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介绍了成人学习不良者神经心理与行为遗传方面的研究,深入分析了成人学习不良中阅读不良的电生理和行为遗传特点,并简要总结了有关数学不良的神经心理与行为遗传的相关机制。  相似文献   

药物成瘾作为一种慢性复发性的脑疾病,具有从偶然性用药、规律性用药到强迫性用药的渐进式发展特征。研究提示,药物成瘾存在潜在的个体易感性机制,即在成瘾发生过程中不同个体接触药物后的成瘾风险并不相同,探索药物成瘾的神经生物标记是揭示成瘾易感性机制的重要途径。近十多年来,关于成瘾易感性标记的研究不断积聚。文章从神经认知、神经影像及脑电生理、分子遗传等层面梳理与药物成瘾生物标记有关的证据,试图在基因-大脑-心理-行为的理论框架下,对成瘾的发生发展机制进行综合阐释,期望为未来研究在探索药物成瘾的候选神经生物标记、寻找临床干预试验的精准靶点等方面提供更多理论参考。  相似文献   

对无意识信息引发的认知控制的研究是揭示意识的功能与局限的重要方法和步骤.在无意识认知控制研究中主要采用模式掩蔽和偏对比掩蔽创设无意识条件,使用客观测量方法对意识状态进行测量.作者从无意识抑制控制、无意识冲突控制和无意识错误加工三个方面回顾了近年对无意识认知控制及其神经机制的研究.已有研究从行为和认知神经研究两个方面强有力地证明了无意识认知控制的存在,揭示了其神经机制.这些研究拓展了人们对意识信息广度和深度的认识,也为未来进一步揭示意识的起源等问题奠定了一定的基础.未来的研究可以从无意识认知控制和有意识认知控制的相互转化等方面进行进一步研究.  相似文献   

拖延是一种普遍存在, 具有跨时间和跨情景稳定性的问题行为, 它会危害到人们的学习、工作和身心健康。然而目前拖延行为的认知神经机制仍不清晰, 且缺乏因果证据, 本项目拟从拖延的时间决策模型和三重神经结构网络模型出发, 构建拖延的认知神经模型, 并利用认知干预和神经调控技术, 检验和完善拖延行为的认知神经模型, 进而试图制定拖延的精准化干预方案。本项目分为3部分:(1)从记录与关联研究的视角出发, 利用多模态神经影像方法系统考察拖延行为的认知神经机制; (2)从因果/近因果研究视角出发, 利用认知干预和神经调控技术, 验证并完善拖延的认知神经模型; (3)从临床应用的视角出发, 建立拖延行为障碍的临床筛查-诊断体系, 并制定精准化治疗方案。本项目的开展对于探明拖延产生的核心认知神经机制具有十分重要的理论贡献, 同时对于拖延行为的有效预防和精准治疗具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

贫困儿童往往表现出较差的执行功能,贫困的长期危害甚至持续到成人期。为揭示贫困与儿童执行功能弱化之间的作用机制,已有研究分别从行为、生理和脑层面开展了探索。本文沿着行为-生理-脑的内在联系与思路,系统地梳理了有关单一风险、累积风险、剥夺性风险、适应负荷以及前额叶结构和功能等内在机制的最新研究。最后提出未来研究可以关注贫困对儿童执行功能某些成分的塑造、聚焦剥夺性风险因素的作用机制、开展适应负荷生理机制和相关脑区激活的认知神经机制等方面的研究,以构建行为-生理-脑的整合框架,进一步拓展未来研究领域。  相似文献   

合作行为是指个体或群体之间为了实现共同的目标和利益而进行的协同行为或意向。本文基于行为-认知-大脑的三重映射关系,对合作行为的文化差异性进行了深入阐释,并在此基础上构建了文化影响合作行为的社会认知中介模型;未来研究可从实证视角对合作行为文化差异的社会认知内容、认知神经机制等方面进行验证、挖掘和改善。  相似文献   

强迫性是一种与不顾严重后果的固着行为密切相关的神经心理结构, 大脑神经系统对强迫性行为的调控机制崩溃是导致药物成瘾的直接原因。以往研究对于奖赏系统(中脑-皮层-边缘神经环路)在成瘾行为中的作用及机制已经具有丰富的了解, 但针对药物成瘾的强迫性特征本身以及前额叶-反奖赏系统神经环路在成瘾行为中的作用机制了解有限, 尤其是缺乏对药物成瘾强迫性特征的系统考察、缺少遗传学研究以及非兴奋剂类药物的汇聚证据。项目拟结合人类成瘾行为的遗传学视角(海洛因成瘾者与其无药物使用的兄弟姐妹对照), 结合神经认知、脑电生理、神经影像等不同层面的方法和技术, 对药物成瘾强迫性的外在表征、神经生物学基础以及与个体差异有关的遗传易感性进行探索, 期在进一步识别药物成瘾的神经生物标记, 为探寻潜在的药物或非药物干预靶点提供更多证据。  相似文献   

许琴  罗宇  刘嘉 《心理科学进展》2010,18(8):1208-1221
方向感是一种定位当前位置、确定前往目的地的方向及选择相应路线的能力, 与人们的日常生活和国家航空航天事业的发展有着密切联系。方向感的认知加工包括外部信息输入、内部表征建立和信息整合三个过程, 综合方向感的各加工过程的研究结果形成的方向感认知结构模型将有助于研究者全面认识其加工机制。大脑是实现方向感加工的载体, 当前对方向感神经机制的研究主要有正常人的行为实验、脑成像研究以及脑损伤病人研究三方面, 根据这三方面的研究总结得出的神经网络结构清楚地展示了方向感在大脑中的加工过程。方向感的发生和发展受到了先天遗传和后天环境的影响, 因此了解方向感的遗传基础是了解其加工机制的关键之一。遗传影像学近来取得的重大进展推动了基因、大脑和行为研究的结合, 这将是未来方向感加工机制研究的主要方向之一。  相似文献   

人们在日常生活中经常会犯错,这种由人引发的人因失误在复杂人机系统中占据了相当大的比重。本研究从人因失误后操作者的行为反应(如错误后反应减慢、正确率提高等)入手,详细探讨了错误发生后操作者行为反应的生理、心理和情境影响因素及认知神经机制,并在此基础上提出可从行为训练、神经工效增强和界面设计增强三方面对错误后反应进行检测干预的手段,以达到推进和提高复杂系统人机工效研究的目的。  相似文献   

张颖  冯廷勇 《心理科学进展》2014,22(7):1139-1148
随着认知神经科学技术的发展, 青少年风险决策的发展认知神经机制成为了新近的一个热点课题。从双系统理论模型(社会情感神经网络系统、认知控制神经网络系统)出发, 对与青少年风险决策相关的大脑结构、功能的变化进行了阐述, 重点分析了新近的大脑功能连接、脑网络的研究; 阐述了青少年风险决策认知神经机制的主要理论模型:双系统模型和三角模型。未来研究还应加强对认知神经机制理论模型的检验、整合和创新, 从社会认知神经科学的角度深入研究社会参照系统(同伴关系、亚文化等)在青少年风险决策中的作用及机制, 以及从认知神经层面如何预防和干预青少年高风险行为。  相似文献   

The present paper hypothesizes that, for children, cognitive behavior therapy techniques cannot be applied without first determining the cognitive developmental level of information processing that is being used by the client. Demand requirements of various cognitive behavioral techniques are compared with information processing limitations described by developmental theorists to hypothesize a continuum of cognitive behavioral interventions for children.  相似文献   

IntroductionDefense mechanism and early maladaptive schemas are two concepts distorting the perception of reality.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to explore the link between two reality-distorting concepts from two theoretical models: early maladaptive schemas from the cognitive and behavioral model and defense mechanisms based on the psychoanalytic model.MethodTwo hundred thirty-two non-clinical participants completed the Defense Style Questionnaire and the Young Schema Questionnaire (short version). Then a Bravais Pearson correlation analysis connecting these two concepts, and a multiple regressions analysis using early maladaptive schemas as predictors for defense style mechanisms levels were conducted.ResultsThe results indicate that 2 early maladaptive schema domains (i.e. other-directedness as well as over-vigilance and inhibition) predict the frequency of use of the neurotic defense mechanism, and 3 schema domains (i.e. disconnection and rejection, impaired autonomy and performances as well as impaired limits) predict the frequency of use of the immature defense mechanism.ConclusionTo conclude, two psychological concepts based on two different theoretical models (psychoanalytic and cognitive and behavioral therapy) seem to share an important link justifying the use of integrative therapies such as schema therapy.  相似文献   

Schema therapy is a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) development mainly for the treatment of personality disorders and other chronic mental disorders. It is characterized by an integration of cognitive, emotional and behavioral intervention methods derived from different therapeutic approaches with an emphasis on a specifically supportive therapeutic relationship. The original approach focused mainly on early maladaptive schemas. Current developments, however, concentrate on the concept of schema modes, describing different schema-associated emotional states. The schema mode approach is also used for specific case concepts for personality disorders. Effectiveness of schema therapy has been shown for borderline personality disorder. Current studies investigate the effectiveness of schema therapy for patients with other chronic mental conditions and as a group therapy approach. This paper provides an overview about case conceptualization and treatment, presents main research findings and discusses open questions and problems.  相似文献   


This paper describes our integration of two of the more prevalent approaches to marital and family therapy: the behavioral (social learning) and the family systems (communication theory) approaches. A discussion of the development of family rules from a behavioral point of view is presented as an example of conceptual integration. However, the major intent of the paper is to present a rather detailed explication of the authors' multivaried strategies for intervention, which are designed to integrate and innovate upon the major behavioral and family systems treatment techniques.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— One major contribution of neuroscience to understanding cognitive development has been in demonstrating that biology is not destiny—that is, demonstrating the remarkable role of experience in shaping the mind, brain, and body. Only rarely has neuroscience provided wholly new insights into cognitive development, but often it has provided evidence of mechanisms by which observations of developmental psychologists could be explained. Behavioral findings have often remained controversial until an underlying biological mechanism for them was offered. Neuroscience has demonstrated promise for detecting cognitive problems before they are behaviorally observable—and, hence, promise for early intervention. In this article, we discuss examples drawn from imitation and mirror neurons, phenylketonuria (PKU) and prefrontal dopamine, maternal touch and stress reactivity, and nongenetic (behavioral) intergenerational transmission of biological characteristics.  相似文献   

Cognitive dysregulation, often characterized by extreme, nondialectical thinking, is a core problem area identified in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and is posited to contribute to pervasive emotional and behavioral dysregulation. However, cognitive flexibility is understudied and rarely considered a direct treatment target in DBT. This paper provides clinical guidelines for increasing dialectical thinking with patients in DBT. We review the historical context of dialectical thinking in DBT and present the results of a survey examining DBT therapists’ perspectives on nondialectical thinking as a treatment focus. We describe cognitive restructuring strategies from cognitive therapy models, and compare these with techniques targeting cognitive dysregulation in DBT. We highlight the rationale for incorporating dialectical thinking as a direct treatment focus in DBT, and offer strategies derived from cognitive restructuring to incorporate directly targeting dialectical thinking in conceptualization, treatment planning, and in session. These strategies are demonstrated with clinical vignettes and examples.  相似文献   

According to cognitive therapy as espoused by Aaron T. Beck, the transfer and maintenance of behavioral and cognitive skills into practical and sustainable real-life application ultimately determines positive therapeutic outcomes. However, the optimal process for ensuring this transfer and maintenance has not been explicitly studied. This particular series of C&BP adds to the growing body of literature on cognitive therapy for complex and chronic problems. A case conference and supervision recommendations are presented as a resource for cognitive and behavioral practice. The focus of this series is the integration of homework assignments into therapy. Developing a collaborative therapeutic relationship and individualized cognitive conceptualization were part of the original formulation of standard cognitive therapy (A. T. Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979), and are essential foundations to therapeutic work with challenging patient problems (J. Beck, 2005). Therefore, in keeping with the spirit of cognitive therapy, this series of C&BP places emphasis on the therapeutic collaboration and cognitive conceptualization processes that greatly enhance the effective use of homework assignments.  相似文献   

本文是一例女大学生因怀疑自己口臭、担心肠蠕动的声音像放屁声,因表现为在人多的场所感到紧张、不断地吞口水,回避人多的场所等症状的心理咨询案例。分析了求助者的生物学层面、社会层面和心理层面的相关资料,结合SCL-90、SAS、SDS的测验结果,分别做出了诊断和鉴别诊断。采用认知行为疗法和暴露疗法对来访者做了有效干预和治疗。根据求助者自我评估、咨询师评定、心理测验结果证明本咨询为有效咨询。  相似文献   

拖延是一种普遍存在,具有跨时间和跨情景稳定性的问题行为,严重的拖延甚至会危害到人们的工作、学习及身心健康。鉴于目前对于拖延的认知神经机制仍不清楚,研究模态较为单一,本研究拟从行为-脑-基因的系统研究思路出发,以多模态MRI(Task、Resting、VBM和DTI)为主要技术手段,将HTR2B基因多态性作为突破口,系统考察拖延的认知机制、神经基础和遗传基础,并试图制定拖延的应对与干预方案。研究分为4个部分:(1)从行为上,结合预期恐惧范式和跨期选择范式探索其拖延决策的机制;(2)在神经层面上,采用MRI多模态技术系统考察拖延行为的神经基础;(3)在基因层面上,采用分子遗传学方法,将HTR2B设定为靶基因以深入研究拖延的遗传基础,并考察脑结构和脑功能在基因与行为间的中介作用;(4)最后从行为干预与脑的可塑性的角度,设计拖延的干预方法来改善拖延行为并验证拖延的神经机制。  相似文献   

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