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Neurophysiological evaluations have been widely applied in the study of Rett syndrome (RS) to provide information concerning the developmental aspects of RS; the character and extent of involvement of the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous system pathways; and evaluation of the clinical symptomatology of RS. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is invariably abnormal and shows characteristic, though not diagnostic, changes: loss of expected developmental features; the appearance of focal, multifocal, and generalized epileptiform abnormalities; and the occurrence of rhythmic slow (theta) activity primarily in the frontal-central regions. Epileptic seizures are reported to occur frequently in RS, and partial and generalized seizures may be experienced by RS girls. However, many events presumed to be seizures have no EEG correlate during video-EEG monitoring, suggesting the possibility of a nonepileptic mechanism. Such monitoring may be necessary to determine appropriate use of antiepileptic drugs. Evoked potentials typically demonstrate intact peripheral auditory and visual pathways and suggest dysfunction of central or "higher" cortical pathways. Somatosensory-evoked potentials may be characterized by "giant" responses, suggesting cortical hyperexcitability. An increased incidence of long QT intervals during electrocardiographic recordings and diminished heart-rate variability, suggesting impairment of the autonomic nervous system, are described in RS. With the discovery of the genetic basis of RS, neurophysiological studies will provide parameters for phenotype-genotype correlations and characterization of animal models.  相似文献   

Rett Syndrome is unlike any other pediatric neurologic disease, and its clinical-pathologic correlation can not be defined with standard histology techniques. Based on hypotheses suggested by careful clinical observations, the nervous system of the Rett child has been explored utilizing morphometry, golgi preparations, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, chemistry, immunocytochemistry, autoradiography, and molecular biologic techniques. From these many perspectives we conclude that Rett syndrome is not a typical degenerative disorder, storage disorder, nor the result of gross malformation, infectious or neoplastic processes. There remain regions of the brain that have not been studied in detail but the available data suggest that the neuropathology of Rett syndrome can be summarized as follows: the Rett brain is small for the age and the height of the patient; it does not become progressively smaller over three to four decades; it has small dendritic trees in pyramidal neurons of layers III and V in selected lobes (frontal, motor, and temporal); it has small neurons with an increased neuronal packing density; it has an immature expression of microtubular protein-2 and cyclooxygenase; it exhibits a changing pattern of neurotransmitter receptors with an apparent reduction in many neurotransmitters, possibly contributing to some symptomatology. A mutation in Mecp2 causes this unique disorder of brain development. Neuronal mosaicism for normal and mutated Mecp2 produces a consistent phenotype in the classic female patient and a small brain with some preserved islands of function, but with an inability to support hand use and speech. This paper summarizes our current observations about neuropathology of Rett syndrome. MRDD Research Reviews 2002;8:72-76.  相似文献   

The presentation and clinical diagnosis of Rett syndrome at various ages and stages are reviewed. In addition to the classical form, variability in phenotype between different atypical Rett forms is given. Obligatory, supportive, and differential diagnostic criteria are summarized. Long-term follow-up findings in ageing Rett women are addressed.  相似文献   

Treatment of stereotypic hand mouthing in a 3-year-old girl with Rett syndrome by differential reinforcement of competing functional responses plus response interruption is described and evaluated in this case study. A package of graduated guidance with social and edible reinforcers successfully established stable rates of functional hand movements to activate toys, gross motor responses to verbal prompts, palmar grasp and release, and some vocal imitation. Contingent response interruption virtually eliminated hand mouthing during instructional sessions. Instruction alone did not maintain hand mouthing suppression when interruption was withdrawn, and treatment gains appeared highly discriminated. Post-hoc comparison indicated differential reinforcement plus response interruption (DR1 + 1) to be superior to hand splints in reducing hand stereotypies, with approximately equivalent increases in collateral tongue thrusting.  相似文献   

Although MECP2 was initially identified as the causative gene in classic Rett syndrome (RTT), the gene has now been implicated in several phenotypes that extend well beyond the clinically defined disorder. MECP2 mutations have been found in people with various disorders, including neonatal onset encephalopathy, X-linked recessive mental retardation (MRX), classic and atypical RTT, autism, and Angelman syndrome, as well as mildly affected females and normal carrier females. To make matters more complex, in approximately 20% of classic sporadic RTT cases and more than 50% of affected sister pairs, no mutation in MECP2 has been found. X-chromosome inactivation patterns can clearly affect the phenotypic expression in females, while the effect of the type and position of the mutation is more apparent in the broader phenotype than in RTT. Both males and females are at risk, although an excess of paternally derived mutations are found in most cases of classic RTT. Thus, because of the range of disparate phenotypes, the gene may account for a relatively large portion of mental retardation in the population.  相似文献   

Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS, RSH/SLO syndrome, MIM 270400) is an autosomal recessive multiple malformation/mental retardation syndrome initially described by Smith et al. [1964] that is due to a defect in cholesterol biosynthesis. The behavioral phenotype of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome demonstrates cognitive abilities from borderline intellectual functioning to profound mental retardation, sensory hyperreactivity, irritability, language impairment, sleep cycle disturbance, self-injurious behavior, and autism spectrum behaviors. In a recent study of 28 subjects, 14 subjects (50%) with SLOS also exhibited the behavior of throwing themselves backward in a characteristic upper body movement ("opisthokinesis") and 2 adolescents had a stretching motion of the upper body accompanied by hand flicking [Tierney et al., 1999]. In that same study, 6 of 13 subjects (46%) met the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) algorithm criteria (Lord et al. [1993] Infant Mental Health 14:234-252; Lord et al. [1994] J Autism Dev Disord 24:659-685) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (APA [1994] DSM-IV) diagnostic criteria for autistic disorder. Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome is a metabolic disorder that is associated with autism. MRDD Research Reviews 2000;6:131-134.  相似文献   

Evidence is reviewed for a developmentally-emerging behavioral phenotype in individuals with Down syndrome that includes significant delay in nonverbal cognitive development accompanied by additional, specific deficits in speech, language production, and auditory short-term memory in infancy and childhood, but fewer adaptive behavior problems than individuals with other cognitive disabilities. Evidence of dementia emerges for up to half the individuals studied after age 50. Research issues affecting control group selection in establishing phenotypic characteristics are discussed, as well as the possible genetic mechanisms underlying variation in general cognitive delay, specific language impairment, and adult dementia. MRDD Research Reviews 2000;6:84-95. Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The case of a 15-year-old boy with Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrome (EDS) is described. Clinically the symptoms of considerable hyperextension of joints, abnormal extensibility of skin, moderate bleeding tendencies and slight vulnerability of the skin, deformity of the thorax are corresponding with type I of EDS. Ocular symptoms are missing. Histologically the picture is that of mitis type resp. type II of EDS. An autosomal dominant inheritance is to be supposed. Psychically an imbecillity likely as a result of perinatally acquired brain damage, and an autistic syndrome of broken home situation are present. Differential diagnosis and genetic significance of EDS are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews the published treatment outcome research on pharmacological and behavioral treatments for Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (TS). Controlled group outcome studies of pharmacological treatments show about a 50–60% reduction in tics with haloperidol and pimozide and about a 20% reduction with clonidine. A controlled group outcome study and several within-subject design studies of behavioral treatments show about a 90% reduction in tics with habit reversal training. A large number of case studies generally confirm these results and also show benefits from other behavioral treatments such as relaxation training, self-monitoring, and contingency management. Clinical limitations of TS drugs are that they produce side effects in 50–85% of the patients and require continuous use, and long-term compliance with the medications is limited. The primary limitation of behavioral treatments is that they require a large initial time commitment. The methodological strengths of the controlled drug studies are the use of double-blind and group designs. For the behavioral studies, the strengths are rigorous recording and controlled within-subject designs.  相似文献   

Evidence for effective treatment for behavioral problems continues to grow, yet evidence about the effective mechanisms underlying those interventions has lagged behind. The Stop Now and Plan (SNAP) program is a multicomponent intervention for boys between 6 and 11. This study tested putative treatment mechanisms using data from 252 boys in a randomized controlled trial of SNAP versus treatment as usual. SNAP includes a 3 month group treatment period followed by individualized intervention, which persisted through the 15 month study period. Measures were administered in four waves: at baseline and at 3, 9 and 15 months after baseline. A hierarchical linear modeling strategy was used. SNAP was associated with improved problem-solving skills, prosocial behavior, emotion regulation skills, and reduced parental stress. Prosocial behavior, emotion regulation skills and reduced parental stress partially mediated improvements in child aggression. Improved emotion regulation skills partially mediated treatment-related child anxious-depressed outcomes. Improvements in parenting behaviors did not differ between treatment conditions. The results suggest that independent processes may drive affective and behavioral outcomes, with some specificity regarding the mechanisms related to differing treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

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