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Clinicians have lacked a coherent approach to emptiness, which is both a pervasive metaphor for loss, deficiency, or alienation and a frequently cited spiritual goal. We suggest a framework for approaching emptiness that distinguishes among its subjective, objective, and existential dimensions. Clinicians can use psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral approaches to clarify schemas that distort patients’ perceptions of others and of themselves, behavioral and relational approaches to help them deal with real deficiency and loss, and spiritually oriented approaches to put these into a larger context.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly common for philosophers to distinguish between objective and subjective rightness, and there has been much discussion recently about what an adequate theory of subjective rightness looks like. In this article, I propose a new theory of subjective rightness. According to it, an action is subjectively right if and only if it minimizes expected objective wrongness. I explain this theory in detail and argue that it avoids many of the problems that other theories of subjective rightness face. I end by responding to some objections.  相似文献   

Among the different approaches to questions of biomedical ethics, there is a view that stresses the importance of a patient’s right to make her own decisions in evaluative questions concerning her own well-being. This approach, the autonomy-based approach to biomedical ethics, has usually led to the adoption of a subjective theory of well-being on the basis of its commitment to the value of autonomy and to the view that well-being is always relative to a subject. In this article, it is argued that these two commitments need not lead to subjectivism concerning the nature of well-being. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study investigates two distinct but interrelated phenomena—that of experienced leisure and that of perceived leisure—in order to determine empirically whether and how the perception and use of free time affects an individual’s level of satisfaction. The analysis was conducted on a sample of approximately 50,000 individuals, representative of the Italian population. It focused on the person-centred sphere of leisure: both the objective aspect—that is, participation in leisure activities—and the subjective aspects—that is, the different meanings of leisure and levels of satisfaction or dissatisfaction expressed by the subjects—were investigated. By applying multivariate analytical techniques (Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Analysis), synthetic indices were calculated and subject typologies were developed. Logistic regression models were also used to investigate the relationship between perception, activity and satisfaction. The results confirmed that the objective and subjective aspects are interrelated: there are specific activities related to the type of perception of leisure activities which contribute significantly to making a person happy. There are other aspects, however, such as relational activities and sports, which are important for the satisfaction of those whose conception of leisure seems discordant with respect to such activities.  相似文献   

Prior research on executive ability and suicidal ideation (SI) has frequently failed to account for either symptom or performance validity. Similarly, studies have not adequately examined both objective performance on executive tests and subjective report of executive deficits in relationship to SI. The purpose of this study was to address these gaps in research by accounting for performance validity, symptom validity, and considering self-reported executive complaints with objective performance. We hypothesized that (a) increases in self-reported SI on the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI; Morey, 1991 Morey, L. C. (1991). Personality Assessment Inventory: Professional manual. Tampa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources. [Google Scholar]) Suicidal Ideation subscale would be related to poorer performance on objective and subjective tests of executive function and (b) level of self-reported depressive symptoms would moderate the relationship between SI and measures of executive function, such that individuals with higher levels of both depressive symptoms and executive dysfunction would be more likely to experience higher levels of SI. No measure of executive function was related to SI when accounting for demographic variables and depressive symptoms. Wisconsin Card Sort Test categories completed was the only measure of executive function to interact significantly with depressive symptoms to predict SI (β = .43). Of particular note, self-reported executive dysfunction was highly correlated with Beck Depression Inventory?II ( Beck, Steer, &; Brown, 1996 Beck, A. T., Steer, R. A., &; Brown, G. K. (1996). Beck Depression Inventory (2nd ed.). San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation. [Google Scholar]) scores (r = .78). Clinical implications and future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

Test validity is predicated on there being a lack of bias in tasks, items, or test content. It is well-known that factors such as test candidates' mother tongue, life experiences, and socialization practices of the wider community may serve to inject subtle interactions between individuals' background and the test content. When the gender of the test candidate interacts further with these factors, the potential for item bias to influence test performances grows. A dilemma faced by test designers concerns how they can proactively screen test content for possible sources of bias. Conventional practices in many contexts rely on the subjective opinion of review panels in detecting sensitive topical content and potentially biased material and items. In the last 2 decades this practice has been rivaled by the increased availability of item bias diagnostic software. Few studies have compared the relative accuracy and cost utility of the two approaches in the domain of language assessment. This study makes just that comparison. A 4-passage, 20-item reading comprehension test was given to a stratified sample of 825 high school students and college undergraduates at 5 Japanese institutions. The sampling included a focus group of 468 female students compared to a reference group of 357 male English as a foreign language (EFL) learners. The test passages and items were also given to a panel of 97 in-service and preservice EFL teachers for subjective ratings of potential gender bias. The results of the actual item responses were then empirically checked for evidence of differential item functioning using Simultaneous Item Bias analysis, the Mantel-Haenszel Delta method, and logistic regression. Concordance analyses of the subjective and objective methods suggest that subjective screening of bias overestimates the extent of actual item bias. Implications for cost-effective approaches to item bias detection are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:了解原发性失眠患者的睡眠特点,探讨其主客观睡眠的异同点。方法:对15例原发性失眠患者、20例正常人的主观睡眠(PSQI)和客观睡眠(PSG)特点进行比较,对原发性失眠患者进行主观睡眠(PSQI)和客观睡眠(PSG)的比较。结果:原发性失眠的PSG多项指标(睡眠总时间、睡后觉醒次数、觉醒总时间、睡眠潜伏期、睡眠效率、觉睡比、睡眠维持率、REM睡眠时间和REM百分比、REM睡眠潜伏期和REM活动密度)等方面与正常对照有显著差异(p〈0.05或p〈0.01);原发性失眠的PSQI多项指标(PSQI总分、睡眠效率、睡眠时间、睡眠潜伏期)方面与正常组对照差异显著(p〈0.01)。原发性失眠的PSQI和PSG在睡眠效率、实际睡眠时间、睡眠潜伏期方面存在显著差异(p〈0.01)。结论:原发性失眠患者的PSQI和PSG均存在一定程度的异常,原发性失眠患者有高估自己睡眠障碍的倾向。  相似文献   

Automation of stress recognition involves collecting stress-reflecting data and then using a computational technique to estimate the stress level corresponding to that data. With the advent of objective sensors or mobile context measurement, automated stress recognition revolves around and is restricted to only these measures. Traditional subjective questionnaires and self-reports, though highly reliable, have been bounded to only clinical settings, without extending their scope to general population and natural environments. This review discusses some widely used questionnaires for measuring stress which can prove to be equally efficient to their conventional paper-based application when computerized. A summary on highly accepted objective measures of stress, including physiological, behavioural and contextual data, is provided next. Past research work using these subjective and objective measures for automatically recognizing stress is also reviewed. A comparative analysis of questionnaires and objective measures is conducted, which helped in highlighting significant advantages and disadvantages of the measures. Use of reports or questionnaires for automating stress recognition is suggested, owing to improved costs, high reliability and user trust.  相似文献   

Memory was investigated in 27 children and adolescents in a longitudinal study before and at one and two years after epilepsy surgery. A comparison group with intractable epilepsy (n = 15), matched in age, sex, age of seizure onset, and IQ, was studied at comparable points in time. Methods included administration of standardized measures of story recall and face recognition, and qualitative interviews to probe the participants’ perceptions of their memory function over time. There was no significant change over time in either group on the standardized measures. Site and laterality of excision, age at surgery, and seizure outcome were not predictive of change within the surgical group. The narratives revealed facets of memory that were problematic in daily life. The objective and subjective results showed low concordance regarding change, possibly due to limitations in the objective measures for capturing semantic and autobiographical memory.  相似文献   


Students (N = 45) were asked to judge their recent exam performance on a success versus failure rating scale. They were also asked to make causal attributions for their test performance on an internal versus external scale. The students' scores were divided into success and failure groups by using both subjective (self-reported outcome) and objective (actual exam scores) definitions of outcome. For both methods, the success group had higher internal attributions for their performance than did the failure group. The effect size for the subjective methods of defining outcome, however, produced a stronger self-serving bias that did the objective definition.  相似文献   

A 2‐round negotiation study provided evidence that positive feelings resulting from one negotiation can be economically rewarding in a second negotiation. Negotiators experiencing greater subjective value (SV)—that is, social, perceptual, and emotional outcomes from a negotiation—in Round 1 achieved greater individual and joint objective negotiation performance in Round 2, even with Round 1 economic outcomes controlled. Moreover, Round 1 SV predicted the desire to negotiate again with the same counterpart, whereas objective negotiation performance had no such association. Taken together, the results suggest that positive feelings, not just positive outcomes, can evoke future economic success.  相似文献   

In this paper, I motivate and defend the distinction between an objective and a subjective moral sense of “ought.” I begin by looking at the standard way the distinction is motivated, namely by appealing to relatively simple cases where an agent does something she thinks is best, but her action has a tragic outcome. I argue that these cases fail to do the job—the intuitions they elicit can be explained without having to distinguish between different senses of “ought.” However, these cases are on the right track—I argue that more sophisticated versions of the cases provide strong motivation for the distinction. I then discuss two important problems for the distinction: the “which ‘ought’ is more important?” problem, and the “annoying profusion of ‘oughts’” problem. I argue that each of these problems can be solved in several different ways.  相似文献   

This research examines the differences between ethnic groups when school infractions are subjective/objective. Using school discipline incident data, eight categories of infractions are analyzed: disobedience, violence, substance abuse, vandalism, theft, truancy, safety, and miscellaneous. Within these eight categories there are 32 specific infractions. Specific infractions were then classified as either subjective or objective by a committee. Population proportion criteria (PPC; minus or plus 10% of a group’s overall population) is used. Findings indicated that only black students exceeded the criteria with infractions having subjective definitions. All other groups only exceeded PPC with infractions having objective definitions.  相似文献   

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