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In an attempt to measure understudied dimensions of spirituality, recent efforts have focused on the transcendent dimension of spirituality. The Spiritual Transcendence Index (STI) was developed to assess a perceived experience of the sacred that affects one’s ability to transcend life’s difficulties. The main focus of the current study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the STI by utilizing the microscopic item-level examination tools unique in item response theory (IRT), as well as its scale-level exploration devices for psychometric properties of an assessment measure. IRT analyses were conducted to investigate the STI’s psychometric properties across samples (= 712) including how well the measure assesses the latent construct, spiritual transcendence, from the low to high range of the construct. The findings confirm that the 8-item index is a single factor that assesses the latent construct, spiritual transcendence. Instead of the original 6-category version, these findings support a 4-category response version; the 3 categories of disagreement may be collapsed into a single category. These findings not only inform the refinement of the STI but also highlight an important psychometric approach for the refinement of spirituality/religiousness measures, especially those with ceiling effects.  相似文献   

应用项目反应理论对瑞文测验联合型的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用BILOG-MG3.0软件,边际极大似然估计,3参数Logistic模型对354名不同能力水平的男性青年的瑞文测验联合型数据进行了分析。结果显示:大多数瑞文测验联合型的题目都适合3参数Logistic模型(有6道题不适合)。整个测验的信息函数峰值的位置在难度量表的-3到-2之间,其值为16.82。共有18道题的信息函数峰值在0.2以下。从区分度来看,72道题目的区分度均大于0.5,比较理想。难度参数显示所有题目均较低,绝大部分都在0以下,最高的只有1.01。题目的难度主要由所需的操作水平决定。伪猜测参数在0.07-0.24之间。综合分析表明瑞文测验联合型对正常青年的智力评价精度较差。  相似文献   

The Adult Attachment Ratings (AAR) include 3 scales for anxious, ambivalent attachment (excessive dependency, interpersonal ambivalence, and compulsive care-giving), 3 for avoidant attachment (rigid self-control, defensive separation, and emotional detachment), and 1 for secure attachment. The scales include items (ranging from 6–16 in their original form) scored by raters using a 3-point format (0 = absent, 1 = present, and 2 = strongly present) and summed to produce a total score. Item response theory (IRT) analyses were conducted with data from 414 participants recruited from psychiatric outpatient, medical, and community settings to identify the most informative items from each scale. The IRT results allowed us to shorten the scales to 5-item versions that are more precise and easier to rate because of their brevity. In general, the effective range of measurement for the scales was 0 to +2 SDs for each of the attachment constructs; that is, from average to high levels of attachment problems. Evidence for convergent and discriminant validity of the scales was investigated by comparing them with the Experiences of Close Relationships–Revised (ECR–R) scale and the Kobak Attachment Q-sort. The best consensus among self-reports on the ECR–R, informant ratings on the ECR–R, and expert judgments on the Q-sort and the AAR emerged for anxious, ambivalent attachment. Given the good psychometric characteristics of the scale for secure attachment, however, this measure alone might provide a simple alternative to more elaborate procedures for some measurement purposes. Conversion tables are provided for the 7 scales to facilitate transformation from raw scores to IRT-calibrated (theta) scores.  相似文献   


Item response theory (IRT) was applied to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spiritual Assessment Inventory (SAI; Hall & Edwards, 1996 Hall, T. W. and Edwards, K. J. 1996. The initial development and factor analysis of the spiritual assessment inventory. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 24: 233246. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2002 Hall, T. W. and Edwards, K. J. 2002. The spiritual assessment inventory: A theistic model and measure for assessing spiritual development. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 41: 341357. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The SAI is a 49-item self-report questionnaire designed to assess five aspects of spirituality: Awareness of God, Disappointment (with God), Grandiosity (excessive self-importance), Realistic Acceptance (of God), and Instability (in one's relationship to God). IRT analysis revealed that for several scales: (a) two or three items per scale carry the psychometric workload and (b) measurement precision is peaked for all five scales, such that one end of the scale, and not the other, is measured precisely. We considered how sample homogeneity and the possible quasi-continuous nature of the SAI constructs may have affected our results and, in light of this, made suggestions for SAI revisions, as well as for measuring spirituality, in general.  相似文献   

Wiberg  Marie  Ramsay  James O.  Li  Juan 《Psychometrika》2019,84(1):310-322
Psychometrika - The aim of this paper is to discuss nonparametric item response theory scores in terms of optimal scores as an alternative to parametric item response theory scores and sum scores....  相似文献   

The Dutch Questionnaire of God Representations (QGR) was investigated by means of item response theory (IRT) modeling in a clinical (n = 329) and a nonclinical sample (n = 792). Through a graded response model and IRT-based differential functioning techniques, detailed item-level analyses and information about measurement invariance between the clinical and nonclinical sample were obtained. On the basis of the results of the IRT analyses, a shortened version of the QGR (S-QGR) was constructed, consisting of 22 items, which functions in the same way in both the clinical and the nonclinical sample. Results indicated that the QGR consists of strong and reliable scales which are able to differentiate among persons. Psychometric characteristics of the S-QGR were adequate.  相似文献   

正念注意觉知量表IRT分析研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正念注意觉知量表(MAAS)是测量正念注意水平最常用的量表之一,以中小学教师为被试,以项目反应理论用方法与技术对量表各项目的区分度、域值和信息函数峰值4个参数做了分析探讨。结果显示MMAS支持单维性假设,具有良好的心理测量学指标,对正念注意水平的测量具有较高的精准性。量表存在6个信息量很高的项目,其信息量之和接近量表总信息量的70%,提示这几个项目可以构成一个简式量表。对新量表做验证性因素分析,各项指标达到要求。  相似文献   

This study examines the psychometric properties, and particularly differential item functioning (DIF) due to racial and ethnic group, of the criteria for a major depressive episode using a large sample (N?=?1,063) of outpatients seeking treatment for mood and anxiety disorders. DIF was evaluated using multiple group confirmatory factor analysis. Item thresholds fell along a continuum with the core features of depressed mood and anhedonia, along with fatigue, being endorsed at lower levels of depression, and change in appetite and suicidal ideation endorsed at more severe levels of depression. Item discriminations, reflecting an item’s ability to discriminate between lower and higher levels of depression, were highest for depressed mood and anhedonia, and lowest for change in appetite and suicidal ideation. When examining model fit among the racial groups we did not find differences in symptom functioning, providing support for the use of these symptoms across diverse groups. This is of particular importance given the paucity of studies examining this question using a semi-structured clinician administered instrument to a clinical sample.  相似文献   

At present, it is not clear whether the current definition of separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is the optimal classification of developmentally inappropriate, severe, and interfering separation anxiety in youth. Much remains to be learned about the relative contributions of individual SAD symptoms for informing diagnosis. Two-parameter logistic Item Response Theory analyses were conducted on the eight core SAD symptoms in an outpatient anxiety sample of treatment-seeking children (N?=?359, 59.3 % female, M Age?=?11.2) and their parents to determine the diagnostic utility of each of these symptoms. Analyses considered values of item threshold, which characterize the SAD severity level at which each symptom has a 50 % chance of being endorsed, and item discrimination, which characterize how well each symptom distinguishes individuals with higher and lower levels of SAD. Distress related to separation and fear of being alone without major attachment figures showed the strongest discrimination properties and the lowest thresholds for being endorsed. In contrast, worry about harm befalling attachment figures showed the poorest discrimination properties, and nightmares about separation showed the highest threshold for being endorsed. Distress related to separation demonstrated crossing differential item functioning associated with age—at lower separation anxiety levels excessive fear at separation was more likely to be endorsed for children ≥9 years, whereas at higher levels this symptom was more likely to be endorsed by children <9 years. Implications are discussed for optimizing the taxonomy of SAD in youth.  相似文献   

当观测指标变量为二分分类数据时,传统的因素分析方法不再适用。作者简要回顾了SEM框架下的分类数据因素分析模型和IRT框架下的测验题目和潜在能力的关系模型,并对两种框架下主要采用的参数估计方法进行了总结。通过两个模拟研究,比较了SEM框架下GLSc和MGLSc估计方法与IRT框架下MML/EM估计方法的差异。研究结果表明:(1)三种方法中,GLSc得到参数估计的偏差最大,MGLSc和MML/EM估计方法相差不大;(2)随着样本量增大,各种项目参数估计的精度均提高;(3)项目因素载荷和难度估计的精度受测验长度的影响;(4)项目因素载荷和区分度估计的精度受总体因素载荷(区分度)高低的影响;(5)测验项目中阈值的分布会影响参数估计的精度,其中受影响最大的是项目区分度。(6)总体来看,SEM框架下的项目参数估计精度较IRT框架下项目参数估计的精度高。此外,文章还将两种方法在实际应用中应该注意的问题提供了一些建议。  相似文献   

In recent years, network models have been proposed as an alternative representation of psychometric constructs such as depression. In such models, the covariance between observables (e.g., symptoms like depressed mood, feelings of worthlessness, and guilt) is explained in terms of a pattern of causal interactions between these observables, which contrasts with classical interpretations in which the observables are conceptualized as the effects of a reflective latent variable. However, few investigations have been directed at the question how these different models relate to each other. To shed light on this issue, the current paper explores the relation between one of the most important network models—the Ising model from physics—and one of the most important latent variable models—the Item Response Theory (IRT) model from psychometrics. The Ising model describes the interaction between states of particles that are connected in a network, whereas the IRT model describes the probability distribution associated with item responses in a psychometric test as a function of a latent variable. Despite the divergent backgrounds of the models, we show a broad equivalence between them and also illustrate several opportunities that arise from this connection.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to two commonly used item response theory (IRT) models (the two-parameter logistic model and the graded response model). Throughout the paper, the Need for Cognition Scale (NCS) is used to help illustrate different features of the IRT model. After introducing the IRT models, I explore the assumptions these models make as well as ways to assess the extent to which those assumptions are plausible. Next, I describe how adopting an IRT approach to measurement can change how one thinks about scoring, score precision, and scale construction. I briefly introduce the advanced topics of differential item functioning and computerized adaptive testing before concluding with a summary of what was learned about IRT generally, and the NCS specifically.  相似文献   

测验理论的新发展:多维项目反应理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多维项目反应理论是基于因子分析和单维项目反应理论两大背景下发展起来的一种新型测验理论。根据被试在完成一项任务时多种能力之间是如何相互作用的,多维项目反应模型可以分为补偿性模型和非补偿性模型两类。本文在系统介绍了当前普遍使用的补偿性模型的基础上,指出后续研究者应关注多维项目反应理论中多级评分和高维空间的多维模型、补偿性和非补偿性模型的融合、参数估计程序的开发和多维测验等值四个方面的研究。  相似文献   

应用项目反应理论对《中国士兵人格问卷》的项目分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用项目反应理论(IRT)对《中国士兵人格问卷》进行项目分析。计算机呈现中国士兵人格问卷(CSPQ)对100,523名适龄男性青年进行测验,随机抽取2676名任一维度标准分均低于70的定为合格组;将任一维度大于70分并经专业人员访谈不合格的274名定为不合格组;从精神病院抽取男性年龄相当的221名缓解期精神分裂症患者定为精神病组,并完成CSPQ测验。运用基于IRT的双参数Logistic模型进行分析;结果发现,区分度参数超过区间(0.30,4.00)的条目删除前后,被试的能力值与标准分均存在显著相关;精神病组的测验分数经IRT分析,图形曲线与不合格组有高度吻合。研究结果说明,在测验精度基本相同的条件下,应用IRT可以减少施测条目,提高测验效率,可在一定程度上更精确地区分被试的特质水平  相似文献   

本文首先分析了经典测验理论存在的局限,然后在潜在特质理论和项目特征曲线两大概念基础上阐述了项目反应理论及其基础模型的测量学原理,介绍了多个项目反应理论基础模型.最后简要介绍了七项当前应用项目反应理论指导大型题库建设和指导编制各种新型测验的热点内容.  相似文献   

Despite recent technological advances in mass survey administration, surveys seeking to measure personality traits still employ procedures identical to the traditional paper-and-pencil scales, in which every respondent is asked exactly the same items, regardless of his or her trait level. We present an empirical application of personality measurement in which the number and sequence of scale items are tailored to the trait level of each respondent and show that the total number of questions asked of each respondent could be reduced substantially, with a measurable and controllable increase in the standard error of measurement.  相似文献   

Item response theory (IRT) methodology allowed an in-depth examination of several issues that would be difficult to explore using traditional methodology. IRT models were estimated for 4 risky-choice items, answered by students under either a gain or loss frame. Results supported the typical framing finding of risk-aversion for gains and risk-seeking for losses but also suggested that a latent construct we label preference for risk was influential in predicting risky choice. Also, the Asian Disease item, most often used in framing research, was found to have anomalous statistical properties when compared to other framing items.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Correlational and factor‐analytic methods indicate that abnormal and normal personality constructs may be tapping the same underlying latent trait. However, they do not systematically demonstrate that measures of abnormal personality capture more extreme ranges of the latent trait than measures of normal range personality. Item Response Theory (IRT) methods, in contrast, do provide this information. In the present study, we use IRT methods to evaluate the range of the latent trait assessed with a normal personality measure and a measure of psychopathy as one example of an abnormal personality construct. Contrary to the expectation that the measure of psychopathy would be more extreme than the measure of normal personality traits, the measures overlapped substantially in terms of the regions of the latent trait for which they provide information. Moreover, both types of inventories were limited in terms of measurement bandwidth, such that they did not provide information across the entire latent trait continuum. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Item response theory (IRT) provides valuable methods for the analysis of the psychometric properties of a psychological measure. To date, however, these methods have not been used frequently by personality assessment researchers, in part because many researchers have not been introduced to the methods and in part because most of the development of IRT has taken place in applied education assessment settings, resulting in terminology that is ability focused rather than trait focused. The purpose of this article is twofold. First, an overview of IRT is presented, highlighting the concepts of the three-parameter IRT model, item and test information, and conditional standard error of measurement. Second, the psychometric properties of the (MMPI-2) PSY-5 scales are examined to demonstrate IRT's value.  相似文献   

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