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本文研究了Wtt-度区间的下确界的的存在性问题。我们先证明了Wtt-度中区间对无下确界的向上稠密性。接着我们证明了存在c.e.度a,b(ba)使得对于X∈[0,b],X与A形成Wtt-度中的极小度。  相似文献   

Nicola Pedone 《Axiomathes》1995,6(2):211-226
In the last two decades an increasing number of musicians, musicologists and philosophers in the United States of America have dealt with questions of philosophy of music on a phenomenological basis. F. Joseph Smith certainly deserves mention as one of the first and most innovative of these authors. Sections 1 and 2 of the paper sketch a portrait of Smith against the background of the current situation in America, where there is a strong awareness of the need to overcome the present limits imposed by historical musicology in order to develop a new phenomenological approach. Section 3 expounds Smith's critique against traditional theory of musical form and his attempt to redefine musical form on the basis of Husserl's treatise on passive synthesis. This, in the author's opinion, is Smith's most important contribution to a phenomenologically oriented philosophy of music. Finally, section 4 tries to draw some critical conclusions concerning Smith's work, with special regard to the merits and demerits of his idea of phenomenology as applied to music.  相似文献   

Summary In this essay the author examines Sartre's attitude toward Marxism as related to his existentialism and his approach to history. Existentialism, from a methodological point of view, has been of much avail as an ideology rooted in personal freedom. Still, judging it from a Marxist point of view, Sartre has criticized existentialism for a) its theoretical limits (it is abstract, nonhistorical, non-dialectic); and b) its ethical and political faults, since it is self-defeating and almost exclusively leaning toward privacy. And yet one has to note how Sartre neglected to point out that existentialism's theoretical limits are due not only to its non-dialectical foundations but also to its nonscientific character and its hidden religiousness. Moreover, Sartre has not properly considered its historical value as a struggle against metaphysical thought and against a farfetched use of science. Basically — and apart from the views stated in such articles as Les Communistes et la paix — Sartre's Marxism is, from a political and ideological standpoint, strongly biased toward Soviet Marxism and socialism, since its main emphasis is anti-dogmatic and humanistic. Above all, this basic attitude could be explained by the negative influences of some historical and political events of the 40s and 50s on the development of his thought. As a matter of fact, his Marxism grew up against the background of Soviet politics in the Stalin and post-Stalin eras. Therefore, he refuses to accept any dogmatic and deterministic images of Marxism; instead of dogma he affirms the relevance of problems; in lieu of given truths, a concern for moral demands. In so doing, Sartre has based his Marxism more on the subjective praxis than on nature and history naturalistically viewed.  相似文献   

可计算Lipschitz图灵归约(c1-归约)是指用函数被x→x+c约束的图灵归约,其中c是常数;而ibT归约则通过限制用函数为恒等函数得到。我们通称c1-,ibT-归约为强有界图灵归约。我们证明:对于r=cl,ibT,在可计算可枚举r-度构成的偏序结构(Rr,≤)中,每一个非零的a都具有反成杯性质。为此,我们证明一个新结论:对于每一个不可计算的可计算可枚举集合A,都存在一个不可计算的可计算可枚举B,使得对所有满足A≤wtt C的可计算可枚举集合C都有B≤ibT C。结合关于可计算偏移的已知性质,我们便可得到上述主要定理。  相似文献   

[Traduzione di Enrica Natalini]  相似文献   

建筑向符号学提出挑战:从表面上看,建筑不进行交流,只行使功能。但从实质上看,建筑作为交流事实,有助于理解和界定其功能。在人类社会,任何功能都转化为此种功能的符号。建筑对人不是简单刺激,而是以符号刺激。建筑用途所容许的不仅是可能的功能,而且首先是为人确定的同实际用途相关的意义。  相似文献   

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