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黑格尔《耶拿逻辑》初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、问题的提出研究黑格尔哲学,甚或读懂黑格尔哲学,必须深入到黑格尔哲学体系的内部,而不能绕过其体系。这是因为黑格尔哲学的每个观点都只是其体系中的一环,它和其他观点是相互联系、相互依存、彼此渗透、前后贯通而共同构成黑格尔的哲学体系的,因而是不能从其体系中割裂出来、孤立地加以  相似文献   

In this paper I sketch some arguments that underlie Hegel's chapter on judgment, and I attempt to place them within a broad tradition in the history of logic. Focusing on his analysis of simple predicative assertions or ‘positive judgments’, I first argue that Hegel supplies an instructive alternative to the classical technique of existential quantification. The main advantage of his theory lies in his treatment of the ontological implications of judgments, implications that are inadequately captured by quantification. The second concern of this paper is the manner in which Hegel makes logic not only dependent on ontology generally, but also variant in regard to domains of objects. In other words, he offers a domain‐specific logical theory, according to which the form of judgment or inference is specific to the subject of judgment. My third concern lies with the metaphilosophical consequences of this theory, and this includes some more familiar Hegelian themes. It is well known that Hegel frequently questioned the adequacy of the sentential form for expressing higher order truths. My reading of his theory of predication explains and contextualizes this tendency by demystifying notions like the so‐called speculative proposition.  相似文献   

周计武 《学海》2004,(6):19-24
黑格尔的现代性、时间意识与精神辩证法是密切相连的。具体包含以下几点(1)现代性只有在线性的、不可逆的历史性时间意识中,才是可能的;(2)人的精神具有历史性,是在历史中自我中介、自我扬弃、自我提升的过程;(3)现代性属于精神的“自知”或“反思”阶段,表现出过渡、危机和意识分裂的特征。它具有三个原则,即理性主义、内在的主体性和自我意识的反思性。自由精神的实现是现代性的终极目的,在这个意义上,精神与现实的“和解”是精神辩证法的必然。在后黑格尔时代,黑格尔思想是否定和批判的源泉。  相似文献   


Although both Heidegger and Derrida criticize Hegel as the archetype and historical culmination of the metaphysics of presence, Hegel’s dialectics also serves as a model for their critical destruction or deconstruction of metaphysics. Through an analysis of the notions of ‘arrest’ and ‘halt’ in Derrida and Hegel, this paper will show how both Heidegger and Derrida take up elements of Hegel’s theory of the development of consciousness, which is characterized both by an ‘unhalting forward motion’ but also by delay, interruption and inertia. This paper will develop the strange parallel between Derrida’s notion of l’arrêt and the halting movement of spirit in Hegel. It will show that Hegel’s ‘rhythm of the concept’ is not so distant from the ‘arrhythmia’ Derrida finds in the notion of l’arrêt. It will thus show how time, history and spirit are linked in a self-deconstructive manner in this unstable point of the arrest/halt.  相似文献   

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice - Being understanding is a moral virtue. But what exactly is it that an understanding person does excellently? And what exactly makes it a moral virtue, rather...  相似文献   

"Experience" is so central to Dewey's philosophy that one must,first of all,understand what he means by the term.Diverging from the traditional conception of experience,Dewey's understanding involves two dimensions,namely,naturalism and historicism;in this,it can be seen as the unification of Darwinism and Hegelianism.Without attending to its dimension of naturalism,one would ignore experience's basic character,namely that of receptivity,while without attending to the aspect of historicism,one would ignore experience's dimension of meaning,its character of spontaneity.Dewey's notion of experience is unique.Its true value can be seen more clearly in comparison with the conceptions of experience advanced by Quine and McDowell.  相似文献   

In recent years, philosophers have become increasingly interested in a Hegelian approach to Aristotelian non-reductive naturalism. This paper points out a challenge faced by naturalist readings of Hegel's conception of spirit. For Hegel, spirit and nature are essentially distinct and even related in an antagonistic way. It is difficult to do full justice to this thought while at the same time reading Hegel as a naturalist. The paper also seeks to suggest a response to this challenge. Drawing on Hegel's account of mechanism in his philosophy of spirit, it shows that processes which can count as natural – such as mechanical processes – constitute for Hegel an integral and indispensable part of spiritual activity. Against this background, it is possible to develop a form of Hegelian naturalism which does not lose sight of the essential distinction, even opposition of spirit and nature.  相似文献   

Continental Philosophy Review - This paper interprets Heidegger's frequently misunderstood criticisms of logic by presenting them in their historical context. To this end, it surveys the state...  相似文献   

一德国古典哲学大致可算作哲学史中异口同声对哲学提出如下要求的最后一个时代:哲学能够而且必须以体系的形式加以阐明.彼时所提出的以体系为形式的要求缘起于此种哲学的自我理解:哲学是科学,因而必须以体系为形式加以阐明.倘不具备体系之形式,自然无法要求其成为科学.一种科学需要--根据当时的理解--体系为之形式,因为,只有这一形式才能满足科学性以之为根本的双重要求:诸主题的内容必须有内在的关联,而此种关联不得如虚构作品中那样像是浮在半空,而是必须以明确的原则为根据.  相似文献   

The author examines Hegel's incorporation of the Sophists into the history of philosophy. The basic argument is that Hegel's history of the Sophists operates along tropological lines, the exact same lines that the truth claims of his philosophy oppose. Using the tropes of metaphor, metonymy and prolepsis, the author shows that when Hegel places the Sophists in the process of the teleological unfolding of reason he employs the very rhetorical mechanisms he denounces.  相似文献   

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