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本文运用唯物史观的方法探讨了西方基督教禁欲传统对西欧中世纪教育的影响。探寻了西欧中世纪禁欲主义形成的历史背景,以及在禁欲思想和禁欲生活影响下中世纪教育的实际状态,试图探讨宗教意识形态对社会世俗事务所产生的作用及其复杂影响。本研究粗略地勾勒出一幅基督教禁欲主义传统戕害西欧教育的历史图景,即在贯穿整个中世纪的禁欲主义观念影响下,西欧社会的教育水平呈现出一种全面衰退的状态。  相似文献   

儒家性二元论的产生与流行与当时所流行的八字术(八字易象)密切相关。八字易象是一种以人出生时间的天干地支所形成的阴阳五行之象研究人生及天人关系的术数。其思想观点和术数活动,影响了宋代理学性二元论。八字易象在性、理、气等问题上也具有一定的思想深度。中国古代术数及其思想对中国哲学史的影响与意义,是一个长期被忽略的问题。研究术数的思想资源,有助于我们批判迷信思想,了解中国思想史上阴阳五行思想多方面的内容,也有助于我们吸收传统思想,建立新时代的中国哲学。  相似文献   

徐晓鸿 《天风》2009,(6):42-43
“怀古诗”是中国古代诗歌中非常重要的组成部分,这类诗歌往往藉着历史人物、事件或遗迹,通过怀古惜今吟咏抒发诗人内心的情怀,读起来有强烈的历史厚重感,许多诗歌有感而发,思古幽情绵长,极易引发读者的共鸣。怀古诗在《诗经》和《楚辞》中已经占据着重要地位,至唐代达到巅峰,“安史之乱”后,中国进入到社会动荡和民族融合的时期,这类诗歌重新成为中国诗歌中的重要力量。  相似文献   

《圣经》包含了对财产、商业、利息的否定性看法,不少神学家和信徒也坚持这些看法。而基督教在罗马帝国时代面临私有制社会财产私有、人人逐利的环境,在中世纪也面临私有制社会私有财产、商业、利息发展的环境。基督教通过对《圣经》的创新性诠释,以及在《圣经》之外的观念阐释,进行了理论构建,以适应这些变化的环境,从而适应私有制社会。理论构建的方式说明了基督教生存、发展策略的灵活性。从宗教与世俗社会的关系看,基督教的理论构建符合宗教逐渐适应世俗社会的历史趋势;从宗教与私有制社会的关系看,这表明基督教同私有制原则的契合越来越深入。  相似文献   


基督教神秘主义起源探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈云 《宗教学研究》2004,(1):182-184
本文以历史的眼光,通过对基督教起源的追溯,意图发现形成神秘主义的诸种因素,并进一步探讨早期的基督教神秘主义思想.  相似文献   

章铸 《天风》2007,(13):40-42
宗教的力量不在喋喋不休的言说,而在教义内外的切身体悟与践行。宗教是让你赞成和承诺一种生活态度,一种做人方式,一种价值取向,一种内心的坚守。假如宗教不靠信仰而存在,宗教就只能蜕变为披着信仰外衣的道德说教(而且是伪道德),甚至堕落为假借上帝、真主或佛陀名义的异端邪说(邪教)。而基督教在中国传播,就是一个不断与本土信徒从认知到社会改造运动融合的互动过程,由此而反映出基督教基本信仰中的博爱的大众情怀。  相似文献   

先秦儒家对人性持一种三分的看法。孔子认为,整全的人性包括智性、仁性、欲性三部分。其中,智性、仁性共同构成了道德的根据。孟子极大发展了孔子的仁性思想,正式创立了性善论。但这时性善论还只是性有善端论,十分强调教化、培养与推扩工夫。宋明儒学心性论的复杂之处不仅在于程朱理学片面地发展了智性这一脉,陆王心学片面发展了仁性这一脉,更在于受佛学的影响,宋明儒学对心性的看法整体采取了先天、后天的二元论模式。这种模式把道德根据变成了先天具足的、抽象的至善本体,使得性善论变为了性本善论。同时,它也使得儒家在工夫上一味强调复性,而忽视了后天的教化和培养,从而在理论上埋下了隐患。  相似文献   

木文探讨了基督教在西欧从古代向中世纪过渡时期的重要历史作用,主要包括基督教在促使西罗马帝国最后灭亡、促进西欧社会生产力的恢复与发展、促进民族融合以及对西欧政治的影响等方面。  相似文献   

L.科拉科夫斯基(1927--2009),东欧新马克思主义的代表人物、波兰著名的哲学家,西方哲学史专家。对古希腊哲学、中世纪哲学、欧洲大陆哲学、德国古典哲学、人本主义、实证主义、分析哲学,现象学都十分熟悉,并撰写了许多相关领域的论文,多部论著还被翻译成数十种文字,在西方哲学界影响很大,其宗教批判理论更是极富创见性。本文中,针对学界普遍关注的所谓基督教危机问题,科拉科夫斯基给出了自己的答案。在他看来,基于基督教最原初的主旨和最本真的意义,今天任何对于基督教正在发生危机并走向穷途末路的断言都是轻率和不负责任的。  相似文献   

This study is an 11-part investigation of the psychology and neuropsychology of early Christian asceticism as represented by Evagrius Ponticus (AD 345-399), the tradition's first ascetical theologian and possibly its mosfinfluential. Evagrius's biography is reviewed in the first section. The living circuinstaii and perceptual consequences of desert asceticism are considered in the second. Penitence, dispassion, and the mysticism of "pure prayer" are discussed in the third. Austerities are addressed in the fourth section, particularly fasting, prostrations, and prolonged standing. Ascetical perspectives on sleep, dreams, and the hypnogogic state are analyzed in the fifth. The depressive syndrome of acedia is discussed in the sixth. Evagrius's reports of auditory, olfactory, and visual hallucinations are analyzed in the seventh. Multiple complementary interpretations of demonic phenoniena are developed in the eighth section. Evagrius's psychotherapy for anger is reviewed in the ninth. Interpersonal relations among ascetics are considered in the tenth section. The study concludes with a summary.  相似文献   

S Kraemer 《Family process》1991,30(4):377-392
Despite appearances to the contrary (fostered by anthropocentric nursery stories), a distinct role for male parents does not exist in nature. Fatherhood was invented by humans during the agricultural revolution about six thousand years ago. Symbolized by the new god-king, it incorporated the mother's originally superior role in primate families--the control or ownership of children. The male deity could even make his own offspring without female help. This inflated political figure was designed to compensate for the male's modest role in procreation, once the facts of life were known. Patriarchy was born out of an envious attack on mothers.  相似文献   

Christians hold divergent views about cosmological and biological origins. Creationists read the early chapters of the Biblical book of Genesis literally, postulating a young earth and a limited role for mutation and natural selection in the development of biological diversity. Theistic Evolutionists accept current scientific accounts of biological evolution, seeing these processes as the mechanisms of God’s creative purpose. Advocates of Intelligent Design doubt whether the complexity and fitness-for-purpose of many aspects of the physical and biological world could have come about without the intervention of a Designer.

Examining the basis of these positions could help their adherents to be less zealous and divisive. Creationists could accept that their beliefs arise not principally from science, but from their hermeneutic stance, and that this stance is not necessarily correct, nor integral to receiving the Bible's theological teaching. Theistic Evolutionists could accept that excluding the possibility of God directly intervening at points in prehistory is illogical, given their belief in the incarnation, miracles and the efficacy of prayer.

The Creationist and Theistic Evolution positions share a strong desire to defend God’s honour and a sense that they more comfortably fit an authentic picture of God. These powerful affective judgements, while not irrational, do not constitute compelling logical arguments. A dispassionate evaluation of their validity and strength could be of much benefit. Advocates of Intelligent Design could admit that scepticism about the adequacy of current scientific explanations does not logically entail an insistence that direct intervention by a designer must have occurred: the explanatory power of science has been underestimated before. All parties are encouraged to accept that a detailed account of biological history is inaccessible and likely to remain so. A due humility is commended.  相似文献   

The apparent truth of dualism and the uncanny body   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been suggested that our experiences of embodiment in general appear to constitute an experiential ground for dualist philosophy and that this is particularly so with experiences of dissociation, in which one feels estranged from one’s body. Thus, Drew Leder argues that these play “a crucial role in encouraging and supporting Cartesian dualism” as they “seem to support the doctrine of an immaterial mind trapped inside an alien body”. In this paper I argue that as dualism does not capture the character of such experiences there is not even an apparent separation of self and body revealed here and that one’s body is experienced as uncanny rather than alien. The general relationship between our philosophical theorizing and the phenomenology of lived experience is also considered.
Stephen BurwoodEmail:

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