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A validated Dutch version of Zuckerman's sensation seeking (SS) scale was sent to a population of downhill skiers. It was expected that injured skiers (N = 219) would have higher thrill and adventure seeking (TAS) scores compared to a control group of uninjured skiers (N = 288). Information on other risk factors for ski injury, as measured in an earlier study among the same skiers, was included in a logistic model in order to adjust for confounding. Response (73%) was slightly higher among females, younger skiers and higher educated persons. Skiers have a high TAS score compared to a Dutch reference population. The observed correlations between SS subscales, as well as the trends associated with age and gender are in full agreement with the literature. Surprisingly, TAS scores were lower among the cases (35.0) compared to the control group (37.3) [P < 0.01]. Adjustment for other risk factors for ski injury in the logistic regression does not change the effect of the TAS score substantially. It is postulated that skiers with a high TAS score could be more experienced in balancing on the border of their individual capacities. More research into this problem, preferably with a prospective design, is recommended.  相似文献   

This article addresses the recruitment and retention decision problems that the selection practitioner faces when the objective is to maximize the utility of a fixed quota of successful selectees. Because the objective can be achieved by either a one-cohort or a multiple cohort with replacement approach, two optimizing procedures are presented. Given information on the selection predictor and the available recruiting sources, both procedures identify the criterion cutoff value (i.e., the critical value of the observed job performance at the end of the probationary period) that makes the best differentiation between successful and unsuccessful selectees. In addition, the proposals indicate the combination of recruiting sources (one-cohort approach) or the sequence of recruiting source combinations (multiple cohort approach) that, in combination with the optimal retention decision, result in the maximum possible utility of the predictor selected workforce. So, the article extends the previous contribution of, among others, Martin and Raju (1992) and Law and Myors (1993) to the case where not all the selectees are considered as successful. Also, the proposal recognizes the fact that the average quality of the applicants may vary across the recruitment sources.  相似文献   

There have been few theoretical investigations of risk attitude within Cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT). Unlike expected utility theory, in CPT risk attitude is affected by loss aversion and decision weight distortions as well as utility curvature for both gains and losses. We introduce two variants of the risk premium—the total risk premium relative to expected value, and the behavioural risk premium relative to the imputed behavioural expected value. Approximate solutions for each using Pratt's [(1964). Risk aversion in the small and in the large. Econometrica, 32, 122-136] methodology show that the CPT risk premium is composed of two components: the first, analogous to the Pratt-Arrow coefficient of risk aversion, governs the contribution of the curvature of the value function to risk aversion; the second governs the first-order contribution of loss aversion. Both of these terms are made more complex by the introduction of decision weights. We analyse the contribution of each component and provide sufficient conditions to ensure risk aversion in CPT.  相似文献   

In two large samples (N1 = 44,971, N2 = 7793) we tested the General Factor of Personality (GFP) in the Big Five, measured during selection and assessment. A GFP could clearly be identified in the data, explaining approximately 50% of the Big Five variance. We found indications for socially desirable response tendencies in a subgroup that was tested for selection purposes. Yet, this tendency did not affect the personality factor structure or the GFP characteristics. Moreover, in the selection sample, the GFP was moderately related to the Overall Assessment Rating. The findings confirm the GFP in an applied setting and support the idea that the GFP does not merely reflect methodological artifacts but is substantive.  相似文献   

The present paper provides novel results on the model theory of Independence friendly modal logic. We concentrate on its particularly well-behaved fragment that was introduced in Tulenheimo and Sevenster (Advances in Modal Logic, 2006). Here we refer to this fragment as ‘Simple IF modal logic’ (IFML s ). A model-theoretic criterion is presented which serves to tell when a formula of IFML s is not equivalent to any formula of basic modal logic (ML). We generalize the notion of bisimulation familiar from ML; the resulting asymmetric simulation concept is used to prove that IFML s is not closed under complementation. In fact we obtain a much stronger result: the only IFML s formulas admitting their classical negation to be expressed in IFML s itself are those whose truth-condition is in fact expressible in ML.  相似文献   

Forced-choice format tests have been suggested as an alternative to Likert-scale measures for personnel selection due to robustness to faking and response styles. This study compared degrees of faking occurring in Likert-scale and forced-choice five-factor personality tests between South Korea and the United States. Also, it was examined whether the forced-choice format was effective at reducing faking in both countries. Data were collected from 396 incumbents participating in both honest and applicant conditions (NSK = 179, NUS = 217). Cohen's d values for within-subjects designs (dswithin) for between the two conditions were utilized to measure magnitudes of faking occurring in each format and country. In both countries, the degrees of faking occurring in the Likert-scale were larger than those from the forced-choice format, and the magnitudes of faking across five personality traits were larger in South Korea by from 0.07 to 0.12 in dswithin. The forced-choice format appeared to successfully reduce faking for both countries as the average dswithin decreased by 0.06 in both countries. However, the patterns of faking occurring in the forced-choice format varied between the two countries. In South Korea, degrees of faking in Openness and Conscientiousness increased, whereas those in Extraversion and Agreeableness were substantially decreased. Potential factors leading to trait-specific faking under the forced-choice format were discussed in relation to cultural influence on the perception of personality traits and score estimation in Thurstonian item response theory (IRT) models. Finally, the adverse impact of using forced-choice formats on multicultural selection settings was elaborated.  相似文献   

Considered in this paper is a decision task which has been employed to study multistage betting behavior. When the task commences, a decision maker (DM) is provided with some capital x (x > 0) which he is required to allocate over m (m > 1) mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive alternatives, each of which occurs with probability pi (pi > 0, i = 1,…, m; Σi=1mpi = 1). If the amount yi is allocated to alternative i (yi ≥ 0, Σi=1myi = x) and alternative i obtains, DM's capital for the next stage of the game becomes yiri, where ri (ri > 0) is the return per unit allocated to alternative i. The task consists of N stages.Defining risk in terms of the mean and variance of DM's bets, and assuming that the minimization of risk is DM's objective, decision policies satisfying this objective are derived in closed form and their testable properties are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research consistently showed a negative link between Honesty-Humility (HH) and dishonest behavior. However, most prior research neglected the influence of situational factors and their potential interaction with HH. In two incentivized experiments (N = 322, N = 552), we thus tested whether the (subjective) utility of incentives moderates the HH-dishonesty link. Replicating prior evidence, HH showed a consistent negative link to dishonesty. However, the utility of incentives did not moderate this association, neither when manipulated through incentive size (BF01 = 5.7) nor when manipulated through gain versus loss framing (BF01 = 20.4). These results demonstrate the robustness of the HH-dishonesty link.  相似文献   

Risk taking, including that within the financial domain, is often considered to represent a unidimensional personality trait. This paper considers the relatively unexplored construct of instrumental financial risk taking: a class of behaviours that while inherently risky, are entered into with a greater degree of consideration than more impulsive or disinhibited forms of risk taking. Participants (N = 1043) completed a novel questionnaire assessing instrumental and disinhibited financial risk taking as part of a battery including measures of: sensation-seeking, impulsivity, psychopathic personality traits and real life financial outcomes. Correlations revealed a divergent pattern of relationships supporting the utility of characterising these different forms of financial risk. Scores on the novel instrument are shown to explain more than 10% of the variance in the use of riskier, more productive savings products, over and above the influence of demographics and financial status.  相似文献   

The paper deals with certain problems connected with the assumption that choice probabilities ps(x, y) depend on the subject s. A set of postulates is given, which implies the existence of sequences of “classification standards”, i.e., sequences {zj} such that whenever we have 0 < ps0(x, zi) < 1 for some s0 and i, then ps(zi+k, x) = ps(x, zi?k) = 1 for all s, and k ≥ 1. Elements of any such sequence {zj} can serve as boundaries between successive categories of classification based on the following rule: Assign x to jth category if you feel it is “to the right” of zj and “to the left” of zj+1. Under the condition stated above this rule is unambiguous, and the resulting classification has the property that every element is assigned to one of the two neighboring categories, regardless who performs the classification.Next, the postulates are enriched so as to imply the existence of “tightest” among such sequences {zj}, hence leading to a classification with largest number of categories.  相似文献   

This investigation examines the association between risk status and the quality of emotional arousal and regulation among preterm infants in the second year of life. The behavior of 55 preterm infants stratified into three risk groups by severity and chronicity of respiratory illness was recorded during the procedures of the Strange Situation. Measures of emotional responsiveness included temporal and intensity features of facial and vocal expressions as well as concurrent activity with toys. Significant relationships between neonatal risk status and these expressive and regulatory features were observed. Infants in the High-Risk group (N = 16) differed from healthy Low-Risk infants (N = 23) and from those in the Moderate-Risk group (N = 16). The High-Risk infants showed a greater sensitivity to distress arousal at low levels of stress and less ability to modulate distress once aroused. High-Risk infants also demonstrated significantly less adaptive play with toys than the other preterm infants. In short, this study suggests that, when placed under stress, High-Risk preterm infants in their second year of life become more distressed and demonstrate less ability to recover from this distress and effectively re-engage their environment than preterm infants born at lower risk.  相似文献   

A Bayesian procedure was developed to estimate separately the probability of sufficient storage, θs, and the probability of successful retrieval, θτ, on an individual subject basis. The method involves a probabilistic analysis of the subject's performance on a task that randomly intermixes recall with recognition trials. Two experiments using the Brown-Peterson paradigm were performed to demonstrate and validate the estimation procedure. The experiments showed that both θs and θτ decrease as a function of increasing retention interval. The results of both experiments suggest the necessity of a two-factor theory for short-term memory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a mental imagery intervention designed to enhance integrated regulation for exercise among women commencing an exercise program. Healthy women who previously did not exercise regularly (N?=?102; M age ?=?29.54, SD?=?8.34) participated in an 8-week cardiovascular exercise program in which they exercised 3 times each week at a moderate intensity. The intervention group (n?=?51) received weekly guided imagery sessions which were administered in person via audio recording. A comparison group (i.e., attention control; n?=?51) received health information delivered in the same manner. Despite substantial dropout of participants from both groups, the analysis revealed that participants in the imagery group experienced greater changes in integration than participants in the comparison group. These findings support the utility of imagery interventions for influencing exercise-related cognitions, and more specifically integrated regulation.  相似文献   

We present an adaptive procedure to conduct psychophysical discrimination experiments. In a discrimination experiment, an observer senses (sees, hears, feels, etc.) two stimuli (separated in space or time) and is asked to order these stimuli with respect to a particular parameter (say,s). Under the usual assumption of a locally linear internal representation ofs, perturbed by additive Gaussian noise, the probabilityP(s 2)—of judging test stimuluss 2 “larger” than a reference stimuluss 1—is an error function (a cumulative normal distribution). Such an error function,Erf [(s 2μ)/σ], is parametrized by two parameters: μand σ. The parameter μ is the value for whichP(s 2) = 50% and is related to possible bias effects in the internal representation of the observer. The parameter σ is √2 times the standard deviation of the noise distribution and is generally called thediscrimination threshold. In this paper, we present (1) an algorithm to estimate μ and σ given the data generated by such an observer, (2) an analysis of the efficiency of a stimulus presentation with respect to the estimation of μ and σ , and (3) a method that controls the specific choice of stimulus values during an experiment so that an optimal estimation of μ and σ is obtained.  相似文献   

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between commitment and exercise behavior using the Sport Commitment Model (SCM; J Sport & Exercise Psychology, 15, 1) as a guiding conceptual framework.Design: Cross-sectional survey.Methods: Participants at two universities (N1=205; 83.4% female; N2=223; 73.1% female) provided demographic information and completed measures of exercise commitment and frequency of exercise behavior.Results: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported the presence of 5 determinants (personal investments, social support, satisfaction, social constraints, and invovlement alternatives) and 2 dimensions (‘want’ and ‘have’) of commitment. Structural equation modeling analyses supported the predictive utility of the SCM accounting for 31% and 51% of the commitment dimension variance and 12% of the exercise behavior variance respectively. Satisfaction and personal investment predicted both commitment dimensions, whereas alternatives and social constraints predicted ‘have to’ commitment only, and the ‘want to’ commitment dimension was the only significant predictor of exercise behavior.Conclusion: These results render some support for the psychometric properties of the measures used to assess commitment constructs in the exercise domain and provide partial support for the application of the SCM to the study of exercise motivation issues.  相似文献   

In this article, I first demonstrate that statistical significance testing of differ- ences between predictor scores (whether based on the standard error of mea- surement or any other statistic) is irrelevant to, and inconsistent with, the traditional, optimizing selection model. Second, I demonstrate that all band- ing procedures used in (or advocated for) personnel selection, including the sliding-band procedures advocated by Cascio, Outtz, Zedeck, and Goldstein (1991-this issue), are fatally flawed logically. I show that, when the number of applicants is large, all banding procedures logically lead to the absurd con- clusion that the only justifiable form of selection is random selection. Third, I present evidence that the empirical data set used by Cascio et al. to evaluate differmt selection strategies is anomalous and leads to results very different from those to be expected in typical and representative data. Specifically, the effect is to produce misleadingly small differences between the strategies in mean test scores of selectees and, therefore, in selection utility. In particular, selection utility losses from all forms of banding, in comparison to topdown selection, are understated. Finally, I show that, apart from the lethal logical flaw in banding procedures, Cascio et al. misinterpreted the meaning and na- ture of statistical significance testing.  相似文献   

Perceived risk of crashes is generally higher in female than in male cyclists. No study has assessed whether these gender differences only apply to riding bicycles. Using an online risk assessment task and survey, this study (a) tested the hypothesis that compared to men, women perceive higher risks, irrespective of traffic mode and (b) explored gender differences in the predictors of perceived risk. Data were analysed from 595 driver licence holders in Australia: 444 who cycled regularly, termed ‘cyclists’ from here on (31% women) and 151 regular drivers who did not (63% women), who are referred to as ‘drivers’. Cyclists in their role as cyclists and drivers in their role as drivers (traffic role) were instructed to imagine being in a specified traffic scenario and to assess crash likelihood. Each of 6 traffic scenarios was presented twice but differing in configuration: a violating car and a violating bicycle. A mixed ANOVA, with rated probability of a crash as the dependent variable, gender and traffic role as grouping factors, and configuration as the repeated measure, resulted in a main effect of configuration, showing that both drivers and cyclists perceived higher levels of risk of violating cars than of violating bicycles (ηp2 = 0.34). The interaction of traffic role and configuration showed this difference to be smaller for drivers than for cyclists (ηp2 = 0.18). This suggests that drivers are aware of the car’s high injury potential in crashes with cyclists. The main effect of gender showed that irrespective of traffic role, women perceived higher risk than men, which supported the hypothesis that gender differences are not limited to cycling (ηp2 = 0.03). The main effect of traffic role was not significant.For the predictors of perceived risk, ANOVA showed main effects for traffic role and gender, with small effect sizes (from ηp2 = 0.02 to ηp2 = 0.03). Cyclists were more confident, less inattentive and more in favour of stricter laws. Women felt less skilled and were more concerned about risks. None of the interactions between gender and traffic role were significant, which lent further support to the hypothesis that gender differences were a general rather than a cycling specific characteristic. Thus, perceived risk does not differ between women who regularly cycle and those who do not. These findings may inform interventions about the role of perceived risk in the uptake of cycling.  相似文献   

In this article, I first demonstrate that statistical significance testing of differ- ences between predictor scores (whether based on the standard error of mea- surement or any other statistic) is irrelevant to, and inconsistent with, the traditional, optimizing selection model. Second, I demonstrate that all band- ing procedures used in (or advocated for) personnel selection, including the sliding-band procedures advocated by Cascio, Outtz, Zedeck, and Goldstein (1991-this issue), are fatally flawed logically. I show that, when the number of applicants is large, all banding procedures logically lead to the absurd con- clusion that the only justifiable form of selection is random selection. Third, I present evidence that the empirical data set used by Cascio et al. to evaluate different selection strategies is anomalous and leads to results very different from those to be expected in typical and representative data. Specifically, the effect is to produce misleadingly small differences between the strategies in mean test scores of selectees and, therefore, in selection utility. In particular, selection utility losses from all forms of banding, in comparison to top-down selection, are understated. Finally, I show that, apart from the lethal logical flaw in banding procedures, Cascio et al. misinterpreted the meaning and na- ture of statistical significance testing.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study explored the relationships between identity leadership and social identification in sport teams over the course of a season using social network analysis.MethodsParticipants from 23 competitive sport teams (N = 388, Mage = 20.7 years) indicated the extent to which each of their teammates displayed various forms of identity leadership (i.e., identity prototypicality, identity advancement, identity entrepreneurship, identity impresarioship) and the extent to which these same teammates were seen to identify with the team (assessed by ingroup ties, cognitive centrality, ingroup affect) early and later in a season. Quadratic assignment procedure correlations and multiple quadratic assignment procedure regressions examined the relationships between the different types of networks for each team across time.ResultsAthletes who perceived team members to show greater identity leadership perceived those same teammates to identify more strongly with the team both early (rsaverage > .46) and later (rsaverage > 0.48) in the season. Averaged across teams, identity entrepreneurship early in the season was most strongly associated with both perceived ingroup ties (βaverage = .24) and ingroup affect (βaverage = 0.13) later in the season, while identity impresarioship was most strongly associated with cognitive centrality (βaverage = .16). In the reversed direction, perceptions of ingroup ties early in the season were most strongly associated with all identity leadership dimensions later in the season (.28 < βaverage < 0.38).ConclusionsCollectively, these findings provide evidence of a mutually reinforcing bidirectional link such that teammates who are seen as actively contributing to promote a sense of ‘us’ among team members are also more likely to be seen as identifying strongly with the team.  相似文献   

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