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滕吉菊 《天风》2003,(12):32-32
有关圣诞节的传说,流传最广的来自德国16世纪的宗教改革家马丁·路德……  相似文献   

原始道德的自制力,主要表现为原始人对其生物本能的克制和调整。它来源于原始先民的精神心理与其群体社会生活的互动机制。具体包括两种生产活动的社会制约,神灵信仰的敬畏心理,自我观念的发生与发展,原始理解的能力与机制等因素。  相似文献   

《The Ecumenical review》1981,33(2):178-187

This paper takes up a theoretical and empirical investigation of how two community-based projects for young women both create safety from community and domestic violence but how, in the process, discourses of multicultural inclusion define one site, and racist discourses of exclusion float through the other site. By relying on two intensive qualitative case studies of community-based organizations for girls, one exclusively White and working class and the other expressly multicultural and antiracist, we try to identify those structures and practices that support feminist, but inadvertently racist, work and those structures and practices that enable, at once, feminist and antiracist consciousness and praxis.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the primary issue in considerations of validity today is the discrepancy between currently accepted theory and the practice of validation. The reason for this discrepancy may be that although considerable discussion has taken place in educational measurement and psychometrics regarding changes in our conceptions of validity, that has not been the case more generally in the social and behavioral sciences. A dialectic on the current status of validity theory for social and behavioral scientists is presented to help bridge this gap.  相似文献   

Although not as yet fully implemented, laws, executive orders, administrative rulings, and court decisions are now available for dealing with the more blatant forms of discrimination against women. But we do not as yet have protection against the subtler forms—the exclusionary "stag effect", for example, and the putdown—which can have equally damaging effects. Research is called for to document just how the self-image of women is injured by these forms of behavior and how their professional careers are prejudiced by them. Collective coping mechanisms are called for. Recourse to the courts may be called for in some cases, but in others these subtle forms of bahvior that have discriminatory consequences for women are inadvertent and require primarily that we call attention to them.  相似文献   

Emotions are often portrayed as subjective judgments that pose a threat to rationality and morality, but there is a growing literature across many disciplines that emphasizes the centrality of emotion to moral reasoning. For engineers, however, being rational usually means sequestering emotions that might bias analyses—good reasoning is tied to quantitative data, math, and science. This paper brings a new pedagogical perspective that strengthens the case for incorporating emotions into engineering ethics. Building on the widely established success of active and collaborative learning environments, in particular the problem-based learning (PBL) philosophy and methodology, the paper articulates new strategies for incorporating emotion into engineering ethics education. An ethics education pilot study is analyzed to explore how PBL can engage students’ emotions. Evidence suggests that PBL empowers students to cultivate value for engineering ethics and social responsibility, and in doing so, redefine the societal role of the engineer. Taking students’ emotions seriously in engineering ethics offers an effective strategy to meaningfully engage students in ethical learning.  相似文献   

For adult survivors of adverse childhood experiences, primary care is the entryway to treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is estimated 25% of adult primary care patients have PTSD, and they present to their provider more often with pain and non-specific physical symptoms rather than mental health issues. Physicians, even those somewhat knowledgeable about trauma and PTSD, are unlikely to assess for it in order to avoid issues they may not have the time and/or skills to sufficiently address. This is due to PTSD treatment not being a core training competency in graduate-level education and professional training being timely and expensive. Usual care for PTSD consists of medication to manage symptoms and a referral to a mental health clinician. However, substantial disparities and patient, provider, and delivery system-level barriers means survivors are unlikely to follow-through with referrals nor receive adequate treatment when they do. In this theoretical article, we review the trials and tribulations experienced by research teams and argue what is lacking is trauma-informed care. None of the trials reviewed mentioned trauma-informed care as a component of their intervention nor as a recommendation for future studies. We also outline a host of recommendations for best practice protocols that benefit patients and the collaborative care teams meeting them where they are. Trauma-informed care deepens the focus on relational, physiological, and physical safety. Attention to soothing physiological arousal through the physician-patient-clinician triad creates more positive associations toward moving forward in treatment for survivors and providers.  相似文献   

The core objective of this special issue has been to shed light on emotions as (1) frames that shape interpersonal diplomatic relations, (2) as key tools that are used as part of the statecraft's toolbox, and (3) as formative/productive dynamics with real effects on human beings—that, in turn, often construct and maintain conflicts. It is therefore pertinent that we interrogate the political psychology of individual, collective, mass, and communal emotions and how these are often (mis)used in diplomacy and security narratives to legitimize politicians' decisions and practices. This concluding article provides a state of the art account of the study of emotions in International Relations (IR), sums up the main findings from all special issue contributions and constructively explores potential challenges ahead for the study of emotions in IR, especially in security and diplomacy studies. It concludes with an appeal for the development of a multiperspective approach—that is, one that combines social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities—for a nuanced study of the role of emotional work in state, diplomatic as well as security narratives and practices. This approach will in turn require methodological pluralism in how we go about, as reflexive researchers, our emotional research.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Golden Gate Bridge is currently the number one suicide location in the world. From the opening day, May 18, 1937 to April 1, 1978, there have been 625 officially reported suicide deaths and perhaps more than 200 others which have gone unseen and unreported. Proposals for the construction of a hardware antisuicide barrier have been challenged with the untested contention that “they'll just go someplace else.” This research tests the contention by describing and evaluating the long-term mortality experience of the 515 persons who had attempted suicide from the Golden Gate Bridge but were restrained, from the opening day through the year 1971 plus a comparison group of 184 persons who made nonbridge suicide attempts during 1956–57 and were treated at the emergency room of a large metropolitan hospital and were also followed through the close of 1971. Results of the followup study are directed toward answering the important question: “Will a person who is prevented from suicide in one location inexorably tend to attempt and commit suicide elsewhere?”  相似文献   

近年来,国际美学研究的一个明显趋势是从纯思辨、纯理论向文化领域渗透,朝着与民族文化和社会现实结合的应用方向发展.这说明,形而上学在美学中一统天下的局面已经被打破,美学也可以成为一种确切的知识!正是这种知识化倾向使当代美学研究呈现出多元的和非体系化的特征.例如,近年来颇为引人注目的"审美人类学"或"人类学美学",着重把人类学的视野引入美学研究,研究不同民族审美感知的特殊方式.  相似文献   

我国民间有清明节和“七月半”节(农历七月十五,民间又称“鬼节”)给已故亲人上坟烧纸的习俗。烧纸的时候,有时会  相似文献   

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