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Effective and affordable therapies are needed for treating people with severe and persistent mental illness in a community mental health setting. In this pilot study, we evaluated the effectiveness of a modified dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) protocol for improving symptoms and functioning in a cohort of persons with severe and persistent mental illness. We provided six months of weekly DBT skills training in a group setting. Depression symptoms decreased significantly after treatment. There was a wide range of number of sessions attended, with a minority of the participants completing the full course of treatment. Increased attendance was correlated with improvements in depression symptoms, overall symptoms, quality of life, and community functioning. The study findings suggest that the group skills training component of DBT can be successfully implemented in a community mental health center and that further research to determine its efficacy in comparison to other treatments is warranted.  相似文献   

Anxiety is a common mental health issue involving cognitive and physiological hypersensitivity to threat. It negatively affects occupational participation. Sensory modulation intervention aims to use calming sensory input to manage the hypersensitivity and physiological arousal associated with anxiety. The empirical evidence for using sensory interventions for anxiety, however, is limited. This mixed methods single subject case design explored the effectiveness of a 6-week sensory modulation intervention for reducing anxiety and improving occupational participation. Results showed significant reduction in anxiety and improved participation, providing further evidence that sensory modulation is an effective approach for the self-management of anxiety.  相似文献   

This one-year study explored the impact of an occupational therapy consultation model on housing status and goal attainment among 57 people with severe mental illness who were homeless or at risk of homelessness. A repeated-measure experimental design was used. Although results were mixed, the significant improvement in housing stability and goal attainment six months into the study supports the value of continued research on the effects of both direct and consultative occupational therapy intervention on client goal attainment.  相似文献   

Behavioral activation (BA) is a well-supported treatment approach, but little research has been conducted on the effectiveness of this treatment within publicly funded community mental health settings. We examined the feasibility of conducting a randomized trial examining the effectiveness of nine sessions of BA as a treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD) in a community mental health clinic (CMHC) setting. Following adaptation of a BA manual and training of BA therapists, 80 patients seeking treatment at a CMHC were randomized, with a 3:1 randomization rate of BA to nine sessions of treatment as usual (TAU). Feasibility assessments indicated that only one eligible patient refused randomization and, of patients who attended at least one session, the median number of sessions was six for the BA group and eight for the TAU group. Of three postbaseline monthly assessments, 71.3% (171/240) were successfully obtained. On average, patients in the BA condition completed homework assignments 83.9% of the time. Treatment fidelity ratings indicated that substantially more BA techniques were delivered in the BA group compared to the TAU group (d = 2.11). Measures of BA mechanisms improved significantly over time and these changes were significantly associated with change in depressive symptoms. These results indicate that it is feasible to conduct a randomized study of BA for MDD in a CMHC setting. In addition, the study reconfirmed the potential importance of theory-relevant BA mechanism variables. Following these findings, further investigation into the effectiveness of BA in this setting is needed.  相似文献   

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has been shown to be effective in randomized controlled trials with women with borderline personality disorder and histories of chronic self-inflicted injury including suicide attempts. The present study is a pre-post replication of a comprehensive DBT program in a community mental health center for individuals who chronically injure themselves and/or have experienced multiple treatment failures. Twenty-four subjects were given the Treatment History Interview to obtain information regarding medically treated self-inflicted injuries and the use of crisis services. After 1 year of treatment, DBT showed a significant reduction in the number and severity of self-inflicted injuries, psychiatric-related emergency room visits, psychiatric inpatient admissions and days, and the number of crisis treatment systems engaged. Results are compared to benchmarks from 3 other clinical trials of DBT. While this pre-post comparison has threats to internal validity, it supports the feasibility of DBT when fully implemented in a community mental health clinic.  相似文献   

This study compared the relative efficacy of intensive versus weekly panic control treatment (PCT) for adolescent panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA). Twenty-six adolescents participated in weekly sessions and 25 received intensive treatment involving daily sessions. Both groups demonstrated significant and comparable reductions in panic disorder severity and general anxiety symptoms, which maintained over time. Participants receiving weekly treatment showed significant decreases in depressive symptoms, whereas those in the intensive program reported no change. Findings support the efficacy of the intensive approach for adolescent PDA, but suggest that adolescents receiving intensive treatment may benefit from a brief course of additional weekly sessions.  相似文献   

Improvements in parenting skills do not necessarily lead to improvements in child and parent outcomes for children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Cognitive factors such as parental cognitions and parenting self-efficacy may influence such outcomes. Clinical research on the effects of cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) on parental cognitions, parenting self-efficacy and mental health in Chinese parents of children with ADHD is lacking. This quasi-experimental study intended to assess the effects of a culturally attuned group CBT treatment on the mental health and quality of life of Chinese parents aged 26–58 years, with children with ADHD in Hong Kong. Participants in the experimental group received group CBT and standard treatment and their counterparts in the control group received standard treatment. Primary outcome variables of mental health and quality of life and process variables including parenting stress, parenting efficacy and dysfunctional attitudes were measured at baseline, post-treatment and 3-month follow-up. Data were analysed using 2?×?3 ANCOVAs, Cohen’s d statistics and multiple mediation analyses. Group by time interactions were found for most outcome variables. Effect size statistics indicated that group CBT had small to moderate effects on most outcome variables at post-treatment and follow-up assessments. The effect of CBT on mental health was mediated by the reduction in parenting stress and the effect of CBT on quality of life was mediated by the reductions in parenting stress and dysfunctional attitudes. Given its potential benefit, it is worth considering incorporating this group CBT programme into interventions for Chinese parents with ADHD children.  相似文献   

Sociodemographics, clinical characteristics, and life stressors of community-dwelling suicidal risk and nonsuicidal risk elders referred to a community aging and mental health provider were compared in this study. Information was collected through case manager surveys and agency records on 683 older adults referred to the Elder Services Program of Spokane Mental Health in 1994 and the first 6 months of 1995. This sample included 109 individuals who were clinically judged to be at suicide risk by case managers at the time of initial assessment. Comparisons between suicidal risk and nonsuicidal risk elders indicated that suicidal elders were younger, more likely to be separated or divorced, and more likely to report a previous history of suicidal behavior. Results of a logistic regression analysis indicated that living alone, depression or anxiety disorder, and higher levels of emotional disturbance predicted suicide risk status. In addition, medical problems, family conflict, and relationship loss predicted suicide risk status in this particular sample. Individuals at suicide risk were also more likely to have a family physician than others. Implications of findings for identification and treatment of suicidal elders are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite negative outcomes for depressed mothers and their children, no treatment specifically designed to address maternal depression in the context of home visitation has emerged. In-Home Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (IH-CBT) is an adapted treatment that is delivered in the home, focuses on the needs of new mothers, and leverages ongoing home visiting to optimize engagement and outcomes. This study examined the efficacy of IH-CBT using a randomized clinical trial. Subjects were 93 new mothers in a home visiting program. Mothers with major depressive disorder identified at 3 months postpartum were randomized into IH-CBT and ongoing home visitation (n = 47) or standard home visitation (SHV; n = 46) in which they received home visitation alone and could obtain treatment in the community. Depression was measured at pre- and posttreatment, and 3-month follow-up using interviews, clinician ratings, and self-report. Mothers receiving IH-CBT showed improvements in all indicators of depression relative to the SHV condition and these gains were maintained at follow-up. For example, 70.7% of mothers receiving IH-CBT were no longer depressed at posttreatment in terms of meeting criteria for major depressive disorder compared to 30.2% in the SHV group. These findings suggest that IH-CBT is an efficacious treatment for depressed mothers in home visitation programs.  相似文献   

Community psychology is rooted in community mental health research and practice and has made important contributions to this field. Yet, in the decades since its inception, community psychology has reduced its focus on promoting mental health, well‐being, and liberation of individuals with serious mental illnesses. This special issue endeavors to highlight current efforts in community mental health from our field and related disciplines and point to future directions for reengagement in this area. The issue includes 12 articles authored by diverse stakeholder groups. Following a review of the state of community mental health scholarship in the field's two primary journals since 1973, the remaining articles center on four thematic areas: (a) the community experience of individuals with serious mental illness; (b) the utility of a participatory and cross‐cultural lens in our engagement with community mental health; (c) Housing First implementation, evaluation, and dissemination; and (d) emerging or under‐examined topics. In reflection, we conclude with a series of challenges for community psychologists involved in future, transformative, movements in community mental health.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(5):800-813
Monitoring treatment fidelity is essential to check if patients receive adequate doses of treatment and to enhance our theoretical understanding of how psychosocial treatments work. Developing valid and efficient measures to assess fidelity is a priority for dissemination and implementation efforts. The present study reports on the psychometric properties of the Provider-Rated TranS-C Checklist—a provider-reported fidelity measure for the Transdiagnostic Sleep and Circadian Intervention (TranS-C). Adults with severe mental illness (SMI; N = 101) seeking treatment in a community mental health setting received eight sessions of TranS-C. Therapists completed the Provider-Rated TranS-C Checklist at the end of each treatment session (N = 808) to indicate which modules they delivered during that session. To assess convergent validity, independent raters scored modules delivered from audio recordings of a subset of sessions (n = 257) for the modules delivered using the Independent-Rater TranS-C Checklist. Using exploratory factor analysis, a unidimensional scale composed of TranS-C’s modules was identified. Provider-Rated TranS-C Checklist scores were positively associated with the Independent-Rater TranS-C Checklist scores demonstrating convergent validity. Results indicate that the Provider-Rated TranS-C Checklist yields reliable and valid scores of providers’ delivery of TranS-C.  相似文献   

Aurora Health Care in eastern Wisconsin has a clinical genetics program driven by genetic counselors in the cancer/adult and prenatal genetics settings. In 2015, the workforce shortage of genetic counselors left us with 4 open positions for genetic counselors that we were unable to fill. We explored many models of alternative service delivery, and determined virtual health (VH) via telemedicine to be the best option for our system. Historically, telemedicine technologies have been used to provide access to healthcare services to patients in remote areas. We, however, were struggling to find genetics counselors to staff both our remote clinics and urban clinics. To solve this problem, we recruited genetic counselors from across the country to work remotely from their current home or home office utilizing VH to staff our clinics. We then created clinical workflows and an implementation process of virtual health for 9 prenatal and cancer clinics across the eastern Wisconsin footprint of our healthcare system over the course of 12 months. Here we provide our experience and process in establishing a VH program in order to help other institutions that have been affected by the workforce shortage of clinical genetics professionals.  相似文献   

An ecologically oriented family therapy training program is advocated for teaching paraprofessionals to work with high-risk clients in a community mental health setting. The context of training as well as the particular abilities and needs of beginning paraprofessional family therapists are explored in order to design a flexible and effective program in the face of limited resources. This paper describes a variety of educational and supervisory formats such as group supervision, peer supervision, and live supervision. The usefulness of these different models in facilitating skill development and growth in paraprofessionals is evaluated. Recommendations are made to trainers concerning problems encountered in teaching paraprofessionals and in implementing family systems training in community mental health centers.  相似文献   

Opinions vary on the generalizability of empirically supported treatments to diverse populations in naturalistic settings and on the relative merits of delivering treatments through interpreters. The authors present statistical analyses of outcome data from a community mental health program that served foreign-born refugees resettled in the U.S. The program used a manualized, empirically supported treatment, Cognitive Processing Therapy, to address symptoms of PTSD in this population. Participants received psychological treatment in native languages either with a therapist who spoke their language or with a therapist who used an interpreter. Results demonstrated that treatment of PTSD was highly effective whether delivered directly or through an interpreter.  相似文献   

Effective cognitive-behavioral therapies for insomnia have been developed over the past 2 decades, but they have not been systematically evaluated in some clinical settings. While insomnia is common among veterans with mental health problems, the availability of effective treatments is limited. We report on the group application of a cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia in a veteran population with significant comorbidity for both psychiatric problems and chronic medical conditions. Outcome measures were obtained for both sleep (via sleep diaries) and daytime functioning. Substantial posttreatment improvements were evident for measures of sleep consolidation, total sleep time, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. The unique suitability of the group therapy approach with this population is discussed. Controlled evaluations of the group cognitive-behavioral treatment for comorbid insomnia in this and other ambulatory settings are warranted.  相似文献   

Consultation services offered by community mental health centers (CMHC) have gone through several significant changes since the signing of the Community Mental Health Center Act of 1963 (The President's Commission on Mental Health, 1978). Initially, consultation and education services were an integral part of the CMHC mission. With the passage of additional legislation that promoted a shift in focus, consultation services declined. By 1981, with the passage of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (Cutler, 1992) national mental health policy was adrift. Consultation and education were no longer seen as central components of mental health services, which increasingly were tied to acute care hospitalization. With a renewed focus on consultation and education, a coherent mental health policy can be reintroduced at the community level.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study investigated the impact of the Re-Animation Approach, a creative occupational therapy, on the well-being and occupational performance of three male patients in a forensic mental health setting. Quantitative data were gathered through goal attainment scaling (GAS) and qualitative data using semi-structured interviews. GAS t-scores demonstrated an over-achievement of expected outcomes in goals related to improving skills, well-being, and time use. Issues emerging from thematic analysis of the interviews are consistent with the GAS results. The Re-Animation Approach had a positive impact on participants’ health and well-being, addressed a range of occupational needs, and can be graded.  相似文献   

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