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本研究考察中文聋生读者利用语境预测性信息促进词汇加工的过程特点。实验采用3(组别:高阅读技能聋生组vs.高阅读技能聋生的能力匹配健听组vs.低阅读技能聋生组)×2(句子背景对目标词的预测程度:高预测vs.低预测)混合设计。结果发现:(1)目标词的左侧词汇上,能力匹配健听组在凝视时间和总注视时间两个指标上可见语境预测性效应,两个聋生组在任何指标上均没有语境预测性效应;(2)目标词上,能力匹配健听组在首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间三项指标上均可见显著的语境预测性效应,高阅读技能聋生组仅在总注视上可见语境预测性效应,低阅读技能聋生的任何眼动指标均没有语境预测性效应。由此可见,聋生在利用语境预测性促进词汇加工方面与健听读者有所差异;相对于低阅读技能聋生,高阅读技能聋生读者识别词汇时能更多地利用语境预测性信息。  相似文献   

青少年聋生的分类学联系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张积家  李德高  吴雪云 《心理学报》2008,40(11):1178-1189
了考察青少年聋生分类学联系的特点,使用不同类别的基本水平概念,完成了语义归类和错误再认2个实验,并同健听生的结果进行比较。结果表明:⑴聋生和健听生有类似的类别意识,但聋生的类别意识较健听生为弱。⑵与健听生比,呈现方式对聋生的反应影响较小。聋生的分类学概念有较强的形象化倾向。青少年聋生分类学联系的特点与他们语言能力发展迟缓、使用自然手语有关。因此,应加强聋生的规范手语教学,重视培养聋生的抽象思维能力  相似文献   

昝飞  谭和平 《心理科学》2004,27(1):80-83
本研究为考察聋生在接受不同感觉通道词汇时的汉字加工特点和听觉编码所起的作用,采用听觉词汇、视觉词汇和其他感觉词汇等三类词汇为实验材料,对手语聋生组、口语聋生组以及大学生进行了新旧词汇判断、包含与排除两个实验。实验表明,聋生在汉字加工中不仅使用视觉编码,而且无意识地、自动地使用了听觉编码,这在内隐测验中可表现出来。由此可推断,聋生汉字加工困难的原因在于有意识地使用听觉编码的能力较低。  相似文献   

研究采用移动窗口范式,以双字词为掩蔽单元,探究了聋生中文阅读知觉广度与词汇加工特点。结果发现:(1)聋生阅读知觉广度的左侧范围在1个双字词之外,右侧范围为1个双字词,健听读者阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧1个双字词至右侧1个双字词的范围,可见聋生的阅读知觉广度在范围大小和对称性上不同于健听读者;(2)提示注视点右侧词汇边界的移动窗口在平均注视时间、向右眼跳幅度上以相同趋势影响两组读者,但对两组读者注视次数、回视次数的影响模式不同。由此可见,聋生读者阅读知觉广度及词汇加工有其独特性特点。  相似文献   

采用EyetinkⅡ眼动记录仪,探讨了聋生与解题正确率高的听力正常学生表征和解决加减文字题的差异。被试为小学3年级学生.聋生12名.听力正常学生8名。研究结果表明:(1)在解决加减文字题时,聋生与解题正确率高的听力正常学生在阅读方式、关注关键信息上有显著差异,很多聋生阅读没规律.漏看文字题的关键信息;(2)聋生解决加减文字题的困难与其不能正确表征文字题的文本有关。  相似文献   

宣宾  刘振会  张爱青  孙晓凯 《心理学报》2011,43(9):993-1001
注意焦点转换是工作记忆中一项重要的执行功能。前人的研究提示视空间画板可能参与言语工作记忆中的注意转换。通过聋生和发音抑制方式探索语音回路子系统受损或受阻后, 视空间画板子系统完成注意转换任务的反应模式。采用“三计数”任务, 实验一比较了极重度耳聋学生和健听学生在工作记忆中的注意焦点转换效应。结果表明聋生与健听被试在不同记忆子项中转换的反应时间均长于不转换时间。但与健听被试相比, 聋生完成注意转换任务的正确率降低, 在转换和不转换之间的反应时差别减小, 且转换方向对反应时无影响, 转换方向和转换距离表现出显著的交互作用。下行转换时近转换快于远转换, 上行转换时近转换慢于远转换。实验二比较了发音抑制和无抑制条件下的注意转换效应, 发音抑制组在注意焦点转换中表现出与聋生组既类似又存在区别的反应模式。这些结果提示工作记忆的中枢执行系统具有高度的灵活性。当语音回路功能受阻后, 注意转换仍能借助视空间画板子系统得以完成。与暂时性抑制相比, 语音回路功能长期受损后表现出一定的功能代偿。  相似文献   

聋生汉字加工的自由回忆与词序位置记忆实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
谭和平  昝飞  刘春玲 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1065-1068
本研究采用韵母相同、声母相同、音异形似和音同形似四类汉字字组,对使用手语聋生、使用口语聋生和听力正常大学生进行了自由回忆和词序位置记忆两个实验。结果表明,聋生不论在汉字字组的自由回忆中还是在汉字次序信息的记忆中,对汉字的记忆效果不仅都与字组类型有关,而且都受到了语音干扰,存在语音混淆现象。这就证明,聋生在汉字加工过程中使用了语音编码,语音编码在聋生汉字加工过程中确实起到了非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

昝飞  谭和平 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1089-1095
本研究采用暂同形似、音同形异、音异形似和无关字四类汉字字组为实验材料.每类字组都按汉字使用频率分为低频字、中频字、高频字三种.对使用手语聋生和使用口语聋生进行了同音判断和启动效应实验,旨在探究聋生在汉字识别过程中语音编码所起的作用。实验结果表明,在聋生汉字识别中,字形的知觉加工对提取语音具有非常重要的作用,但语音的提取对聋生来说非常困难。不同字频对不同字组的同音判断成绩的影响不同,表明聋生对不同汉字的语音意识不同。聋生在汉字识别中存在语音混淆和字形混淆的现象,说明语音编码和字形编码在汉字识别过程中都起了重要的作用。字频对聋生汉字识别的影响也不同,同频字产生语音特征的影响;低频字产生字形特征的影响;而中频字都不产生语音特征和字形特征的影响。  相似文献   

贺荟中 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1159-1162
本文采用调查法与社会网络分析法对聋校三年级聋生在班级群体中的友伴网络进行2年的追踪研究,以探索友伴网络的建构及其动态发展特征。结果表明:①三年级初期,聋生在友伴网络的个体中心度与个体的外貌、成绩与年龄等个人特征有显著相关;但随年级升高,这种相关性逐渐消失。②聋生友伴网络中存在一个十分稳定的中心小团体,其团体成员在整个网络中处于中心地位。③聋生在班级群体中的互选朋友关系呈现出中等程度的稳定性。  相似文献   

语音信息在健听者阅读中起着重要作用,由于听觉经验的缺失,听障者在阅读中能否利用语音信息进行词汇识别?目前的研究结果尚存在争议。本研究采用错误中断范式,通过眼动追踪技术考察了24名听障大学生在汉语句子阅读中的语音加工。结果发现,听障大学生的表现与两组健听学生相似,在句子阅读中能够利用语音信息,但在时间进程上相比健听学生存在延迟。听障大学生的口语能力影响语音加工,口语熟练者能够有效地利用语音信息进行词汇识别,口语不熟练者则不能。  相似文献   

Linguistic flexibility of deaf and hearing children was compared by examining the relative frequencies of their nonliteral constructions in stories written and signed (by the deaf) or written and spoken (by the hearing). Seven types of nonliteral constructions were considered: novel figurative language, frozen figurative language, gestures, pantomime, linguistic modifications, linguistic inventions, and lexical substitutions. Among the hearing 8- to 15-year-olds, oral and written stories contained comparable numbers of nonliteral constructions. Among their age-matched deaf peers, however, nonliteral constructions were significantly stories contained comparable numbers of nonliteral constructions. Among their age-matched deaf peers, however, nonliteral constructions were significantly more common in signed than written stories. Overall, hearing students used more nonliteral constructions in their written stories than did their deaf peers (who used very few), whereas deaf students used more nonliteral constructions in their signed stories than their hearing peers did in their spoken stories. The results suggest that deaf children are linguistically and cognitively more competent than is generally assumed on the basis of evaluations in English. Although inferior to hearing age-mates in written expression, they are comparable to, and in some ways better than those peers when evaluated using their primary mode of communication.  相似文献   

Most studies on narrative competence have focused on monolingual subjects, and there are very few studies which address this issue in bilingual subjects dealing with two language systems. In the present case study we analyzed and compared the textual and narrative written skills of three deaf and three hearing adolescents attending eighth grade at a bilingual school (Italian and Italian Sign Language), characterized by a pragmatic approach to writing (based on production and the interpretation of texts in genuine and meaningful situations).Their competences were assessed through a well-known narrative task, the Frog Story (Mayer, 1969), and the following parameters were examined: complex syntax, narrative structure and evaluation devices. Results show that there were not significant differences in the texts written by the deaf students compared to the hearing students and that being immersed in a bilingual context did not interfere with the development of textual and narrative competence in either hearing or deaf students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to find new evidence for phonological coding in written word recognition among deaf Dutch children. A lexical decision task was presented to 48 severely and profoundly deaf children aged from 6 years 8 months to 13 years 5 months, and a control group of Grade 1 hearing children matched on written word recognition. Sixteen pseudohomophones were introduced, closely matched on orthographic similarity with 16 control pseudo-words. Both hearing children and deaf children made significantly more mistakes on pseudohomophones than on control pseudo-words. Although pseudohomophony effects were smaller for deaf than for hearing participants, the findings were taken as evidence that deaf children also used phonological coding during written word recognition.  相似文献   

To examine the impact of early linguistic experiences on later verbal report of autobiographical memory, 13 hearing adults and 13 deaf adults born to hearing parents described events that occurred before and after the age of 10 years. The contextual, temporal, and thematic coherence of the narratives was rated. The use of emotional, perceptual, mental, and physiological states was also recorded. There were differences in the coherence of the narratives and use of internal states according to the age at which the events occurred. There were no group differences in coherence, but hearing adults provided longer narratives than deaf adults. When narrative length was controlled, deaf adults included more emotional states than hearing adults. Results suggest that early unavailability of language does not impact the coherence of adults’ narratives, although certain features of linguistic expression specific to ASL may result in greater saturation of emotional states references in autobiographical narratives of deaf adults.  相似文献   

采用时距二分任务,探讨聋生在视觉通道的1s以下和1s以上时距知觉的特点。结果发现,在1s以下条件下,聋生时距判断准确性低于普通学生;聋生CNV峰值与LPCt波幅低于普通学生,CNV潜伏期短于普通学生,LPCt峰值潜伏期长于普通学生。在1s以上条件下,聋生时距判断准确性高于普通学生;聋生N1、P2、CNV与LPCt成分各项指标与普通学生均没有显著差异。这说明,听觉丧失损伤了聋生1s以下的时距记忆与决策过程,支持了普遍缺陷假设;但听觉丧失未对聋生1s以上时距加工产生显著影响,支持了感觉补偿机制。因此,时距长度在听觉丧失对视觉时距知觉的影响中具有调节作用,为时间认知的分段综合模型提供了新的支持证据。  相似文献   

张锋  高旭 《心理科学》2022,45(6):1375-1382
本研究采用同时判断任务和时距二分任务,探讨了听觉丧失对听障学生视觉通道的时间知觉的影响及其机制。两个系列实验结果表明,听觉丧失损伤了听障学生视觉通道的时序知觉准确性、敏感性以及时距知觉的敏感性,支持了普遍缺陷假设;但是,听障学生视觉通道的时距知觉的准确性却未受到听觉丧失的显著影响,支持了知觉补偿假设。因此,听觉丧失对听障学生视觉通道的时间知觉的影响可能是基于选择性的机制,这主要取决于不同的时间任务以及知觉属性等因素。  相似文献   

To examine the impact of early linguistic experiences on later verbal report of autobiographical memory, 13 hearing adults and 13 deaf adults born to hearing parents described events that occurred before and after the age of 10 years. The contextual, temporal, and thematic coherence of the narratives was rated. The use of emotional, perceptual, mental, and physiological states was also recorded. There were differences in the coherence of the narratives and use of internal states according to the age at which the events occurred. There were no group differences in coherence, but hearing adults provided longer narratives than deaf adults. When narrative length was controlled, deaf adults included more emotional states than hearing adults. Results suggest that early unavailability of language does not impact the coherence of adults' narratives, although certain features of linguistic expression specific to ASL may result in greater saturation of emotional states references in autobiographical narratives of deaf adults.  相似文献   

卢凤  卢凤 《心理科学》2021,(3):737-744
为了考察信息输入方式、文本类型和测题类型对聋生语篇理解的影响,研究通过录像呈现,以口语、手语、书面语三种输入方式向学语前极重度七、八、九年级聋生呈现叙述性和描述性两种文本类型的语篇信息,并要求其完成理解测试。结果显示:输入方式对聋生语篇理解的效率存在影响,书面语成绩最高且速度最快,依次为手语、口语,文本类型和测题类型对该影响有调节作用。结果表明输入方式是聋生语篇理解的主要影响因素,文本和测题类型是调节因素。  相似文献   


For millennia, narratives have been a primary mode of oral discourse. Narrative presentation of information has been shown to facilitate interpersonal and group communication. However, research indicates that narratives are more than merely an adaptive mode of communication. Narrative is a fundamental – and perhaps foundational – element of social and cultural life. The present article posits that the centrality of narrative in social life is due to narrative’s ability to help satisfy the five core social motives, as identified by Fiske belonging, understanding, control, self-enhancement, and trust. In so doing, this article reviews empirical and theoretical work examining basic narrative processes, autobiographical narratives, and entertainment narrative consumption to illustrate how narrative thought helps to satisfies core human motives and in turn, how the narrative construction process informs self and identity formation.  相似文献   


This study examined the hypotheses that (a) the relationship between listening and reading comprehension becomes stronger after decoding mastery; (b) the difference between listening and reading decreases with increasing grade level; and (c) similar patterns of relationship and difference are obtained with narrative and expository texts. The sample included 612 students in Grades 2, 4, 6, and 8. Students read and listened to two narratives and two expository texts and completed corresponding comprehension tests that were in the form of sentence verification tasks. The findings confirmed the first two hypotheses but not the third one. In the case of expository text, the relationship between listening and reading comprehension was weaker than the corresponding one with narrative text, and performance levels were comparable across all elementary grades. Moreover, reading comprehension levels were higher than listening comprehension levels in Grade 8, regardless of text type. The implications of these findings with respect to the dominant unitary process model and the assessment and instruction of oral and written language comprehension are discussed.  相似文献   

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