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Health in Housing initiated a behavioral program of education and skills training for children and adults in a community of 30,000 persons living in substandard conditions in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. To measure achievement in the long-range project, 21 families of Flor del Campo participated in a preliminary three-part survey of their (a) health, (b) housing and the environment, and (c) family history. Doctors, designers, and educators worked with Honduran personnel in the first survey. Following functional analyses of the home and surrounding environment and the physical status of the individuals living there, procedures provide the family with treatment and training for home and environment improvement. Graphic, verbal, and numerical data, incorporated into a master computerized system, record events of each family member: training programs experienced, health care delivery courses taken, medical treatments, growth of children, literacy changes, educational courses completed, kinds and amounts of foods eaten, household and building materials purchased. Ongoing functional analysis and a long-range evaluation are made of the progress of each participating individual in a family. Teams revisit each house to observe and record any changes in the physical and environmental facility and the health and life-styles, and to report any indications of new health problems or recurrences.  相似文献   

The approach to intervention programs varies depending on the methodological perspective adopted. This means that health professionals lack clear guidelines regarding how best to proceed, and it hinders the accumulation of knowledge. The aim of this paper is to set out the essential and common aspects that should be included in any program evaluation report, thereby providing a useful guide for the professional regardless of the procedural approach used. Furthermore, the paper seeks to integrate the different methodologies and illustrate their complementarity, this being a key aspect in terms of real intervention contexts, which are constantly changing. The aspects to be included are presented in relation to the main stages of the evaluation process: needs, objectives and design (prior to the intervention), implementation (during the intervention), and outcomes (after the intervention). For each of these stages the paper describes the elements on which decisions should be based, highlighting the role of empirical evidence gathered through the application of instruments to defined samples and according to a given procedure.  相似文献   

High school students from the ghetto have special problems that often need more attention than mere talk. Many students lose all sense of personal motivation and worth, for example, due to overcrowded conditions or teacher conflicts in the school, or lack of money or parental guidance outside of school. To help students find concrete solutions to their problems, a new guidance program is suggested for the ghetto school, and the Center for Personal Advancement, now in effect at a Philadelphia high school, is offered as one example.  相似文献   

This article describes the mental health assessment in preparation for treatment conducted in two University-based clinical programs that offer dyadic child-parent psychotherapy as the treatment modality. The Infant-Parent Program is a mental health program serving children between birth and 3 years of age and their families when the parent-child relationship is jeopardized by risk factors in the parent, child, or family circumstances. The Child Trauma Research Project is an intervention outcome research program serving preschool- aged children and their mothers when the child witnessed domestic violence. The programs share a similar assessment approach emphasizing the importance of a working alliance, spontaneous parental reports, and observation of child-parent interaction in a variety of settings. However, their different functions in terms of clinical service and research dictate appropriate modifications in their respective assessment procedures. The two assessment protocols and their rationale will be described in the context of the clinical and research goals of the programs. © 1997 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health  相似文献   

Students are increasingly aware of their rights as “persons under our Constitution.” At the high school level especially, they are questioning, challenging, and, with the help of the courts, defining the limits of school officials' authority in some areas of personal freedom and school discipline. Not only should counselors give students information and support on their rights but they should also work for the recognition and protection of those rights by the entire school community. This article offers a Model Student Bill of Rights and suggestions for counselors on how to implement that Bill.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of a classroom-based 5-week social problem-solving program with popular, rejected, neglected, and average fourth-grade children. Assessments of children's social problem-solving abilities were made before and after the program and included: alternative thinking, means—ends thinking, consequential thinking, and problem identification. Compared to children in an attention placebo group, children participating in the program improved in generating Alternative Solutions and anticipating Alternative Consequences. The intervention, however, did not affect the social problem-solving skills of popular, rejected, neglected, and average children differentially. Compared to rejected, neglected, and average children, popular children had higher posttest Means—Ends thinking scores. At posttest, rejected children gave more Irrelevant Solution responses than the popular, neglected, and average children. Results also showed that girls had higher posttest scores than boys in both Feeling Identification and Alternative Consequences. Implications of the study and recommendations for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Alphanumeric and special characters composed of 5 by 7 dot matrices can be displayed on a cathode ray tube by use of a program written for the PDP-8 family of computers. The CRT surface is specified to contain up to 32 rows with up to 32 characters per row. The 35 dots defining each character require 1.5 msec to generate. Every possible arrangement of spatial and temporal organization among and between strings of characters can be created by simple parameter specification before each trial. The program is designed to operate with a minimal 4k-memory computer configuration, with no special hardware other than an oscilloscope display. The program also permits efficient on-line operation so that an entire experiment can be run quickly and efficiently without further programming. A large number of examples are detailed, and operating procedures are specified.  相似文献   

Object Relocation is a computer program for Windows 95, with which experiments on spatial memory for object locations can be designed, run, and analyzed. Because of its clear graphical user interface, no long and complex command syntax is needed. Basically, a stimulus consists of a frame that contains a chosen number of locations (i.e., the actual spatial layout) to which objects can be assigned. When the experiment is run, these stimuli are presented to the subject for a variable period of time. Subsequently (either with or without a delay), the objects are presented in a row above the frame and have to be relocated to the correct positions. Finally, the raw data can be analyzed efficiently, using various error scores, and an SPSS-ready output file can be produced. Object Relocation is a very flexible program: New objects and positions can easily be added, and various options for presentation and relocation are present.  相似文献   

This article reviews a program of research on alexithymia, emotional disclosure, and health. The article first describes two lines of research and then outlines current work attempting to integrate these lines. The first research line involves basic correlational studies on alexithymia's link to health problems; these studies suggest that alexithymia is a potential risk factor for symptoms and illness behavior, although not necessarily organic disease. The second research line involves experimental studies of the health effects of emotional disclosure via expressive writing or talking; these studies suggest that disclosure improves health on average, but that the effects are not that robust and that various moderators likely are involved. The next section of the article describes recent attempts to integrate the two research lines by examining how baseline levels of alexithymia influence the effects of emotional disclosure; these analyses suggest that alexithymia interferes with or attenuates the health benefits of disclosure. Finally, the article describes initial forays into research on interventions with the alexithymic patients. This evolving program of research demonstrates the value of integrating emotion, personality, and health, and highlights the bidirectional relationship between clinical problems and basic research.  相似文献   

Described an examination of data collected 2 years following the onset of a media-based, worksite smoking cessation intervention. Thirty-eight companies in Chicago were randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions. In the inital 3-week phase, all participants in both conditions received self-help manuals and were instructed to watch a 20-day televised series designed to accompany the manual. In addition, participants in the group (G) condition received six sessions emphasizing quitting techniques and social support. In the second phase, which continued for 12 months, employees in G participated in monthly peer-led support groups and received incentives, while participants in the nongroup (NG) condition received no further treatment. Twenty-four months after pretest, 30% of employees in G were abstinent compared to only 19.5% in NG. This study is one of the few experimentally controlled worksite smoking cessation interventions to demonstrate significant program differences 2 years following the initial intervention. Our thanks to Lori Klett and Libby Yeager-Turner for their help in data collection. Work on the project was supported in part by National Institute on Drug Abuse grant DA-04406-01 and a grant from the Chicago Lung Association to the second author.  相似文献   

A software program written to collect real-time, observational data is described. The flexible program allows customized behavior codes and observational durations and simultaneously records both timed and counted events. The data are collected by means of single keystrokes, automatically stored to disk with 100th of a second resolution and summarized for each observational session. The program’s database files are dBASE III PLUS compatible and may be browsed, edited, or converted to ASCII files from the program’s main menu. Field testing demonstrated the efficiency and interobserver reliability of the program (for frequency,r=0.81; for durational behaviors,rs=0.89 and 0.96). The software operates on IBM XT/AT/PS 2s and most clones with PC/MS DOS version 2.0 or greater.  相似文献   

Self-directed program for weight control: a pilot study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Assessment of a sexual coercion prevention program for adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study's focus is to evaluate a sexual coercion prevention program in adolescents. Using a before-and-after design with both a treatment group (n = 93) and a control group (n = 76), an intervention of seven sessions was completed. Said sessions included such content as conceptualizing sexual freedom, sexual coercion and voluntary consent, analyzing different sexual coercion tactics and the contexts in which they occur, empathy toward the victim, and developing abilities to avoid risky situations. Other risk factors for coercive behavior and sexual victimization are explored as well, such as alcohol use, sexist attitudes and inadequate communication, among others. The intervention's results include a decrease in stereotypical beliefs about the opposite sex and increased empathy toward victims of sexual coercion. These changes were maintained with the passage of time. Also, in the treatment group, a more acute decline was observed in the proportion of young people engaging in sexually coercive behaviors, This article emphasizes the importance, necessity and efficacy of such interventions, and discusses and analyzes possible improvements to the program for its future implementation.  相似文献   

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