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The present research examined the relation between choice preferences in elections and 2 peripheral cues: presentation order and familiarity. Relevant previous evidence concerns mainly voters' choices in political elections, where primacy effects were found (i.e., candidates listed earlier had an advantage over candidates listed subsequently). Also, some studies found recency effects in various competitions. However, evidence on the role of familiarity in voting preferences seems rather limited. In 3 studies, data from political and nonpolitical elections were examined with respect to order and familiarity effects. All studies demonstrated the concurrent presence of order and familiarity effects. The findings are viewed in relation to theoretical ideas pertaining to heuristic processing and to implications applying to voting situations.  相似文献   

The serial position function reflects better memory for the first and last few items in a list than for the middle items. Four experiments examined the effects of temporal spacing on the serial position function for five-item lists that took between 0.5 seconds and 1.1 seconds to present. As with recall of far longer-lasting lists, recency and other robust serial position effects were observed with both free and serial recall. We demonstrate that temporal schedules of presentation control recall probability in predictable ways, and conclude that very fleeting lists obey similar principles as do longer-lasting lists. We compare both sets of findings with predictions from the dimensional distinctiveness framework.  相似文献   

This paper explores the cognitive processes at work in preference generation. It tests the hypothesis that the evaluation process relies on a comparative context of alternatives. Participants in two experiments reviewed pairs of options that included one superficially attractive option and another that was normatively superior in some way but superficially unattractive. Experiment 1 (N= 116) found that when the superficially attractive option was rated first, reported preferences for both options were higher than when the less attractive alternative was rated first. Experiment 2 (N= 177) replicated this order effect on preferences using six pairs of options. I obtained process measures that suggest the effect is attributable to the process by which people generate judgments of preference. Options are rated more positively to the extent that they compare favorably to other real or imagined alternatives; options are rated more negatively to the extent that they compare poorly to their alternatives. These two experiments contribute to the literature on preference generation by specifying a process by which people generate preferences.  相似文献   

为了检验即刻学习判断对内外部线索的敏感性,实验一被试为22名高中生,材料为三列含15个词语的清单,先逐个呈现词语系列位置信息,被试在学习前进行即刻学习判断,结果发现学习判断有显著首因效应,表明学习判断对系列位置信息这一外部线索比较敏感。实验二被试为20名高中生,先逐个呈现词语系列位置信息,被试在学习后进行即刻学习判断,结果发现学习判断同样有显著首因效应,表明学习判断对内部线索的敏感性并未强于外部线索。  相似文献   

Serial order effects in spatial memory are investigated in three experiments. In the first an analysis of errors in recall data suggested that immediate transpositions were the most common error and that order errors over 2 or 3 adjacent items accounted for the majority of errors in recall. The first and last serial positions are less error-prone than is the middle position in sets of six and seven items. A second experiment investigated recognition of transpositions and found that immediate transpositions were hardest to recognize but that a traditional serial position effect was not found. This may be due to the difficulty of maintaining one set of spatial items when another set is presented for comparison. A probe experiment, in which subjects were asked to recognize whether a single item came from a memory set and then to assign it to its position in the set indicated that the first and last positions were remembered more accurately than were central positions. The combination of serial order data in recall and position data suggests that there are similarities between serial order and position effects in the verbal and spatial domains and that serial order in spatial sequences is position-based.  相似文献   

Many of us believe that, after writing about a subject, we understand it more deeply. Studies in education indicate that writing does indeed enhance comprehension. Three experiments examined whether similar “exposition effects” exist for decision making. In these experiments, subjects were confronted with standard framing problems. Positive exposition effects would require that the influence of alternative frames on subjects' choices be diminished by exposition demands. Control subjects made choices under customary, non-exposition instructions. Others chose after writing rationales for their selections (exposition), after explicitly planning to write such rationales, or merely in anticipation of writing the rationales. Exposition reduced framing effects in each of the experiments. The magnitudes of the effects were greatest for subjects who wrote before choosing. Also, exposition markedly increased subjects' confidence that their choices were appropriate. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

系列顺序短时记忆主要有三种理论联结理论、顺序理论及位置理论。该文对这三种理论作一述评,并详细介绍了Henson最近提出的序列记忆的新模型起止模型。  相似文献   

以68名20~33岁之间的未婚女性为被试, 探讨了她们在信息板上做出择偶决策时的线索偏好及信息加工方式。结果显示:(1)候选人的性格、健康状况、责任心是女性择偶时优先考虑的线索; (2)被试在完成信息板任务时间接表现出来的线索偏好不完全等同于主观评估给出的线索偏好; (3)择偶决策是一个有限理性的启发式搜索过程, 且时间紧迫性和候选人数量影响被试对择偶线索的信息加工方式; (4)候选人数量与择偶满意度之间不是简单的线性关系, 增加候选人数量并不一定能够提高决策后的满意度。依据有关的理论和发现对这些结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the processes mediating rat serial pattern learning for rule-consistent versus rule-violating pattern elements (“violation elements”). In all three experiments, rats were trained to press retractable levers in a circular array in a specific sequence for brain-stimulation reward (BSR). Experiment 1 examined the role of lever location (L) and element serial position (SP) cues in rats’ ability to learn to anticipate a violation element positioned at the end of a 24-element serial pattern. Rats with L cues either alone or in combination with SP cues learned to anticipate the violation element, whereas those with SP cues alone did not. Rats in groups L and L + SP underwent a series of transfers designed to remove various cues that might have controlled their performance on the violation element. Results indicated that intra-chamber lever location cues mediated performance on the violation element whereas performance on rule-consistent elements within pattern chunks was mediated by an internal mnemonic representation that was insensitive to changes in lever location cues. Experiment 2 examined whether rats could learn to use SP cues alone to anticipate a violation element if it was positioned earlier in a serial pattern. Rats learned to anticipate the violation element based on SP cues alone when it was located in SP6 in a 24-element pattern, but not when it was in SP12. Experiment 3 examined whether or not rats spontaneously encode information about chunk length and the serial position of phrasing cues in serial patterns. Rats were trained to a high criterion on the serial pattern used in Experiment 1, then were challenged with three probe patterns that manipulated both chunk length and overall pattern length. Results indicated that rats spontaneously encoded information regarding the serial position of phrasing cues in relation to chunk length. Thus, rats appear to use at least three cognitive processes concurrently in serial pattern learning tasks, namely, item memory involving external discriminative cues, counting- or timing-like processes for encoding serial position, and rule abstraction for encoding an internal representation of pattern structure.  相似文献   

材料性质与内隐攻击性启动效应的实验研究   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:17  
叶茂林 《心理科学》2001,24(4):418-421
使用表示攻击和被攻击相互作用的动词为实验材料,随机抽取60名初一学生,采用3种加工类型×2种测验方式的混合设计来考察未成年人攻击性的某些内隐社会认知特征.结果表明(1)验证了先前有关攻击性内隐社会认知特征的研究;(2)汉字材料也能产生内隐攻击性的启动效应;(7)在未成年人身上也存在有内隐形式的攻击性.  相似文献   

Relative strengths of the bandwagon (or rally-around-the-winner) affect and its converse, the underdog effect, were tested. Study 1 was conducted with registered Republicans during 4 days immediately prior to the first major Republican primary of 1996. Bogus poll data showing Dole leading Forbes (or Dole trailing Forbes) were presented to voters who then voted their preference for Dole, Forbes, or neither. Findings showed a significantly greater tendency to vote for Dole over Forbes when the bogus poll showed Dole leading Forbes than when it showed Dole trailing. Thus, results supported the bandwagon effect and, furthermore, showed it as explaining 6% of the variance in voter preferences. In Study 2, participants were given bogus poll data on 2 personally relevant issues and were then asked to vote their preferences on the issues. Participants had extremely strong consensus preferences on one issue and were not influenced by bogus poll data. On the second issue that involved moderately strong consensus preferences, bogus polls significantly affected votes, supporting the bandwagon effect. Bandwagon effects were stronger for women compared with men, and for 2 of 3 PAD (Pleasantness, Arousability, Dominance) basic temperament factors; that is, for individuals with more arousable and less dominant temperaments. Implications for other personality variables were noted.  相似文献   

A model of adult human memory, OSCAR, is applied to the development of memory for serial order. In the model, development of serial order memory is assumed to result from age-related changes in a dynamic learning-context signal that underpins memory for serial order. Developmental improvement in this dynamic learning-context signal leads to more temporally distinctive representations in memory, and this leads in turn to a reduction in order errors. It is shown that the model correctly predicts developmental changes in the movement error gradients in children's serially ordered recall, as well as developmental changes in the number of movement errors obtained. The model is also applied to repetition errors across development.  相似文献   

We used discrete choice conjoint analysis to model the bullying prevention program preferences of educators. Using themes from computerized decision support lab focus groups (n = 45 educators), we composed 20 three-level bullying prevention program design attributes. Each of 1,176 educators completed 25 choice tasks presenting experimentally varied combinations of the study’s attribute levels. Latent class analysis yielded three segments with different preferences. Decision Sensitive educators (31%) preferred that individual schools select bullying prevention programs. In contrast, Support Sensitive educators (51%) preferred that local school boards chose bullying prevention programs. This segment preferred more logistical and social support at every stage of the adoption, training, implementation, and long term maintenance processes. Cost Sensitive educators (16%) showed a stronger preference for programs minimizing costs, training, and implementation time demands. They felt prevention programs were less effective and that the time and space in the curriculum for bullying prevention was less adequate. They were less likely to believe that bullying prevention was their responsibility and more likely to agree that prevention was the responsibility of parents. All segments preferred programs supported by the anecdotal reports of colleagues from other schools rather than those based on scientific evidence. To ensure that the bullying prevention options available reflect the complex combination of attributes influencing real world adoption decisions, program developers need to accommodate the differing views of the Decision, Support, and Cost Sensitive segments while maximizing the support of parents and students.  相似文献   

In immediate serial recall, an error can occur because the presented item is not recalled (item error) or because it is recalled at the wrong serial position (order error). Even if these two types of information can be selectively influenced, in most current studies, a global performance measure confounding item and order information is used. Here, the issues associated with the measure of memory for item and order information are discussed. First, it is argued that in some circumstances it is very important that item information be controlled for when measuring order retention, by for example, conditionalizing order memory on memory for item information. Second, using such measures, it is shown that long-term memory factors recently investigated in immediate serial recall produce a different pattern of results than what is predicted by most current models: Semantic similarity, word frequency, and lexicality all influence item recall, but only lexicality affects order information. These findings are discussed in the light of a retrieval-based account suggesting that degraded phonological traces must undergo a reconstruction process calling upon long-term knowledge of the to-be-remembered items.  相似文献   

Choice: Effects of changeover schedules on concurrent performance   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The components of concurrent schedules were separated temporally by placing interval schedules on the changeover key. The rates of responding on both the main and changeover keys were examined as a function of the reinforcement rates. In the first experiment, the sensitivity of main-key performance to changing reinforcement rates was inversely related to the temporal separation of components, and changeover performance was monotonically related to the ratio of the reinforcement rates. In the second experiment, when the ratio of the reinforcement rates was scheduled to remain constant while the frequency of reinforcement was varied, changeover performance did not remain constant. A “sampling” interpretation of changeover responding was proposed and subsequently tested in a third experiment where extinction was always scheduled in one component and the frequency of reinforcement was varied in the second component. It was concluded that changeover performance can be interpreted using molar measures of reinforcement and that animals sample activities available to them at rates which are controlled by relative reinforcement rates.  相似文献   

The claim that the sensitivity of free recall to disruption by irrelevant sound is a function of the extent to which rote rehearsal is employed as a mnemonic strategy was investigated in two experiments. The degree of disruption by irrelevant sound in terms of both item and order information was contrasted under serial and free recall instructions. Irrelevant sound was found to disrupt order and item information equally in serial and free recall tasks (Experiment 1). Contrary to previous reports, an effect of irrelevant sound was also demonstrated on free recall of particularly long lists, and the interaction between list length and retention interval in the irrelevant sound effect was examined (Experiment 2). Generally, the results support the view that irrelevant sound disrupts the use of order cues.  相似文献   

Rats were repeatedly exposed to two- and three-trial series consisting of different reinforced (R) and nonreinforced (N) trials in a fixed order on extended visually distinct runways in a T-maze. When initially presented with the same sequence, RR or RN in Experiment 1 and RRN or RNR in Experiment 2, on each series in a session (Separate Presentations), rats developed slower running speeds or bypassed the runway in returning to the start chamber on N more than on R trials. These serial response patterns occurred whether rats experienced each sequence on a specific runway (Associated group) or equally on different runways over sessions (Nonassociated group). When sequences were intermixed within each session, only the Associated group maintained its serial pattern responses to both sequences while the Nonassociated group only did so within the RRN sequence. When allowed to choose between runways over trials, the Associated group tended to select the runway associated with the RR sequence on the first two free-choice trials while rats in the Nonassociated group tended to alternate their choices of runways. Switching the relevancy of the runway context in the second experiment caused rats in each group to react like rats in the other group on forced-choice trials. In terms of Capaldi's (1992) model of levels of chunking in serial pattern learning, our findings indicate that rats learned to anticipate at least second trial outcomes by using higher order list or contextually cued chunking and also to anticipate third trial outcomes by using lower order series chunking.  相似文献   

Two experiments explored the effects of food preferences on humans’ choice in a self-control paradigm. Reinforcers consisted of programmed periods of access time to drinking juice during the experimental session. Experiment 1 used 14 adult women and Experiment 2 used 9 adult women. In Experiment 1, the women demonstrated significantly less sensitivity to reinforcer amount relative to sensitivity to reinforcer delay (a measure of self-control) when they reported a higher preference for the juice received as the less delayed, smaller reinforcer than for the juice received as the more delayed, larger reinforcer. Conversely in Experiment 2, the women demonstrated significantly more sensitivity to reinforcer amount relative to sensitivity to reinforcer delay when they reported a higher preference for the juice received as the more delayed, larger reinforcer than for the juice received as the less delayed, smaller reinforcer. Together, the results show that participants’ food preferences can influence self-control for food reinforcers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which interspersing effects are consistent with the effects of reinforcement on predicting students preferences for mathematics assignments. Students were exposed to 4 pairs of assignments. Each assignment pair contained a control assignment with 15 problems requiring multiplication of a three digit number by a two digit number, and an experimental assignment consisting of 15 similar multiplication problems plus additional brief one-digit by one-digit multiplication problems interspersed at four different rates (i.e., no interspersing, every other, every third, or every fifth problem) across assignment pairs. Performance data were collected for accuracy, total problem completion rate and target problem completion rate. In addition to performance data, students were asked to rate each assignment with regard to relative difficulty, time, effort to complete, and preference between assignments for homework. Results suggest that although interspersing rates do not affect accuracy, they do affect problem completion rate, and student preferences for academic assignments. Discussion focuses on interspersing rate and schedules of reinforcement with emphasis on both applied and theoretical implications.  相似文献   

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