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Two major approaches to deal with randomness or ambiguity involved in mathematical programming problems have been developed. They are stochastic programming approaches and fuzzy programming approaches. In this paper, we focus on multiobjective linear programming problems with random variable coefficients in objective functions and/or constraints. Using chance constrained programming techniques, the stochastic programming problems are transformed into deterministic ones. As a fusion of stochastic approaches and fuzzy ones, after determining the fuzzy goals of the decision maker, interactive fuzzy satisficing methods to derive a satisficing solution for the decision maker by updating the reference membership levels is presented. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Implicit learning is often assumed to be an effortless process. However, some artificial grammar learning and sequence learning studies using dual tasks seem to suggest that attention is essential for implicit learning to occur. This discrepancy probably results from the specific type of secondary task that is used. Different secondary tasks may engage attentional resources differently and therefore may bias performance on the primary task in different ways. Here, we used a random number generation (RNG) task, which may allow for a closer monitoring of a participant's engagement in a secondary task than the popular secondary task in sequence learning studies: tone counting (TC). In the first two experiments, we investigated the interference associated with performing RNG concurrently with a serial reaction time (SRT) task. In a third experiment, we compared the effects of RNG and TC. In all three experiments, we directly evaluated participants' knowledge of the sequence with a subsequent sequence generation task. Sequence learning was consistently observed in all experiments, but was impaired under dual-task conditions. Most importantly, our data suggest that RNG is more demanding and impairs learning to a greater extent than TC. Nevertheless, we failed to observe effects of the secondary task in subsequent sequence generation. Our studies indicate that RNG is a promising task to explore the involvement of attention in the SRT task.  相似文献   

In a program for primary grade children with developmental and perceptual difficulties, children met daily with a specially trained teacher in their own school to form a consistent meaningful group while they continued as members of their regular classes. To combat the destructive negative self-image of such children, the teacher and group stressed acceptance, openness, informalitym and success. This, plus the program's esteem in the eyes of the child, seemed to affect the child's sense of his own worth. Continual in-service training and sharing of teacher experiences were stressed. The teachers' facility for relating to the child was considered to be more relevant than the technique utilized.  相似文献   

M C Mills 《Adolescence》1987,22(85):91-96
Adolescents with behavior problems (aged 12 to 14) attending a regular public high school were in need of an intervention program. The purpose was to enhance their personal and interpersonal functioning as well as to structure a stimulating learning environment. In order to improve their social, educational, and psychological functioning, program objectives were established to help students develop the ability to listen to one another, respect others as well as their opinions, become aware of their own emotions and those of their peers, and recognize and minimize derogatory remarks toward one another. To attain these objectives, relaxation sessions, magic circle activities, art sessions, future planning groups, and decision-making groups were used. Meetings with teachers enabled them to examine and improve their attitudes and relationship with students. Upon completion of the program, the adolescents manifested less disruptive classroom behavior, increased their class participation, and displayed a more positive attitude toward school. The achievement of these behavioral changes indicates that a psychologically oriented intervention program is a feasible addition to a conventional curriculum. Teachers learned the basic skills of program formation, implementation, and evaluation, and most importantly, revitalized their attitude toward troubled students and their profession.  相似文献   

From the ratio of the cross-products of a fourfold table, with the application of two tabled corrections, tetrachoricr's can be estimated with a mean discrepancy of less than .005 even when splits vary greatly from the medians. The necessary calculations can be handled by slide rule and the correction tables used without interpolation.  相似文献   

One of the most difficult parts of multiple-factor analysis for the student to learn is the rotation of the coordinate axes to simple structure. The complete graphical methods have been the most dependable. The work of interpreting these diagrams is not only tedious but it requires the development of a skill that many otherwise competent students are unable to master. The writer has tried many times to develop an analytical method which would eliminate the graphical methods of successive approximation. The method to be described here seems at last to be successful and practically feasible. It is equally applicable to unimodal and bimodal hyperplanes so that no restrictive assumptions need to be made about the positive or negative signs of the factorial components.  相似文献   

表征质量理论对意识增长持渐进观点,忽视新异刺激对意识的突变式影响;新异刺激理论强调意识突变,忽视新异刺激本身的表征质量增长。本研究采用经典确定性内隐序列学习范式,将转移组块作为新异刺激,操控其数量和位置,探究新异刺激如何通过表征质量来影响内隐学习和意识。结果表明:(1)数量效应显著,即两个转移组块更能促进内隐学习量,说明新异刺激本身需要足够的表征质量才能发挥“意外事件”的作用。(2)在位置效应上,两个转移组块且靠前的设置更能提高受控意识,表明第一个新异刺激必须出现在原序列初级表征质量阶段,才能使被试对新异刺激和原序列进行对比,加之第二个新异刺激的与之呼应,促进原序列意识增加。  相似文献   

A computer-assisted instructional system is described which provides the student with extensive drill and feedback in the application of statistical methods to computer-simulated data. The system consists of three interactive programs that perform the following functions: (1) FILEMAKE creates “source” data for problems in statistics having whatever population characteristics are desired by the instructor; (2) DATASET generates unique data for each student by performing a random modification, based on sampling theory, of the source data; and (3) CORRECT corrects each student’s unique answers to the problem.  相似文献   

The success of modern heuristics (Simulated Annealing (S.A.), Tabu Search, Genetic Algorithms, …) in solving classical combinatorial optimization problems has drawn the attention of the research community in multicriteria methods. In fact, for large‐scale problems, the simultaneous difficulties of 𝒩𝒫‐hard complexity and of multiobjective framework make most Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization (MOCO) problems intractable for exact methods. This paper develops the so‐called MOSA (Multiobjective Simulated Annealing) method to approximate the set of efficient solutions of a MOCO problem. Different options for the implementation are illustrated and extensive experiments prove the efficiency of the approach. Its results are compared to exact methods on bi‐objective knapsack problems. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A technique comparing first-person singular and first-person plural address modes (based on the Tennessee Self-concept Scale and modifications) was applied. Self-report and sociometric-like techniques were blended into a single method, providing a compound profile of the individual's interaction with his small, cohesive reference group. One hundred and sixteen males aged 18–22 yr participated in this study. The results vary significantly in accordance with the characteristics of the subgroup, and follow trends that may be seen as confirming the rules governing the interpretation of the profile. A set of rules is evolved (in the Discussion) by which the profile can be interpreted. The results distinguish significantly between people with marked leadership and instructional skills, and provide significant correlations with sociometric data concerning leadership propensities. The present technique suggests possible further elaborations for clinical diagnostic purposes and for assessment in personal and social psychological settings.  相似文献   

An experimental method for inquiring into the organization of an act of communication is presented, the basic idea being to create an interactional setting where one of the basic prerequisites for successful communication is not satisfied. In this particular design, the subjects interact under the false belief that they are sharing the same ?here'. (In mean the subjects interacted more than a quarter of an hour before any doubt or suspicion about the situation was expressed, indicating that our manipulation had been successful.) During the subjects trying (1) to ?diagnose' their communicative difficulties, and (2) to apply different ?therapeutic tools' in order to improve their communication, one is in a very good position to study the impact from a variety of basic phenomena upon communication. It is argued that this situation may well be applied as a ?standard experimental method'. And an experiment where this method revealed interesting differences in the communication between couples having and couples not having a schizophrenic offspring is discussed.  相似文献   

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - Learning how to count is a crucial step in cognitive development, which progressively allows for more elaborate numerical processing. The existing body of...  相似文献   

The paper describes a simple but efficient method for dichotic tape preparation. The system of instrumentation together with checks for synchrony of stimuli and interstimulus intervals is explained. Methodological issues of onset synchrony and lag effect are discussed.  相似文献   

A method for computing intraserial correlations using a 602-A Calculating Punch, an 077 Collator, a 513 Gang Punch, and a 403 Tabulator is described. An example of the use of the procedure and an estimate of the time needed with each machine are given. This procedure is compared with another method, which makes use of a more powerful IBM machine.This research was supported in part by the United States Air Force under Contract No. AF 33(038)-25726, monitored by the Air Force Personnel and Training Research Center. Permission is granted for reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal in whole and in part by or for the United States Government.  相似文献   

Measurements of similarity have typically been obtained through the use of rating, sorting, and perceptual confusion tasks. In the present paper, a new method for measuring similarity is described, in which subjects rearrange items so that their proximity on a computer screen is proportional to their similarity. This method provides very efficient data collection. If a display hasn objects, then, after subjects have rearranged the objects (requiring slightly more thann movements),n(n-1)/2 pairwise similarities can be recorded. As long as the constraints imposed by two-dimensional space are not too different from those intrinsic to psychological similarity, the technique appears to offer an efficient, user-friendly, and intuitive process for measuring psychological similarity.  相似文献   

In psychophysical experiments, one’s goal is usually to measure some continuous parameter hypothesized to determine the statistical properties of a subject’s responses. Methods are well developed that adaptively manipulate stimulus characteristics in such a way that the reliability of the parameter estimate is maximized. However, such methods are inapplicable in situations in which the goal is to assign subjects to discrete categories, rather than to measure a continuous parameter. This paper introduces a technique that is directly applicable to efficient categorization and that adaptively manipulates stimulus characteristics in such a way that the information obtained from each trial is maximized. This technique is based on the principle of minimum estimated expected entropy, whereby stimulus parameters on each trial are chosen in order to minimize the estimated expected entropy of the a posteriori probability distribution that expresses how likely a subject is to belong to each of a group of mutually exclusive categories. A sample implementation of the technique—the classification of infant subjects according to their audiograms—is then described and evaluated via computer simulation.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method of quantifying subjective opinion about a normal linear regression model. Opinion about the regression coefficients and experimental error is elicited and modeled by a multivariate probability distribution (a Bayesian conjugate prior distribution). The distribution model is richly parameterized and various assessment tasks are used to estimate its parameters. These tasks include the revision of opinion in the light of hypothetical data, the assessment of credible intervals, and a task commonly performed in cue-weighting experiments. A new assessment task is also introduced. In addition, implementation of the method in an interactive computer program is described and the method is illustrated with a practical example.  相似文献   

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