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目的:了解个别督导过程中重要事件的类型、内涵及对新手咨询师专业成长的影响。方法:采用重要事件法,访谈4对受督者和督导师,并用共识性质性研究法分析。结果:有益重要事件包括督导关系、概念化、历程化、个人化4大类;督导促进了新手咨询师干预技巧能力、治疗计划目标等8个专业领域的成长。结论:督导对于新手咨询师专业成长非常重要。各类督导事件对于新手咨询师的促进作用并不均衡。  相似文献   

本文分为自我成长分析和职业行为分析两个部分。自我成长分析记录了作者从出生至今酌一些重要事件对其心理成长和成熟的影响,其中包括作者的学业发展、性格特征、自我意识和心理成长等方面的报告和分析。职业行为分析记录了作者对心理咨询师这一职业的兴趣发展和对于如何做一名合格的心理咨询师的思考。  相似文献   

<正>这是一个已咨询20多次的个案。咨询师是个新手。最近她中断了一个月的督导,督导师主动联系她做一次督导。咨询师突然中断咨询被督:“我们已经有一个月没有联系了。一个月前我也只是收到你的短信通知,说你临时有事需要暂停督导一段时间。不知道你发生了什么事情,我非常担心,一直等着你联系我。但一个月过去了,我还没有收到你的信息。所以我主动约你谈一次,能说一下发生了什么吗?”  相似文献   

这是一位咨询师新手。在第一次个别督导时,他问督导老师在下一次督导前他该提供什么材料。督导师花了一些时间和他确认督导前需要提交的材料,以及如何准备这些材料。督导材料的第一条原则:符合伦理被督:"我这是第一次接受个别督导,我想了解如何准备督导的材料。"督导:"谢谢你主动问起这一点。  相似文献   

<正>这是一个已咨询20多次的个案。咨询师是个新手。这次她提到了咨询在稳步进行,但来访者有间接表达不满的现象。咨询师要听懂来访者间接表达的不满被督:“我觉得很神奇,上次督导时,您谈到是否要帮助来访者解决现实中的困难,这次来访者就提到其现实的困难了。因为是督导过的问题,所以我没有慌乱,这次咨询整体上我觉得还是比较稳定的。”  相似文献   

<正>这是一个已咨询10多次的个案。咨询师是个新手,她想和督导师讨论为什么来访者在咨询结束时有强烈反应。来访者对咨询师的面质反应强烈被督:“这次咨询下来,我的感觉不太好,好像不论我解释什么,来访者都不接受,尤其是在咨询要结束的时候。我只是总结这次咨询,来访者却把我的总结当成是对她的批评,又开始询问我的意思是什么。  相似文献   

随着经济水平的提高,人们对心理咨询的需求越来越大,心理咨询师将成为本世纪最热门的职业之一,目前我国不仅存在心理咨询师数量不足以满足需求的问题,而且心理咨询师的专业化水平也是个大问题,心理咨询师的专业学习和个人成长成为解决这些问题的关键。本文分析了当前心理咨询行业的现状,指出心理咨询行业培训和督导体系不完整,以及有资质的督导师严重匮乏,并分析了现存的团体督导中存在的破坏督导效果的因素,提出了"朋辈循环支持法"的学习方法。朋辈循环支持法通过团体的形式,最大程度地整合朋辈资源,利用团体动力的运作,通过营造安全、信任、自由、支持的氛围,使得朋辈咨询师可以自由表达自己;并通过自我暴露、坦诚交流、专业分享、角色扮演等方式实现督导的目的,是一种朋辈之间相互支持和相互督导的方法。在当前督导资源匮乏的情况下,这种方法无疑提供了一种资源最优化的学习方法,并兼顾了咨询师的专业学习和个人成长。本文最后讨论了朋辈循环支持法起作用的途径,并比较了朋辈督导和专家督导的区别,指出了朋辈督导因彼此情况更为相似,认同感更强,因而彼此相处更加自在;而且不依赖于专家,有自主进行的优势。文章还提出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

<正>这是一个已咨询20多次的个案。咨询师是个新手,她想讨论来访者的变化说明了什么。来访者在咨询中的情绪流露被督:“这次咨询中来访者有更多的情绪流露,她开始谈到和妈妈的关系,表达出对母亲非常复杂和强烈的情绪:愤怒,悲伤,以及内疚。在您督导之后,我有意识地跟着她的感觉走,没有过多指导性。我发现这样的咨询感觉很好。”督导:“你能总结一下为什么感觉好吗?”  相似文献   

<正>这是一个已咨询10多次的个案。咨询师是个新手,这次督导的主要议题是她不清楚为什么来访者看到的自己和她看到的形象不同。来访者的不同形象:情绪表达上被督:“来访者描述自己情感表达的方式和我看到的不一样,她说自己是一个平静的人,处理事情非常冷静。在咨询中大多数情况下她都是如此,但她提到的几件事情引起了我的注意。当她和别人发生冲突的时候,她的情绪反应就不再是我熟悉的模式。”督导:“你能具体说一下吗?”被督:“比如之前她曾说在和朋友聚会的时候说到一个新闻事件,她表达了不一样的观点。  相似文献   

<正>这是一个已咨询30次的个案。咨询师是个新手,在这次督导中报告了自己的感受:咨询过于单调乏味,自己完全没有任何兴趣,而且对这种状况束手无策。来访者的咨询内容单调、乏味且碎片化被督:“抱歉这次我没能更早发来逐字稿,因为每次我打开文件都不愿意去整理。几次打开又关上了,导致我最后个案报告发迟了。”督导:“咨询中发生了什么?”被督:“来访者只是重复地说对工作的感觉,非常细琐,翻来覆去就是那么几句话,我完全可以背诵下来。我觉得单调、乏味,顺带连逐字稿也不愿意整理。”  相似文献   

Supervision is critical to the training of genetic counselors. Limited research exists on the influence of supervision training and experience on the development of genetic counseling supervisors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of supervision training in addition to supervisory and clinical experience on supervisory identity development, and the perceived confidence and competence supervisors have in their own supervisory skills. In addition, we explored genetic counselors’ (N?=?291) interest in and barriers to training as well as perspectives on requirements for supervisors. Results indicated clinical experience, supervision experience, and formal supervision training are positively associated with genetic counselors’ supervisory identity development as measured by the Psychotherapy Supervisory Development Scale (PSDS) (p?ρ?=?0.42, p?p?相似文献   

Group supervision is an integral part of developing counseling skills and case conceptualization. Group supervision can also be used as a supervision intervention to facilitate the development of supervisory skills when group members are supervising counselors and the focus of the group is on supervision of supervision. As with any group, group supervision members can often become stagnated when group trust and cohesiveness have not been well developed, thus hindering the group supervision process. The authors describe how an intermodal expressive arts technique was employed to develop trust and cohesiveness in a supervision group that was experiencing ineffective group dynamics.  相似文献   

Despite the recent, growing emphasis on spirituality in the counseling and psychotherapy literature, information regarding spirituality and the supervision process is limited. The purpose of this article is to help supervisors and supervisees enhance awareness of spiritual values in supervision. Factors such as counselor competency, conceptualization of spirituality, cross‐cultural awareness, and the similarity of clients' and counselors' values form a foundation for developing effective intervention and supervision strategies. A series of research questions is proposed to spur a program of empirical exploration.  相似文献   

Supervision is a primary instructional vehicle for genetic counseling student clinical training. Approximately two-thirds of genetic counselors report teaching and education roles, which include supervisory roles. Recently, Eubanks Higgins and colleagues published the first comprehensive list of empirically-derived genetic counseling supervisor competencies. Studies have yet to evaluate whether supervisors possess these competencies and whether their competencies differ as a function of experience. This study investigated three research questions: (1) What are genetic counselor supervisors’ perceptions of their capabilities (self-efficacy) for a select group of supervisor competencies?, (2) Are there differences in self-efficacy as a function of their supervision experience or their genetic counseling experience, and 3) What training methods do they use and prefer to develop supervision skills? One-hundred thirty-one genetic counselor supervisors completed an anonymous online survey assessing demographics, self-efficacy (self-perceived capability) for 12 goal setting and 16 feedback competencies (Scale: 0–100), competencies that are personally challenging, and supervision training experiences and preferences (open-ended). A MANOVA revealed significant positive effects of supervision experience but not genetic counseling experience on participants’ self-efficacy. Although mean self-efficacy ratings were high (>83.7), participant comments revealed several challenging competencies (e.g., incorporating student’s report of feedback from previous supervisors into goal setting, and providing feedback about student behavior rather than personal traits). Commonly preferred supervision training methods included consultation with colleagues, peer discussion, and workshops/seminars.  相似文献   

The study aimed to identify differential needs for supervision and preferred roles and style of supervision among 202 Israeli school counselors with varied experience levels. Results of multivariate analysis of variance procedures indicated that counselors with 7 or fewer years of experience consistently expressed significantly higher needs on all but one of the items studied, compared with more experienced counselors and counselor supervisors. The counselor supervisors were also different from the more experienced counselors. By contrast, in respect of roles and style of supervision, there was more agreement across all 4 levels of experience; all counselors placed important values on the counseling, process, and personalization components, suggesting a basic need for growth-oriented supervision.  相似文献   

The relationships between perfectionism, counseling self‐efficacy, and the supervisory and client working alliance were investigated among 143 counseling trainees and 46 supervisor–trainee dyads. Maladaptive perfectionism was negatively correlated with the supervisory alliance and working alliance. Counseling self‐efficacy moderated the relationship between adaptive perfectionism and the supervisory alliance (perspective of the counseling trainee) and maladaptive perfectionism and the supervisory alliance (perspective of the supervisor). The authors conclude that supervisors should consider perfectionism and counseling self‐efficacy as important factors in supervision.  相似文献   

As an important component of counselor education and development, supervision is a likely teaching and learning opportunity to address spirituality in counseling. The author examines ways in which spiritual and religious issues might be presented in supervision, using the focus areas of the Discrimination Model (J. M. Bernard, 1997), namely intervention, conceptualization, and personalization skills.  相似文献   

Published studies have addressed boundary violations by clinical supervisors, but boundary crossings, particularly those deemed positive by supervisees, have not received much attention. Eleven trainees in APA-accredited doctoral programs in clinical and counseling psychology were interviewed regarding positive boundary crossings (PBCs) they experienced with clinical supervisors. Interview data were analyzed using Consensual Qualitative Research. Examples of PBCs included socializing with supervisors outside the office, sharing car rides, and supervisor self-disclosure. Typically, supervisees did not discuss the PBC with their supervisors because they were uncomfortable doing so, felt that the PBC was normal, or felt that processing such issues was not part of the supervisor’s style. Most supervisees viewed the PBCs as enhancing the supervisory relationship and their clinical training; however, some participants reported that the PBCs created role confusion. The results suggest that there are legitimate reasons for supervisors to be scrupulous about their boundaries with supervisees; however, supervisors who hold rigid boundaries can deprive supervisees of deeper mentoring relationships or a more authentic emotional relationship that can be valuable to supervisees learning how to provide psychotherapy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the meaning of stepping in and out of the formal supervisory roles and allowing relational unbidden experiences in the supervisory space. Such episodes evolve the supervisory relationship because they help to relieve the supervisees of their sense of aloneness in bearing a burdensome clinical responsibility: they change the supervisees’ perspective on therapeutic processes from first person singular to first person plural. Despite their evaluative function and the professional community that they share with supervisees, supervisors can facilitate the emergence of these episodes with the widely accepted practice of imagining therapeutic interactions. Such activity changes the hierarchy and reduces the tension in the supervisory space, and allows unbidden relational experiences to emerge. Thus, challenging the supervisory framework and temporarily stepping out of the formal roles not only strengthens the supervisees’ ethical clinical position but also allows for productive and creative processes in supervision.  相似文献   

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