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The present study, using a single subject adapted alternating treatments design, compared the effects of two spelling strategies (cover, copy, compare, and copy-only) used to enhance spelling performance in 2, third-grade students with learning disabilities. The cover, copy compare (CCC) method required the students to say the word, point to the word, repeat the word, cover the word, print the word, compare the word to the correct model, and correct errors if necessary. The copy-only method required the students to say the word, point to the word, repeat the word, and print the word. Overall, the CCC strategy was more effective in words learned and words retained. Results are discussed in light of CCC requiring a self-evaluation/self-correction component not required in the more traditional method of instruction. By incorporating a simple, self-management component to spelling instruction, teachers may improve spelling performance in the classroom.  相似文献   

What is the role of biblical studies in a liberal arts curriculum? At the 2009 North American Society of Biblical Literature conference, a panel of seven Bible scholars provided brief analyses and arguments about the appropriate goals of teaching biblical studies in undergraduate contexts in this historical moment. They consider and critique the notion of specific Student Learning Outcomes or Objectives (SLOs) for courses about the Bible. In the process they address questions such as: what is the relative importance of “coverage” (biblical literacy, disciplinary knowledge and methods, and the historical creation of the biblical texts) versus modern and historical reception and uses of these texts? In their contributions, the authors analyze ways that a biblical studies course can develop the critical reading and writing skills that are the hallmark of undergraduate education. Some authors find these skills furthered by not bracketing from study the normative truth claims in the texts and instead strategically and critically encouraging the identity work and religious seeking associated with religious uses of these texts. Others call attention to the institutional and classroom power dynamics which inform and are constituted by the current student learning outcomes movement.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The effects of feedback to assist elementary school students classified as either normally achieving (NA) or with a mathematics learning disability (MLD) in acquiring the...  相似文献   

This report describes a treatment program for learning disabled soldiers who have completed their basic training and are experiencing academic difficulties as they begin their Advanced Individual Training. Rationale for the evaluation/treatment techniques used as well as suggested class room modifications are described.  相似文献   

After laying a theoretical basis for an active learning orientation in the classroom, the co‐authors describe methods they developed to evaluate active learning in two different settings of introductory courses in biblical studies. They argue that honoring diverse learning and communication styles among students does not need to compromise academic rigor. The authors show how portfolio‐based assessment of student learning allows students a range of ways to demonstrate their mastery of the material. Examples are provided of components of student portfolios from their undergraduate classes.  相似文献   

Thirty older (m age=71.73 years) and 20 young adults (m age=21.60 years) viewed a videotape of a simulated crime and were then interviewed with either a Cognitive Interview (CI) or a standard police interview (SI). The older participants were interviewed with either an SI, CI, or CI that was modified for older people (CI–M). No differences were found between the CI and CI–M. The CI elicited more information than the SI, without a reduction in accuracy rate. Moreover, the advantage of the CI over the SI was greater for the older than for the young participants. There were no overall age-related differences. Results are discussed in terms of performance of older witnesses and implications for understanding how the CI functions.  相似文献   

150 Ss were given 50 practice trials on the stabilometer over a period of 4 days (20 trials on Day 1 followed by a 1-day rest, 10 trials on Day 2, followed by a 7-day rest, 10 trials on Day 3 followed by a 14-day rest, and 10 trials on Day 4). A series of learning scores reflecting improvement in performance over the 4 days and retention scores reflecting loss of performance between days were obtained. The reliability of individual differences in these scores were calculated using the odd-even method and by progressively increasing the number of trials included in the measure of initial and final performance level. On the basis of the findings obtained it was concluded that using 4 – 6 trials in initial and final ability levels results in a difference (criterion) score which combines relatively high reliability with a relatively high estimate of the amount of change in performance.  相似文献   

This paper describes the need for a Biblically based psychotherapy to replace a psychotherapy dominated by Greek mythology. Centers for Biblical Psychotherapy are proposed and sample curriculae are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined how the effectiveness of feedback for the learning of complex motor skills is affected by the focus of attention it induces. The feedback referred specifically either to body movements (internal focus) or to movement effects (external focus). In Experiment 1, groups of novices and advanced volleyball players (N = 48) practiced “tennis” serves under internal-focus or external-focus feedback conditions in a 2 (expertise) × 2 (feedback type) design. Type of feedback did not differentially affect movement quality, but external-focus feedback resulted in greater accuracy of the serves than internal-focus feedback during both practice and retention, independent of the level of expertise. In Experiment 2, the effects of relative feedback frequency as a function of attentional focus were examined. A 2 (feedback frequency: 100% vs. 33%) × 2 (feedback type) design was used. Experienced soccer players (N = 52) were required to shoot lofted passes at a target. External-focus feedback resulted in greater accuracy than internal-focus feedback did. In addition, reduced feedback frequency was beneficial under internal-focus feedback conditions, whereas 100% and 33% feedback were equally effective under external-focus conditions. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of effect-related, as opposed to movement-related, feedback and also suggest that there is a need to revise current views regarding the role of feedback for motor learning.  相似文献   

Repeated, non-reinforced preexposure to a context slowed development of conditioned freezing to that context when it was subsequently paired with footshock (latent inhibition) and enhanced discriminability of that context from a similar context (perceptual learning) whether assessed by a generalization test or by explicit discrimination training. Latent inhibition was eliminated by a delay between conditioning sessions and test (Experiments 1a and 1b) and reduced by a delay between preexposure and conditioning (Experiment 2). However, perceptual learning was unaffected by either of these intervals (Experimnets 1b and 2). These results are discussed in terms their impact on theories that have latent inhibition as a possible mechanism of perceptual learning, and on theories of latent inhibition that consider the retardation of conditioned responding to be the result of an acquisition failure.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between stages of adult life development and causal attributions for attending college among a sample of nontraditional students. It was hypothesized that the meaning of attending school is reflected in the kinds of attributions that are given for attending school. It was also hypothesized that internal attributions are more common at later stages of adult life development. The findings confirmed the existence of internal and external (career and situational) cognitive attributional dimensions, with the internal dimension being the strongest. Coherent stages of adult life development were identified, which corresponded to a transitional stage, an early adult stage, and a mid-adult stage. Students in the transitional stage were less likely to give external situational attributions, and students in the mid-life stage were more likely to give external situational attributions. There was also a tendency for internal attributions to increase during the mid-life phase, although the relationship was not highly significant. The findings are discussed in the context of attribution theory and adult life development theory as well as in terms of implications for educational policy.  相似文献   

根据目前国内采用的标准,选取学优生和学困生各120人。运用内隐学习中的双条件人工语法材料和强分离的实验范式,考察和比较了两种学生的内隐学习、内隐与外显协同学习的成绩。结果显示:(1)学优生在外显学习、协同学习(先内隐后外显以及内隐与外显交替)方式下的成绩显著好于学困生,而在内隐学习方式下,二者成绩差异不显著。(2)学优生的外显学习及协同学习成绩显著好于内隐学习成绩,而学困生在四种学习方式下成绩差异不显著。表明在人工语法学习中学优生的有意识学习及其与无意识的协同学习效果较好,而学困生的有意识学习及协同学习较差。  相似文献   

One of the difficulties in teaching religious studies in Asia is that many religious theories and case studies are closely related to Western countries and therefore the knowledge and teaching material have a strong Western cultural bias. The cultural differences make teaching rather difficult and, most importantly, lower students' motivation to learn. To deal with the problem, this researcher attempted to introduce material on indigenous religions in various subjects in order to test whether such material would enhance student motivation. The material included newspaper articles, articles in books and journals, television programs, and documentary films. This paper is the result of an experiment in education and personal reflection on the use of indigenous religious materials in teaching religious studies in the Asian context.  相似文献   

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