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The current work investigates how personality and interpersonal processes combine to predict change in relationship quality. Measures of personality and emotion similarity were collected during laboratory interactions from a cross-sectional sample of dating couples (Study 1) and a 1-year longitudinal study of newlywed married couples (Study 2). Results showed that emotion similarity mediated the association between personality similarity and relationship quality (Studies 1 and 2) and that emotion convergence mediated the association between personality convergence and relationship satisfaction (Study 2). These results indicate that similarity and convergence in personality may benefit relationships by promoting similarity and convergence in partners' shared emotional experiences. Findings also lend support to models that integrate partners' enduring traits and couples' adaptive processes as antecedents of relationship outcomes.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to extend prior work on adult attachment and sexuality, which has tended to focus on samples of adolescents and undergraduate students. A Canadian sample of 116 married couples aged 21–75 years completed self‐report measures of adult attachment, marital, and sexual satisfaction. Results revealed that participants with higher levels of anxiety and avoidance reported lower levels of sexual satisfaction at the individual level. Individuals with more avoidant spouses also reported lower levels of sexual satisfaction. Furthermore, the relationship between sexual and marital satisfaction was stronger for more anxiously attached individuals and those with more anxiously attached spouses. These results suggest that attachment is linked in theoretically predictable ways to marital and sexual satisfaction.  相似文献   

The association between actual and perceptual personality similarity and perceptual accuracy on relationship satisfaction is examined in 191 couples. Self‐ and partner ratings of personality were assessed using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory ( P. T. Costa & R. R. McCrae, 1992 ) and relationship satisfaction using the Relationship Assessment Scale ( S. S. Hendrick, A. Dicke, & C. Hendrick, 1998 ). Actual and perceptual similarity and perceptual accuracy were quantified using the index of profile agreement (R. R. McCrae, 1993 ) and L. J. Cronbach and G. C. Gleser's (1953) D‐indices. These indices showed large variability in personality profiles within couples and considerable perceptual accuracy between raters. Actual similarity was positively associated with female relationship satisfaction, controlling for personality traits of both partners. Moreover, partial support was obtained for the positive associations between perceptual similarity and accuracy and relationship satisfaction.  相似文献   

The speed, or efficiency, in which people communicate is linked to positive interpersonal outcomes. However, no studies of communication efficiency have examined romantic partners, making it unclear whether efficient communication is linked to relationship satisfaction above and beyond previously identified communication skills (e.g., problem‐solving). We recruited dating couples (N = 56) to attend a laboratory session to complete survey measures and a collaborative communication task. Multilevel models demonstrated that both task efficiency (β = ?.36, p = .04) and self‐reported problem‐solving communication skills (β = .28, p = .002) were associated with relationship satisfaction. Results suggest that communication task efficiency can be meaningfully applied to the study of romantic relationships and couple communication skills.  相似文献   

A sample of 186 dating couples completed questionnaires in order to examine the relevance of attachment styles, romantic beliefs, self-esteem, and gender roles to relationship satisfaction. The aim was to assess whether male and female anxiety over abandonment and comfort with closeness, and interactions among them, predicted satisfaction beyond the contribution of the other variables. Using multiple-regression analysis, it was found that attachment styles successfully predicted satisfaction, after controlling for romantic beliers, self-esteem, and gender roles. Both partners were particularly dissatisfied when either partner suffered high anxiety over abandonment or low comfort with closeness. Implications for gender roles, relationship satisfaction, and attachment styles are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between self‐reports of family rituals and relationship attachment, relationship quality, and closeness in 150 married couples in Portugal. Using structural equation modeling to examine both within‐individual and across‐partner effects, the results were generally as predicted. First, lower levels of avoidant attachment were related to greater family investment in rituals. Second, greater family investment in rituals was associated with more positive relationship quality and closeness. Third, family investment in rituals partially mediated the link between avoidance and relationship quality and closeness. Fourth, the mediational models were significant for women but not for men. These results highlight the importance of links among family interactions, couple interactions, and individual differences.  相似文献   

A study among 103 married individuals examined how the responses to a story about an individual with a happy marriage that was characterized by either high or low effort were moderated by relationship satisfaction and social comparison orientation (SCO). As individuals were higher in SCO, the high‐effort couple evoked more positive affect and more identification and the low‐effort couple evoked more negative affect and less identification. Furthermore, the higher the SCO, the more positive affect and identification those high in relationship satisfaction experienced in response to the targets. In the high‐effort condition, but not in the low‐effort condition, identification mediated between relationship satisfaction and SCO and the affective responses. Independent of induced effort, a higher degree of perceived effort was, especially among those high in relationship satisfaction, associated with a higher level of identification. Finally, relationship satisfaction induced relatively more identification with the target among men, married people, and relatively older people.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between perceptions of family‐of‐origin experiences, sexual satisfaction and marital quality. The sample consisted of 3953 married couples who responded to the relationship evaluation. The results showed that more positive overall family‐of‐origin experiences and parent–child relationships were related to higher sexual satisfaction. Overall, family‐of‐origin experiences and parent–child relationships were predictive of higher sexual satisfaction; however, that relationship was significantly mediated by marital quality. There was a strong positive relationship between marital quality and sexual satisfaction. No major gender differences emerged from the findings. The results suggest that family‐of‐origin experiences play a key role in the sexual satisfaction of married couples, especially when mediated by marital quality, and should be considered in treatment, education and research.  相似文献   

The relationship between power and self-disclosure was studied for 20 dating and 20 married couples. Power and self-disclosure scales (of feelings and of accomplishments) were constructed and administered individually. We hypothesized that: (1) Women disclose more about feelings than men. (2) Men disclose more about accomplishments than women. (3) Power is positively correlated with disclosure of accomplishments. (4) Power is negatively correlated with disclosure of feelings and weaknesses. (5) Dating men are more powerful than dating women, but there are no gender differences in power in marriage. Hypotheses 1,3, and 5 were supported. Hypotheses 2 and 4 were rejected. Our findings revealed that there were no differences in power or disclosure of accomplishments between men and women for the total group. However, a significant interaction was found between gender and marital status for power. Dating men had more power than dating women, but married women had more power than married men. Last, women disclosed more feelings than men across both groups.  相似文献   

This work investigates assortative mating and convergence in personality and their effect on marital satisfaction. Measures of personality were collected from a sample of married couples before they met and twice after they were married. Results showed evidence for assortative mating but not for convergence in an average couple. Similarity and convergence in personality predicted later marital satisfaction. These results indicate that similarity and convergence in psychological characteristics may benefit relationships and that while spouses may choose partners with similar personalities they do not become more like their partners in the early part of their marriage.  相似文献   

Stress related to relationship events has been a strong predictor of cardiovascular reactivity. This four‐phase laboratory study used a multiple‐nested design to examine variations in diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and rate‐pressure product (RPP: pulse rate [PR] × systolic blood pressure [SBP]) as a function of stress appraisal using 33 college‐aged dating couples. Individual participants filled out questionnaires designed to assess the length of their relationships (couple‐level factor), gender and attachment styles (individual‐level factors); watched a film clip depicting relationship distress; discussed relationship problems; then received instruction for relaxation. Individuals’ self‐reported stress and negative affect levels (experimental phase‐level factors), DBP, SBP, and PR were also measured at each study phase. Hierarchical linear modeling analyses revealed that relationships with longer duration were associated with higher levels of DBP and RPP as perceived stress levels increased. Also, as perceived stress levels increased, men or individuals high in the anxiety dimension of attachment showed higher DBP and RPP reactivity, whereas individuals high in the avoidance dimension of attachment showed lower RPP reactivity. As the negative affect level increased, individuals high in the avoidance dimension of attachment showed lower RPP reactivity. Findings imply that under relationship stress, individuals high in avoidance or anxiety dimensions of attachment may be vulnerable to a range of physical symptoms, such as cardiovascular disease or hypertension.  相似文献   

The present study investigates how perceptions of personality are related to relationship satisfaction in an age-heterogeneous sample of romantic couples. Self- and partner-perceptions as well as perceived similarity and self-other agreement were examined separately for the Big Five personality traits. Results of Actor–Partner-Interdependence Models revealed substantial effects of partner-perceived personality in all Big Five traits on both partners’ relationship satisfaction. In contrast, effects of self-perceived personality on relationship satisfaction were small. Over and above self- and partner-rated personality, perceiving one’s partner as similar to oneself made a small unique contribution to relationship satisfaction in couples. These results emphasize the importance of integrating self- and partner-perceptions of personality for relationships outcomes.  相似文献   

Bowen's differentiation of self construct is examined through a test in two studies of the hypothesis that people select partners at similar levels of differentiation of self. One study used a sample of married couples and the other a sample of dating and engaged couples. The studies used different instruments for determining differentiation of self. Three data analysis procedures—correlations, t-tests, and the degree of similarity procedure—provided conflicting evidence for the similarity hypothesis. Results are discussed as they pertain to statistical analysis issues using related individuals and to Bowen family systems theory and the use of this theory in clinical practice.  相似文献   

This study examined the associations between self‐reported attachment style dimensions and romantic relationship functioning over 1 year in a sample of heterosexual dating couples between the ages of 18 and 25 (115 dyads at T1, 57 dyads at T2; 74% Caucasian). Relationship functioning was assessed at multiple levels of analysis via self‐reports of interpersonal functioning, observers' ratings of dyadic interactions, and measures of autonomic responding during the interactions. No significant cross‐sectional associations were found between attachment style dimensions and interpersonal functioning. However, individuals who reported greater attachment‐related anxiety at T1 described their relationships as being of lower quality, were rated by observers as interacting less positively, and exhibited greater electrodermal reactivity during interactions 1 year later.  相似文献   

In an effort to improve understanding of the mechanisms that link early maltreatment to later outcomes, this study investigated the mediation effects of adult attachment processes on the association between childhood emotional abuse and later romantic relationships among heterosexual couples. College students and their dating partners (N = 310; 155 couples) completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Experiences in Close Relationship Scale, and Dyadic Adjustment Scale. Using the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model (Kenny, Kashy, & Cook, 2006), multilevel modeling results indicated that memories of childhood emotional abuse reported by both students and their partners were significantly associated with attachment strategies, as well as romantic relationship quality. Findings supported hypothesized mediation effects of attachment anxiety and avoidance.  相似文献   

The present study explored the relation between the multidimensional construct of emotion regulation and relationship satisfaction in 104 couples seeking couple or family therapy. Satisfaction was assessed via the Dyadic Satisfaction Subscale of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, whereas the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale was used to assess the 6 dimensions of emotion regulation (acceptance, goals, impulse, awareness, strategies, clarity). Significant relations were found between relationship satisfaction and acceptance, impulse, awareness, and strategies. Relations were not always found in expected directions, and although actor effects were found for both genders, only women displayed partner effects. Findings point to the importance of considering context when studying emotion regulation and highlight the clinical importance of evaluating its specific dimensions.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the association between protective buffering and psychological distress was moderated by relationship satisfaction. Protective buffering is defined as hiding worries, denying concerns, and yielding to one's partner in an effort to avoid disagreement and reduce one's partner's upset and burden. Two hundred thirty-five women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer and their partners completed measures of protective buffering, psychological distress, and relationship satisfaction at 3 time points over an 18-month period after cancer diagnosis. The authors hypothesized that protective buffering would result in more distress among patients and partners reporting higher relationship satisfaction than among patients and partners reporting lower levels of relationship satisfaction. Patients' protective buffering predicted more distress among patients rating their relationships as more satisfactory, whereas the patients' buffering did not predict distress among patients rating their relationships as less satisfactory. Partner relationship satisfaction also moderated the association between patients' buffering and partners' distress. These findings elucidate conditions under which protective buffering may have detrimental effects.  相似文献   

Recent theory and research have suggested that the disposition to forgive and the tendency to seek vengeance are related but distinguishable characteristics. Although highly forgiving individuals cannot be simultaneously high in vengeance, those who are low in forgiveness could be either vengeful or not. The present study tested the hypothesis that what distinguishes unforgiving people who are highly vengeful from unforgiving people who are not highly vengeful is that the latter group is lower in narcissism. Measures of dispositional forgiveness, narcissism, global self-esteem, and vengeance were administered to 248 undergraduates. As expected, people low in dispositional forgiveness were more vengeful than were people high in dispositional forgiveness, but particularly so among those high in narcissism; among those low in narcissism, forgiveness was less strongly related to vengeance. Thus, the most vengeful people were those who were both low in forgiveness and high in narcissism, independent of gender differences and healthy self-esteem.  相似文献   

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