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This article summarizes results from several studies on the effect of nontemporal processing on concurrent time estimation. These studies use an experimental paradigm that was developed to interpolate various nontemporal tasks in time interval production. Produced intervals were specifically lengthened by increasing the amount of short-term memory processing performed in a concurrent search task. The interference was shown with many short-term memory tasks, using various durations and methods in the temporal task. The effect on temporal production seems to be positively related to the level of difficulty of the short-term memory task. Finally, processing item or order information affects simultaneous time production, whereas its maintenance has no effect. An interference analysis of these phenomena suggests that interruption in time estimation is caused by both temporal and nontemporal tasks simultaneously requiring processing in short-term memory.  相似文献   

情绪记忆增强效应的时间依赖性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王海宝  张达人  余永强 《心理学报》2009,41(10):932-938
探讨情绪记忆短时和长时增强效应相对特异性机制以及唤醒度和效价在情绪记忆中的作用。运用不同阶段提取和不同情绪类别相结合的多因素设计方法, 对20位正常年轻成人进行行为学检测。结果显示, 情绪对记忆加工不同阶段(短时和长时)的调节作用(增强效应)具有时间依赖性, 且主要取决于情绪唤醒度, 而无显著正负效价性差异。在短时阶段主要涉及高唤醒度的增强; 而长时阶段涉及不同水平唤醒度的增强, 不同唤醒度的增强效应存在相对分离。  相似文献   

Various demonstrations of “time stamp” effects in the animal learning literature have reinforced the idea that circadian information is encoded as part of a combined internal/external representation of context and that this contextual information is utilized for complex retrieval processes supporting memory. The goal of the present series of experiments is to assess this idea by manipulating training/testing circadian times on a battery of learning and memory tasks commonly used in the rodent. The data obtained from five experiments using four different learning and memory paradigms provide no evidence for “time stamp” effects on place memory, context memory (aversive or appetitive), or S-R habit learning.  相似文献   

Book Information Time and Memory: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Time and Memory: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology Christoph Hoerl and McCormack Teresa, eds., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001, xiii + 419, £45 (cloth), £17.99 (paper) Edited by Christoph Hoerl; and McCormack Teresa. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Pp. xiii + 419. £45 (cloth:), £17.99 (paper:),  相似文献   

Working as a clinician within the National Health Service (NHS) in England is described along with the difficulty of identifying a role for the humanities within the organisational framework. The author argues that the humanities are both marginalised and required and that the humanities can provide a means to redefine values within medical practice.  相似文献   


The neuropsychological test scores of 2,030 cognitively normal older adults were examined to evaluate performance patterns as they related to time of day (TOD) at which testing was initiated. Multiple regression analyses were used to examine the association of TOD with scores on seven neuropsychological tests used in the clinical evaluation of dementia. Episodic memory performance was significantly related to TOD, while memory span and verbal fluency were not. Best performance occurred during early morning hours and late afternoon; worst performance occurred mid-day (i.e., noon). These findings may have implications for clinical assessment, the design of research on dementia, and the daily functioning of older adults.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study analyzes the self-constructing meanings of an autobiographical episode in the life of one woman told at repeated intervals over 35 years. It demonstrates the ways in which the present constructs the past and shows how autobiographical memory may be used dialogically to create and contrast with current self-constructions, to disavow intolerable aspects of self, and to preserve disused but valued self-representations. Memories, in this sense, operate as texts whose meaning changes as the dialogue within self changes. The meanings of past memories, rather than their contents, are reshaped to hold aspects of a layered, multiple self.  相似文献   

Ed Gein was a serial killer, grave robber, and body snatcher who made a lampshade from human skin. Now consider the detective who found that lampshade. Let's suppose that he would never want to own it; however, he does find that he wants a synthetic one just like it – a perfect replica. We assume that there is something morally problematic about the detective having such a replica. We then argue that, given as much, we can reach the surprising conclusion that it's morally problematic to consume realistic fake‐meat products. After explaining why we might the detective's replica lampshade morally problematic, we clarify the analogy between the replica and fake meat products. Then, we defend it against a number of objections, the most notable one being we can sever any association between fake meat and the real stuff without moral cost. We conclude by pointing out that our argument generalises: if it works, then there is something morally problematic about many fake animal products, including fake leather and fur.  相似文献   

For many years, the game of chess has provided an invaluable task environment for research on cognition, in particular on the differences between novices and experts and the learning that removes these differences, and upon the structure of human memory and its paramaters. The template theory presented by Gobet and Simon based on the EPAM theory offers precise predictions on cognitive processes during the presentation and recall of chess positions. This article describes the behavior of CHREST, a computer implementation of the template theory, in a memory task when the presentation time is varied from one second to sixty, on the recall of game and random positions, and compares the model to human data. Strong players are better than weak players in both types of positions, especially with long presentation times, but even after brief presentations. CHREST predicts the data, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Strong players' superiority with random positions is explained by the large number of chunks they hold in LTM. Their excellent recall with short presentation times is explained by templates, a special class of chunks. CHREST is compared to other theories of chess skill, which either cannot account for the superiority of Masters in random positions or predict too strong a performance of Masters in such positions.  相似文献   

短时间延迟条件下错误记忆的遗忘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
两个实验中,使用DRM范式考察了短时间延迟条件下错误记忆的遗忘效应。实验一发现对两种关键项目的错误再认均随着时间延迟(即时、半小时和1个小时)的增加而提高,而在将时间变量由实验一中的被试内设计变为实验二中的被试间设计后,发现对两种关键项目的错误再认随着时间而发生不同的变化,表现为对关键诱饵的错误再认保持稳定而对中关联词的错误再认依然有所提高。说明错误记忆很顽固,一旦产生便很难衰退,当消除了其他干扰因素的潜在影响后,即使是在很短暂的测验时间延迟条件下,它至少是保持稳定的,不会随着时间而发生减弱。此外还发现了关联性和测验情境与测验时间延迟之间的交互影响,表现为对关键诱饵的错误再认受测验时间延迟的影响较小,受测验情境的影响较大;而对中关联词的错误再认则受测验时间延迟的影响较大,受测验情境的影响较小  相似文献   

采用工作记忆和时间判断的双任务范式,探讨了言语工作记忆的保持过程对时间知觉的影响。研究中操作记忆负荷和任务之间的时间间隔(ISI:记忆刺激消失到时间判断任务开始之间的时间间隔)。结果发现,记忆负荷越大,知觉到的时间越短,韦伯比例越低,反应时间越长;ISI越短,知觉到的时间变短,反应时间越长,这表明知觉时间和反应决策是一致的,不存在累加时间和反应判断之间的trade-off。但是记忆负荷和ISI的交互作用不显著。结果表明记忆负荷和ISI以不同的方式影响时间判断,言语工作记忆的保持和时间加工共享工作记忆资源。  相似文献   

毕翠华  黄希庭 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):1952-1961
非时间信息加工与时间加工的关系是复杂的, 存在双向干扰或单向干扰, 结果的不一致与任务所需的注意资源及工作记忆都有关。工作记忆的中央执行系统在时间加工中起主要作用, 同时进行的非时间任务对中央执行功能的需求越多, 两种任务之间的干扰程度越大。语言环和视空间模板对时间加工的影响与非时间信息的类型有关。工作记忆作为一个整体以工作记忆容量为指标, 计时成绩也表现出与工作记忆容量有关的年龄、智力等方面的差异。时间加工和工作记忆在额叶、顶叶、基底神经节等皮质存在共同的神经机制。未来应该丰富工作记忆的研究内容, 结合时间加工的分段性探讨工作记忆影响时间加工的具体进程及神经机制, 并力求在应用方面取得一定的成果。  相似文献   

A naming task assessed activation of inference concepts during reading. A predicting, or a control, context sentence was followed by a target word to be named, which represented the predicted event or an inconsistent event. The interval between the end of the context and the onset of the target word varied between 50 and 1050-msec. Individual differences in working memory capacity were assessed by the reading span task. As reflected by facilitation in naming latencies in the predicting condition, relative to the control condition, (a) inferences were not made within the first 50-msec after the context, regardless of reading span; (b) only the high-span participants drew inferences within a 550-msec interval; and, (c) both the high-and the low-span participants generated them within a 1050-msec interval. These results indicate that high working memory capacity accelerates the time course of predictive inferences, although they do not become automatic. We propose that this effect occurs because these inferences involve time-consuming elaborations that place demands on the effortful and limited resources of working memory. Deficiencies in word knowledge, speed of lexical access, or comprehension of explicit information do not account for low-span readers' difficulties in generating predictive inferences.  相似文献   

In an archived draft at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Foucault describes two questions haunting him since 1963: “Why are we obliged to tell the truth about ourselves? Which truth?” Foucault poses these two questions in 1980 in drafts for his lectures at the University of California, Berkeley, and I see in these two questions two argumentative threads that weave through Foucault's changing History of Sexuality series over his last decade. These two threads correspond to the dimorphism Foucault frames in Part III of Confessions of the Flesh between confessing monks and married men, that correlates with the distinction between “veridiction” and “juridiction” as two forms relating subjectivity and sexuality. To help tease out these threads, I make two recommendations for how to read Confessions of the Flesh in this following review essay: (1) situate Confessions of the Flesh in relation to Foucault's History of Sexuality series which spans his last decade from 1974 to 1984 and (2) untangle two major threads of Confessions of the Flesh in Foucault's treatment of Cassian and Augustine, as progenitors of veridiction and juridiction respectively, which together produce the conditions for modern disciplinary subjects.  相似文献   

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