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The effects of subunit formation on adult listeners' ability to notice changes in a continuous spectral gradient of sound were studied. Results of this experiment support the idea that the auditory system processes information differently within a unit, and that this processing does not occur unless the perceptual system detects unit boundaries. In this experiment, silences were inserted into a continuously changing sound to cause the formation of short units. Listeners noticed the change earlier in conditions with silences inserted than in to conditions where the transition was either unbroken or broken by loud noise bursts. Results are discussed in terms of two processes, one that accentuates stimulus properties present at moments of onset and offset, and a second that uses onsets and offsets to signal the beginnings and ends of units and reduces the change perceived within units.  相似文献   

The effects of subunit formation on adult listeners' ability to notice changes in a continuous spectral gradient of sound were studied. Results of this experiment support the idea that the auditory system processes information differently within a unit, and that this processing does not occur unless the perceptual system detects unit boundaries. In this experiment, silences were inserted into a continuously changing sound to cause the formation of short units. Listeners noticed the change earlier in conditions with silences inserted than in to conditions where the transition was either unbroken or broken by loud noise bursts. Results are discussed in terms of two processes, one that accentuates stimulus properties present at moments of onset and offset, and a second that uses onsets and offsets to signal the beginnings and ends of units and reduces the change perceived within units.  相似文献   

Tactile attention and the perception of moving tactile stimuli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three experiments investigated the ability of subjects to identify the direction of movement of a pattern across the skin. In Experiments 1 and 2, subjects were required to identify the direction of movement of a pattern presented to one fingerpad while another moving pattern was being presented to an adjacent fingerpad. Subjects were instructed to attend only to the target location. The results showed that accuracy was consistently higher and reaction times were consistently faster when the two patterns moved in the same direction than when they moved in opposite directions. Both effects were largest when the two patterns were presented simultaneously. In Experiment 3, the nontarget location was the contralateral hand. In this case, performance was not affected by the presentation of the nontarget. Combined, the results suggest that movement information is processed across adjacent fingers even when subjects are explicitly instructed to attend only to one finger. Subjects do appear to be able to restrict attention to a single hand.  相似文献   

Several kinds of visual causal impressions occur when people observe stimuli involving objects in motion. It is hypothesized that these impressions occur when the visual system avoids coincidences by matching the observable kinematic features of the stimulus to a template of a physical mechanism. This was tested by constructing a stimulus in which several spatially separated objects move in a coordinated manner. Variations on this stimulus were constructed such that some were inconsistent with a possible physical mechanism that could explain the motions of the objects and others were consistent with it. Mechanism‐inconsistent variations yielded significantly lower ratings of the causal impression and mechanism‐consistent variations did not, supporting the hypothesis. Misperceptions of features of the stimulus were also reported by a majority of participants, and the nature of these misperceptions is also consistent with the hypothesis that the stimulus is interpreted as a representation of a kind of physical mechanism.  相似文献   

We investigated 3-8-month-olds' (N=62) perception of illusory contours in a Kanizsa figure by using a preferential looking technique. Previous studies suggest that this ability develops around 8 months of age. However, we hypothesized that even 3-4-month-olds could perceive illusory contours in a moving figure. To check our hypothesis, we created an illusory contour figure in which the illusory square underwent lateral movement. By rotating the elements of this figure, we created non-illusory contour figures. We found that: (1) infants preferred moving illusory contours to non-illusory contours by 3-4 months of age, and (2) only 7-8-month-olds preferred static illusory contours. Our findings demonstrate that motion information promotes infants' perception of illusory contours. Our results parallel those reported in the study of partly occluded objects ().  相似文献   

In three experiments, we considered the relative contribution of frequency change (Δf) and time change (Δt) to perceived velocity (Δft) for sounds that moved either continuously in frequency space (Experiment 1) or in discrete steps (Experiments 2 and 3). In all the experiments, participants estimated “how quickly stimuli changed in pitch” on a scale ranging from 0 (not changing at all) to 100 (changing very quickly). Objective frequency velocity was specified in terms of semitones per second (ST/s), with ascending and descending stimuli presented on each trial at one of seven velocities (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 ST/s). Separate contributions of frequency change (Δf) and time change (Δt) to perceived velocity were assessed by holding total Δt constant and varying Δf or vice versa. For tone glides that moved continuously in frequency space, both Δf and Δt cues contributed approximately equally to perceived velocity. For tone sequences, in contrast, perceived velocity was based almost entirely on Δt, with surprisingly little contribution from Δf. Experiment 3 considered separate judgments about Δf and Δt in order to rule out the possibility that the results of Experiment 2 were due to the inability to judge frequency change in tone sequences.  相似文献   

The changes in perception associated with exposure time are probably continuous in the microgenetic process, as is demonstrated by such phenomena as intensity change in illusions, adaptation and normalization, practice effect, aftereffects, etc. The simultaneous contrast and assimilation in the perception of length of paired lines were measured by controlling the exposure duration or repetition. In the tachistoscopic experiment, the greatest contrast appeared at an early stage of microgenesis. In the repeated presentation experiment, the perception changed from contrast to assimilation on the expanded stage of microgenesis. These changes in perception are assumed to be the results of the differentiation of set that progresses in the microgenetic process. In the fixed-set experiment, the differentiation of set was reflected in the intensity of the aftereffect. The changes in the aftereffect and the transformation into the assimilation coincided with each other when the exposure time was varied. An expansion of the conception of perceptual microgenesis to a wider range of perceptual variability is accordingly proposed.  相似文献   

The present work demonstrates that observers grossly underestimate the length of lines parallel to their line of sight. In Experiment 1, observers, working from memory, estimated the length of a dashed line on the road to be 0.61 m. This result is consistent with observers' using an average visual angle converted to the physical length of visible lines on the road to estimate their length. In Experiment 2, observers gave verbal and matching estimates that significantly underestimated the length of a 3.05-m line on the ground that was parallel to their line of sight. In Experiment 3, observers significantly underestimated the length of dashed lines on the road while in a moving car. The results of Experiments 1 and 3 are described well by Euclidean geometry, whereas the tangle model that utilizes an increasing function of the visual angle to describe perceived extent best describes the results of Experiment 2.  相似文献   

In an inverted T figure, the vertical line is largely overestimated (Avery and Day in J Exp Psychol 81:376–380, 1969). This vertical overestimation results from the vertical and bisection biases. Line orientation biases length perception in the sense that the vertical line of a L shape is perceived as longer than the horizontal line of the same physical length. In the inverted T figure, the vertical line is overestimated because of its orientation but also because the horizontal line is bisected. In the current study, we used various two-line configurations to investigate the role of bisection a/symmetry in line length perception and its interaction with the vertical bias. Experiment 1 showed that symmetry and asymmetry of bisection have different consequences on line length perception, as previously shown by Wolfe et al. (Percept Psychophys 67:967–979, 2005). Experiments 2 focused on the relation between the vertical and bisection biases by manipulating orthogonally line orientation and bisection a/symmetry. The results provided evidence that bisection can prevent the manifestation of the vertical bias, so that when the two lines are bisected, vertical lines are not anymore overestimated. These results are discussed in the light of recent findings claiming that saccades could play an essential role in length perception.  相似文献   

Different interceptive tasks and modes of interception (hitting or capturing) do not necessarily involve similar control processes. Control based on preprogramming of movement parameters is possible for actions with brief movement times but is now widely rejected; continuous perceptuomotor control models are preferred for all types of interception. The rejection of preprogrammed control and acceptance of continuous control is evaluated for the timing of rapidly executed, manual hitting actions. It is shown that a preprogrammed control model is capable of providing a convincing account of observed behavior patterns that avoids many of the arguments that have been raised against it. Prominent continuous perceptual control models are analyzed within a common framework and are shown to be interpretable as feedback control strategies. Although these models can explain observations of on-line adjustments to movement, they offer only post hoc explanations for observed behavior patterns in hitting tasks and are not directly supported by data. It is proposed that rapid manual hitting tasks make up a class of interceptions for which a preprogrammed strategy is adopted--a strategy that minimizes the role of visual feedback. Such a strategy is effective when the task demands a high degree of temporal accuracy.  相似文献   

Seven interlocking experiments are reported in which both guessing and recognition thresholds for words are compared with those for other linguistic units both smaller than (nonword morphemes and trigrams) and larger than (nominal compounds, ordinary noun phrases, and nonsense compounds) the word. Thresholds were consistently lower for words than for morphemes or trigams (matched or even much higher in visual usage frequency) and lower for word-like nominal compounds (e.g.,stumbling block) than for ordinary noun phrases (copper block) or nonsense compounds (sympathy block). Prior exposure (through two correct recognitions) to ordinary noun phrases, nonsense compounds, and the constituent single words of nominal compounds significantly facilitated subsequent recognition of the single-word constituents, but prior exposure to nominal compounds had no effect whatsoever on subsequent recognition of their sin~e-word constituents. These results as a whole are interpreted as supporting the following conclusions: (1)that the word has special salience in the perception of language; (2)that the reason for this salience is the unique meaningfulness of the word (or the word-like nominal compound) as a whole; and (3) that the mechanism for this salience is the convergence of feedback from central mediational processes with feed-forward from peripheral sensory processes upon the integration of word-form percepts.  相似文献   

Albert MK 《Perception》1999,28(11):1347-1360
The visual perception of monocular stimuli perceived as 3-D objects has received considerable attention from researchers in human and machine vision. However, most previous research has focused on how individual 3-D objects are perceived. Here this is extended to a study of how the structure of 3-D scenes containing multiple, possibly disconnected objects and features is perceived. Da Vinci stereopsis, stereo capture, and other surface formation and interpolation phenomena in stereopsis and structure-from-motion suggest that small features having ambiguous depth may be assigned depth by interpolation with features having unambiguous depth. I investigated whether vision may use similar mechanisms to assign relative depth to multiple objects and features in sparse monocular images, such as line drawings, especially when other depth cues are absent. I propose that vision tends to organize disconnected objects and features into common surfaces to construct 3-D-scene interpretations. Interpolations that are too weak to generate a visible surface percept may still be strong enough to assign relative depth to objects within a scene. When there exists more than one possible surface interpolation in a scene, the visual system's preference for one interpolation over another seems to be influenced by a number of factors, including: (i) proximity, (ii) smoothness, (iii) a preference for roughly frontoparallel surfaces and 'ground' surfaces, (iv) attention and fixation, and (v) higher-level factors. I present a variety of demonstrations and an experiment to support this surface-formation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) pursuit phase velocity oscillations were studied in seven undergraduates during repeated 4 min presentation of optokinetic stimuli. The following variable parameters of the stimuli motion were used with each subject: horizontal direction, angular velocity (AV), and frequency-to-velocity ratio. AV of the OKN pursuit phases was found to decrease markedly within the first 30 sec of stimuli presentation with its successive increase and variously marked oscillations. Gradual decrease of the AV of OKN pursuit phases was observed at the end of the whole examination as compared to its beginning already within 4 min presentation of the moving stimuli. The results are discussed from the point of view of the arousal, and the activation components of visual attention.  相似文献   

In the present research, we investigated the depth information contained in the representations of apparently moving 3-D objects. By conducting three experiments, we measured the magnitude of representational momentum (RM) as an index of the consistency of an object’s representation. Experiment 1A revealed that RM magnitude was greater when shaded, convex, apparently moving objects shifted to a flat circle than when they shifted to a shaded, concave, hemisphere. The difference diminished when the apparently moving objects were concave hemispheres (Experiment 1B). Using luminance-polarized circles, Experiment 2 confirmed that these results were not due to the luminance information of shading. Experiment 3 demonstrated that RM magnitude was greater when convex apparently moving objects shifted to particular blurred convex hemispheres with low-pass filtering than when they shifted to concave hemispheres. These results suggest that the internal object’s representation in apparent motion contains incomplete depth information intermediate between that of 2-D and 3-D objects, particularly with regard to convexity information with low-spatial-frequency components.  相似文献   

C Casco  M Morgan 《Perception》1984,13(4):429-441
When a shape defined by a set of dots plotted along its contour is presented in a sequence of frames within the boundaries of a slit, and in each frame only one dot (featureless frame) or two dots (feature frame) are displayed, a whole moving dotted shape is perceived. Masking techniques and psychophysical measures have been used to show that a dynamic random-dot mask interferes with shape identification, provided the interframe interval is greater than about 15 ms, and there are no stimulus features for recognition in individual frames. A similar pattern of results was obtained when the observer had only to detect the movement of a single dot or a pair of dots against a dynamic-noise background. It is concluded that the visual system can resolve the correspondence problem in both apparent movement (one moving dot) and aperture viewing (featureless-frame condition) by extracting motion before the extraction of features in each frame. However, the results also show that where feature identification in each frame is possible, it can also be used to identify the moving targets.  相似文献   

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