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语言功能异常是孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)的典型症状之一。1957年,斯金纳从行为学角度提出"言语行为",认为人们获得表达和理解语言的能力与学会走路、跳舞等行为的原理相同。2001年,海斯等人在斯金纳的基础上提出关于人类语言和认知的新视角——关系框架理论(Relational Frame Theory,RFT),澄清了语言的推衍性实质,认为言语行为是将一个刺激与其他刺激建立关系框架的过程。研究表明基于RFT的多范例训练可以提升ASD患者的推衍关系反应水平,且推衍关系反应与语言和认知功能的发展高相关。未来RFT的研究可以探索如何通过推衍关系反应训练修复ASD患者的语言和认知功能缺陷。  相似文献   

伍麟  车文博 《心理学探新》2001,21(4):12-15,19
斯金纳激进行为主义的一个理论特色是包容对私人事件(语言、意识、思维)的研究,体现了斯金纳激进行为主义的特有认识论立场及独特的行为分析理论和行为解释原则。  相似文献   

王景和 《心理学报》1983,16(4):22-27
一、前言 1967年秋,美国《哲学与现象学研究》杂志发表了哲学教授布兰沙德(B.Blanshard)与斯金纳关于意识问题辩论的一组三篇论文。程序是布兰沙德先发表对斯金纳有关意识的论述,特别是对1953年斯金纳在《科学与人类行为》一书中的有关论述,提出质异,然后斯金纳进行答辩,最后布兰沙德作出结束性评论。  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders, ASD)是一种广泛发展障碍, 以社会交往障碍、言语和非言语交流缺陷、兴趣狭窄和行为刻板等为主要临床特征。对ASD的准确诊断是早期干预的关键, 也对患者的康复及其家庭幸福产生积极作用。日渐增长的发病率促进了对早期识别、诊断评估、以事实为基础干预的重视。在探索药物治疗ASD的基础上, 中国传统医学方法, 尤其是“靳三针”治疗ASD获得越来越多的实证支持。可以根据Simpson等人(2005)提出的指标体系对各种干预和治疗方法的疗效进行评价。今后研究将从认知神经科学的视角, 尤其是将眼动技术与ERP、fMRI相结合, 探索ASD的核心症状表征以及各亚类的特异性。  相似文献   

苏怡 《心理科学进展》2018,26(3):391-399
学龄前孤独谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorders; ASD)儿童对语言的习得程度是决定ASD儿童早期科学干预效果和最终预后水平的关键。以往ASD儿童语言研究多局限于英语ASD儿童, 较少有研究探讨不同语种ASD儿童语言习得的普遍机制。本研究拟结合汉语独特的语法属性, 通过多通道优先注视范式眼动实验考察2~5岁ASD儿童汉语核心语法的理解程度, 通过共同注意游戏评估ASD儿童的社会交流能力, 同时分析ASD儿童语言环境中相关语法结构的输入频率。研究旨在通过探讨学龄前ASD儿童的语法习得, 进一步探索人类语言习得的深层机制, 包括探索人类特有的语言机能对包括ASD儿童语言习得在内的人类语言习得的作用, 同时考察社会交流障碍与语言环境对人类语言习得过程的影响。  相似文献   

本研究采用元分析方法, 以疼痛阈限、疼痛诱发生理反应和疼痛评分为结果变量, 考察了自闭症谱系障碍个体(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)的疼痛敏感性异常, 以期为ASD的诊断和干预提供参考。元分析共纳入16项研究(总样本量N = 822)。对于疼痛阈限, ASD组和对照组无显著差异, 但受到疼痛模态等变量的调节作用, 如ASD组的压力疼痛阈限显著低于对照组。对于疼痛诱发生理反应, ASD组对现实医疗疼痛的生理反应强于对照组。然而, ASD组和对照组在疼痛评分上无显著差异。将来研究应结合多模态疼痛刺激和多维度疼痛评估, 系统考察ASD个体的疼痛敏感性及其与临床核心症状之间的联系。  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)表现为社会交往困难以及重复刻板兴趣或行为。社交动机理论提出ASD个体是由于社交动机缺乏导致的社交障碍。目前该理论缺乏理论元素及结构关系的系统论证, 及基于此理论的低龄ASD儿童群体的研究证据。本研究拟采用心理实验法、眼动及近红外脑成像技术, 探索低龄ASD儿童早期社交奖赏、社交定向异常眼动标记及眶额叶脑区活动的神经机制。此外, 通过音乐奖赏强化学习的干预方式改善该理论的核心元素(社交奖赏), 观测能否改善ASD儿童的社交动机。本研究的开展有望对该理论进行系统验证, 并形成改善社交行为的潜在干预方案。  相似文献   

威廉斯(Williams)和哈皮(Happé)的一项最新实验显示,传统实验中自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童表征自我错误信念和他人错误信念难度相当是因为ASD儿童采用了陈述记忆策略所致,若排除该策略干扰,他们表征自我错误信念比表征他人错误信念更加困难。通过两项实验表明,ASD儿童表征自我错误信念的难度可能受自我动手行为的影响,而不是受陈述记忆策略的影响。  相似文献   

威廉斯(williams)和哈皮(Happ?的一项最新实验显示,传统实验中自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童表征自我错误信念和他人错误信念难度相当是因为ASD儿童采用了陈述记忆策略所致,若排除该策略干扰,他们表征自我错误信念比表征他人错误信念更加困难.通过两项实验表明,ASD儿童表征自我错误信念的难度可能受自我动手行为的影响,而不是受陈述记忆策略的影响.  相似文献   

行为主义同精神分析、人本主义心理学派一道,开辟了心理伦理学研究的新领域。新行为主义的代表人物斯金纳(B.F.Skinner)对现代西方伦理学的心理伦理学的发展更是做出了突出的贡献。众所周知,斯金纳1971年发表的《超越自由与尊严》是其“行为技术理论”...  相似文献   

The current investigation sought to extend prior research evaluating the use of the PEAK Relational Training System as a comprehensive treatment model in improving language skills demonstrated by individuals with autism. Baseline PEAK‐Direct Training and Verbal Behavior Milestone Assessment and Placement Program (VB‐MAPP) assessments were conducted across 3 adult male participants, and scores on the PEAK‐Direct Training assessment were used to select targets for intervention. Language instruction guided by the PEAK‐Direct Training module was implemented for 45 to 69 days across participants. Results suggest that participants mastered target skills throughout the training phase, and VB‐MAPP test probes showed an increasing trend. Follow‐up probes suggested that scores on the VB‐MAPP maintained when training was discontinued. In addition, participants demonstrated an increase in assessment scores on the PEAK‐Direct Training assessment in the follow‐up phase, including the mastery of untargeted verbal skills.  相似文献   

Mark Dixon's (2014) manual, PEAK Relational Training System: Direct Training Module, proposes a novel approach to manualized evaluation and curriculum development. Dixon's PEAK system, introduced in the book as the first of four modules, translates derived relational responding methodology into a new verbal‐behavior approach. The PEAK system is firmly rooted in the basic, conceptual, and applied behavior‐analytic tradition; however, it differs substantially from the competition in its unique application of relational frame theory to produce efficient learning. The manual's accessible nature renders it a viable product for many users and readers. The growing empirical support for PEAK’s efficacy, usability, and psychometrics is impressive and provides a robust empirical basis for the system that is not described within the pages of the manual. Behavior analysts may shy away from a manualized system that explicitly omits discussion of scholarship and empirical bases but would be remiss in doing so, given the potential of PEAK to revolutionize the way clinicians and parents apply the verbal behavior approach.  相似文献   

Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge—Direct Training Module (PEAK‐DTM) is a commercially available assessment and curriculum for individuals whose language skills are not developmentally adequate. In their review of PEAK‐DTM, Reed and Luiselli (2016) analyzed the extant literature on PEAK‐DTM and concluded that it has a sound and growing body of empirical support on its efficacy, usability, and psychometric properties. Similar conclusions are mirrored in the PEAK‐DTM literature and promotional material. I review these conclusions and contend that many overrate the research that backs them. Suggestions for a more rigorous research agenda on PEAK‐DTM and its related modules are provided.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the feasibility of the PEAK Relational Training System's Generalization Module (Dixon, 2014b) to teach and establish generalization of autoclitic mands, distorted tacts, and creative path finding in three children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Using a multiple‐baseline design across behaviors, each participant was provided with differential reinforcement and a least‐to‐most prompting hierarchy for correct responses to a subset of stimuli, and responses to other similar stimulus sets were probed for emergent generalization. Following training, each participant successfully acquired the directly trained behaviors and demonstrated generalization to the nonreinforced test exemplars. These data support the utility of Skinner's (1957) analysis to teach complex forms of verbal operants, and suggest that a manualized curriculum such as PEAK may have utility for promoting skill development and generalization for front line staff and caregivers of children with autism.  相似文献   

Shillingsburg, Frampton, Cleveland, and Cariveau (2018) taught listener and tact by feature, name–feature intraverbal, and feature–name intraverbal responses across sets and reported emergence of responses that were not directly trained for 6 individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The current study was a systematic replication with the addition of instructive feedback (IF) with 2 children diagnosed with ASD. During trials for previously mastered listener by name responses (e.g., “Point to Tennessee” and child selects a picture of Tennessee), the experimenters provided related IF (e.g., “The capital of this state is Nashville”). After 3 sessions, we evaluated the effects of IF on related verbal responses (e.g., listener by feature, tact by feature, name–feature intraverbal, and feature–name intraverbal) across sets probes. We observed increased correct responses for related verbal responses; replicating Shillingsburg et al. Results suggest that the inclusion of IF may increase the efficiency of verbal behavior programming.  相似文献   

In recent studies it has been suggested that Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is beneficial to people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but that the method needs to be modified in relation to their cognitive profile. The aim of this study is to measure the effect of modified CBT, that is, using visualized language throughout the entire session for clients with ASD and anxiety and avoidance behavior. The modification of CBT in this study consists of focusing on CBT protocols for anxiety disorders and depression, while visualizing and systematizing “the invisible” in the conversation, in order for the clients to understand the social, cognitive and emotional context of self and others and how they should interact to avoid misunderstandings. ASD clients may need help to detect the invisible code of social interaction and communication. The level of anxiety and the frequency of target behavior were measured. Four assessments were made, two at the pre‐assessment, and one in mid‐therapy and end of therapy respectively. Generally, results suggest no improvement during pre‐treatment period but a significant improvement during treatment. The values of the clients' psychological, social and occupational ability to function improved on the Global Function Rating scale. The preliminary conclusion of this pilot study indicates that the use of visualized language throughout the CBT therapy sessions is a promising modification of current CBT protocols for individuals with ASD. After manualization, larger studies with randomized controlled study designs can replicate or challenge these results.  相似文献   

Systems‐level interventions built by behavior analysts often rely on others to implement, and this may be especially true in public education settings where behavior analysts are scarce. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge Direct Training (PEAK‐DT) curriculum when implemented by school teachers and direct care staff. Thirty‐nine children with autism took part in the study (19 PEAK, 15 control), where the experimental group received applied behavior analytic instruction through the PEAK‐DT curriculum, and the quasi‐randomized control group received training as usual. The PEAK‐DT assessment was first administered to the participants at the onset of the study and again following 1 year. Participants who received PEAK training gained more skills on the PEAK‐DT assessment compared to the control group (PEAK: M = 16.0, SD = 17.8; control: M = 6.1, SD = 14.4, F(1,33) = 10.66, p < .05), suggesting that systems level implementation of behavior analytic procedures can be effective in teaching language skills as prescribed in a packaged curriculum designed by behavior analysts.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the Relational Completion Procedure may be an effective alternative procedure for studying derived relational responding. However, the parameters that make it effective, relative to traditional match-to-sample, remain to be determined. The present experiment compared the Relational Completion Procedure and match-to-sample protocols for training and testing Same and Opposite derived stimulus relations. Trials to criterion and overall pass rate (i.e., yield) in both procedures were compared across three variables: presence versus absence of a confirmatory response requirement, three versus five comparison stimuli, and top-to-bottom versus left-to-right presentation format. Findings demonstrated a facilitative effect of the confirmatory response requirement in both procedures. Training trials to criterion were nominally but not significantly lower during the nonarbitrary training phase in the Relational Completion Procedure compared to match-to-sample, and the overall yield on the arbitrary relational test was greater in the former procedure compared to the latter. The present findings support the further development of the Relational Completion Procedure as an efficient alternative procedure for establishing Same and Opposite relations with adult humans, and with potential applicability to other types of derived relations.  相似文献   

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