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续宪光 《社会心理科学》2002,17(4):79-82,68
文化生活是现代生活方式中的一个重要组成部分,是人们精神需要的一个方面,也是人的基础需求之一,他对现代社会的工作和生活都有重大影响。人正是在文化生活中满足自己的精神需要,体现自己的个性,实现自我肯定得到自我表现。  相似文献   

施军  曾一果 《学海》2004,1(2):170-175
郁达夫小说与西方唯美主义之间存在着错综复杂的关系。无论是在艺术观念、小说实践上还是在生活方式上 ,郁达夫都烙上了西方唯美主义色彩。郁达夫小说前后差异很大 ,前期小说是浪漫主义与唯美主义的融合强调“自我表现” ;后期小说渐渐由唯美主义向现代主义演进 ,注重“人生展示”。  相似文献   

儿童对有关心理特质的自我报告信息的评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
傅根跃  丁晓攀 《心理科学》2006,29(2):392-394
本研究通过对63名儿童的访谈来调查儿童对他人有关心理特质的自我报告信息的评价。研究发现,10、11岁儿童比6、7岁儿童对高评价性特质“诚实”、“聪明”、“善良”、“友善”自我报告的信息抱有更大的怀疑;但是在中性特质“忧虑”、“喜欢热闹”、“喜欢红色”、“喜欢咸食”上没有显著差异。结果表明,把自我报告作为有关高评价性特质的信息来源时,高年龄组比低年龄组表现出更大的怀疑,而且这种变化是与儿童自我表现能力的提高有关。  相似文献   

绘画是一种艺术表现形式,它形色兼备,富有吸引力,是使儿童身心得到发展,培养儿童想象力、创造力和思维能力的重要手段.喜欢绘画是低年级孩子的天性.对他们来说,绘画是自我表现的一种方式,是探索美的一种媒介,而且是自我得以肯定的一种途径.通过绘画,他们可以表述思想,表现生活美,还可以宣泄感情,想象和创造世界.笔者觉得在日常的绘画教学中,教师应充分发挥引导作用,努力做到以下几点:  相似文献   

大学生积极参加社团活动的心理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近两年来,随着高校的连续扩招,大学生为提高自己的综合素质能力而积极踊跃参加学校的各种社团活动.笔认为有以下心理因素:顺应时代的要求提高自身的素质:激发学习动力,拓宽知识视野,获得信息;获得友谊;自我表现的需要.对大学生的这些需求应该加以正确的引导。  相似文献   

强烈的现代意识使西方现代派美术走向自我表现,它体现了主观表达上的真实,即作品中表现出现代人在现代社会生活中的感觉、体验,记录着他们的情感变化,它所表现出的情感是欣赏者解读它所代表的时代特征的通道。它以肯定主体的表现是美术创作中不可或缺的一个因素的独特方式,肯定了人的自由,渗透着对自然、社会、生活的深刻感受和理解。  相似文献   

有些心理学将听话、顺从、乖巧、循规蹈矩的孩子归入不正常孩子之列。因为,一个绝对服从、循规蹈矩的孩子,通常是缺乏个性的。这种孩子对自我表现毫无兴趣,他的满足来源于顺从别人的意志而获得别人的好感。一般说来,这样的孩子将来是不能很好地承担创造性工作的,除非别人提出非常明确具体的要求。但对于大多数人来说,听话、顺从、乖巧孩子是大受欢迎的。这与我们的文化传统有关,家长需要孝子,对“不孝之子”并给以严厉的惩罚。如果思想、行动、举止不跟在父辈后面亦步亦趋,就是不孝,就是坏儿子,就要绳之以族规家法。教师同样喜欢学习好、服从、听话的学生。“我们所施行的是什么方式的教育呢?连小小的角也不能有,否则大难临头,惟有兔子式的逃跑而已。”  相似文献   

陈振宇 《法音》2013,(6):22-28
箱庭疗法(sandplay therapy)又称沙游疗法,是指在咨询者的陪伴下,来访者从玩具架上自由挑选玩具,在盛有细沙的特制箱子里进行自我表现的一种心理疗法[1]。箱庭疗法是在荣格分析心理学的基础上,整合东西方的哲学思想,借鉴了心理分析及地板游戏等技术,由瑞士心理学家卡尔夫(Dora Kailf)创立并发展的一种心理疗法。日本临床心理学家河合隼雄于1965年将这一技法介绍到日本,并将其译为"箱庭疗法"。  相似文献   

姜平  张丽华 《心理学报》2021,53(4):400-412
有关职场排斥对员工绩效的影响结果, 已有研究存在不一致的研究结论, 表明该领域还存在潜藏的作用机制有待深入发掘。为此, 基于自我表现理论, 本文构建并检验了一个有条件的间接作用模型, 探讨遭受职场排斥的个体如何以及何时可能获得更高的绩效评价。基于一个情景实验和一个多时点、上下级配对的问卷调查, 研究结果支持了理论假设:职场排斥会激发个体表面顺从的应对策略, 并且这种应对趋向对高集体主义倾向的员工更为明显; 而在领导的集体主义倾向较高的情况下, 高表面顺从的下属能获得更高的绩效评价; 当且仅当下属和领导的集体主义倾向都较高时, 职场排斥通过表面顺从对绩效评价产生正向影响。  相似文献   

本文从发展心理学视角对自我表现研究进行了综述和讨论。作者认为,自我表现的狭义定义和广义定义并不矛盾,而是分别关注了处于不同自我发展水平的行为。本文还总结了儿童的自我表现研究和内化研究,并揭示其对于理解儿童自我发展及其过程机制的意义。作者认为,在社会建构主义复兴、文化发展心理学兴起的背景下,将自我表现纳入发展心理学视野,将是一个具有潜力的研究主题。  相似文献   

心理病理学视野中的完美主义自我展示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈童  温忠麟  陈启山 《心理科学》2012,35(1):233-237
完美主义自我展示是完美主义者在人际过程中为向他人展示自己非现实的、固定化的完美形象而进行的印象整饰过程。本文在简要阐述完美主义特征与澄清完美主义自我展示概念基础上,重点梳理和剖析了完美主义自我展示对抑郁、焦虑、社交恐惧、饮食障碍及人格障碍等常见心理病理现象的影响,并分析了其影响机制,最后,就深化该领域的研究提出了总结和展望。  相似文献   

Attributions are an important part of self-presentation strategies. In order to favorably control their interpersonal environment, people are motivated to seek social approval in their self-presentations. Social norms determine which types of attributional self-presentations will result in social approval and which will not. A regression analysis was performed which showed that actor-observer conditions interact with success-failure conditions to produce different attributional patterns depending on the particular combination of at-tributor perspective and task outcome. These results are interpreted to mean that different attributional norms exist for actors and observers in success and failure situations. It is concluded that a normative self-presentational approach to attributions which includes both motivational and cognitive factor can help to explain inconsistent findings in the relevant research literature.  相似文献   

Most research on self-presentation has examined how people convey images of themselves on only 1 or 2 dimensions at a time. In everyday interactions, however, people often manage their impressions on several image-relevant dimensions simultaneously. By examining people's self-presentations to several targets across multiple dimensions, these 2 studies offer new insights into the nature of self-presentation and provide a novel paradigm for studying impression management. Results showed that most people rely on a relatively small number of basic self-presentational personas in which they convey particular profiles of impressions as a set and that these personas reflect both normative influences to project images that are appropriate to a particular target and distinctive influences by which people put an idiosyncratic spin on these normative images. Furthermore, although people's self-presentational profiles correlate moderately with their self-views, they tailor their public images to specific targets. The degree to which participants' self-presentations were normative and distinctive, as well as the extent to which they reflected their own self-views, were moderated by individual differences in agreeableness, self-esteem, authenticity, and Machiavellianism.  相似文献   

Knowledge and use of self-presentational tactics is an important social skill. We examined understanding of the function of three different self-presentational tactics (self-promotion, ingratiation and blasting) in 11 8–12-year-old boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and 11 matched comparison children. Children were given six different self-presentation stories, two for each one of the three different tactics. After each story, they were asked to evaluate the effects of the self-presentational tactic used. Children with ADHD rated self-promotion and blasting as more positive and more effective—and ingratiation as less positive and less effective—than children in the control group. This implicates that children with ADHD prefer simple and direct self-presentational strategies (like self-promotion), and, therefore, may not as easily understand more subtle strategies (like ingratiation). They also seem to be more inclined to use negatively connoted strategies (like blasting). We suggest that this limited understanding of self-presentational strategies in children with ADHD may explain some of their problems in social interactions. Therefore, social skill interventions in children with ADHD should incorporate elements focusing on use and understanding of different self-presentational strategies.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between cognitive manifestations of self-presentation (social physique anxiety, self-presentational efficacy, impression motivation, and exercise imagery) and exercise behavior in 235 female exercisers. Each participant completed the Social Physique Anxiety Scale, a measure of self-presentational efficacy, the impression motivation subscale of the Self-Presentation in Exercise Questionnaire, and the Exercise Imagery Questionnaire. The results of a MANCOVA indicated high-frequency exercisers reported higher levels of efficacy expectancy, outcome value, and exercise imagery than did low-frequency exercisers. Semi-partial correlations showed efficacy expectancy, outcome expectancy, and appearance imagery each accounted for significant variance in social physique anxiety, independent of other predictors. Self-presentational efficacy expectancy appears to be a potent variable in both exercise behavior and social physique anxiety.  相似文献   

随着网络的日益普及,社交网站已成为人们活动的新领域和人际交往的新媒介。同现实交往一样,在社交网站中个体会采用不同的自我呈现策略。为探讨社交网站中自我呈现策略、社会支持和自尊的关系,采用问卷法对485名大学生进行了调查,结果发现:(1)社交网站中积极和真实自我呈现均与社会支持和自尊呈显著正相关,但真实自我呈现与领悟社会支持和自尊的相关程度更高。(2)社会支持在积极自我呈现与自尊关系中的中介效应不显著,积极自我呈现对自尊只有显著的直接预测作用;真实自我呈现对自尊不仅有显著的直接预测效应,还能通过社会支持的部分中介效应对其产生影响。  相似文献   

Preliminary research indicates that self-presentation may be an important antecedent and consequence of physical activity because it may affect people's exercise cognitions, attitudes, and behaviors. The specific purposes of this article were to review the literature on self-presentational processes with regard to (a) exercise behavior, (b) motivation to engage in physical activity, (c) the characteristics of the exercise environment, (d) subjective responses to acute exercise, and (e) the effects of exercise interventions on self-presentational concerns. Implications of a self-presentational perspective for examining exercise adherence and developing physical activity interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study involving children and adolescents with a principal diagnosis of social phobia, we measured parent–child agreement regarding social anxiety symptoms. Additionally, we examined variables related to the severity of the children's social phobia symptoms as reported by children and as rated by clinicians. Examination of cross-informant agreement indicated little difference between mean parent and children ratings of the children's social fears. In contrast, there was a significant difference in parent and children ratings of the children's avoidance, with parents endorsing greater degrees of social avoidance. Children's report of social avoidance was negatively related to scores on a measure of self-presentational concerns (i.e., social desirability). Clinicians' determination of the severity of the children's social phobia was also influenced by the children's self-presentation as well as parent report of social avoidance and children's depression scores. Thus, this differential weighting by the clinician of parent versus child report may be related to the finding that children's self-reported social avoidance was negatively related to their concerns regarding positive self-presentation. Results suggest the need to consider the impact of social desirability when examining clinical characteristics of children and adolescents with social phobia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In two experiments we investigated the causes of low preparatory effort (minimal practicing for an upcoming event that is to be evaluated), a possible form of self-handicapping Experiment 1 found that people with high self-esteem practiced less than people with low self-esteem, although a prior experience of success eliminated this difference Experiment 2 showed that people with high self-esteem practiced less only when the practice duration was publicly known, indicating that they were using a strategic self-presentational ploy rather man responding to superior confidence This difference may reflect a desire to maximize the self-presentation of high ability by appearing to succeed despite minimal preparatory effort These results suggest that this form of self-handicapping is a strategy used by highly confident individuals in uncertain situations to make a favorable impression on others  相似文献   

Past work has established a connection between self-esteem and self-presentation; however, research has not explored how self-esteem that is contingent on one's relationship may influence self-presentational tactics in that relationship. Across two studies, undergraduate students reported on the extent to which their self-esteem depended on their friendship and romantic relationship, as well as the extent to which they engaged in self-presentation behaviors in those relationships. The results suggest that relationship-specific contingent self-esteem predicts relationship-specific self-presentation; however, friendship-contingent self-esteem predicted self-presentation in both friendships and romantic relationships. These results suggest that individuals are keenly and differentially attuned to qualitatively different relationships, and when perceiving potential problems, they attempt to remedy those through their self-presentations. Furthermore, results indicate the possibility that self-esteem tied to a particular relationship may not be as important as self-esteem based more generally on one's relationships.  相似文献   

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