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In 1978, Berry and Thompson showed that the amount of theta (3–8 Hz) activity in the spontaneous hippocampal EEG predicted learning rate in subsequent eyeblink conditioning in rabbits. More recently, the absence of theta activity during the training trial has been shown to have a detrimental effect on learning rate. Here, we aimed to further explore the relationship between theta activity and classical eyeblink conditioning by determining how the relative power of hippocampal theta activity [theta/(theta + delta) ratio] changes during both unpaired control and paired training phases. We found that animals with a higher hippocampal theta ratio immediately before conditioning learned faster and also that in these animals the theta ratio was higher throughout both experimental phases. In fact, while the hippocampal theta ratio remained stable in the fast learners as a function of training, it decreased in the slow learners already during unpaired training. In addition, the presence of hippocampal theta activity enhanced the hippocampal model of the conditioned response (CR) and seemed to be beneficial for CR performance in terms of peak latency during conditioning, but did not have any effect when the animals showed asymptotic learning. Together with earlier findings, these results imply that the behavioral state in which hippocampal theta activity is absent is detrimental for learning, and that the behavioral state in which hippocampal theta activity dominates is beneficial for learning, at least before a well-learned state is achieved.  相似文献   

A man with a completely transected spinal cord and a spastic neurogenic bladder was conditioned to void upon the presentation of an external stimulus. A classical conditioning paradigm was employed in which strong abdominal shock (unconditioned stimulus) was paired with an initially neutral mild electrical stimulation of the thigh (conditioned stimulus; CS). After the pairing trials, a reliable conditioned response of urination was elicited by the CS alone. The conditioned response did not extinguish over time, and the procedure left the bladder with clinically safe residual amounts of urine. Practical implications of the conditioning technique for the treatment of spastic neurogenic bladder conditions in spinally injured patients are discussed, as is the theoretical significance of conditioning at the reflex level in the absence of cortical involvement.  相似文献   

Trace eyeblink conditioning in which a conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are separated by a gap, is hippocampal dependent and can rescue new neurons in the adult dentate gyrus from death (e.g., Beylin et al., 2001; Gould et al., 1999). Tasks requiring more training trials for reliable expression of the conditioned response are most effective in enhancing survival of neurons (Waddell & Shors, 2008). To dissociate hippocampal dependence from acquisition rate, we facilitated hippocampal-dependent trace eyeblink conditioning in two ways: a shorter trace interval and signaling the intertrial interval with a post-US cue. Trace conditioning with a shorter trace interval (250ms) requires an intact hippocampus, and acquisition is faster relative to rats trained with a 500ms trace interval (e.g., Weiss et al., 1999). Using excitotoxic hippocampal lesions, we confirmed that eyeblink conditioning with the 250 or 500ms trace interval is hippocampal dependent. However, training with the post-US cue was not hippocampal dependent. The majority of lesion rats in this condition reached criterion of conditioned responding. To determine whether hippocampal dependence is sufficient to rescue adult-generated neurons in the dentate gyrus, rats were injected with BrdU and trained in one of the three trace eyeblink arrangements one week later. Of these training procedures, only the 500ms trace interval enhanced survival of new cells; acquisition of this task proceeded slowly relative to the 250ms and post-US cue conditions. These data demonstrate that rate of acquisition and not hippocampal dependence determines the impact of learning on adult neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Bilateral aspiration of the dorsal hippocampus produced a disrupttion of blocking of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response in Kamin's two-stage paradigm (Experiment 1) but had no effect on the formation of a Pavlovian conditioned inhibitor (Experiment 2). The results of Experiment 1 indicated that normal animals and those with cortical lesions given conditioning to a light-plus-tone conditioned stimulus (CS) gave conditioned responses (CRs) to both the light and the tone during nonreinforced presentations of each (test phase). If, however, compound conditioning was preceded by tone acquisition, only the tone elicited a CR during testing; that is, blocking was observed. In rabbits with hippocampal lesions, however, CRs were given to both the light and the tone during testing whether or not compound conditioning was preceded by tone acquisition. The data from Experiment 2 showed that rabbits with hippocampal lesions could discriminate as well as normal rabbits and those with cortical lesions between a light (CS+) and light plus tone (CS-). In addition, when the inhibitory tone was subsequently paired with the unconditioned stimulus in retardation testing, animals in all three lesion conditions acquired the CR at the same rate. Thus, it appears that hippocampal lesions do not disrupt conditioned inhibition. The results of these experiments were taken as support for the view that the hippocampus is responsible for "tuning out" stimuli that have no adaptive value to the organism.  相似文献   

In a water‐licking experiment with rats, the effects of the extinction of a first‐order conditioned stimulus (CS1) on the suppression of licking established for a second‐order conditioned stimulus (CS2) were explored. Extinction of the first‐order conditioned response (CR1) attenuated the conditioned suppression induced by CS2 when the rats had been allowed to lick water during the CR1 extinction phase. However, if water had been unavailable during the CR1 extinction phase, suppression by CS2 was not affected. The latter result is consistent with other studies of rats' conditioned suppression and suggests that the underlying mechanism of second‐order conditioning in this experiment is a connection between CS2 and the response elicited by CS1 rather than a CS2‐CS1 connection. The former result was interpreted as the CR1 extinction phase encouraging the rats to lick water despite the fear elicited by CS1, and thus, in testing, they licked despite the fear elicited by CS2.  相似文献   

The cerebellum and related brainstem structures are essential for excitatory eyeblink conditioning. Recent evidence indicates that the cerebellar interpositus and lateral pontine nuclei may also play critical roles in conditioned inhibition (CI) of the eyeblink response. The current study examined the role of GABAergic inhibition of the interpositus nucleus in retention of CI. Male Long-Evans rats were implanted with a cannula positioned just above or in the anterior interpositus nucleus before training. The rats were trained with two different tones and a light as conditioned stimuli, and a periorbital shock as the unconditioned stimulus. CI training consisted of four phases: 1) excitatory conditioning (8 kHz tone paired with shock); 2) feature-negative discrimination (2 kHz tone paired with shock or 2 kHz tone concurrent with light); 3) summation test (8 kHz tone or 8 kHz tone concurrent with light); and 4) retardation test (light paired with shock) After reaching a criterion level of performance on the feature-negative discrimination (40% discrimination), 0.5 μl picrotoxin (a GABAA receptor antagonist) was infused at one of four concentrations, each concentration infused during separte test sessions. Picrotoxin transiently impaired conditioned responses during trials with the excitatory stimulus (tone) in a dose-dependent manner, but did not significantly impact responding to the inhibitory compound stimulus (tone-light). The results suggest that expression of conditioned inhibition of the eyeblink conditioned response does not require GABAergic inhibition of neurons in the anterior interpositus nucleus.  相似文献   

The cerebellum and related brainstem structures are essential for excitatory eyeblink conditioning. Recent evidence indicates that the cerebellar interpositus and lateral pontine nuclei may also play critical roles in conditioned inhibition (CI) of the eyeblink response. The current study examined the role of GABAergic inhibition of the interpositus nucleus in retention of CI. Male Long-Evans rats were implanted with a cannula positioned just above or in the anterior interpositus nucleus before training. The rats were trained with two different tones and a light as conditioned stimuli, and a periorbital shock as the unconditioned stimulus. CI training consisted of four phases: 1) excitatory conditioning (8 kHz tone paired with shock); 2) feature-negative discrimination (2 kHz tone paired with shock or 2 kHz tone concurrent with light); 3) summation test (8 kHz tone or 8 kHz tone concurrent with light); and 4) retardation test (light paired with shock). After reaching a criterion level of performance on the feature-negative discrimination (40% discrimination), 0.5 microl picrotoxin (a GABAA receptor antagonist) was infused at one of four concentrations, each concentration infused during separate test sessions. Picrotoxin transiently impaired conditioned responses during trials with the excitatory stimulus (tone) in a dose-dependent manner, but did not significantly impact responding to the inhibitory compound stimulus (tone-light). The results suggest that expression of conditioned inhibition of the eyeblink conditioned response does not require GABAergic inhibition of neurons in the anterior interpositus nucleus.  相似文献   

The pigeon's key-pecking response is experimentally dissociable into transport (head movement) and gape (jaw movement) components. During conditioning of the key-pecking response, both components come under the control of the conditioned stimulus. To study the acquisition of gape conditioned responses and to clarify the contribution of unconditioned stimulus (reinforcer) variables to the form of the response, gape and key-contact responses were recorded during an autoshaping procedure and reinforcer properties were systematically varied. One group of 8 pigeons was food deprived and subgroups of 2 birds each were exposed to four different pellet sizes as reinforcers, each reinforcer signaled by a keylight conditioned stimulus. A second group was water deprived and received water reinforcers paired with the conditioned stimulus. Water- or food-deprived control groups received appropriate water or food reinforcers that were randomly delivered with respect to the keylight stimulus. Acquisition of the conditioned gape response frequently preceded key-contact responses, and gape conditioned responses were generally elicited at higher rates than were key contacts. The form of the conditioned gape was similar to, but not identical with, the form of the unconditioned gape. The gape component is a critical topographical feature of the conditioned key peck, a sensitive measure of conditioning during autoshaping, and an important source of the observed similarities in the form of conditioned and consummatory responses.  相似文献   

Unit recordings and lesion studies have implicated the cerebellum as an essential site for the acquisition and maintenance of the conditioned eyeblink response. The current study looked at the neural characteristics of conditioned stimulus (CS) processing in the interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum after training New Zealand white rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in one of two conditioning paradigms: (a) compound conditioning (CMP), a compound CS consisting of light and tone paired with an air puff unconditioned stimulus (US); or (b) stimulus compounding (ALT), alternating blocks of tone CS and light CS trials paired with the air puff US. Single unit responses were recorded during five sessions after the animals had reached an asymptotic level of responding. Animals were tested for behavioral and neural responses to CS alone trials that included tone alone, light alone, and compound tone-light trials. For the CMP group, the compound CS elicited 80 to 90% conditioned eyeblink responses (CRs), whereas the individual tone and light CSs elicited only 40 to 50% CRs. For the ALT group, all three CSs (tone, light, and compound) elicited very high levels of responding of at least 80% CRs. For the CMP group, there were roughly equal numbers of cells responding to all of the CSs. This includes cells that responded exclusively to one, and only one, of the three stimuli and also those cells that responded to combinations of two or more. Cells from the ALT group were far more likely to respond exclusively to only one of the CSs. Both the behavioral and physiological results suggest that the compound tone-light stimulus was processed as a distinct stimulus, separate from the component tone and light. These results are discussed in the context of multisensory processing.  相似文献   

Two experiments using rats assessed the effect of dorsal hippocampal lesions on the orienting response (OR) elicited by a discrete light and on the subsequent associability of that light. In both experiments subjects received extensive nonreinforced exposure to the light, and it was found that the decline in the OR evident in sham-operated animals was severely attenuated by hippocampal lesions. Subsequently the light was paired with condensed milk in Experiment 1, and it was found that conditioning was faster in the lesioned than in the sham-operated group. Experiment 2 used a conditioned inhibition procedure whereby the light was presented in a nonreinforced compound with a tone which, when presented alone, acted as a signal for condensed milk. Again this discrimination was mastered more rapidly by lesioned animals. Relevant control groups indicated no differences between lesioned and sham-operated animals in learning about a novel light. Thus, hippocampal lesions influence both the loss of associability of a stimulus and the decline in the OR it elicits, which, in turn, suggests that the OR acts as an index of stimulus associability.  相似文献   

Rabbits received 0 to 450 exposures of a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) prior to classical defensive conditioning of the nicitating membrane response based on an infraorbital eye shock unconditioned stimulus. Tone preexposure resulted in retarded conditioning in normal rabbits. This latent inhibition effect was not present in animals with bilateral dorsal hippocampectomy produced by aspiration. Control animals with bilateral neocortical and callosal aspiration lesions demonstrated a latent inhibition effect similar to that shown by normal nonoperated animals. The failure of CS preexposure to retard conditioning in hippocampal rabbits was not due to differences in threshold of the conditioned response to the CS or to differences in response mechanisms as determined by tests of habituation and dishabituation of the unconditioned response. A subsequent experiment employed combined-cue summation tests to confirm the fact that preexposure did not endow the tone with conditioned as well as latent inhibitiory properties. Finally, tests of stimulus generalization along the auditory frequency dimension indicated flatter relative gradients for hippocampals than for nonoperated controls, with cortical controls in between. These findings were discussed in terms of Douglas' model of hippocampal function.  相似文献   

Rats received paired injections of either ethanol or saline as the conditioned stimulus and lithium chloride as the unconditioned stimulus (US) in a Pavlovian differential conditioning paradigm. Lithium chloride evoked a large deceleration in heart rate (80-100 beats per minute) as an unconditioned response. As a result of 10 conditioning trials, the substance paired with LiCl elicited a lower average heart rate than that elicited by the unpaired substance. Moreover, animals that received ethanol-LiCl injections subsequently were more averse to the taste of ethanol than animals receiving saline-LiCl pairings. However, there were no differences in ethanol's ability to serve as the US to induce an aversion to a novel flavor solution (i.e., the Avfail phenomenon was not observed). The overall pattern of results underscores the value of using multiple indexes of learning in drug-drug conditioning paradigms.  相似文献   

When animals associate a stimulus with food, they may either direct their response towards the stimulus (sign-tracking) or towards the food (goal-tracking). The direction of the conditioned response of cod was investigated to elucidate how cod read cue signals. Groups of cod were conditioned to associate a blinking light (conditioned stimulus, CS) with a food reward (unconditioned stimulus, US), with the CS and the US located at opposite sides of the tank. Two groups were trained in a delay conditioning procedure (CS = 60 s, interstimulus interval = 30 s) and two groups were trained in a trace conditioning procedure (CS = 12 s, trace interval = 20 s). The response pattern was similar for the delay- and trace-conditioned groups. The initial main response at the onset of the CS was approaching the blinking lights, i.e. sign-tracking. In the early trials, the fish did not gather in the feeding area before the arrival of food. In the later trials, the fish first approached the blinking lights, but then moved across the tank and gathered below the feeder before the food arrived, i.e. sign-tracking followed by goal-tracking within each trial. These two responses are interpreted as reflecting two learning systems, i.e. one rapid, reflexive response directed at the signal (sign-tracking) and one slower, more flexible response based on expectations about time and place for arrival of the food (goal-tracking). The ecological significance of these two learning systems in cod is discussed.  相似文献   

It is well established that the amygdala plays an essential role in Pavlovian fear conditioning, with the lateral nucleus serving as the interface with sensory systems that transmit the conditioned stimulus and the central nucleus as the link with motor regions that control conditioned fear responses. The lateral nucleus connects with the central nucleus directly and by way of several other amygdala regions, including the basal, accessory basal, and medial nuclei. To determine which of these regions is necessary, and thus whether conditioning requires the direct or one of the indirect intra-amygdala pathways, we made lesions in rats of the lateral, central, basal, accessory basal, and medial nuclei, as well as combined lesions of the basal and accessory basal nuclei and of the entire amygdala. Animals subsequently underwent fear conditioning trials in which an auditory conditioned stimulus was paired with a footshock unconditioned stimulus. Animals that received lesions of the lateral or central nucleus, or of the entire amygdala, were dramatically impaired, whereas the other lesions had little effect. These findings show that only the lateral and central nuclei are necessary for the acquisition of conditioned fear response to an auditory conditioned stimulus.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, rats were used to investigate the conditions that influence the transfer of a conditioned emotional response from 1 context to another. The subjects experienced training in 2 contexts on each day. In Experiment 1, subjects received a single conditioning trial with a different target stimulus in each of the 2 contexts. Conditioned responding was found to be more vigorous when the target was presented subsequently in the context in which conditioning had taken place than when it was presented in the other context. Experiments 2 and 3 confirmed these results and also showed that neither the unconditioned response evoked by the target stimulus nor the conditioned response acquired after multiple training trials showed evidence of context specificity. Possible reasons for the difference in outcome between single-trial and multitrial conditioning procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

To test several predictions derived from a behavior-systems approach, the authors assessed Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats after 30 trials of forward, simultaneous, or unpaired training. Direct evidence of conditioned fear was collected through observation of flight and freezing reactions during presentations of the conditioned stimulus (CS) alone. The authors also tested the CS's potential to reinforce an instrumental escape response in an escape-from-fear paradigm. On the one hand, rats that received forward training showed conditioned freezing, but no conditioned flight was observed. On the other hand, rats that received simultaneous training showed conditioned flight, but no conditioned freezing was observed. Rats that received either forward or simultaneous pairings showed instrumental learning of the escape-from-fear response. Implications for several theories of Pavlovian conditioning are discussed.  相似文献   

Ovarian hormones modulate acquisition processes involved in classical conditioning. Although progesterone has been indirectly implicated, its role in classical conditioning of the eyeblink response has not been directly investigated. We assessed the effects of daily dosing of progesterone or medroxyprogesterone (MPA), a non-metabolized synthetic progestin, upon the acquisition of a classically conditioned eyeblink response in ovariectomized (OVX) female rats. Rats were dosed 4h prior to each training session with 0.1 or 1.5 mg/kg of either of these hormones or sesame oil. A delay conditioning paradigm was employed using a 500 ms conditioned stimulus coterminating with a 10 ms 10 V unconditioned stimulus. At the low dose, progesterone and MPA rats did differ from each other, with MPA-treated rats learning slower, but neither group differed from OVX-oil or Sham-oil controls. No group differences in acquisition were observed at the higher dose. During extinction trials, high-dose MPA-treatment and OVX-oil groups extinguished quicker than the high-dose progesterone-treated group. In addition, unconditional response (UR) amplitudes were lower in all OVX groups, regardless of hormone or oil treatment, compared to the sham-oil group. Since MPA did not affect extinction, it is likely the slower extinction in the progesterone-treated rats is due to a metabolite of progesterone. Corticosterone is discussed as a likely candidate for such a role. In addition, we found chronic absence of ovarian hormones decreased UR amplitudes, although differences in UR amplitudes were not associated with changes in the acquisition process. These results are discussed with respect to differences in the hormonal effects upon acquisition versus extinction processes and how these data may explain reports of learning differences in women based on oral contraceptive usage.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the standard acoustic startle habituation paradigm contains the elements of Pavlovian fear conditioning was tested. In a potentiated startle response paradigm, a startle stimulus and a light conditioned stimulus (CS) were paired. A startle stimulus then was tested alone or following the CS. Freezing behavior was measured to index conditioned fear. The startle response was potentiated on CS trials, and rats froze more in CS than in non-CS periods. In Experiment 1, response to a previously habituated, weak startle stimulus was potentiated. In Experiment 2, response to the same stimulus used as the unconditioned stimulus (US) in training was potentiated. This CS-potentiated response retarded the course of response decrements over training sessions as compared with an explictly unpaired control group. Conditioned fear is a standard feature of this habituation paradigm, serves to potentiate the startle response, and provides an associative dimension lacking in the habituation process per se.  相似文献   

Previous experiments employing electrical or pharmacological induction, or instrumental reinforcement, of hippocampal theta rhythm in rats have reported subsequent performance changes in a number of learning situations. In all these studies theta induction took place either concurrent with or following the behaviour under investigation. In the present two experiments, a treatment phase of electrically-induced hippocampal theta (by septal stimulation at 7·7 Hz) preceded acquisition of a discrete trial, barpress response on a fixed ratio 5 reinforcement schedule. In one of three treatment conditions animals received electrical stimulation (1) on its own, or (2) in a classical conditioning relationship with food delivery as unconditioned stimulus, or (3) temporally uncorrelated with food delivery; controls were implanted with electrodes but not stimulated. After 15 days' acquisition of barpressing, all animals were extinguished over the subsequent 12 days. Results indicated that theta-driving stimulation, independent of any association with food, resulted in increased resistance to extinction of barpressing. In addition, conditions (1) and (3) enhanced the speed of response during early acquisition. These findings cast doubt on a “memory consolidation” hypothesis of hippocampal theta function and demonstrate a non-associative, long-lasting, proactive effect of theta induction on behaviour.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus compounding in classical conditioning was investigated by conditioning one group of rats to a compound CS consisting of a buzzer and light and then conditioning separate groups of rats to the individual elements of the compound CS. On hurdle-jump test trials, the group of Ss conditioned to the compound CS performed better than Ss conditioned to the elements of the compound. Strength of conditioning to each of the elements of the compound CS was about equal. There was some evidence of a summation effect resulting from conditioning to the compound CS. Strength of conditioning to the compound CS was somewhat greater than the sum of the response strengths conditioned to the elements of the compound CS.  相似文献   

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