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现实理性:一个理解经济行为的框架   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该将人类理性的现实表现作为理解经济行为的框架。该框架强调,主观上人类有效用最大化的追求,但由于感知觉和思维加工能力的缺陷,行为表现经常偏离理论理性。章从认知心理学的角度介绍Kahneman和Tversky的主要研究成果,包括影响最大的前景理论,其他有关算法式和偏误的研究,以及决策和情绪的关系。章的最后还介绍对Kahneman和Tversky的批评。  相似文献   

韦倩 《学海》2012,(5):44-51
瓦尔拉斯体系假设纯粹自利偏好的个体依靠完备契约和第三方无成本实施来维持社会运转,这在一定程度上并不符合社会运转的真实情况。更加符合现实的思路是个体偏好中并不仅仅包含自利偏好,而且包含亲社会性的他涉偏好,只有在个体具有愿意付出成本实施某种亲社会行为的偏好时,社会才可能得以存在。本文主要分析经济学领域近年来兴起的亲社会偏好模型及其对瓦尔拉斯体系的拓展,并讨论了这种趋势的经济学含义。  相似文献   

近年来, “助推”被越来越多地用于气候变化与生态环境治理实践, 成为促进人们环保行为的有效策略。但目前国内基于助推思想的环保行为干预研究和实践探索都还很缺乏。环保行为需要助推的根本原因在于人们在环保领域的决策存在认知局限和动机不足。相应的, 在认知和动机两大视角下主要有7种环保行为助推策略。认知视角的助推策略包括默认选项、框架效应和示范性规范, 动机视角的助推策略旨在激发家国动机、遗产动机、获益动机和自主动机以促进人们的环保行为。助推环保行为在实践中也存在争议, 实践工作者需明确助推环保行为的外部环境与传统社会治理思路的关系, 并掌握选择架构设计的技术要点。  相似文献   

自曼德维尔提出“私人的恶德,公共的利益”的悖论后,美德因妨碍经济发展而被驱除。亚当·斯密尝试给自利自爱正名,但仍未给仁爱的经济意义正名。陈焕章认为缺乏道德根基的放任主义只给强者带来利益,必致社会分裂和崩溃。为了阻止经济的去道德化,陈焕章认为社会经济秩序应该建立在道德和经济双重动机之上,并建构了以美德为中心的儒家经济学。向善的人性预设、美德主导分配、政府调节、适度竞争是其经济学的主要特征,这一新形态的经济学可以称作美德经济学。陈焕章美德经济学虽显粗略,但在理论上重启了经济的道德化进程,并与数十年后兴盛的经济伦理学和社群主义遥相呼应,可以说潜在地具有引发一场“哥白尼革命”的意义。  相似文献   

研究以Ellsberg选瓶任务为决策材料,探讨了不同任务特征下个体不确定性容忍度对模糊决策中决策偏好的影响。结果发现,获益情景下:高概率时高、低容忍度个体对模糊选项的选择无显著差异,均偏好模糊规避;中概率时低容忍度个体比高容忍度个体表现出更低程度的模糊规避,前者倾向于模糊中立,后者倾向于模糊规避;低概率时两者对模糊选项的选择无显著差异,均倾向于模糊中立。损失情景下:高概率时两者对模糊选项的选择无显著差异,均倾向于模糊寻求;中概率时低容忍度比高容忍度个体更偏好模糊寻求,前者倾向于模糊寻求,后者倾向于模糊中立;低概率时两者对模糊选项的选择无显著差异,均倾向于模糊规避。这表明,不确定性容忍度对模糊决策偏好产生作用,但这种作用会受到损益概率和损益结果的影响,具有情景依赖性。  相似文献   

戴云  田晓明  李锐 《心理科学》2023,(3):704-711
基于社会学习理论,研究考察了领导主动变革行为影响团队绩效的内在机制和边界条件。通过对110个团队领导和380名团队成员两阶段配对问卷调查,研究发现:(1)领导主动变革行为依次通过团队主动变革价值信念和团队主动变革行为对团队绩效产生正向影响;(2)环境不确定性正向调节领导主动变革行为与团队主动变革价值信念之间的关系,进而增强了领导主动变革行为通过团队主动变革价值信念和团队主动变革行为对团队绩效产生的正向影响。研究结果有助于推进团队层面的主动变革行为研究,同时对组织变革创新的管理实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   

孟宪平 《学海》2012,(2):10-22
非制度化行为及其效用既决定于行为者的主观努力,也决定于制度的有效性和约束力,还受到社会习俗和传统习惯等因素的影响。如果从经济学的视角分析,非制度化行为的变量参数、博弈形式、策略选择、成本核算、心理预期等是行为主体优先考虑的因素。非制度化行为的策略选择与利益驱动有关,其运行方向决定于不同个体或团体的力量对比和博弈能力,它的成本和收益是一定条件下的帕累托优化或纳什均衡。非制度化行为的策略选择还与行为主体的"情景信任"、"品质信任"等因素有关,其边际成本和边际效用是推动行为主体跨越制度边界的重要因素,其中不仅有"风险厌恶"基础上的"效用最大化"追求,也有"风险偏好"引起的行为偏激。非制度化行为中,行为主体对基本变量的把握、对行为策略的选择、对行为效益的权衡以及对行为风险的判断是联系在一起的。  相似文献   

本文依据效率与伦理两个基本标准探讨了福利经济学对于经济运行体系的伦理选择问题。首先分别讨论了福利经济学参照两个基本标准对于经济运行体系进行伦理选择的具体情况。其次分析了福利经济学在参照第二个基本标准对于经济运行体系进行伦理选择时所遇到的理论困难及其原因,即仅仅依据功利主义伦理基础的狭窄理论框架与包含道义主义伦理学在内的广阔的价值世界之间的矛盾。最后指出:通过引入道义主义伦理学作为福利经济学的伦理基础之一,特别是通过引入伦理妥协的方法解决经济学的功利主义基础与道义主义基础之间的矛盾,便可以扩展福利经济学的理论框架,消除福利经济学在参照第二个基本标准对于经济运行体系进行伦理选择时所遇到的理论困难,使福利经济学能够在新的意义上同时参照两个基本标准对于经济运行体系进行有效的伦理选择。  相似文献   

社会困境中的互依结构与不对称关系共同造就了两种不同且稳定的社会知觉模式。与此相应,个体存在两种行为模式,即(1)关注于力量与分层的垂直模式;(2)关注于道德与和谐的水平模式。在不对称社会困境中,那些在社会中占据强势位置的个体更可能采取垂直取向的行为模式,从而做出背叛选择,而那些占据弱势位置的个体则更可能采取水平取向的行为模式,从而做出合作选择。然而,个体动机会改变这种不对称社会结构与社会困境中决策之间的关系。这一观点很好地解释了相关研究,但仍需要深入发展和检验。  相似文献   

马双  凌小蝶  李纯青 《心理科学进展》2021,29(11):1920-1935
共享经济(个体供方对个体顾客的共享模式如小猪短租平台)中顾客公民行为的促进和不当行为的治理, 成为保证共享经济可持续发展的重要议题。然而, 现有顾客行为相关研究更多是在传统经济背景下进行的探讨, 而涉及到共享经济背景下的研究难以体现共享经济的特色, 导致其未能很好地解决实践困境。上述顾客行为是在个人和集体利益发生冲突时的抉择, 即社会困境。社会困境理论可以帮助企业全面认识顾客公民行为和不当行为并有效解决困境问题。本研究拟基于社会困境理论, 探讨以下三个方面的问题: (1) 深入剖析共享经济中顾客公民行为和不当行为的概念、维度及其测量; (2) 揭示平台、供方和政府通过规则制定或社会影响策略来有效优化顾客行为的路径; (3) 阐明顾客公民和不当行为的差异性影响机制, 以及顾客社会价值导向和供方监督对顾客行为的调节作用。本研究有助于拓展现有顾客公民和不当行为的研究, 为平台、供方和政府管理提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Within the context of behavioral economics, the ratio of response requirements to reinforcer magnitude is called unit price. In this investigation, we yoked increases in reinforcer magnitude with increases in intervals of differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) to thin DRO intervals to a terminal value.  相似文献   

Choice blindness is the finding that participants both often fail to notice mismatches between their decisions and the outcome of their choice and, in addition, endorse the opposite of their chosen alternative. But do these preference reversals also carry over to future choices and ratings? To investigate this question, we gave participants the task of choosing which of a pair of faces they found most attractive. Unknown to them, we sometimes used a card trick to exchange one face for the other. Both decision theory and common sense strongly suggest that most people would easily notice such a radical change in the outcome of a choice. But that was not the case: no more than a third of the exchanges were detected by the participants. We also included a second round of choices using the same face pairs, and two stages of post‐choice attractiveness ratings of the faces. This way we were able to measure preference strength both as choice consistency and by looking at measures of rating differences between chosen and rejected options. We found that the initially rejected faces were chosen more frequently in the second choice, and the perceived attractiveness of these faces was increased even in uncoupled individual ratings at the end of the experiment. This result is discussed in relation to Chen and Risen's recent criticism of the Free Choice Paradigm, as it shows that choices can affect future preferences. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Four studies demonstrated robust within‐ and between‐subject differences in willingness‐to‐pay (WTP) and willingness‐to‐accept (WTA) measures of the value of lottery tickets. Buyers and sellers attended to different numerical cues and interpreted the same numbers differently when setting these two kinds of monetary values. Affective influences appeared to guide the valuation process. Buyers with stronger positive feelings about owning a ticket were willing to pay more for a ticket; sellers with stronger negative feelings about no longer having a ticket required a greater minimum payment in exchange for their ticket. In addition, the WTA/WTP disparity tended to be greater for more affectively‐laden lottery tickets. The results suggest that WTA and WTP prices are constructed using salient numerical cues and affective feelings. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

借鉴行为经济学家开创的应用行为决策于贫困研究的新范式, 选取我国“连片特困地区”的贫困者为研究对象。首先建构“认知和动机双视角的行为贫困陷阱”的立论模型; 然后通过“贫困所致认知后果影响后继决策行为的心理机制和神经机制”, 以及“贫困所致认知和动机后果共同影响后继决策行为的作用机制”来探索贫困所致心理后果与后继决策行为间的因果效应; 最后进行“贫困所致认知功能改变影响后继决策行为的随机控制实验”和“贫困所致自我认同改变影响后继决策行为的现场干预研究”, 旨在通过“扶志和扶智”达到“授人以渔”, 并从中提炼出可供扶贫政策参考的管理对策。  相似文献   

New methods were developed for studying risky decision making in children as young as age five. Each child was given a block of ‘gain’ trials, for example, a choice between a sure gain of one prize and a 50:50 chance of gaining either two prizes or no prize, and a block of ‘loss’ trials, for example, a choice between a sure loss of one prize and a 50:50 chance of losing either two prizes or no prize. We were thus able to compare risky choice for gains and losses at the level of the individual child. In each of two experiments a variety of individual difference variables were measured, including in Experiment 2, the child's parent's scores on the same task. Across experiments, the preponderance of choices was of the risky option. However, most children and adults made more risky choices in the domain of losses than in the domain of gains. Predictors of individual differences in children included shyness, impulsivity, and the risk taking of the child's parent. We suggest that methods are now in place to encourage further studies of decision processes in young children. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many adults engage in ultraviolet indoor tanning despite evidence of its association with skin cancer. The constellation of behaviors associated with ultraviolet indoor tanning is analogous to that in other behavioral addictions. Despite a growing literature on ultraviolet indoor tanning as an addiction, there remains no consensus on how to identify ultraviolet indoor tanning addictive tendencies. The purpose of the present study was to translate a behavioral economic task more commonly used in substance abuse to quantify the "abuse liability" of ultraviolet indoor tanning, establish construct validity, and determine convergent validity with the most commonly used diagnostic tools for ultraviolet indoor tanning addiction (i.e., mCAGE and mDSM‐IV‐TR). We conducted a between‐groups study using a novel hypothetical Tanning Purchase Task to quantify intensity and elasticity of ultraviolet indoor tanning demand and permit statistical comparisons with the mCAGE and mDSM‐IV‐TR. Results suggest that behavioral economic demand is related to ultraviolet indoor tanning addiction status and adequately discriminates between potential addicted individuals from nonaddicted individuals. Moreover, we provide evidence that the Tanning Purchase Task renders behavioral economic indicators that are relevant to public health research. The present findings are limited to two ultraviolet indoor tanning addiction tools and a relatively small sample of high‐risk ultraviolet indoor tanning users; however, these pilot data demonstrate the potential for behavioral economic assessment tools as diagnostic and research aids in ultraviolet indoor tanning addiction studies.  相似文献   

Recent work identified a shift in judgments of moral praiseworthiness that occurs late in development: adults recognize the virtue of moral actions that involve resolving an inner conflict between moral desires and selfish desires. Children, in contrast, praise agents who do the right thing in the absence of inner conflict. This finding stands in contrast with other work showing that children incorporate notions of cost and effort into their social reasoning. Using a modified version of Starmans and Bloom's (2016) vignettes, we show that understanding the virtue of costly moral action precedes understanding the virtue of resolving inner conflict. In two studies (= 192 children, range = 4.00–9.95 years; and = 193 adults), we contrasted a character who paid a personal cost (psychological in Study 1, physical in Study 2) to perform a moral action with another who acted morally without paying a cost. We found a developmental progression; 8- and 9-year-old children and adults recognized the praiseworthiness of moral actions that are psychologically or physically costly. Six- and 7-year-old children only recognized the praiseworthiness of moral actions that are physically costly, but not actions that are psychologically costly. Moreover, neither adults nor children inferred that paying a cost to act morally required having a moral desire or resolving inner conflict. These results suggest that both adults and children conceptualize obligation as a direct motivational force on actions. They further suggest that costly choice—a hallmark of moral agency—is implicated in judgments of praiseworthiness early in development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Many local and global environmental challenges are tragedies-of-the-commons dilemmas in which private and collective interests are frequently at odds. Recent developments in social psychological theory and research suggest that in such commons dilemmas people are not just motivated by narrow (economic) self-interest but that they also consider the broader implications of their decisions for others and for the natural environment. Based on a core-motives analysis, I identify four necessary components for designing interventions to protect the environment: (a) information, (b) identity, (c) institutions, and (d) incentives, and discuss their utility and the feasibility of incorporating them.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the moderated mediation model of the relationship between the behavioral inhibition system (BIS), need for closure (NFC) and working memory capacity (WMC) in the decision making process. It was assumed that NFC works as a motivational mechanism that enables individuals high in BIS to deal with uncertainty; therefore, NFC mediates the effect of BIS on behavior in a decision-making situation. Moreover, as uncertainty management requires cognitive resources, we expected WMC to moderate this relationship. In line with our hypothesis, we found that NFC mediated the relationship between BIS and the information search about the job candidates, and this effect occurred only for individuals high in WMC. We discuss these results in the context of effective self-regulation, as well as motivational and cognitive determinants of effort.  相似文献   

Many findings of previous research have supported the predictions of the emancipation theory of trust ( Yamagishi, 2011 ) in experimental settings. Although the key concept of the theory is social uncertainty, few studies of the concept have been conducted in natural settings. In the present study, we operationally defined social uncertainty by comparing kin and nonkin relationships. We analyzed survey data representative of the Japanese population and compared the exchange of social support between kin and nonkin. The prediction was that commitment helps respondents construct cooperative nonkin relationships more than it does kin relationships, and general trust helps only resource‐rich respondents to do so. The results supported the predictions. The study found significant interactions with relationship type × commitment and relationship type × household income × general trust. The patterns of mean score for social support exchanged were consistent with the predictions. High trusters with low household income exchanged more support independent of the relationship type.  相似文献   

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