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大脑电刺激是历史悠久但近年来才广泛应用在人类被试上的实验技术。通过对颅内刺激位点进行电刺激, 并分析引发的暂时性行为功能变化和记录位点的电位活动, 大脑电刺激技术可以揭示认知加工过程中脑区内的功能作用与脑区间的有效连接。通过对听觉语言加工过程相关的丘脑、听觉皮层、高级语言皮层进行电刺激, 现有研究发现了各个脑区的不同功能特点以及不同脑区间的信息传递机制, 为进一步探索听觉语言加工的神经机制提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

大脑通过视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉等感官通道接收来自外界的信息。不同感觉功能受损涉及抑郁发生的中枢机制,而基于不同感官通道进行适当刺激以及多感官联合干预也可能发挥显著的抑郁治疗作用。笔者以症状-脑区-机制-治疗为逻辑主线,首次系统梳理了五种主要感觉障碍人群的抑郁临床症状、抑郁神经机制以及基于感觉刺激的抗抑郁治疗。结果表明,不同感觉功能障碍对抑郁相关神经机制的影响可能表征了不同的抑郁病理,涉及神经元电活动(某些神经元放电和神经环路激活等)和神经生化改变(神经可塑性和神经发生、炎症免疫和HPA轴、神经激素和神经递质等),且主要发生在边缘系统及其附近脑区,涉及岛叶、颞叶、额叶等。因此,未来研究可聚焦于机体对不同感觉信息的提取,这将为人类抑郁的病因和治疗提供新的研究视角。  相似文献   

新生儿自娩出起便开始利用臻于成熟的听觉系统对语音的各要素进行大脑表征和学习记忆。考察新生儿语音加工特点,不仅能揭示语言功能在人类发展最初阶段的认知神经机制,还能对自闭症等神经发育性疾病的早期预警和临床诊断提供有价值的线索。我们回顾并总结了新生儿对语音的感知、辨别和学习以及语言发展对自闭症的预测作用,发现新生儿对特定语音存在感知偏好;新生儿具备独特的音素辨别能力;婴儿期语言加工的脑功能或结构指标对自闭症具有一定的预测价值。我们建议未来研究从三个方面开展工作。在基础研究方面:第一,严格控制语音材料的韵律因素,重新审查新生儿语言加工特征及大脑偏侧化问题;第二,揭示新生儿语音学习的认知神经机制以及睡眠的记忆巩固作用。在临床转化研究方面,以高风险自闭症新生儿为追踪对象,基于纵向多模态脑观测数据,建立疾病风险评估系统,揭示出生早期语言发展脑指标对自闭症的预测价值。  相似文献   

我们通常利用多种感觉通道的信息对周围世界进行感知,如视觉、听觉、嗅觉、前庭感觉和本体感觉信息.为了确保对环境的正确感知,大脑必须把对同一物体特征进行表征的不同感觉信息整合成一致的、稳定的信息.以往的研究证实不同感觉信息之间是以统计最优化的模式结合的.文章首先综述了在贝叶斯理论的基础上建立起来的统计最优化模型以及其行为实验验证方法.然后,介绍了相关的神经成像研究结果和具有生理意义的神经网络模型.  相似文献   

多感觉整合是对不同感官信息进行选择、联系、统一乃至解释的加工过程, 它需要神经系统不同功能区域的共同投入与相互协调, 以实现多种感觉信息的时间捆绑以及全局性的预测编码。而γ神经振荡因具有反映神经皮层兴奋/抑制的平衡状况, 实现多感官信息的时间同步, 以及通过跨频耦合实现全局性预测编码的特点, 在多感觉整合的加工过程中发挥着重要作用。相比正常个体, 自闭症患者神经系统中的GABA中间神经元存在结构与功能异常, 导致γ神经振荡紊乱, 由此破坏了正常的时间同步以及预测编码加工, 并最终引发多感觉整合失调。基于上述因果关联, 未来研究可结合无创可逆性干预技术, 以γ节律神经振荡为生物反馈指标, 形成科学系统化的临床干预治疗方案。  相似文献   

时序信息加工机制及其通道效应的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
王振勇  黄希庭 《心理学报》1996,29(4):345-351
研究由两个实验组成,实验一采用纯粹的视听方式,以线段长度和声音频率为材料,对时序信息的加工方式(自动加工与控制加工)、编码特点(时序信息是何时编码的)以及通道效应进行了研究。实验二以汉字为材料重复实验一的过程;结果表明,时序信息的加工存在视听通道效应,其机制源于记忆,且与实验材料的加工深度以及加工方式有关;时序信息既包含有自动加工,又包含有控制加工。视觉刺激倾向于自动加工,而听觉则倾向于控制加工;时序信息是在项目学习时编码获得的,而不是在提取时建构的。  相似文献   

耳机传送双重听觉信号的知觉特点研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究探讨了耳机以叠加法和分离法传送双重听觉信号的知觉特点.实验结果表明(1)响度感觉是听觉中枢对同一信号的双耳输入强度加工整合的结果;(2)信号间的中枢干扰作用比外周干扰作用要小.前一论点在对三维虚拟听觉显示研究中也是应十分注意的.  相似文献   

Zuckerman关于感觉寻求特质的唤醒理论认为,高感觉寻求者为提高其大脑唤醒,会不惜以冒险方式来寻求高强度、变化、新异和复杂的刺激经验。既往研究已经证实了高感觉寻求者对高强度的、变化的和新奇的刺激材料的认知加工偏向,但尚缺乏来自复杂的和具有危险意义刺激材料的研究证据。我们运用反转Oddball实验范式,以听觉N1、P2和MMN(Mismatch negativity)为ERPs指标,系统比较了高、低感觉寻求者对危险意义声音的自动唤醒、注意偏向和特征探测这三个方面的认知加工差异。结果发现,高感觉寻求者的N1、P2和MMN波幅均显著大于低感觉寻求者。结果表明,高感觉寻求者对危险意义声音产生了更高的唤醒水平、注意偏向和特征探测自动加工优势,这些优势可能是其偏于冒险行为的认知神经机制。  相似文献   

视听整合是指当呈现的视觉和听觉信号在时间、空间上大致接近时,视觉和听觉系统倾向于整合的加工过程。失匹配负波(Mismatch Negativity,MMN)作为反映大脑早期加工的成分,表征偏差的信息输入与感觉记忆痕迹之间的神经失匹配。以MMN作为探测指标的视听整合加工研究,主要包括MMN在阅读理解中字母和语音、韵律信息、麦格克效应等方面的视听整合加工,以及分析跨通道视听整合相互竞争、相互补充的关系。未来研究需聚焦于其他通道的跨通道整合加工,同时应拓展MMN的诱发范式。  相似文献   

聋人唇读的大脑机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特定区域整合模型与信息传输接替模型提供了聋人唇读不同的大脑机制,前者认为聋人唇读是由特定大脑皮层(如TSS.后扣带回等)加工的结果,听觉皮层并未参与视觉语言认知加工;后者认为聋人唇读的大脑机制与正常人无声唇读的大脑机制基本相似,是通过皮层下的连接区域(如屏状核)激活了视觉皮层、听觉皮层等。但更多的证据支持信息传输接替模型。聋人的听觉皮层具有可塑性,早期的语言经验对言语加工神经通路的建立具有很大的影响。  相似文献   

Object-based auditory and visual attention   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Theories of visual attention argue that attention operates on perceptual objects, and thus that interactions between object formation and selective attention determine how competing sources interfere with perception. In auditory perception, theories of attention are less mature and no comprehensive framework exists to explain how attention influences perceptual abilities. However, the same principles that govern visual perception can explain many seemingly disparate auditory phenomena. In particular, many recent studies of 'informational masking' can be explained by failures of either auditory object formation or auditory object selection. This similarity suggests that the same neural mechanisms control attention and influence perception across different sensory modalities.  相似文献   

The neural mechanisms underlying the perception of pitch, a sensory attribute of paramount importance in hearing, have been a matter of debate for over a century. A question currently at the heart of the debate is whether the pitch of all harmonic complex tones can be determined by the auditory system's using a single mechanism, or whether two different neural mechanisms are involved, depending on the stimulus conditions. When the harmonics are widely spaced, as is the case at high fundamental frequencies (FOs), and/or when the frequencies of the harmonics are low, the frequency components of the sound fall in different peripheral auditory channels and are then "resolved" by the peripheral auditory system. In contrast, at low F0s, or when the harmonics are high in frequency, several harmonics interact within the passbands of the same auditory filters, being thus "unresolved" by the peripheral auditory system. The idea that more than one mechanism mediates the encoding of pitch depending on the resolvability status of the harmonics was investigated here by testing for transfer of learning in F0 discrimination between different stimulus conditions involving either resolved or unresolved harmonics after specific training in one of these conditions. The results, which show some resolvability-specificity of F0-discrimination learning, support the hypothesis that two different underlying mechanisms mediate the encoding of the F0 of resolved and unresolved harmonics.  相似文献   

A sound that is briefly interrupted by a silent gap is perceived as discontinuous. However, when the gap is filled with noise, the sound may be perceived as continuing through the noise. It has been shown that this continuity illusion depends on the masking of the omitted target sound, but the underlying mechanisms have yet to be quantified thoroughly. In this article, we systematically quantify the relation between perceived continuity and the duration, relative power, or notch width of the interrupting broadband noise for interrupted and noninterrupted amplitude-modulated tones at different frequencies. We fitted the psychometric results in order to estimate the range of the noise parameters that induced auditory grouping. To explain our results within a common theoretical framework, we applied a power spectrum model to thedifferent masking resultsand estimated the critical bandwidth of the auditory filter that may be responsible for the continuity illusion. Our results set constraints on the spectral resolution of the mechanisms underlying the continuity illusion and provide a stimulus set that can be readily applied for neurophysiological studies of its neural correlates.  相似文献   

Toward a neurophysiological theory of auditory stream segregation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Auditory stream segregation (or streaming) is a phenomenon in which 2 or more repeating sounds differing in at least 1 acoustic attribute are perceived as 2 or more separate sound sources (i.e., streams). This article selectively reviews psychophysical and computational studies of streaming and comprehensively reviews more recent neurophysiological studies that have provided important insights into the mechanisms of streaming. On the basis of these studies, segregation of sounds is likely to occur beginning in the auditory periphery and continuing at least to primary auditory cortex for simple cues such as pure-tone frequency but at stages as high as secondary auditory cortex for more complex cues such as periodicity pitch. Attention-dependent and perception-dependent processes are likely to take place in primary or secondary auditory cortex and may also involve higher level areas outside of auditory cortex. Topographic maps of acoustic attributes, stimulus-specific suppression, and competition between representations are among the neurophysiological mechanisms that likely contribute to streaming. A framework for future research is proposed.  相似文献   

Unlike visual and tactile stimuli, auditory signals that allow perception of timbre, pitch and localization are temporal. To process these, the auditory nervous system must either possess specialized neural machinery for analyzing temporal input, or transform the initial responses into patterns that are spatially distributed across its sensory epithelium. The former hypothesis, which postulates the existence of structures that facilitate temporal processing, is most popular. However, I argue that the cochlea transforms sound into spatiotemporal response patterns on the auditory nerve and central auditory stages; and that a unified computational framework exists for central auditory, visual and other sensory processing. Specifically, I explain how four fundamental concepts in visual processing play analogous roles in auditory processing.  相似文献   

Using electroencephalographic recordings (EEG), we assessed differences in oscillatory cortical activity during auditory‐oddball performance between children aged 9–13 years, younger adults, and older adults. From childhood to old age, phase synchronization increased within and between electrodes, whereas whole power and evoked power decreased. We conclude that the cortical dynamics of perceptual processing undergo substantial reorganization from childhood to old age, and discuss possible reasons for the inverse relation between age trends in phase synchronization and power, such as lifespan differences in neural background activity, or a lifespan shift from rate coding in children to temporal coding in adults.  相似文献   

Königs K  Knöll J  Bremmer F 《Perception》2007,36(10):1507-1512
Previous studies have shown that the perceived location of visual stimuli briefly flashed during smooth pursuit, saccades, or optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) is not veridical. We investigated whether these mislocalisations can also be observed for brief auditory stimuli presented during OKN. Experiments were carried out in a lightproof sound-attenuated chamber. Participants performed eye movements elicited by visual stimuli. An auditory target (white noise) was presented for 5 ms. Our data clearly indicate that auditory targets are mislocalised during reflexive eye movements. OKN induces a shift of perceived location in the direction of the slow eye movement and is modulated in the temporal vicinity of the fast phase. The mislocalisation is stronger for look- as compared to stare-nystagmus. The size and temporal pattern of the observed mislocalisation are different from that found for visual targets. This suggests that different neural mechanisms are at play to integrate oculomotor signals and information on the spatial location of visual as well as auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the neural mechanisms underlying the ontogenetic emergence of auditory eyeblink conditioning. Previous studies found that the medial auditory thalamus is necessary for eyeblink conditioning with an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) in adult rats. In experiment 1, stimulation of the medial auditory thalamus was used as a CS in rat pups trained on postnatal days (P) 17-18, 24-25, or 31-32. All three age groups showed significant acquisition relative to unpaired controls. However, there was an age-related increase in the rate of conditioning. Experiment 2 examined the effect of inactivating the medial auditory thalamus with muscimol on auditory eyeblink conditioning in rats trained on P17-18, 24-25, or 31-32. Rat pups trained on P24-25 and P31-32, but not P17-18, showed a significant reduction in conditioned responses following muscimol infusions. The findings suggest that the thalamic contribution to auditory eyeblink conditioning continues to develop through the first postnatal month.  相似文献   

Responses are typically faster and more accurate when both auditory and visual modalities are stimulated than when only one is. This bimodal advantage is generally attributed to a speeding of responding on bimodal trials, relative to unimodal trials. It remains possible that this effect might be due to a performance decrement on unimodal ones. To investigate this, two levels of auditory and visual signal intensities were combined in a double-factorial paradigm. Responses to the onset of the imperative signal were measured under go/no-go conditions. Mean reaction times to the four types of bimodal stimuli exhibited a superadditive interaction. This is evidence for the parallel self-terminating processing of the two signal components. Violations of the race model inequality also occurred, and measures of processing capacity showed that efficiency was greater on the bimodal than on the unimodal trials. These data are discussed in terms of a possible underlying neural substrate.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether the neural correlates for auditory feedback control of vocal pitch can be shaped by tone language experience. Event-related potentials (P2/N1) were recorded from adult native speakers of Mandarin and Cantonese who heard their voice auditory feedback shifted in pitch by −50, −100, −200, or −500 cents when they sustained the vowel sound /u/. Cantonese speakers produced larger P2 amplitudes to −200 or −500 cents stimuli than Mandarin speakers, but this language effect failed to reach significance in the case of −50 or −100 cents. Moreover, Mandarin speakers produced shorter N1 latencies over the left hemisphere than the right hemisphere, whereas Cantonese speakers did not. These findings demonstrate that neural processing of auditory pitch feedback in vocal motor control is subject to language-dependent neural plasticity, suggesting that cortical mechanisms of auditory-vocal integration can be shaped by tone language experience.  相似文献   

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