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弗洛伊德和皮亚杰都是心理学的大师,他们关于心理发展的阶段、过程、结构等方面的思想既有关联,也存在不同。揭示两位大师心理观的关联和异同不仅有助于认清心理学思想的发展逻辑,而且对心理学理论的建构和研究也有裨益。  相似文献   

第一期辩证唯物论心理学的方法论(上)·合理所反映的客观现实究应理解为什么 —心理学问题质疑之一关于心理发展的动力问题—评有关心理 发展动力问题的几种观点弗洛伊德主义和新弗洛伊德主义 〔美〕纳海姆试析《孙子兵法》中的军事心理学思想不同性质的学习材料和再坎方式对记忆的影响思维活动的情绪调节〔苏〕高级神经活动学说研究的某些新进展关于智力的脑生理基础 —兼谈遗传素质问题创造能力与性格品质论能力与能量国外几种学习理论述评 —兼谈学习的本质试论教育能力的心理结构音乐手段对儿童智力发展的影响潘款张肪计文莹史民德译林…  相似文献   

精神分析是研究人心理的一种途径,人格的理论,和心理治疗的方法。首创人是维也纳医生兼心理学家弗洛伊德(S·Freud 1856——1939)。此理论经弗洛伊德的学生和追随者不断修正,现在仍在演变之中。精神分析从医治人的心理障碍开始发展起来,为了医疗目的他们重视探索人的动机、行为的动力和根源问题。这个问题的提出弥补了传统心理学的不足,改变了心理学研究的趋向。精神分析学说认为人的重要行为表现是一个  相似文献   

蔡元培在中国现代心理学史上的先驱地位与贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文较全面系统地论述了蔡元培在中国现代心理学史上的先驱地位与贡献:留德跟冯特学习实验心理学,奠定了专业基础;扶持创建我国第一个心理实验室和第一个心理研究所,奠定了组织基础;关于心理学性质与方法之思想,提供了方法学基础;重视心理学在教育中的应用,推动了儿童与教育心理学的研究;文艺与美育心理之思想,开了我国现代文艺与美育心理学之先河;主张西方心理学与中国传统文化相结合,对心理学研究仍有指导意义。  相似文献   

个性的心理结构问题是个性心理学的中心问题之一。弄清这个问题不仅对于正确理解个性的本质,而且对于全面认识人的积极能动性和特殊的创造性,都具有重要的理论和现实意义。正是在这个问题上,西方的个性心理学呈现了形形色色错误的观点,形成了混乱的和观点不够明确的状态。比如,在西方的个性心理学中,从弗洛伊德的心理分析,到当代的人本主义心理学。都把人与生俱来的本能、冲动或需要、潜能看成是个性心理结构的核心内容,把这些生物性的驱力看作是个性积极性的  相似文献   

赵莉如 《心理学报》1983,16(4):13-21
在我国古时,虽然没有“心理学”这一学科的名称,但对心理问题的论述却有数千年的历史了。从事这方面研究的是我国古代的哲学家、教育家、文艺理论家和医药学家,他们对心理的研究,散见于各代的经、理、文、医学的群籍中,既有叙述的理论,也有应用的资料。但我国最早的心理学书却是从西方心理学翻译过来的。关于西方心理学传入我国始于何时?何人?背景条件如何?确是研究我国现代心理学起源的一个重要问题,也是中国现代心理学史不可缺少的史料之一。  相似文献   

20世纪,弗洛伊德的精神分析理论开启了心理学艺术学研究的新途径和新方法。弗洛伊德的精神分析以心理结构说、本能论、释梦以及"性欲说"诸理论为基础,并将其运用到具体的艺术文本解读中。弗洛伊德通过对詹森的《格拉迪瓦》和达·芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》等作品的精神分析解读,从中发现了创作家在进行艺术创作时的动力机制及过程:从压抑的本能冲动出发,通过一些技巧和题材的运用,产生与"白日梦"同质的作品,使创作者和读者获得一种美感享受。  相似文献   

西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud,1856——1939)是奥地利精神病医生,精神分析派心理学的创始人。弗洛伊德是二十世纪最有影响的人物之一。他的学说以变态心理为依据,研究的对象是他以前的心理学家所忽视的人的精神活动中的无意识。精神分析心理学是一种深度心理学,不停留在心理的表面价值上。因此,可以说弗洛伊德是研究人的无意识领域的开拓者。弗洛伊德还沟通了心理学与文学的联系,开拓了文学研究的新领域,对作家和文学批评家进一步刻画人物的内心世界和深入地分析人物的  相似文献   

薛蓉 《现代哲学》2007,(3):61-68
弗罗姆的社会心理学是对马克思的思想和弗洛伊德的精神分析理论综合的结果,他以历史唯物主义为基础,修正和发展了弗洛伊德的精神分析学,将弗洛伊德的个体心理学发展为“社会心理学”,并将他在心理学上的发现和成果——社会性格学和社会无意识——用于对资本主义的批判。  相似文献   

《应用心理学》是由浙江省心理学会、浙江大学主办,《中国期刊网》、《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》和《中国学术期刊综合评价数据库》全文收录,向国内外公开发行的全国性应用心理学学术刊物。《应用心理学》杂志主要刊登心理学应用研究和应用基础研究的论文、评述、研究报告和学术动态。特别欢迎认知心理、管理心理、工程心理、教育心理、社会心理、心理测量、医学心理、心理卫生和咨询、体育运动心理、文艺心理、司法心理及心理学在其他领域的运用等方面的文章。  相似文献   

This paper examines Freud's evolving network of enterprise from 1876 to 1900 and the ensemble of metaphors which he used in the development of his theory (1888–1900). It will be shown that, in spite of Freud's obligatory change of career at age 26, there is no sharp break between Freud's early scientific work and his psychological research. Many signs of continuity between the two periods can be found. Freud's journey of scientific self-discovery only progressively led him to the frontiers of the unknown and his ultimate challenge: exploring the secrets of sexuality. Freud's avowed commitment to the study of the unconscious may have happened as late as 1899 as his metaphors celebrate an intimate fusion between the creator and his creation.  相似文献   

The story recounted by Jeffrey M. Masson of the medical community's outraged response to the seduction theory is treated as historical fact in some of the recent literature on Freud's early psychoanalytic experiences. In this article the evidence adduced by Masson in The Assault on Truth (1984) to buttress his account of Freud's supposed ostracism is critically examined. It is concluded that this evidence fails to substantiate Masson's version of events, that there is abundant evidence that refutes it, and that he has ignored the historical research that demonstrates that the notion that Freud's early psychoanalytic writings received an irrationally hostile reception is a myth.  相似文献   

阅读文学小说曾经被认为只是大众消遣娱乐的方式,但最近的研究表明,阅读文学小说能够提升个体的社会认知。然而,有些研究并未发现阅读文学小说能够提升社会认知。本文首先批判性地分析支持和质疑“阅读文学小说提升社会认知”的相关证据,随后提出未来的研究将如何解决这一争论,包括开发新的研究工具和技术、明确文学与小说的操作性定义、确定读者的关键特征、创新研究设计等多个方面。  相似文献   

From the point of view of the history of ideas in psychoanalysis, a major shift may be described from Freud's starting point considering art as sublimation of sexual desires on a largely objectal level to later developments emphasizing the presence in art of destructiveness and narcissistic conflicts. Segal's contribution represents a watershed in this evolution. Following Klein, Hanna Segal suggests considering art in relation to depressive anxieties and reparation in such a way that artistic activity may be seen as an attempt 'to restore and re-create the loved object outside and inside the ego' which implies a successful work of mourning accompanied by symbol formation. For Segal, these reparative processes are conveyed through formal beauty which represents the victory of reparation over destruction. Nevertheless, contemporary art demands that we consider the intervention, in art, of more raw and less symbolized/sublimated processes, including acting-out in often primitive, psychotic or perverse ways. Thus this paper unfolds in two directions: on the one hand, it examines the differences and continuities between Freud's and Segal's thinking whilst, on the other, the author presents some alternative ideas which stress the search for truth and new thinking in contemporary art.  相似文献   

Freud's "The Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy" is regarded by Freud and by analytic readers and commentators as a prototype of his conception of the oedipus complex. A literary methodology is used to show that the interpretation of the oedipus complex at work in Freud's text in fact differs from Freud's standard view of it. While studying the paper as text, not as case report, may obscure or distort some clinical matters, it is valuable in that it makes legible a sort of theoretical unconscious in the text. In contrast to Freud's typically tragic view of the oedipus complex (in the tradition of ancient Greek tragedy), the Hans study evokes a comic vision (in the tradition of Greek New Comedy). This comic vision allows Hans a happy imaginative ending to the oedipal dilemma, challenges certain epistemic pretensions, and emphasizes the oedipus complex as a set of abiding existential questions. Given the deep link between Freud"s oedipus concept and a tragic view of human life, this departure in the Hans paper is a fascinating anomaly.  相似文献   

An overview of the concept of leadership as it appears in social psychology, psychoanalytic theory and group psychotherapy is presented. In the absence of a generally accepted global view of leadership, social psychology has produced limited-domain theories with relevance to group practitioners. Following Freud's early contribution on the subject, psychoanalytic investigators have neglected the subject of group psychology, and with it of leadership, until very recently. Within group psychotherapy some promising research and theorizing have emerged, but there is a need to distinguish between the roles of group leader and group therapist in both theory and practice.This paper was presented at the 1979 Annual Conference of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society.  相似文献   

This article develops the argument that Friedrich Nietzsche influenced several aspects of Freud's later writings by illustrating, in particular, the impact of Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morals on Freud's Civilization and its Discontents. The theoretical and conceptual schemes represented in Freud's Discontents are found to bear a remarkable similarity to Nietzsche's Genealogy on a number of highly specific points. It is suggested that "DAS ES," "Uber-ich," and "bad conscience," concepts central to Freud's moral theory of mind, are at least partly derived from Nietzsche. Moreover, Freud's phylogenetic theory of guilt is based upon premises found in Nietzsche, as are specific details relating to ideas on human prehistory and the ancestral family. Based on this evidence, a re-examination of the moral and social dimensions of Freud's "structural" model may be in order.  相似文献   

M Dierks 《Psyche》1990,44(3):240-268
The author shows by means of literary comparisons that in "Death in Venice" and The Magic Mountain, Mann was strongly influenced by Freud's psychoanalysis, in particular by the latter's work "Delusion and dreams in W. Jensen's 'Gradiva'."  相似文献   

The figure of the governess, central in Freud's own history, is present in most of his cases. Freud described his nursemaid as "the prime originator" of his neuroses. Well after Freud's abandonment of the seduction theory, female servants were consistently portrayed as seducing boys, while their relationship with girls consisted of identification and rivalry. The role of Freud's own surrogate mother in his life and writing is examined, and two cases, Lucy R. and Dora, are looked at through the lens of female caretaking. A review and integration of relevant literature is followed by an exploration of the perplexing adherence in Freud's writing to the reality of seduction by a governess, even after he had abandoned the seduction theory. It is argued that it is in the figure of the female maid that the "shadowy" early history of Freud's mothering experiences may actually be engaged, however indirectly and unconsciously. This figure, and Freud's powerful, problematic identification with her, is a thread that when pulled helps unravel struggles in Freud's early theoretical development around issues of female sexuality and analytic authority. Revisiting Lucy R. and Dora provides a new perspective on Freud's difficulty with maternal transferences, and restores to their original importance his "worthless" governesses, those first analysts.  相似文献   

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