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Consistent, robust boosts to visual working memory capacity are observed when colour–location arrays contain duplicate colours. The prevailing explanation suggests that duplicated colours are encoded as one perceptual group. If so, then we should observe not only higher working memory capacity overall for displays containing duplicates, but specifically an improved ability to remember unique colours from displays including duplicates compared with displays comprising all uniquely coloured items. Furthermore, less effort should be required to retain displays as colour redundancy increases. I recorded gaze position and pupil sizes during a visual change detection task including displays of 4–6 items with either all unique colours, two items with a common colour, or three items with a common colour in samples of young and healthy elderly adults. Increased redundancy was indeed associated with higher estimated working memory capacity, both for tests of duplicates and uniquely coloured items. Redundancy was also associated with decreased pupil size during retention, especially in young adults. While elderly adults also benefited from colour redundancy, spillover to unique items was less obvious with low redundancy than in young adults. This experiment confirms previous findings and presents complementary novel evidence linking perceptual grouping via colour redundancy with decreased mental effort.  相似文献   

Distributing working memory resources during problem solving   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This study examines how problem solvers distribute working memory demands over internal and external resources. Participants recorded notes while performing an arithmetic task. They recorded a majority of intermediate results and labeled many of those results (e.g., "C = 10"). When more effort was required to take notes, participants recorded fewer results. Participants with a consistent goal structure recorded fewer results and with practice labeled fewer recorded results than those with varied goal structures. When notes were displayed in a consistent spatial arrangement participants labeled fewer recorded results than when notes appeared in varied locations. These findings indicate that individuals use explicit and implicit strategies for indexing intermediate results. The data support the view that individuals flexibly distribute working memory over internal and external resources in response to situational cost-benefit considerations.  相似文献   

Selective attention and working memory capacity (WMC) are related constructs, but debate about the manner in which they are related remains active. One elegant explanation of variance in WMC is that the efficiency of filtering irrelevant information is the crucial determining factor, rather than differences in capacity per se. We examined this hypothesis by relating WMC (as measured by complex span tasks) to accuracy and eye movements during visual change detection tasks with different degrees of attentional filtering and allocation requirements. Our results did not indicate strong filtering differences between high- and low-WMC groups, and where differences were observed, they were counter to those predicted by the strongest attentional filtering hypothesis. Bayes factors indicated evidence favoring positive or null relationships between WMC and correct responses to unemphasized information, as well as between WMC and the time spent looking at unemphasized information. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that individual differences in storage capacity, not only filtering efficiency, underlie individual differences in working memory.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recent findings on working memory, attention and eye movements. We discuss the research that shows that many phenomena related to visual attention taking place when selecting relevant information from the environment are similar to processes needed to keep information active in working memory. We discuss new data that show that when retrieving information from working memory, people may allocate visual spatial attention to the empty location in space that used to contain the information that has to be retrieved. Moreover, we show that maintaining a location in working memory not only may involve attention rehearsal, but might also recruit the oculomotor system. Recent findings seem to suggest that remembering a location may involve attention-based rehearsal in higher brain areas, while at the same time there is inhibition of specific motor programs at lower brain areas. We discuss the possibility that working memory functions do not reside at a special area in the brain, but emerge from the selective recruitment of brain areas that are typically involved in spatial attention and motor control.  相似文献   

The change detection task has been used in dozens of studies with adults to measure visual working memory capacity. Two studies have recently tested children in this task, suggesting a gradual increase in capacity from 5 years to adulthood. These results contrast with findings from an infant looking paradigm suggesting that capacity reaches adult-like levels within the first year. The current study adapted the change detection task for use with children younger than 5 years to test whether the standard version of the task was too difficult and may have underestimated children's capacity. Results showed that 3- and 4-year-olds could successfully complete this modified task and that capacity increased roughly linearly, from 2 or 3 items during this period to 3 or 4 items between 5 and 7 years. Furthermore, performance did not differ significantly between the modified version and a replication of the standard version with 5- and 7-year-olds. Thus, there is no evidence that previous research with the change detection task underestimated children's capacity. Further research is needed to understand how performance relates across the infant looking task and change detection to provide a more complete picture of visual working memory capacity over development.  相似文献   

Although various studies support the multicomponent nature of visuospatial working memory, to date there is no general consensus on the distinction of its components. A difference is usually proposed between visual and spatial components of working memory, but the individual roles of these components in mathematical learning disabilities remains unclear. The present study aimed to examine the involvement of visual and spatial working memory in poor problem-solvers compared with children with normal level of achievement. Fourth-grade participants were presented with tasks measuring phonological loop, central executive, and visual versus spatial memory. In two separate experiments, both designed to distinguish visual and spatial component involvement, poor problem-solvers specifically failed on spatial—but not visual or phonological—working memory tasks. Results are discussed in the light of possible working memory models, and specifically demonstrate that problem-solving ability can benefit from analysis of spatial processes, which involves ability to manipulate and transform relevant information; instead, no benefit is gained from the analysis of visual pictorial detail.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The persistence of visual perception was investigated under conditions of visual fixation as well as eye movement. The Ss' task was to discriminate brief double light impulses; their responses were recorded as a function of the duration of the interstimulus interval. Based on these data the critical interstimulus interval was calculated, which yielded equal response frequencies for the perception of one or two stimuli upon presentation of double light pulses.2. In the condition of visual fixation the two stimuli could not be discriminated until the mean value of interstimulus interval exceeded 73 msec. In the condition with eye movements, when the first stimulus was presented in the parafoveal region of the retina before the beginning of the saccade and the second stimulus in the foveal region just after termination of the eye movement, this duration was shown to be statistically of the same magnitude (76 msec).3. Possible alternative interpretations of this latter result, e.g., that it could be explained in terms of masking or saccadic suppression rather than visual persistence was discussed; it was attempted to invalidate such explanations by means of three control experiments.4. The main result, the persistence of visual perception during voluntary eye movements, was discussed in relation to the problem of spatial and temporal stability of visual perception.I thank Prof. Dr. H.W. Wendt for support in correcting the English translation.  相似文献   

How does the affective nature of task stimuli modulate working memory (WM)? This study investigates whether WM maintains emotional information in a biased manner to meet the motivational principle of approaching positivity and avoiding negativity by retaining more approach-related positive content over avoidance-related negative content. This bias may exist regardless of individual differences in WM functionality, as indexed by WM capacity (overall bias hypothesis). Alternatively, this bias may be contingent on WM capacity (capacity-based hypothesis), in which a better WM system may be more likely to reveal an adaptive bias. In two experiments, participants performed change localisation tasks with emotional and non-emotional stimuli to estimate the number of items that they could retain for each of those stimuli. Although participants did not seem to remember one type of emotional content (e.g. happy faces) better than the other type of emotional content (e.g. sad faces), there was a significant correlation between WM capacity and affective bias. Specifically, participants with higher WM capacity for non-emotional stimuli (colours or line-drawing symbols) tended to maintain more happy faces over sad faces. These findings demonstrated the presence of a “built-in” affective bias in WM as a function of its systematic limitations, favouring the capacity-based hypothesis.  相似文献   

The relations between short-term memory, working memory, inhibitory control, and arithmetic word problem solution were studied in children who were poor in arithmetic problem solving (n = 23). The children were compared with a group of good problem solvers (n = 26), matched for vocabulary, age, and gender. The results corroborate the hypothesis of poor problem solvers' general deficit in inhibitory processes. They had lower scores and made more intrusion errors in a series of working memory tasks requiring inhibition of irrelevant information. The results showed that problem solving performance is related to the ability of reducing the accessibility of nontarget and irrelevant information in memory. Span tasks that imply passive storage of information showed that poor problem solvers were impaired when they have to retain numerical information, but they did not differ from children who did not have difficulty with mathematics when the material included words.  相似文献   

Recent work has revealed links between memory, imagination, and problem solving, and suggests that increasing access to detailed memories can lead to improved imagination and problem-solving performance. Depression is often associated with overgeneral memory and imagination, along with problem-solving deficits. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that an interview designed to elicit detailed recollections would enhance imagination and problem solving among both depressed and nondepressed participants. In a within-subjects design, participants completed a control interview or an episodic specificity induction prior to completing memory, imagination, and problem-solving tasks. Results revealed that compared to the control interview, the episodic specificity induction fostered increased detail generation in memory and imagination and more relevant steps on the problem-solving task among depressed and nondepressed participants. This study builds on previous work by demonstrating that a brief interview can enhance problem solving among individuals with depression and supports the notion that episodic memory plays a key role in problem solving. It should be noted, however, that the results of the interview are relatively short-lived.  相似文献   

There is conflicting evidence on whether the capacity of visual working memory (VWM) reflects a central capacity limit that also influences intelligence. We propose that encoding strategy and, more specifically, attentional selection, underlie the correlation of some VWM tasks and IQ, and not variations in VWM itself. In Experiment 1, change detection measures of VWM were found to be contaminated by some cognitive process that depressed performance at higher set sizes, so that fewer items were remembered when eight rather than just four were presented. Measuring VWM using whole report instead gave a less variable estimate that was higher, particularly for larger set sizes. Nonverbal IQ did not correlate with this estimate of VWM capacity, but instead with the additional factor that contaminates change detection estimates. We propose that this phenomenon reflects a lack of selection during encoding. In Experiment 2, we investigated the role of rehearsal using articulatory suppression and showed that this could not account for the key differences between the procedures.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of retrieval practice for students who varied in working memory capacity as a function of the lag between study of material and its initial test, whether or not feedback was given after the test, and the retention interval of the final test. We sought to determine whether a blend of these conditions exists that maximises benefits from retrieval practice for lower and higher working memory capacity students. College students learned general knowledge facts and then restudied the facts or were tested on them (with or without feedback) at lags of 0–9 intervening items. Final cued recall performance was better for tested items than for restudied items after both 10 minutes and 2 days, particularly for longer study–test lags. Furthermore, on the 2-day delayed test the benefits from retrieval practice with feedback were significantly greater for students with lower working memory capacity than for students with higher working memory capacity (r?=??.42). Retrieval practice may be an especially effective learning strategy for lower ability students.  相似文献   

通过操纵Flanker任务相对于视觉工作记忆任务的呈现位置, 探讨在视觉工作记忆编码和保持阶段, 精度负载和容量负载对注意选择的影响。行为结果发现, Flanker任务呈现位置和视觉工作记忆负载类型影响注意选择; ERP结果发现, 在保持阶段, 当搜索目标和干扰项不一致时, 负载类型影响N2成分。研究表明, 在编码阶段, 视觉工作记忆负载主要通过占用更多知觉资源降低干扰效应, 支持知觉负载理论; 而在保持阶段, 当Flanker任务位于记忆项内部时, 两类负载在工作记忆表征过程中不同的神经活动导致投入到注意选择的认知控制资源不同, 可能是两类负载影响保持阶段注意选择的机制。  相似文献   

A hallmark of both visual attention and working memory is their severe capacity limit: People can attentively track only about four objects in a multiple object tracking (MOT) task and can hold only up to four objects in visual working memory (VWM). It has been proposed that attention underlies the capacity limit of VWM. We tested this hypothesis by determining the effect of varying the load of a MOT task performed during the retention interval of a VWM task and comparing the resulting dual-task costs with those observed when a VWM task was performed concurrently with another VWM task or with a verbal working memory task. Instead of supporting the view that the capacity limit of VWM is solely attention based, the results indicate that VWM capacity is set by the interaction of visuospatial attentional, central amodal, and local task-specific sources of processing.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined whether greater attentional resources are required for consolidating two features (e.g., color and orientation) than for consolidating one feature (e.g., color) in visual working memory (WM). We used a dual-task procedure: Subjects performed a WM task and a secondary probe task, sometimes concurrently. In the WM task, subjects decided whether two displays (containing one to four objects composed of one or two features) were the same or different. In the probe task, subjects made a speeded discrimination response to a tone. Performance in both tasks was impaired when they were performed concurrently; however, performance costs in the tone task were not greater for multi- than for single-feature conditions (when the orientation and conjunction conditions were considered). Results suggested that equivalent attentional resources were necessary for consolidation of single-orientation or multifeature items.  相似文献   

White (1976) reported that presentation of a masking stimulus during a pursuit eye movement interfered with the perception of a target stimulus that shared the same spatial, rather than retinal, coordinates as the mask. This finding has been interpreted as evidence for the existence of spatiotopic visual persistence. We doubted White's results because they implied a high degree of position constancy during pursuit eye movements, contrary to previous research, and because White did not monitor subjects' eye position during pursuit; if White's subjects did not make continuous pursuit eye movements, it might appear that masking was spatial when in fact it was retinal. We attempted to replicate White's results and found that when eye position was monitored to ensure that subjects made continuous pursuit movements, masking was retinal rather than spatial. Subjects' phenomenal impressions also indicated that retinal, rather than spatial, factors underlay performance in this task. The implications of these and other results regarding the existence of spatiotopic visual persistence are discussed.  相似文献   

A concurrent-task methodology was used to investigate relations between the availability of aspects of working memory resources and both strategy selection and execution while simple addition equations (e.g., 4 + 3 = 8) were being verified. Consistent with prior research in which production trials have been used, undergraduates selected a variety of procedures other than retrieval. Availability of working memory resources did not generally affect strategy selection. Disrupting central executive and phonological aspects of memory affected strategy execution, but only when min counting was used to solve the problems. These and other features of the results suggest that availability of working memory resources does not contribute to individual differences in strategy selection and time to execute retrieval processes.  相似文献   

Cognitive processes are accompanied by eye movements, which are interrupted by fixations of an almost infinite number of points in the visual field. To investigate these processes, a systematic analysis of those movements is required to structure the long sequences of fixations. This task is possible if there are interrelationships between the ongoing thought processes and the fixations. Such interrelationships may manifest themselves through certain patterns of eye movements. It often happens that subsets of visual points are being looked at repeatedly. This is because a cognitive connection among the subset's elements is being discovered or created by such repetition. The method presented here attempts to achieve automatic recognition of fixation point patterns. Its usefulness is demonstrated using data from an experiment where eye movements were recorded while subjects were solving Raven Test items. The method may be characterized as a variant of time series analysis for nominal data. It is suitable for non-numerical data in general.  相似文献   

In healthy humans, it has been shown that executive functions are associated with increased frontal-midline EEG theta activity and theta phase coupling between frontal and posterior brain regions. In individuals with schizophrenia, central executive functions are supposed to be heavily impaired. Given that theta phase coupling is causally involved in central executive functions, one would expect that patients with an executive function deficit should display abnormal EEG theta synchronization. We therefore investigated executive functioning in 21 healthy controls and 21 individuals with schizophrenia while they performed a visuospatial delayed match to sample task. The task required either high executive demands (manipulation of content in working memory [WM]) or low executive demands (retention of WM content). In addition, WM load (one vs. three items) was varied. Results indicated higher frontal theta activity for manipulation processes than for retention processes in patients with schizophrenia, as compared with healthy controls, independently of WM load. Furthermore, individuals with schizophrenia revealed a reduction in theta phase coupling during early stages of the delay period for retention, as well as for manipulation processes at high-WM loads. Deviations in theta phase coupling in individuals with schizophrenia were mainly characterized by aberrant fronto-posterior connections, but also by attenuated posterior connections during manipulation of high-WM load. To conclude, fronto-parietal theta coupling seems to be substantially involved in executive control, whereas frontal theta activity seems to reflect general task demands, such as deployment of attentional resources during WM.  相似文献   

While a substantial body of research has investigated the effects of aerobic exercise on cognitive performance, few have monitored exercise‐concurrent cognitive processes via electroencephalography and fewer still using an event‐related potential (ERP) approach. As such, little is known regarding how the temporal dynamics of cognitive processing are influenced during aerobic activity. Here, we aimed to elucidate the influence of aerobic exercise on the temporal dynamics of concurrent visual working memory (VWM) performance. Participants performed a VWM retro‐cue task at rest and during aerobic exercise across two postural modalities: seated (using a stationary bicycle) and standing upright (using a treadmill). Three consecutive phases of the VWM processing pipeline were assessed by means of lateralized ERPs: access of VWM representations, response selection, and response execution. Aerobic exercise and upright posture were found to have significant effects on VWM performance, facilitating processing speed in the retro‐cue task. This facilitation arose primarily at an intermediary stage between the phases of accessing VWM representations and response selection. Our findings hold implications not only for understanding the influence of aerobic activity on VWM, but also for contemporary models of VWM that are built exclusively on data recorded during stationary, seated conditions.  相似文献   

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