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Summary: Exposure duration has been found to have a strong impact on the affective value attributed to a variety of stimuli. The purpose of the study reported here was to examine the impact of this variable in projective testing, and im particular in the affective value subjects attribute to the TAT cards. Using 34 undergraduate students, a linear decrease in pleasantness was found as a function of exposure duration. Factors leading to variation in exposure dur'ation might therefore be confounded with the interpretations made of a subject's protocol. It was suggested that the time a subject views a projective test stinlulus should be controlled in the administration.  相似文献   

Symbolic value as an organizing factor in perception   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Device‐type effects on cognitive tests appear to covary with whether unproctored internet‐based test (UIT) scores were obtained operationally or nonoperationally. The present study examined whether the testing environment and distractions therein—one of three contextual factors identified as plausible explanations—accounts for this covariation. Four‐hundred and twenty‐five college students were randomly assigned to one of three conditions which differed by the testing environment and device used to complete a cognitive test. Test scores did not differ between conditions despite greater distractions reported by those who tested in the distracting environment. Results were replicated within‐study, and suggest that the self‐selection and testing‐stakes hypotheses warrant subsequent empirical examination as explanations for the differences in device‐type effects observed in operational and nonoperational settings.  相似文献   

Age-group differences were examined in the delayed oculomotor response task, which requires that observers delay the execution of a saccade (eye movement) toward an abrupt-onset visual cue. This task differs from antisaccade and attentional capture in that inhibition causes saccades to be postponed, not redirected. Older adults executed more premature saccades than young adults, but there were no age-group differences in latency or accuracy of saccades executed at the proper time. The results suggest that older adults are less capable of inhibiting a prepotent saccadic response, but that other aspects of visual working memory related to the task are preserved.  相似文献   


Contrary to conventional educational testing, in so-called dynamic assessment subjects are allowed to consult help during testing or are offered prior training. The differential results of both testing procedures are sometimes ascribed to the idea that dynamic tests reflect the breadth of the zone of proximal development on top of independent achievement. Alternative explanations claim that conventional tests are more strongly biased towards various characteristics of persons, which have a negative influence on performance, when compared to dynamic tests. In this study, it was hypothesised that static as well as dynamic assessment is biased towards anxious tendencies of subjects, but the former more strongly than the latter. In order to investigate this supposition, the performance of subjects on dynamic and static tests was systematically compared and related to measures of test anxiety in a longitudinal experiment. In the experiment, repeated measures of independent mathematics achievement as well as mathematics learning potential were gathered among students of secondary education in the Netherlands. Prior to every mathematics test, subjects filled out a test anxiety questionnaire. After every mathematics test, subjects filled out a general state anxiety questionnaire. The participating subjects were students from secondary education, either preparing for higher vocational training or university, aged approximately 15 years on average.

The results of the experiment showed that lack of self-confidence is an important constituent factor of test anxiety, apart from worry and emotionality. The data supported the assumption that such testing procedures are less biased towards anxiety than conventional tests, but it was not established that dynamic testing procedures render results that are not biased by test anxious tendencies.  相似文献   

The multinomial (Dirichlet) model, derived from de Finetti's concept of exchangeability, is proposed as a general Bayesian framework to test axioms on data, in particular, deterministic axioms characterizing theories of choice or measurement. For testing, the proposed framework does not require a deterministic axiom to be cast in a probabilistic form (e.g., casting deterministic transitivity as weak stochastic transitivity). The generality of this framework is demonstrated through empirical tests of 16 different axioms, including transitivity, consequence monotonicity, segregation, additivity of joint receipt, stochastic dominance, coalescing, restricted branch independence, double cancellation, triple cancellation, and the Thomsen condition. The model generalizes many previously proposed methods of axiom testing under measurement error, is analytically tractable, and provides a Bayesian framework for the random relation approach to probabilistic measurement (J. Math. Psychol. 40 (1996) 219). A hierarchical and nonparametric generalization of the model is discussed.  相似文献   

The voice as a curative factor in psychotherapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The moment is a phenomenon of increasing interest to observers of human experience, whether their concern be literature, art, theology, psychology, history, or sports. For in the moment an individual's sense of reality is heightened and his capacity for choice is intensified. Among the situations where our sense of reality can both reflect and produce a significant level of emotional well-being are moments where presentness is keenly felt, interpersonal relationships, kinetic experiences in sports, the sense of being inspired, moments of commitment, highly dramatic presentations of the self, and peak experiences. The literature is extensive.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the role that tacit knowledge plays in what might seem to be an area of knowledge that can be made fully explicit or codified and which forms a central element of Evidence Based Medicine. Appeal to the role the role of tacit knowledge in science provides a way to unify the tripartite definition of Evidence Based Medicine given by Sackett et al: the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. Each of these three elements, crucially including research evidence, rests on an ineliminable and irreducible notion of uncodified good judgement.  相似文献   

This research examines whether Psychology students, when they test clinical hypotheses, follow either confirmatory or disconfirmatory reasoning strategies. Two hundred and six psychology students, divided in four groups, participated. One group received information about the probability that the hypothesis was correct by means of verbal labels, and another group, by means of numerical expressions. An additional group received the information that getting a precise diagnosis was clinically important. In a last group, diagnostic tests allowed them to increase certainty about the hypothesis. Results show a partial use of confirmatory strategies because, although participants did not seek confirming information, they indeed avoided collecting disconfirming information. When the information increased certainty about the hypothesis, confirmatory strategies became more likely. Neither the increase in the task importance nor the numerical expression of the likelihood that the hypothesis was correct seemed to affect the testing strategy used.  相似文献   

During study, people monitor their learning; the output of this monitoring is captured in so-called judgments of learning (JOLs). JOLs predict later recall better if they are made after a slight delay, instead of immediately after study (the delayed JOL effect). According to the self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP) hypothesis delayed JOLs are based on covert retrieval attempts from long-term memory, and successful retrieval attempts in themselves enhance learning (the testing effect). We compared memory for 40 Swahili-Swedish paired associates after a week as a function of three different learning conditions, namely study plus (i) explicitly instructed self-testing, (ii) delayed JOLs, or (iii) less self-testing. We showed that repeated delayed JOLs lead to a memory improvement that does not differ significantly from a comparable condition where the participants are explicitly testing memory, and both the latter groups performed reliably better than a group that self-tested less. The results suggest that delayed JOLs improve long-term retention as efficiently as explicit memory testing and lend support to the SFP hypothesis.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of music-induced mood changes on different components of visual attention. Affective valence (positive vs. negative) and arousal (high vs. low) were manipulated by having participants listen to one of four versions of a Mozart Sonata that varied in mode (major or minor) and tempo (fast or slow). Attention was measured in three domains—alerting, orienting, and executive control. Affective valence and arousal had an effect on executive control, but not on alerting or orienting. Individuals who experienced positive valence had less efficient control over their responses than those who experienced negative valence, but only when arousal levels were high. Positive and negative valence did not influence executive control measures when arousal levels were low. These findings demonstrate that affective valence and arousal interact with one another to influence the processing of items in visual attention.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of music-induced mood changes on different components of visual attention. Affective valence (positive vs. negative) and arousal (high vs. low) were manipulated by having participants listen to one of four versions of a Mozart Sonata that varied in mode (major or minor) and tempo (fast or slow). Attention was measured in three domains-alerting, orienting, and executive control. Affective valence and arousal had an effect on executive control, but not on alerting or orienting. Individuals who experienced positive valence had less efficient control over their responses than those who experienced negative valence, but only when arousal levels were high. Positive and negative valence did not influence executive control measures when arousal levels were low. These findings demonstrate that affective valence and arousal interact with one another to influence the processing of items in visual attention.  相似文献   

Summary: Rorschach test protocols for a matched sample of male and female subjects in the child and adolescent age range were scored for total responses. The data were analyzed for evidence of interactions between sex of experimenter and sex and age of subject. Consistent differences in total numbers of responses elicited by different examiners were identified. The productivity of both male and female subjects was found to be significantly more variable for male experimenters than for female experimenters. Alternative explanations for the results include greater structuring of the test situation by female experimenters or greater variability of behavior by male experimenters in relation to different subjects. That these explanations can also account for the sex interactions reported by others is recognized.  相似文献   

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