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In two experiments, the naming of rotated line drawings of natural objects was examined after a training phase in which the objects were either attended or ignored. In the training phase of Experiment 1, subjects were presented with objects in a number of orientations over five repeated blocks of trials. In the center of each object, seven letters (Xs and Ts, colored red or blue) were presented in rapid succession. Half the subjects named aloud the rotated object and ignored the changing letter display (object-attend). The other half ignored the object and counted the number of red Ts, and then used this number to perform a simple multiplication (object-ignore). In the test phase, all subjects named the rotated objects. The results showed that in the first block of trials in the training phase, mean naming time in the object-attend condition increased the further an object was rotated from the upright. This effect of orientation for attended objects was much reduced in the later presentations of the test phase. In contrast, there was no such benefit of prior presentation observed for the naming of objects that had previously been ignored. Instead, a substantial orientation effect was shown for the naming of previously ignored objects, which was similar to the orientation effect observed for attended objects named in the first block. Similar results were found in Experiment 2, in which object-attend subjects in training covertly named the objects and then performed a letter count and multiplication task. In both experiments, performance on the letter count and multiplication task varied with the angle of the ignored object. The results suggest that full attentional resources must be allocated in order for orientation-invariant representations to be formed and used in the identification of rotated objects.  相似文献   

The present experiment examined whether subjects can form and store imagined objects in various orientations. Subjects in a training phase named line drawings of natural objects shown at six orientations, named objects shown upright, or imagined upright objects at six orientations. Time to imagine an upright object at another orientation increased the farther the designated orientation was from the upright, with faster image formation times at 180° than at 120°. Similar systematic patterns of effects of orientation on identification time were found for rotated objects. During the test phase, all subjects named the previously experienced objects as well as new objects, at six orientations. The orientation effect for old objects seen previously in a variety of orientations was much reduced relative to the orientation effect for new objects. In contrast, substantial effects of orientation on naming time were observed for old objects for subjects who had previously seen the objects upright only or upright but imagined at different orientations. The results suggest that the attenuation of initially large effects of orientation with practice cannot be due to imagining and forming representations of objects at a number of orientations.  相似文献   

The effects of stimulus orientation on naming were examined in two experiments in which subjects identified line drawings of natural objects following practice with the objects at the same or different orientations. Half the rotated objects were viewed in the orientation that matched the earlier presentations, and half were viewed at an orientation that mismatched the earlier presentations. Systematic effects of orientation on naming time were found during the early presentations. These effects were reduced during later presentations, and the size of this reduction did not depend on the orientation in which the object had been seen originally. The results are consistent with a dual-systems model of object identification in which initially large effects of disorientation are the result of a normalization process such as mental rotation, and in which attenuation of the effects is due to a shift from the normalization system to a feature/part-based  相似文献   

The proposal that identification of inverted objects is accomplished by either a relatively slow rotation in the picture plane or a faster rotation in the depth plane about the horizontal axis was tested. In Experiment 1, subjects decided whether objects at 0° or 180° corresponded to previously learned normal views of the upright objects, or were mirror images. Instructions to mentally flip an inverted object in the depth plane to the upright produced faster decision times than did instructions to mentally spin the object in the picture plane. In Experiment 2, the effects of orientation were compared across an object-naming task and a normal-mirror task for six orientations from 0° to 300°. In the normal-mirror task, objects at 180° were cued for rotation in the picture plane or in the depth plane in equal numbers. The naming function for one group of subjects did not differ from the normalmirror function where inverted objects had been mentally rotated to the upright. For both functions, response time (RT) increased linearly from 0° to 180° and the slopes did not differ. The naming function for a second group of subjects did not differ from the normal-mirror function where inverted objects had been mentally flipped to the upright. For both functions, RT increased linearly at a similar rate from 0° to 120°, but decreased from 120° to 180°. The results are discussed in terms of theories of orientation-specific identification.  相似文献   

Subjects either named rotated objects or decided whether the objects would face left or right if they were upright. Response time in the left-right task was influenced by a rotation aftereffect or by the physical rotation of the object, which is consistent with the view that the objects were mentally rotated to the upright and that, depending on its direction, the perceived rotary motion of the object either speeded or slowed mental rotation. Perceived rotary motion did not influence naming time, which suggests that the identification of rotated objects does not involve mental rotation.  相似文献   

Effects of stimulus orientation across trial blocks and the spatial reference frame were investigated with a task in which Ss, with their head upright or tilted, judged a dot to be near the top or the bottom of rotated line drawings of objects. Objects used in this task were also named. Response times from the first block of trials increased linearly for objects rotated from 0 degrees to 120 degrees from the upright. Across blocks, orientation effects diminished for naming but remained the same for top-bottom discriminations. Practice with top-bottom discriminations diminished orientation effects when the same objects were subsequently named. The spatial reference frame for top-bottom discriminations was midway between retinal and environmental coordinates. Specifying the location of object features is of greater importance for top-bottom discriminations than for naming and underlies orientation effects in these tasks.  相似文献   

Two studies examined how training context influences the naming of plane-misoriented pictures of familiar objects. The disadvantage for naming misoriented views of an object can reduce if the object is seen repeatedly in training. In the first study, training reduced the misorientation disadvantage for pictures of objects only if training presented misoriented pictures of the objects and not if training presented misoriented words that named the objects or if training presented upright pictures or words. In the second study, if shape discrimination in training was easy, performance improved in training but not subsequently when the difficulty manipulation was removed. The misorientation disadvantage was thus sensitive to the nature of the training context (whether upright or misoriented pictures or words were presented) but not to the difficulty of that context (whether useful orientation-invariant information was easy or hard to extract). People only appear to extract orientation-invariant information under tightly restricted conditions. However once this strategy is triggered, it seems equally effective regardless of the difficulty of discrimination.  相似文献   

A mask of a face rotated about its vertical axis of symmetry can appear to oscillate rather than rotate. Do stimulus features (e.g., shape) or cognitive factors (e.g., differential familiarity with convex and concave views of faces) explain this new illusion? In Experiment 1, differential familiarity was varied across stimuli by using familiar and unfamiliar objects rotating at 4 rpm and within stimuli by showing the objects upright and inverted. True motion was seen more with unfamiliar objects than with familiar objects and more with an inverted mask than with an upright mask. The results of Experiment 2, which was done with static views, suggest that the upright and inverted masks present similar structure to the visual system. In Experiment 3, the objects were shown rotating at 8 rpm; the results are similar to those of Experiment 1. These experiments favor a differential familiarity account of this illusory motion. Cognitive constraints on perceived motion and perceived rigidity are discussed.  相似文献   

Dux PE  Harris IM 《Cognition》2007,104(1):47-58
Do the viewpoint costs incurred when naming rotated familiar objects arise during initial identification or during consolidation? To answer this question we employed an attentional blink (AB) task where two target objects appeared amongst a rapid stream of distractor objects. Our assumption was that while both targets and distractors undergo initial identification only targets are consolidated in a form that allows overt report. We presented line drawings of objects with a usual upright canonical orientation, and separately manipulated the orientation of targets and distractors. In two experiments, targets were defined by colour, whereas in a third experiment they were defined by semantic category. Target 1 orientation influenced the AB, with objects rotated by 90 degrees causing a larger second target deficit than upright and upside-down objects. However, distractor orientation did not affect the magnitude of the second target deficit, regardless of whether targets were defined by colour or semantic category. Taken together, these findings suggest that the visual representations involved in the preliminary recognition of familiar objects are viewpoint-invariant and that viewpoint costs are incurred when these objects are consolidated for report.  相似文献   

A mask of a face rotated about its vertical axis of symmetry can appear to oscillate rather than rotate. Do stimulus features (e.g., shape) or cognitive factors (e.g., differential familiarity with convex and concave views of faces) explain this new illusion? In Experiment 1, differential familiarity was varied across stimuli by using familiar and unfamiliar objects rotating at 4 rpm and within stimuli by showing the objects upright and inverted. True motion was seen more with unfamiliar objects than with familiar objects and more with an inverted mask than with an upright mask. The results of Experiment 2, which was done with static views, suggest that the upright and inverted masks present similar structure to the visual system. In Experiment 3, the objects were shown rotating at 8 rpm; the results are similar to those of Experiment 1. These experiments favor a differential familiarity account of this illusory motion. Cognitive constraints on perceived motion and perceived rigidity are discussed.  相似文献   

In four experiments, we examined the haptic recognition of 3-D objects. In Experiment 1, blindfolded participants named everyday objects presented haptically in two blocks. There was significant priming of naming, but no cost of an object changing orientation between blocks. However, typical orientations of objects were recognized more quickly than nonstandard orientations. In Experiment 2, participants accurately performed an unannounced test of memory for orientation. The lack of orientation-specific priming in Experiment 1, therefore, was not because participants could not remember the orientation at which they had first felt an object. In Experiment 3, we examined haptic naming of objects that were primed either haptically or visually. Haptic priming was greater than visual priming, although significant cross-modal priming was also observed. In Experiment 4, we tested recognition memory for familiar and unfamiliar objects using an old-new recognition task. Objects were recognized best when they were presented in the same orientation in both blocks, suggesting that haptic object recognition is orientation sensitive. Photographs of the unfamiliar objects may be downloaded from www.psychonomic.org/archive.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we independently manipulated the angular disparity between objects to be compared and the angular distance between the central axis of the objects and the vertical axis in a mental rotation paradigm. There was a linear increase in reaction times that was attributable to both factors. This result held whether the objects were rotated (with respect to each other and to the upright) within the frontal-parallel plane (Experiment 1) or in depth (Experiment 2), although the effects of both factors were greater for objects rotated in depth than for objects rotated within the frontal-parallel plane (Experiment 3). In addition, the factors interacted when the subjects had to search for matching ends of the figures (Experiments 1 and 2), but they were additive when the ends that matched were evident (Experiment 3). These data may be interpreted to mean that subjects normalize or reference an object with respect to the vertical upright as well as compute the rotational transformations used to determine shape identity.  相似文献   

Effects of orientation on identification can be attenuated when other patterns at the same (or a similar) orientation are identified in close temporal contiguity. In Experiments 1 and 2, letters were presented simultaneously in brief masked displays. Identification accuracy was much higher when the letters had consistent orientations than when the letters had different orientations within a display. In Experiment 3, two letters were presented sequentially. Identification accuracy was higher with congruent than with incongruent orientations. The results are unexpected if one assumes that the patterns themselves are rotated until upright prior to their identification, unless pattern rotation processes can be primed, and that priming requires orientation congruence between the priming and primed stimulus. The results are expected if the orientation of a frame of reference can be adjusted to the orientation of the patterns during the identification process.  相似文献   

On the basis of evidence from studies of the naming and reading of numerals, Ferrand (1999) argued that the naming of objects is slower than reading their names, due to a greater response uncertainty in naming than in reading, rather than to an obligatory conceptual preparation for naming, but not for reading. We manipulated the need for conceptual preparation, while keeping response uncertainty constant in the naming and reading of complex numerals. In Experiment 1, participants named three-digit Arabic numerals either as house numbers or clock times. House number naming latencies were determined mostly by morphophonological factors, such as morpheme frequency and the number of phonemes, whereas clock time naming latencies revealed an additional conceptual involvement. In Experiment 2, the numerals were presented in alphabetic format and had to be read aloud. Reading latencies were determined mostly by morphophonological factors in both modes. These results suggest that conceptual preparation, rather than response uncertainty, is responsible for the difference between naming and reading latencies.  相似文献   

It has been documented that if we see a scene from between our own legs, it appears brighter and more distinct. We determined factors that are critical to these changes and elucidated how they are related to visual disorder that is contingent on bending the head. In Experiment 1, upright scene pictures were viewed with the head inverted. In Experiments 2 and 3, the 180° rotated versions of the same pictures were seen with the head inverted and upright, respectively. In Experiment 4, geometric patterns were seen with the head inverted. In Experiment 5, apparent depth and organization of scene pictures were judged under combinations of retinal-image and head orientations. The first results demonstrated that the scene pictures, when seen with the head inverted, had a 9.8% increase in brightness and a 6.8% increase in image definition as compared to normal upright viewing, but these changes did not arise for geometric patterns. Second, these changes were mainly ascribed to a proprioceptive change of the head. Third, by inverting only the head or the retinal image, visual structure of pictures was disturbed but the visual disorder did not always change brightness and image definition. These findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Many theorists have postulated that axes of elongation and/or symmetry play an important role in the recognition of objects. In this paper, evidence is presented that mitigates this claim from independent assessments of the effects of axes of elongation or symmetry on the time to name rotated line drawings of common objects. This conclusion was further supported in a stronger test in which both of these variables were orthogonally controlled, the aspect ratio of elongation was manipulated,and only objects that were completely geometrically symmetrical or asymmetrical were used. In all the experiments, objects were named for several blocks to determine the influence of these variables on effects of orientation with practice. Symmetry was found to diminish the effects of orientation after practice in naming the object set, and the effects of the most extreme orientation tested (120 degrees from upright) were diminished when both axes defined the same orientation, relative to when they defined different orientations. Contrary to many theories, these findings relegate the axes of symmetry and elongation to relatively minor roles during object identification.  相似文献   

The time to name disoriented natural objects   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A series of experiments revealed systematic effects of orientation on the time required to identify line drawings of natural objects. Naming time increases as patterns are rotated further from the upright. With practice, however, the effect of orientation is reduced considerably. Furthermore, the reduced orientation effect with practice on a set of objects does not transfer to a new set of objects, suggesting that the acquired ability to reduce the orientation effect is specific to particular patterns. Finally, for departures in orientation from the upright between 0° and 120°, the magnitude of the orientation effect on identification for patterns seen for the first time is equivalent to that found in a mental rotation task using the same patterns (making left/right decisions about rotated patterns). This final result suggests that novel depictions of a known class of objects may be identified by a process of mental rotation.  相似文献   

Some effects of color on naming and recognition of objects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, we investigated the role of color in the recognition and naming of everyday objects. In the first experiment we found that color pictures were named faster than black-and-white and that shape information did not facilitate color naming. Experiment 2 was carried out to determine at which stage of object processing the color facilitation occurred. We found that color had no effect on object recognition but did facilitate object naming, even when color was redundant for discrimination. This did not apply to naming abstract shapes. Experiment 3 replicated the findings of Experiment 2 using different objects and colors. The results showed that color could facilitate but not inhibit object naming and did not affect object recognition.  相似文献   

Jolicoeur (1985, Memory & Cognition 13 289-303) found a linear increase in the latency to name line drawings of objects rotated (0 degrees to 120 degrees) from the upright (0 degrees) in the initial trial block. This effect was much shallower in later blocks. He proposed that the initial effect may indicate that mental rotation is the default process for recognising rotated objects, and that the decrease in this effect, seen with practice, may reflect the increased use of learned orientation-invariant features. Initially, we were interested in whether object-colour associations that may be learned during the initial block, could account for the reduced latency to name rotated objects, seen in later blocks. In experiment 1 we used full-cue colour images of objects that depicted colour and other surface cues. Surprisingly, given that Jolicoeur's findings were replicated several times with line drawings, we found that even the initial linear trend in naming latency was shallow. We replicated this result in follow-up experiments. In contrast, when we used less-realistic depictions of the same objects that had fewer visual cues (ie line drawings, coloured drawings, greyscale images), the results were comparable to those of Jolicoeur. Also, the initial linear trends were steeper for these depictions than for full-cue colour images. The results suggest that, when multiple surface cues are available in the image, mental rotation may not be the default recognition process.  相似文献   

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