasibility) or on why it is important to donate blood (desirability) in the ad message. This research conducted two studies using a 2 (types of message: feasibility vs. desirability—manipulated) × 3 (stages of change: pre-contemplation vs. contemplation/preparation vs. action/maintenance—measured) between-subject, randomly assigned factorial design experiment. The results of both studies showed that for individuals in the pre-contemplation stage, desirability, rather than feasibility, messages were more likely to produce favorable attitudes toward the ad, its sponsoring organization, and blood donation behavior itself, whereas the opposite was true for those in the action/maintenance stage. Those differences were weakened or not observed for those in the contemplation/preparation stage. These patterns of interaction were not replicated for behavioral intention. Collectively, these findings suggest that tailoring a message according to the intended audience's stage of change should promote positive attitudes for blood donation. Meanwhile, future research is needed to bridge the attitude-behavior gap when it comes to blood donation.  相似文献   

Previous research on charitable donations has examined the costs and benefits of anonymity from the perspectives of donors and charities. However, it is unclear how anonymity affects the recipients of a donation. This research examines how donor name disclosure affects recipients’ behaviors. The findings demonstrate that recipients of donations from named individuals (vs. recipients of anonymous donations) tend to regulate their behaviors to be more in line with the general goal of the donation. This occurs because name disclosure increases the salience of the donor’s identity in the mind of the recipient, which in turn leads to an increased feeling of obligation. Six lab and online studies (including two preregistered studies) and one field study assess this effect. The implications of these findings for charities, individual donors, and public policymakers are discussed.  相似文献   

网络慈善众筹是从在线社区获得财力捐助的行为。本研究通过3个实验,考察在线社交平台上受益者面部表情与捐赠者–受益者关系对慈善众筹捐赠行为的影响。结果发现,快乐的面部表情对捐赠金额和分享意愿的影响总体上比悲伤更大;捐赠者–受益者共有的熟人关系比陌生人关系对捐赠金额与分享意愿的影响更大;面部表情与捐赠者–受益者关系对慈善众筹的捐赠金额存在交互作用,但对分享意愿没有显著性影响。结果表明,在线社交平台的慈善众筹捐赠行为更偏好有快乐面部表情的受益者,并且更多地受到间接的、社会交换预期微弱的熟人共有关系的影响。  相似文献   

陈斯允  卫海英  孟陆 《心理学报》2019,51(12):1351-1362
如何有效地引导个体“慷慨解囊”一直是理论和实践都关注的热点。基于道德基础理论和刻板印象内容模型, 研究考察了在不同社会知觉(温暖型vs.能力型)的劝捐主体中, 两种道德诉求方式(个体人道诉求vs.群体规范诉求)对劝捐效果的影响及其内在机制。3个实验的结果显示:温暖型(能力型)劝捐主体与个体人道诉求(群体规范诉求)更为契合, 更有利于提升劝捐效果; 温暖型劝捐主体进行个体人道诉求主要通过唤起个体的自我效能而提升劝捐效果, 而能力型劝捐主体进行群体规范诉求则主要通过增强个体的反应效能而提升劝捐效果。  相似文献   

何铨  江程铭 《心理科学》2020,(2):430-437
老年人意外伤害保险作为应对人口老龄化带来的意外风险的措施之一,能够有效缓解老年人意外伤害给其和家庭造成的经济负担。然而该险种购买不足的现状有可能影响其持续运营。本研究试图通过四个子研究探讨默认选项的助推方式是否能够促进老年人意外伤害险在线购买额。研究1通过实际销售数据分析,研究2~4通过实验发现:把默认选项设置在最高份数上能够有效地促进保险的购买份额。研究表明应用行为科学的发现可以有效促进公共政策的实施。  相似文献   

Sperm and egg donation allows people who cannot have children naturally to become parents. However, in many countries there is a shortage of donors. Therefore, it is important to assess the factors that influence donation. Across two studies, we assessed the role of social‐cognitive and emotional factors in promoting and deterring sperm and egg donation. Study 1 (N = 138 men) found that feeling anxiety toward discovering a fertility problem and pride positively predicted sperm donation intention and information seeking behavior. By contrast, feeling anxiety toward the process of donation negatively predicted sperm donation intention and information seeking behavior. Study 2 (N = 193 women) found that pride positively and the anxiety toward the process negatively predicted egg donation intentions, but not information seeking behavior. These results suggest that it is important to consider the role of emotions in motivating and deterring people from becoming a sperm and egg donor.  相似文献   

Allogeneic umbilical cord blood (UCB) donation is a pro-social behaviour directed to strangers that has a certain cost for the donor. Although the promotion of such behaviour is an important goal for many countries' health systems, little is known about the reasons that would lead to it. With this study, we explored how the impact of social closeness on altruism and trust could be related to UCB donation in a sample of new-mothers (N = 167). Participants played hypothetical Dictator and Trust games with socially close (e.g., parents) or distant (e.g., strangers) others. They donated more money to parents and siblings compared to cousins, friends and strangers and they trusted more parents, siblings and friends than cousins and strangers. Interestingly, the lower the impact of social closeness on altruism (i.e., generosity towards socially distant others), the higher the intention and the actual probability of UCB donation. A mediation analysis has shown that the relationship between social closeness on altruism and UCB donation was mediated by objective intention to donate (i.e., having followed all the procedures needed). These findings show that other-oriented motivations towards distant others might have important practical implications in identifying the targets of interventions for the promotion of UCB donation.  相似文献   

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