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樊春雷  张爱玲 《心理学报》2007,39(2):355-361
运用态度量表和反应时实验比较了品牌态度强度与品牌态度可达性的关系性质。研究发现,女性被试对保健品品牌要素的态度评价越肯定,态度通达和提取的时间就越快,两者之间形成有规律的函数关系;但在否定性态度条件下,没有出现类似的规律性;当要求被试把模糊性态度明确为肯定或否定态度时,67%的被试明确为否定态度,但所用时间显著慢于明确为肯定态度所用的时间  相似文献   

Social norms and attitudes play a critical role in adolescent smoking initiation and maintenance. Focus theory predicts that making a norm more salient—and thereby temporarily increasing its accessibility from memory—will increase the influence of the norm on behavior for as long as the norm remains salient. Likewise, the process model of the attitude–behavior relationship predicts that accessible attitudes are more predictive of behavior. The present research examining the role of the chronic accessibility of smoking related normative beliefs and attitudes in predicting smoking behavior in college students. Attitude and norm accessibility independently accounted for significant variability in smoking behavior beyond that accounted for by traditional measures of attitude and subjective norm.  相似文献   

Numerous parallels exist between the literatures on attitudes and the self, yet they are generally considered in isolation. In this paper, we focus on some parallels with respect to the concept of self-strength – that is, aspects of self-esteem and the self-concept that impart the qualities of durability and impactfulness. Using research on attitude strength as our foundation, we first introduce some relevant strength variables such as accessibility, certainty, and ambivalence. Then, as a case study we review existing research on self-view accessibility. Our review is organized based on parallel findings on attitude accessibility in order to demonstrate the utility of this approach. By considering research on attitude strength, we are able to organize, and in some cases reinterpret, previous self-related findings, make new predictions regarding the self, and increase the precision of predictions. We believe that this approach can foster integration between the areas of attitudes and the self, advancing theory and research on both.  相似文献   

叶娜  佐斌 《心理科学进展》2007,15(5):834-839
态度是社会心理学研究的重要领域,内隐和外显态度之间的区别和联系是近年来态度研究的重要主题。Gawronski和Bodenhausen提出的APE(Associative-propositionalEvaluation)模型认为,内隐和外显态度有各自不同的潜在心理过程:内隐态度基于联想加工,外显态度则基于命题加工。APE模型指出,正是由于联想和命题加工的相互作用导致了内隐和外显态度改变的几种具体模式。文章介绍了模型的理论基础和主要内容,并对此模型进行评价和讨论  相似文献   

A model of the relationship between attitude involvement and attitude accessibilitywas developed and tested. The model specifies that attitude involvement leads to selective(biased) issue-related information-gathering strategies, which in turn produce extreme andunivalent (unambivalent) attitudes. Finally, attitudes associated with univalent and extremeunderlying structures should occasion relatively little decision conflict and thus should be highlyaccessible. Questionnaire response data gathered in a national telephone survey and from twosamples of undergraduates revealed that both attitude extremity and attitude ambivalence onselected political issues mediated the relationship between attitude involvement and attitudeaccessibility. Some findings indicated that selective processing mediated the relationshipbetween attitude involvement and attitude extremity and ambivalence. Discussion focuses on theprocesses linking involvement to accessibility, the factors that moderate theambivalence-accessibility relationship, and the relevance of the model to media-based primingeffects and tothe nature of public opinion and the survey response.  相似文献   


The authors performed 2 experiments to examine the accessibility of thoughts about group memberships (i.e., collective self-cognitions) relative to thoughts about traits, states, and behaviors (i.e., private self-cognitions). Few collective self-cognitions were accessible for the present participants from an individualist culture. Furthermore, collective self-cognitions were highly associated with each other in a self-structure. The findings were interpreted in terms of the two-baskets theory that private and collective self-cognitions tend to be stored relatively separately in memory (D. Trafimow, H. C. Triandis, & S. G. Goto, 1991).  相似文献   

以87名大学生为被试,采用2(损耗,非损耗)×2(强说服信息,弱说服信息)的实验设计,让被试完成损耗或非损耗任务后,阅读与其已有观念相反的或强或弱的说服信息,再测查其态度及认知反应,考察自我损耗对说服后态度的影响,并进一步考察认知反应在自我损耗与说服后态度关系中的作用。结果发现:(1)损耗组比非损耗组更容易顺从说服信息;(2)自我损耗及说服信息质量对说服后态度的交互作用边缘显著:在非损耗的情况下,个体阅读强、弱不同质量信息产生的态度有显著差异,在损耗情况下,个体阅读强、弱不同质量信息产生的态度差异不显著;阅读强说服信息,损耗组和非损耗组的态度差异不显著,阅读弱说服信息,损耗组的态度显著高于非损耗组;(3)自我损耗不影响个体的总体想法数量,但影响其思维偏好,自我损耗后个体更容易产生与说服信息一致的想法,中介分析表明自我损耗对说服后态度的影响是以思维偏好为中介的。  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the question of whether prior experience with a product moderates the extent to which the use of user-image based cues and utilitarian cues are predictive of brand attitude. Specifically, high experience consumers were expected to focus more on utilitarian cues and low experience consumers to focus on user-image based cues. Results of two studies generally support these predictions.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between employee benefits plans and employees’ attitudes towards their benefits and the organization. In addition, this study examines the mediating role of perceived procedural justice (decision and process controls) to explain why the provision of benefits affects such attitudes. From a matched sample of two hotels, one offering fixed benefits and the other offering flexible benefits, the results showed that employees’ had higher levels of satisfaction with flexible benefits because of greater decision control in choosing the benefits they desired. Contrary to predictions, employees’ process control in flexible benefits plans had no significant effects on benefits satisfaction. Also, employees did not significantly perceive that their benefits had greater value when they were allowed to choose the benefits that they desired. Employees who were satisfied with their flexible benefits were more committed to their organizations and had lower intentions to quit.  相似文献   

This paper brings together results from the philosophy and the psychology of explanation to argue that there are multiple concepts of explanation in human psychology. Specifically, it is shown that pluralism about explanation coheres with the multiplicity of models of explanation available in the philosophy of science, and it is supported by evidence from the psychology of explanatory judgment. Focusing on the case of a norm of explanatory power, the paper concludes by responding to the worry that if there is a plurality of concepts of explanation, one will not be able to normatively evaluate what counts as good explanation.  相似文献   


Subjects had their expectation of pay for serving in a conformity experiment disconfirmed by receiving amounts either greater or lesser than were expected, while control subjects received their expected pay. The dissonance theory prediction of an energization of either compliance or noncompliance was not obtained, nor support given to social-exchange-theory predictions of conformity as a direct function of pay level. No differences in conformity behavior or tendencies to respond to questionnaires in a socially desirable direction were obtained between high and low scoring Ss on the Marlowe-Crowne SD (7). The finding of no differences in conformity between Ss judged aware of the manipulations and those unaware might be mediated by a general predisposition to seek and comply with demands in an experimental setting.  相似文献   

"存顺没宁"--论中国传统生死观及其现代意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,中国传统生死观的主要内容包括:(1)关爱生命,珍视人生;(2)乐生恶死;(3)肯定死亡的积极意义;(4)存顺没宁.这些思想经过批判地改造,对于建立现代生命伦理学具有重要的积极意义.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of self-correction versus a traditional spelling approach on the acquisition and maintenance of written spelling of elementary school students enrolled in third grade. Six students, who were at risk for spelling failure, served as subjects. During self-correction, students used a form with five columns that contained correct pre-written models of spelling words. After reviewing the word list, students folded back the first column, which contained the words. Then, they listened to their spelling list on individual cassette players and spelled each word in turn in the subsequent columns of the form. Students checked their spelling responses by unfolding the first column and matching their responses to the sample. Each correct spelling response was marked with a C incorrect spellings were fixed by writing the correct orthography above the word. During traditional spelling, students wrote each spelling word five times, using a pre-written model as a guide. Results showed a functional relationship between self-correction and improved spelling performance. Five of the six maintained a higher number of posttests words on maintenance probes. All students preferred the self-correction method over the traditional spelling method.  相似文献   


Previous research has shown that acute alcohol consumption is associated with negative responses toward outgroup members such as sexual minorities. However, simple alcohol cue exposure without actually consuming alcohol also influences social behavior. Hence, it was reasoned that priming participants with words related to alcohol (relative to neutral words) would promote prejudiced attitudes toward sexual minorities. In fact, an experiment showed that alcohol cue exposure causally led to more negative implicit attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. In contrast, participants’ explicit attitudes were relatively unaffected by the priming manipulation. Moreover, participants’ typical alcohol use was not related to their attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. In sum, it appears that not only acute alcohol consumption but also the simple exposure of alcohol cues may promote negative views toward lesbians and gay men.  相似文献   

态度强度对内隐-外显态度关系的调节作用研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
吴明证 《心理科学》2005,28(2):388-391
本研究探讨了态度强度对个体的内隐一外显年龄态度间关系的调节作用。研究发现,随着态度强度的增强,内隐——外显态度间一致性随之增大,随着态度强度的减弱,内隐——外显态度间一致性随之减少,支持了态度强度的调节作用。这一研究为解决Fazio和Bargh关于态度自动激活效应的争论提供了新的视角。本研究支持了Fazio的观点。  相似文献   

疾病的进化论解释:——读《我们为什么生病》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代医学重在对疾病的近因研究,而疾病的进化史原因,像机体设计上的缺陷,遗传基因与新环境因素的冲突,进化过程中病原同宿主的竞争等,却几乎完全被忽视。事实上,人类机体在漫长的进化过程中,每获得一种益处,几乎都要付出相应的代价,这就是相关的疾病。达尔文医学的新科学,这部全新视野的著作,全面地向人们展示了疾病的进化论解释,并正在创造其学术范式迥然不同的医学科学新领域。  相似文献   

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