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Ito H  Seno T  Yamanaka M 《Perception》2010,39(11):1555-1561
We investigated how motion lines drawn in the background of a running human silhouette affect motion impressions of a runner in a static image. Observers evaluated the strength and direction of motion impression. The results show that parallel lines do not enhance frontoparallel motion impressions, while converging lines do so in an in-depth direction. This is a counter-example to the hypothesis that motion lines in the background represent motion streaks of the background when one visually tracks a moving object.  相似文献   

Several properties of visual stimuli have been shown to capture attention, one of which is the onset of motion. However, whether motion onset truly captures attention has been debated. It has been argued that motion onset only captured attention in previous studies because properties of the animated motion used in those experiments caused it to be “jerky” (i.e., there were gaps between successive images during animated motion). The present study sought to determine whether natural motion onset captures attention. Additionally, the present study further examined the circumstances under which animated motion onset, the only type of motion onset that can be produced on a computer display, does and does not capture attention. In Experiment 1, participants identified target letters in search arrays containing distinct animated motion types, either accompanied or unaccompanied by a new object. Animated motion onset captured attention, but not when the motion onset was accompanied by a new object, indicating that prior failures to replicate capture by animated motion onset were limited because a new object had always been included in the display. Experiment 2 employed natural motion rather than animated motion and found that participants were fastest at identifying motion-onset targets compared to other target types. These results provide further support for the claim that motion onset captures attention.  相似文献   

When flickering dots are superimposed onto a drifting grating, the dots appear to move coherently with the grating. In this study we examine: (i) how the perceived direction of a compound stimulus composed of superimposed grating and dots, moving in opposite directions with equal speeds, is influenced by the relative strength of the motion signals; (ii) how the perceived speed of a compound stimulus composed of superimposed grating and dots, moving in the same direction but at different speeds, is influenced by the relative strength of the motion signals; and (iii) whether this stimulus is discriminable from its metameric speed match. Dot signal strength was manipulated by using different proportions of signal dots in noise and different dot lifetimes. Both the perceived direction and speed of these compound stimuli depended upon the relative motion-signal strengths of the grating and the dots. Those compound stimuli that appeared coherent were not discriminable from the speed-matched metameric compound stimuli. When the signals were completely integrated into a coherent compound stimulus, the local motion signals were no longer perceptually available, though both contributed to the global percept. These data strongly support a weighted-combination model where the relative weights depend on signal strength, instead of a winner-takes-all model.  相似文献   

To clarify whether motion information per se has a separable influence on action control, the authors investigated whether irrelevant direction of motion of stimuli whose overall position was constant over time would affect manual left-right responses (i.e., reveal a motion-based Simon effect). In Experiments 1 and 2, significant Simon effects were obtained for sine-wave gratings moving in a stationary Gaussian window. In Experiment 3, a direction-based Simon effect with random-dot patterns was replicated, except that the perceived direction of motion was based on the displacement of single elements. Experiments 4 and 5 studied motion-based Simon effects to point-light figures that walked in place--displays requiring high-level analysis of global shape and local motion. Motion-based Simon effects occurred when the displays could be interpreted as an upright human walker, showing that a high-level representation of motion direction mediated the effects. Thus, the present study establishes links between high-level motion perception and action.  相似文献   

S Mateeff  J Hohnsbein  T Noack 《Perception》1985,14(6):721-727
Apparent motion of a sound source can be induced by a moving visual target. The direction of the perceived motion of the sound source is the same as that of the visual target, but the subjective velocity of the sound source is 25-50% of that of the visual target measured under the same conditions. Eye tracking of the light target tends to enhance the apparent motion of the sound, but is not a prerequisite for its occurrence. The findings are discussed in connection with the 'visual capture' or 'ventriloquism' effect.  相似文献   

Although the pigeon is a popular model for studying visual perception, relatively little is known about its perception of motion. Three experiments examined the pigeons’ ability to capture a moving stimulus. In Experiment 1, the effect of manipulating stimulus speed and the length of the stimulus was examined using a simple rightward linear motion. This revealed a clear effect of length on capture and speed on errors. Errors were mostly anticipatory and there appeared to be two processes contributing to response locations: anticipatory peck bias and lag time. Using the same birds as Experiment 1, Experiment 2 assessed transfer of tracking and capture to novel linear motions. The birds were able to capture other motion directions, but they displayed a strong rightward peck bias, indicating that they had learned to peck to the right of the stimulus in Experiment 1. Experiment 3 used the same task as Experiment 2 but with naïve birds. These birds did not show the rightward bias in pecking and instead pecked more evenly around the stimulus. The combined results indicate that the pigeon can engage in anticipatory tracking and capture of a moving stimulus, and that motion properties and training experience influence capture.  相似文献   

The differential contribution of the two flashed stimuli to pattern aspects of the appar-ently moving object during stroboscopic motion is examined. It is found that metacontrast masking of one of the stimuli abolishes that stimulus’ influence on pattern completely, while not interfering with motion information of the same stimulus. Thus, good motion still occurs, but the apparently moving object has pattern characteristics of the unmasked stimulus only.  相似文献   

We reported earlier that occlusion of the central retina and stationary edges have highly interactive effects on the gain of optokinetic nystagmus (OKN; Murasugi, Howard, & Ohmi, 1986). In this study, we explored this effect in more detail. A central occluding band of variable height, flanked by vertical bars, was superimposed onto an array of dots moving at 30 degrees per second. The height of the occluding band required to abolish OKN increased with the separation of the vertical bars. For bars 3.5 degrees apart, OKN was abolished in most subjects when a band only 6' high ran between them. For bars 75 degrees apart, a band at least 20 degrees in height was required to abolish the response. The effects of the stationary figure depended to some extent on the subject's attention, but only at intermediate values of bar separation. Both low- and high-level mechanisms are proposed to account for the results.  相似文献   

For subhuman vertebrates there already exists a huge body of information on male and female courtship behaviour and in many instances the impact of movement patterns on the prospective partner has been assessed. However, little information is available on the erotic impact of human movement patterns.In analysing erotic preferences by means of the phallometric method, moving vs. still pictures has been a factor in a variety of studies. Kolá?ský and Madlafousek (1973) compared the erotic responses of normal and sexually deviant males to filmed courtship behaviour, non-erotic activities and stills of the same female. They found that dynamically presented filmed courtship patterns were more arousing for normal heterosexual males than stills on which no particular activity was shown, and that these stills were more arousing than movie pictures of nonerotic activities.In a study of classical conditioning, McConaghy (1970) found he could not condition positive penile responses to geometric figures when using still pictures of nude females as unconditioned stimuli, but that this was possible when using movies. He concluded that the movie pictures had a greater impact on his Ss than the stills and supported this impression with another study in which he compared responses to movies and stills of nude females (McConaghy, 1973). However, the persons on the movies were not identical with those on the stills and the depicted behavioural configurations varied widely. In the following study, results are reported on the erotic value of a relatively simple movement pattern, namely walking towards the viewer and smiling, vs. a still picture of the same person smiling.  相似文献   

The present study attempted to determine if during short-duration movements visual feedback can be processed in order to make adjustments to changes in the environment. The effect that varying the importance of monitoring target position has on the relative importance of vision of hand and vision of target (Carlton 1981a; Whiting and Cockerill 1974) was also examined. Subjects performed short- (150 ms) and longer-duration (330 ms) aimed hand movements under four visual feedback conditions (lights-on/lights-off by target-on/target-off) to stationary and moving targets. For the lights-off and target-off conditions, the lights and target, respectively, were extinguished 50 ms after movement initiation. For all moving-target conditions, the target started to move as the movement was initiated. Subjects were able to process visual information in 165 ms, as movement endpoints were biased in the direction of target motion for movements of this duration. Removing visual feedback 50 ms after movement initiation did not alter this finding. Subjects performed equally well with target and lights on or off, independent of whether the target remained stationary or moved. Presumably, during the first 50 ms of the movement subjects received sufficient visual information to aid in movement control.  相似文献   

A multiple-element precue (MEP), in which one unique element defines the actual precue, results in efficient precuing for identification of a target. The time course for identification in this case is similar to that for a central precue, even though it is presented peripherally (Chastain, 1996; Chastain & Cheal, in press). Five experiments were conducted to gain further information on the function of MEPs and to question what advantage prior knowledge of the precue may give. In Experiments 1 and 2, it was shown that for “pop-out” features, accuracy of identification of a target was higher if the precue type was known in advance. In contrast, as shown in Experiments 3, 4, and 5, when the precue was defined by apparent motion, there was no difference in accuracy due to advanced knowledge of the precue. Further, accuracy was considerably better for motion precues than for stationary precues.  相似文献   

A horizontally moving sound was presented to an observer seated in the center of an anechoic chamber. The sound, either a 500-Hz low-pass noise or a 6300-Hz high-pass noise, repeatedly traversed a semicircular arc in the observer's front hemifield at ear level (distance: 1.5 m). At 10-sec intervals this adaptor was interrupted, and a 750-msec moving probe (a 500-Hz low-pass noise) was presented from a horizontal arc 1.6 m in front of the observer. During a run, the adaptor was presented at a constant velocity (-200 degrees to +200 degrees/sec), while probes with velocities varying from -10 degrees to +10 degrees/sec were presented in a random order. Observers judged the direction of motion (left or right) of each probe. As in the case of stimuli presented over headphones (Grantham & Wightman, 1979), an auditory motion aftereffect (MAE) occurred: subjects responded "left" to probes more often when the adaptor moved right than when it moved left. When the adaptor and probe were spectrally the same, the MAE was greater than when they were from different spectral regions; the magnitude of this difference depended on adaptor speed and was subject-dependent. It is proposed that there are two components underlying the auditory MAE: (1) a generalized bias to respond that probes move in the direction opposite to that of the adaptor, independent of their spectra; and (2) a loss of sensitivity to the velocity of moving sounds after prolonged exposure to moving sounds having the same spectral content.  相似文献   

B Gillam  T Grant 《Perception》1984,13(6):659-664
The degree to which collinear lines are treated as a unit in resolving rotary motion in depth was investigated with the use of parallel projection to make direction of motion ambiguous. The proportion of time that the collinear lines appeared to rotate in the same direction was used as an index of their perceptual coherence. When the gap between the lines was small, there was strong grouping of the lines with respect to direction of motion as well as appearance of rigidity for the configuration. For larger gaps the grouping for direction of motion was maintained, but the lines appeared to have different axes of rotation leading to an appearance of nonrigidity. It is concluded that line elements can be aggregated for the resolution of certain properties without constituting a unit in any general sense.  相似文献   

The negative impact of cognitive load, such as cell phone conversations, while driving is well established, but understanding the nature of this performance deficit is still being developed. To test the impact of load on awareness of different elements in a driving scene, memory for items within the environment was examined under load and no load conditions. Participants drove through two different scenarios in a driving simulator, were periodically interrupted by a pause in the driving during, and were asked questions regarding moving and stationary objects in the environment. Participants in the load condition drove while concurrently counting backwards by sevens. Results indicate that driving under load conditions led to diminished knowledge of moving, but not stationary, objects in the scene. This result suggests not all types of knowledge are equally impaired. Potential implications for current theories of cell phone use while driving and applied attention theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Attention capture by faces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report three experiments that investigate whether faces are capable of capturing attention when in competition with other non-face objects. In Experiment 1a participants took longer to decide that an array of objects contained a butterfly target when a face appeared as one of the distracting items than when the face did not appear in the array. This irrelevant face effect was eliminated when the items in the arrays were inverted in Experiment 1b ruling out an explanation based on some low-level image-based properties of the faces. Experiment 2 replicated and extended the results of Experiment 1a. Irrelevant faces once again interfered with search for butterflies but, when the roles of faces and butterflies were reversed, irrelevant butterflies no longer interfered with search for faces. This suggests that the irrelevant face effect is unlikely to have been caused by the relative novelty of the faces or arises because butterflies and faces were the only animate items in the arrays. We conclude that these experiments offer evidence of a stimulus-driven capture of attention by faces.  相似文献   

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