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近年来, 工作嵌入(Job embeddedness)作为解释员工离职和留职的新视角, 逐渐受到理论界与实务界的广泛关注和探讨。根据内容分析法(Content analysis), 系统梳理了国内外176篇工作嵌入相关文献, 分别从研究视角、内容分析和发展方向三个方面评述工作嵌入的影响结果。基于此, 总结出6种理论视角:资源保存理论、社会资本理论、计划行为理论、工作-角色依附理论、未来时间透视视角和传染过程视角。以内容分析的方式呈现关于工作嵌入研究的发展趋势和不同视角下工作嵌入影响结果的具体研究情况。未来研究应进一步构建团队工作嵌入理论模型、聚焦跨文化比较下工作嵌入的溢出效应、关注工作嵌入的双刃剑效应以及突出子维度差异化作用。  相似文献   

王婷  杨付 《心理科学进展》2019,27(9):1631-1642
领导幽默(leader humor), 作为一种有效的管理工具和手段, 近年来受到了理论界和实务界的广泛关注。在回顾领导幽默概念的基础上, 深入探究了领导幽默的影响效果及其作用机制, 总结发现领导幽默相关研究主要围绕七种视角展开, 分别是关系过程视角、社会交换理论、社会信息加工理论、关系认同视角、积极情绪视角、压力释放视角以及领导风格类型视角。未来研究应基于互动和结构的视角探讨领导幽默的影响效果以及基于社会信息加工理论关注领导幽默的作用机制。  相似文献   

王婷  杨付 《心理科学进展》2018,26(8):1488-1500
职业成功(career success)作为职业生涯研究领域的一个前沿主题, 受到了理论界和实务界的广泛关注。研究主要从职业成功的概念、测量、影响因素、实施效果与作用机制等方面, 对国内外相关研究进行了系统梳理与探讨。未来研究应关注无边界职业生涯时代职业成功、开发中国组织情境下职业成功的概念和测量、基于特质激发理论视角分析职业成功的诱因、基于职业成功观分析职业成功的实施效果、探讨中国本土文化的权变作用。  相似文献   

彭坚  侯楠  庞宇 《心理科学进展》2019,27(7):1297-1306
员工绿色行为决定了组织环保成效, 是促进组织可持续发展的关键。员工绿色行为是指员工实施的一系列旨在减少对环境造成负面影响、有助于环境可持续的行为。首先, 介绍了员工绿色行为的概念、结构; 其次, 基于自我决定理论、情感事件理论、计划行为理论、社会认知理论和社会学习理论解释了员工绿色行为影响因素; 最后, 提出未来研究可以从概念界定、研究层次、研究视角(均衡视角、动态视角)三大方面做进一步拓展。  相似文献   

伦理 1( 1 与组织管理领域的常规做法一致, 本文将伦理与道德看作同义概念, 交替使用。)危机给企业经营带来巨大挑战, 现有文献较多关注微观视角的伦理行为, 缺乏从中观视角对人力资源管理制度开展研究, 导致在实践上无法形成有效的制度化抓手。人力资源管理实践作为中观视角的企业伦理实践之一, 正是针对伦理问题的有效回应。立足于人力资源管理与企业伦理领域的交叉点, 从三个方面构建伦理导向人力资源管理实践的研究框架:(1)基于社会情境理论探讨伦理导向人力资源管理实践对组织伦理绩效的影响机制; (2)基于社会认知理论探讨伦理导向人力资源管理实践对团队伦理建言的跨层次影响机制; (3)基于社会认知理论探讨伦理导向人力资源管理实践对个体伦理建言的跨层次影响机制。研究将丰富人力资源管理理论, 并为企业有效实施伦理导向人力资源管理实践提供启示与帮助。  相似文献   

市场经济的复杂多变给组织生存与发展带来诸多挑战, 组织往往对员工提出高的绩效要求, 绩效压力已成为普遍现象。现有研究大多关注绩效压力的消极效应, 存在忽视其积极结果及理论视角较窄等不足。因此, 系统、全面地认识绩效压力的双刃剑效应, 有助于组织充分发挥绩效压力的积极效应及阻遏其消极效应。通过系统地回顾和梳理相关研究, 在将绩效压力影响效果的研究分为积极、消极和二者并存的曲线效应三个类别后, 引入压力认知评价理论、资源保存理论等理论厘清研究背后的解释机制。最后, 基于以上梳理分析, 未来研究应进一步拓展组织中绩效压力的双刃剑效应及其边界条件, 从而更全面地认识组织中绩效压力所产生的影响。  相似文献   

领导授权行为通常被视为一种积极的领导行为类型。组织中管理者在授权实施过程中扮演着重要角色, 然而管理者出于维护威权等目的, 不想赋予员工自主权或相应资源的现象大量存在。鉴于此, 越来越多的学者开始探索领导授权行为的影响因素, 但目前研究较为零散, 亟待整合。研究发现:(1)更多的学者强调领导授权行为并非一种稳定的领导风格, 而是领导对不同下属所采取的差异化授权行为; (2)领导授权行为的影响因素可以分为环境因素、领导者因素以及员工因素; (3)领导成员交换理论、信任理论、社会认知理论与授权风险视角是解释领导授权行为形成的重要理论/视角。此外, 基于情境领导理论、CIP领导模型(魅力型-意识形态型-务实型)以及追随理论, 提出了领导授权行为影响因素的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

刘超  刘军  朱丽  武守强 《心理学报》2017,(7):966-979
基于规则适应及资源依赖理论的解释视角,本研究考察了下属工作绩效与政治技能对上级辱虐的影响。通过对采集自两家企业的243对领导-下属的配对问卷进行分析,本研究的多项式回归与响应面分析表明,当下属的工作绩效(遵循做事显规则)与政治技能(遵循做人潜规则)在较高水平上保持一致时,其遭受的上级辱虐最少。但这种较高水平的一致只能维持在特定范围内,当两者过高时,反而易遭致上级的辱虐行为。同时,在工作绩效与政治技能存在差异的情境下,相比于"高工作绩效,低政治技能"的下属,"低工作绩效,高政治技能"的下属遭受的上级辱虐要更少。文章分析并证明了遵循不同规则的下属会导致不同程度的上级辱虐。  相似文献   

李方君  钟旭朋 《心理科学进展》2020,28(11):1939-1952
本文系统地回顾了促进型和抑制型建言在前因与后果上的差异。这些差异的理论基础包括计划行为理论、调节焦点理论、目标导向理论、社会期望理论、资源保存理论、归因理论、自我损耗理论、认知评价理论以及情感事件理论。与理论相对应, 两类建言前因的差异体现在建言者特质(如人格、动机)、领导风格与行为、领导成员交换和组织层面的因素(如组织政治、组织公平)等方面; 后果的差异体现在建言者工作态度与行为(如绩效、工作满意度)、领导建言采纳和团队绩效等方面。未来可能的研究方向包括:探讨两类建言在团队中的共存、两类建言的文化差异等。  相似文献   

随着“碳达峰”与“碳中和”纳入我国经济社会发展全局,绿色发展成为当代企业管理必经之路。环保服务型领导作为企业绿色发展的重要保障,近年引起学界关注。环保服务型领导指领导培养员工的环保价值观与环保知识技能,服务于员工环保活动。为探究环保服务型领导的影响效果及作用机制,本文建立了一个多层次模型:环保服务型领导促进员工环保行为与创新、团队环保绩效、组织环保绩效;资源保存理论、角色认同理论、社会学习理论、自我决定理论和计划行为理论是解释上述效应的主要理论机制。未来研究可从本土研究、双刃剑效应、认知—情感机制、研究层次与方法、行业对比分析以及影响因素等视角完善或拓展环保服务型领导研究。文章既为国内学者厘清环保服务型领导研究的效果与机制,又能指导企业如何通过领导实践促进绿色发展,助力国家“双碳”目标的执行与实现。  相似文献   

This quantitative review explored the political skill construct and its predictive ability across a number of organizational outcomes. First, we extended the Ferris et al. meta‐theoretical framework of political skill. Next, incorporating meta‐analysis, we found political skill is positively related to self‐efficacy, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work productivity, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), career success, and personal reputation, and negatively related to physiological strain. Political skill was not significantly related to psychological strain or perceptions of organizational politics. Using meta‐regression and dominance analyses, political skill predicted task performance after controlling for the Big Five personality characteristics and general mental ability. In a test of indirect relationships, our results suggest that personal reputation and self‐efficacy partially mediate the political skill–task performance relationship. Finally, in a post hoc test of political skill dimensions, we found that networking ability, interpersonal influence, and apparent sincerity (but not social astuteness) predicted task performance. Our findings provide a comprehensive assessment of theory and research to date on political skill and extend theoretical foundations to stimulate new inquiry into the operation of this important construct.  相似文献   

The present study uses relative weight analysis to garner support for the incremental validity of political skill over more traditional managerial skills for predicting managerial effectiveness and to help identify the underlying theoretical mechanisms driving this relationship. In addition, we explore boundary conditions, in terms of gender and organizational level, where political skill may be more or less critical. Using 199 middle- and upper-level managers enrolled in leadership development programmes and multisource data, the findings supported political skill’s incremental validity over more traditional measures of managerial skills for predicting managerial effectiveness. In addition, two of five political skill dimensions—image management and interpersonal influence—were significantly important predictors of managerial effectiveness, providing support for social influence theory as perhaps the best theoretical model for understanding the political skill-effectiveness relationship. Also, an individual’s gender and level in the organizational hierarchy had significant moderating effects on the relationship between three political skill dimensions and managerial effectiveness.  相似文献   

This two-study research package investigates the interactive effects of perceptions of organizational politics, political skill, and political will on psychological need satisfaction, which has been shown to predict a number of different important organizational outcomes. Drawing primarily on social/political influence and self-determination theories, we propose that although perceptions of organizational politics (i.e., as an important situational or contextual variable) can demonstrate need-thwarting effects for some, its effects can be need-satisfying for those individuals with high levels of political skill and political will. In Study 1, we analyze a sample of 142 individuals to demonstrate that possessing political skill attenuates the negative effects of perceptions of organizational politics on psychological need satisfaction. In Study 2, we analyze a sample of 420 individuals to demonstrate that respondents with high levels of both political skill and political will experience their highest levels of need satisfaction in highly political environments. Theoretical contributions, limitations and future research directions, and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The present 2-wave study among 258 secondary school teachers investigates the relationship between personal and organizational resources on the one hand, and work-related flow on the other hand. On the basis of Hobfoll’s (1988) conservation of resources theory, Bandura’ social cognitive theory (1997; 2001), and Fredrickson’s (1998) “broaden-and-build” theory of positive emotions, we formulated two hypotheses: (1) personal resources (i.e., self-efficacy beliefs) and organizational resources (including social support climate and clear goals) facilitate work-related flow (work absorption, work enjoyment, and intrinsic work motivation); and (2) work-related flow has a positive influence on personal and organizational resources. The results of a series of structural equation modeling analyses offer clear support for both hypotheses. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed. *This research was supported by a grant from the Bancaixa Foundation (#11232.01/1) and the Spanish Ministry of Science & Technology (CICYT #SEC2000-1031).  相似文献   

This article introduces JOOP's special section on expanding the boundaries of resource theories in occupational and organizational psychology. After an introduction of the most relevant resource theories and their current application in occupational and organizational psychology – key resource theories, conservation of resources theory, resource theory of social exchange, and selective optimization with compensation theory – the opportunities and challenges for future research are outlined, as well as the innovative trends emerging from the contributions in this special section.  相似文献   

Social Capital, Social Networks, and Political Participation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Social Capital is created through the patterns of interdependence andsocial interaction that occur within a population, and we attempt to understand the participatory consequences of these patterns relative to the effects of human capital and organizational involvement. The production of social capital in personal networks was examined with the use of social network and participation data from the 1992 American study of the Cross National Election Project. The results suggest that politically relevant social capital (that is, social capital that facilitates political engagement) is generated in personal networks, that it is a by-product of the social interactions with a citizen's discussants, and that increasing levels of politically relevant social capital enhance the likelihood that a citizen will be engaged in politics. Further, the production of politically relevant social capital is a function of the political expertise within an individual's network of relations, the frequency of political interaction within the network, and the size or extensiveness of the network. These results are sustained even while taking account of a person's individual characteristics and organizational involvement. Hence, the consequences of social relations within networks are not readily explained away on the basis of either human capital effects or the effects of organizational engagement.  相似文献   

Building on conservation of resources theory and social exchange theory, the author examined the relationship between supervisor support and organizational commitment through work–family conflict, work–life balance, and the job satisfaction of employees working in the financial sector in Australia. The study comprised 305 employees recruited through an online survey. Results indicate that supervisor support is negatively related to work–family conflict. In turn, work–life balance and job satisfaction are negatively linked to work–family conflict. The results further show that both work–life balance and job satisfaction are positively related to organizational commitment. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as limitations, are discussed.  相似文献   

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