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客家文化五彩缤纷.闽西客家山歌作为闽西客家文化的媒介,从音乐的角度揭示并传播了闽西客家文化的特点,并以艺术的形式记录、保存、传承了闽西客家文化的精髓.客家先民原居中原的黄河流域,客家山歌中的中原文化印记正是客家山歌形成的基础,是中原文化在客家山歌中长期积淀的结果,充分表现了客家山歌文化的渊源.  相似文献   

萨满式文明是以巫术为特征的广义萨满信仰的文明形态,这种文明特征广泛存在于中国乃至世界各民族中。本文通过对中国东北部索伦鄂温克族的田野调查,对现代萨满信仰进行分析,探讨这种文明形态对人们的观念、行为以及社会文化的影响。  相似文献   

近几十年来,世界上曾经拥有萨满文化传统的许多国家、民族纷纷从不同角度与层面复兴了自己的文化传统,萨满文化遗产成为诸多无形文化遗产项目中的重要类别。各个国家、民族如何选择萨满文化遗产,萨满文化遗产与民族政治、文化需求如何互动,如何看待不同国家和地区对萨满文化的发掘与利用现象等是本文探讨的主要内容。  相似文献   

世界各民族都有关于疾病产生原因和相应的治疗方法的自身理解,这些理解构成了各自的文化医疗系统。本文以信仰萨满教的族群和民族为例,论述了萨满文化中四种核心的疾病观和治疗方法,并指出各个族群在漫长的文化实践中发展出来的独特疾病观和治疗方法,作为一个在生物医疗的体系之外的文化医疗系统,值得人类学家进行深入的发掘和理解。  相似文献   

陈旭 《宗教学研究》2007,(2):150-155
萨满文化产生的基础是中国北方民族传统的渔猎、游牧经济和建立在这种经济基础上的氏族社会。萨满文化因其特定的地域和鲜明的民族特色,透过神灵创世、神生万物、万物有灵的精神世界,在人和自然界间体现了相互依存、荣辱与共的和谐互动关系,蕴含着人要适应环境,以自然为本,保护自然、亲近自然的原始环保理念。  相似文献   

萨满领神仪式与青春期危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青春期是人生发展的一个关键期,许多西方心理学家把青春期看作是个体发展上的危险期,呈现一种常性危机。因文化传统、信仰观念的不同,不同的社会解决青春期危机的途径也各异。本文通过对萨满病发生年龄和萨满领神年龄的考察,阐明在萨满教世界中,萨满病是青春期危机的一种表现形式,萨满领神仪式是缓解和解除这种危机的一种方式,从而体现了萨满教在解除危机方面的基本功能。  相似文献   

萨满教信仰是中国北方民族中原始先民的普遍信仰,萨满的仪式活动对部族成员的意识和行为产生强烈的影响力,通过被视为具有神力的法器来祈福禳灾是萨满仪式活动的重要特征,在对万物有灵的信仰和祈求中获得心灵慰藉的同时,法器也被赋予了丰富的文化象征意义。  相似文献   

萨满出神术及其生理、心理机制问题,是近百年来萨满学研究的前沿问题和热点问题,被研究者视为萨满学研究的制高点,受到世界各国多学科学者的关注.为表述萨满在异常状态下的生理、心理现象,学者们提出了诸多萨满教术语,并因此展开了持久的学术讨论,对这些术语的解释甚至成为萨满教研究的一个新领域,反映了萨满教研究的趋势.  相似文献   

苏尼是四川凉山彝族社会类似于萨满的仪式专家,从萨满教视角研究包含彝族苏尼在内的中国南方民族萨满宗教民俗正在成为学术界思考的新取向。苏尼在产生方式、宗教体验、与神沟通方式及宇宙观与神灵体系方面展现出萨满特征。苏尼萨满特征的个案探究,为从中国南方民族萨满教视角与国际萨满学理论对话、构思完整的中国萨满学研究体系提供了南方民族的经验。  相似文献   

中华民族的移民史造就了不同民族、不同族群、不同文化的融合与冲突。成都东山客家人在“湖广填四川”这场文化冲突与融合中,运用其独特的族群生存策略,通过族群外部认同和族群内部凝聚,在向世人展示“我是谁”的过程中保持其独特的信仰和传统。融入与保持作为成都东山客家信仰传承的基本策略构成了其文化传统的两种基本样态。  相似文献   


Psycho–educational groups (PEGs) have been shown to be a particularly effective form of treatment for patients classified under the rubric of severely and persistently mentally ill (SPMI). However, recent surveys suggest that certain professionals, such as nurses and clinical psychologists, called on to conduct these groups may have limited to no training. This study tested three methods (self–instructional, workshop, and workshop plus clinical supervision) designed to provide on-the-job training to practicing clinicians. Specifically, training was based on two manuals; one that operationalized the basic knowledge and skills needed to run an effective PEG and the second being a commonly used PEG program for symptom management targeted at SPMI patients. Eight nurses from four adult units at a state psychiatric hospital initially received self–instructional or workshop training and then conducted a 12–session symptom management PEG composed of four to five SPMI patients (e.g., schizophrenia, schizoaffective or major depression disorders). In a second wave of additional training, nurses received workshop training or clinical supervision and then conducted a second PEG. Differences between training methods were assessed by nurse– and patient–completed measures that tapped the knowledge and skills emphasized in the symptom management and PEG (nurses only) manuals. Results indicated limited support for the superiority of the workshop method on the nurse measures alone. Implications for training working professionals in group treatments and assessing outcomes with chronic SPMI patients are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on respite care utilization, describes a respite care program in Arkansas, and reports on a study of utilization initiated by the Arkansas Division of Mental Health Services (DMHS). Among the 89 families qualifying for respite services, 70 consented to participate, and 66 were surveyed in a phone interview. Users (n=54) and non-users (n=12) were compared relative to a variety of staff, child, geographic, and budget differences. Also, respite use was examined relative, to the aforementioned variables based on level of use, (i.e., none, low, moderate, high). There were no differences in use according to age, the number of family members, family income, or needs of the child. A larger percentage of non-use and low use of respite care was evident among those families receiving Tax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) benefits. There were no significant differences between races related to perceived barriers to care. Differences in expectations/experiences with respite care among rural and urban groups were limited with rural respondents expressing, concern about travel/distance issues. Overall, the program as a whole received positive ratings by parents, and no clear factors were found to be related to non-use in the small sample (n=12) who did not take advantage of respite services.  相似文献   

The go/no‐go with compound stimuli is an alternative to matching‐to‐sample to produce conditional and emergent relations in adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of this procedure with two children diagnosed with autism. We trained and tested participants to respond to conditional relations among arbitrary stimuli using the go/no‐go procedure. Both learned all the trained conditional relations without developing response bias or responding to no‐go trials. Participants demonstrated performance consistent with symmetry, but not equivalence.  相似文献   

The use of biofeedback, meditation, deep breathing relaxation, and imagery relaxation with individuals and with groups is described. The physical and mental well-being of people depends on learning ways to relax. Relaxation techniques reduce high levels of stress by facilitating the mind to switch from dwelling on day-to-day concerns to instead dwcll on relaxing themes. The body always responds to thinking processes; when the mind switches from dwellir~g on distressing thoughts to relaxing thoughts, the body becomes more relaxed.  相似文献   

《Psychoanalytic Social Work》2013,20(3-4):143-168

Clinicians who work with children and adolescents with learning disorders must be aware of the relationship between the learning disorder and the psychopathology the children present. This article offers a conceptual framework, based on psychoanalytic self psychology, to understand the modifications that are necessary in the treatment of this population. The author suggests that, in contrast to other approaches, it is not possible to conceptualize the treatment of these children as having a beginning, a middle, and an end. Rather, the therapeutic process is open-ended and conceived as occurring during a series of moments. The moments may be categorized as concordant, complementary, or disjunctive. During concordant moments a holding environment is created; during complementary moments the transference and countertransference is addressed; and during disjunctive moments the ruptures that inevitably occur during treatment are dealt with.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe working with the carers (families) of adults with anorexia nervosa (AN), which is different from working with families of younger adolescents. The main difference is in the area of rights and responsibilities of both parties. Moreover, as AN in adults is often a chronic condition, the treatment goal may not focus on recovery, but instead on improvement in quality of life. Thus the spectrum of nature and degree of parental involvement in the treatment of adults with AN is much broader than in children and adolescents. Our framework for intervention is based on a clear model of carer distress, from which targets for intervention follow. The paper outlines some of the core components of this work.  相似文献   

This paper describes a format for group intervention with children of parents with AIDS. Therapeutic factors specific to group work with these children and special issues regarding AIDS are discussed. The stages of development of such groups are outlined, with particular attention paid to themes of grief and loss. Suggestions for future work in this area are given.  相似文献   

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