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Some students do not cheat. Students high in measures of bravery, honesty, and empathy, our defining characteristics of heroism, report less past cheating than other students. These student heroes also reported that they would feel more guilt if they cheated and also reported less intent to cheat in the future than nonheroes. We find general consensus between students and professors as to reasons for the nonreporting of cheating, suggesting a general impression of insufficient evidence, lack of courage, and denial. Suggested interventions in academia are based in positive psychology and an understanding of academic heroes.  相似文献   

What effect does witnessing other students cheat have on one's own cheating behavior? What roles do moral attitudes and neutralizing attitudes (justifications for behavior) play when deciding to cheat? The present research proposes a model of academic dishonesty which takes into account each of these variables. Findings from experimental (vignette) and survey methods determined that seeing others cheat increases cheating behavior by causing students to judge the behavior less morally reprehensible, not by making rationalization easier. Witnessing cheating also has unique effects, controlling for other variables.  相似文献   

Academic dishonesty is an insidious problem that besets most tertiary institutions, where considerable resources are expended to prevent and manage students' dishonest actions within academia. Using a mixed retrospective and prospective design this research investigated Gottfredson and Hirschi's self-control theory as a possible explanation for academic dishonesty in 264 university students. The relationship between academic dishonesty and general criminality was also examined. A significant but small to moderate relationship between academic dishonesty and general criminality was present, including correlations with general dishonesty, violent crime and drug offending subcategories. These findings suggested that a general criminological theory may be of use in explaining academic dishonesty, but the overall ability of self-control variables to explain academic dishonesty was not strong. Controlled logistic regressions indicated that a significant positive association with academic dishonesty was only present for one of 6 self-control subscales (self-centeredness), and even this association was only present in the prospective study component. A strong relationship between past and future academic dishonesty was present. Implications of the study for institutions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the use of a modified form of the theory of planned behavior in understanding the decisions of undergraduate students in engineering and humanities to engage in cheating. We surveyed 527 randomly selected students from three academic institutions. Results supported the use of the model in predicting ethical decision-making regarding cheating. In particular, the model demonstrated how certain variables (gender, discipline, high school cheating, education level, international student status, participation in Greek organizations or other clubs) and moral constructs related to intention to cheat, attitudes toward cheating, perceptions of norms with respect to cheating, and ultimately cheating behaviors. Further the relative importance of the theory of planned behavior constructs was consistent regardless of context, whereas the contributions of variables included in the study that were outside the theory varied by context. Of particular note were findings suggesting that the extent of cheating in high school was a strong predictor of cheating in college and that engineering students reported cheating more frequently than students in the humanities, even when controlling for the number of opportunities to do so.  相似文献   

The majority of traditional students enrolled at most colleges and universities are a part of what has been termed the Millennial Generation, also known as Generation Y, which typically describes the group of individuals born in most of the 1980s and 1990s. This cohort’s life has been shaped by corporate scandals, economic instability, and worldwide tragedies. Concurrently, business ethics has become a popular topic in the news within the last 2 decades due to the increase in the number of high-profile business scandals. Unfortunately, this trend has also been accompanied by an increased number of reported incidents of academic dishonesty at many major universities. Two underresearched factors that may be related to academic dishonesty and cheating behavior are religiosity and spirituality. This article attempts to shed more light on the relationship between religious beliefs and unethical behavior, with a focus on millennial college students. It is posited that religiosity and spirituality influence an individual’s attitudes, views, decisions, and ultimately behaviors. The results of this study indicate that religiosity but not spirituality is a predictor of students’ attitudes toward cheating and cheating behavior.  相似文献   

以388名大学生为研究对象,考察大学生主动性人格对学业成绩的影响,以及学业自我效能感和学习适应在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)主动性人格、学业自我效能感、学习适应与学业成绩四个变量相互之间存在显著正相关。(2)学业自我效能感在主动性人格对学业成绩的影响中起完全中介作用,但学习适应并不在主动性人格与学业成绩之间起显著的中介作用;学业自我效能感在主动性人格对学习适应的影响中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

研究发现学习效能感会受到同伴支持的影响,同时它又是影响学生学业状况的重要前因变量。根据控制价值理论,本研究通过对3329名高一和高二学生的调查,考察在物理和化学学科中,学习效能感是否会在同伴学业支持和学业情绪中起到中介作用。发现:(1)同伴学业支持和学习效能感呈显著正相关;两者与高兴学业情绪显著正相关,与厌倦学业情绪显著负相关;(2)在控制了年龄、年级、性别和地域后,学习效能感在同伴学业支持和高兴学业情绪中起部分中介作用,在同伴学业支持和厌倦学业情绪中起完全中介作用;(3)在物理学科中,性别调节了学习效能感和学业情绪的关系。本研究验证并拓展了控制价值理论,对于如何提高中学生物理和化学学习的积极情绪有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study investigates gender differences in prevalence and effects of sexual harassment using three different estimation methods. In a representative sample of 2,349 Norwegian employees, 1.1% self-labeled as targets of sexual harassment, whereas 18.4% reported exposure to sexually harassing behaviors during the last six months. When employing latent class cluster analysis as a method for estimating prevalence of sexual harassment, 2.2% could be classified as targets of frequent harassment and 19.1% could be classified as targets of unwanted sexual attention. Although more women than men self-labeled as targets of sexual harassment, men reported the same number of sexually harassing behaviors as women. Sexual harassment was found to be significantly related to mental health problems and low job satisfaction among men and women.  相似文献   

以891名河北省衡水市某小学4~6年级学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方式,考察了亲子间教育期望差异对小学生情感幸福感的影响,以及学业成绩和学业自我效能感的多重中介作用。结果发现:(1)亲子间教育期望差异影响小学生情感幸福感,与感知到的父母教育期望和自我教育期望一致相比,当感知到的父母教育期望高于自我教育期望时,小学生的积极情感水平更低而消极情感水平更高;(2)学业成绩和学业自我效能感在“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”这一差异方向与积极情感间起部分中介作用,在“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”与消极情感间起完全中介作用。具体而言,“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”可直接影响积极情感,还可通过学业成绩和学业自我效能感的链式中介作用以及学业自我效能感的独立中介作用间接影响积极情感;同时,“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”可通过学业成绩和学业自我效能感的链式中介作用、学业自我效能感的独立中介作用以及学业成绩的独立中介作用影响消极情感。  相似文献   

为探究受欺负对于个体抑郁情绪的影响,以及反刍这一认知因素在其中的作用与性别差异,采用受欺负问卷、儿童应对方式问卷中的悲伤反刍分量表、愤怒反刍问卷、儿童抑郁量表对2582名初中二年级学生(男生1328人,女生1254人;平均年龄13.95岁,SD=0.60)进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)受欺负与悲伤反刍、愤怒反刍、抑郁情绪均呈显著正相关;(2)受欺负、悲伤反刍、愤怒反刍均可显著正向预测个体的抑郁情绪,且悲伤反刍和愤怒反刍在受欺负和抑郁情绪的关系中发挥部分中介作用;(3)该模型存在性别差异。女生悲伤反刍对抑郁情绪的预测作用显著大于男生。研究从悲伤反刍和愤怒反刍的角度揭示了受欺负对青少年抑郁情绪的作用机制,为从认知水平上干预青少年心理健康问题提供了参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of shame associated with previous potentially traumatic experiences, satisfaction with academic performance, and psychological distress among college students (N = 245) in Mainland China. Results indicated that previous experiences of potentially traumatic events were directly related to depressive symptoms and indirectly related through characterological shame and hopelessness. In addition, characterological shame and bodily shame were 2 distinct forms of shame that had unique associations with psychological distress.  相似文献   

采用整群抽样法选取山西、云南、重庆地区的1100名中学生作为研究对象,通过心理量表和学科测验获取其个人取向勇气、应对方式、学业成就的数据,探讨个人取向勇气对中学生学业成就的影响及其中介机制。结构方程建模结果表明:中学生的个人取向勇气与学业成就之间显著正相关,问题解决应对方式、求助应对方式在个人取向勇气影响中学生学业成就的过程中起中介作用。研究结果揭示了勇气水平较高的中学生更倾向采用问题解决和求助两种应对方式,从而取得较大的学业成就,这对中学教育工作者开展勇气品格培养和学业成就提升的教育实践有重要启示。  相似文献   

学习积极性的心理分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学习积极性是学生在学习活动中的一种自觉的能动的心理状态。从儿童出生来到这个陌生的世界,他们就不断地和环境相互作用,接受客观现实中的各种刺激并作出相应的应答活动。随着年龄的增长和身心的发展,儿童对周围事物产生强烈的好奇心和旺盛的求知欲。但是,为什么在学校里,有的学生对学习表现出很大的积极性,有的学生却不愿意学习,觉得学习是个沉重的负担,毫无积极性呢?学生的学习积极性究竟从何而来呢?本文仅从心理学的角度对学生的学习积极性谈一谈个人的认识。  相似文献   

As residential mobility is a common life event that particularly affects young adults, regional identity may be relevant for young adults. We therefore extended the three‐dimensional identity model to the regional domain. The development of regional identity was studied using a prospective design over six months with a sample of 1,795 post‐secondary graduates (71% female, mean age of 24.54 years), containing both movers and non‐movers. Latent profile analyses and latent profile transition analyses revealed three main findings: First, solutions with four regional identity statuses—moratorium, searching moratorium, closure, and achievement—were found to be most interpretable. Second, the emergent statuses differed substantially in terms of Big Five personality traits and life satisfaction, as well as with moving experience. Third, the stability of identity status membership across a period of six months was highest for the non‐movers group. Comparatively less stability across time was found for the movers, underscoring the relevance of transitions for identity development. Taken together, these findings show that even in a mobile world, region matters in identity development. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

我国高度重视教育问题,学业被家庭和社会投入了大量的关注,构成了青少年学生时代的主要旋律。学业成绩不仅可以影响青少年的社会性发展,也会被社会性发展所影响。本研究采用交叉滞后设计,通过同伴提名和标准化考试对1283名初中生(Mage=13.43岁,SD=0.65岁,47.7%为女生)进行了为期一年的追踪研究,考察学业成绩和社会性发展(受欢迎程度、攻击行为)之间的相互预测关系。结果表明:(1)T1~T2时间段,学业成绩显著正向预测受欢迎程度;(2)T1~T3时间段,男生学业成绩均显著负向预测随后的攻击行为,但这一关系对于女生而言仅在T1~T2时间段显著,并且在该时间段男生的预测作用强于女生;(3)T1~T2时间段,受欢迎程度显著正向预测学业成绩,但预测强度弱于同时期学业成绩对于受欢迎程度的预测。本研究结果表明,青少年学业成绩、攻击行为与受欢迎程度之间存在着复杂的相互作用,并且这一作用随着性别以及时间的变化有所不同。研究结果对于促进青少年个体发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Using data drawn from the adult population in Northern Ireland (N = 1,515), this article examines the relationship between perceived intergroup threat and psychological well‐being, taking into consideration the mediating role of social identification and the moderating role of political conflict exposure. Results by and large confirmed our predictions that perceived threat would be directly associated with poorer well‐being but would also exert a positive indirect effect on well‐being via increased social identification. However, these relationships were dependent on individuals' prior conflict exposure, such that the positive indirect relationship between perceived threat and psychological well‐being emerged only for two subpopulations: individuals who had high direct and high indirect exposure to conflict, and individuals who had low direct, but high indirect conflict exposure. No indirect effects emerged for individuals with relatively lower conflict exposure. Results are discussed with regard to their implications for research on the consequences of intergroup threat in political conflict settings and beyond.  相似文献   

探讨特殊教育师范生感知班级氛围与学习投入的关系,考察专业认同在两者之间的中介作用,以及未来取向的调节作用。采用学生感知班级氛围量表、学习投入量表、大学生专业认同量表和未来取向问卷对582名特殊教育师范生进行调查。结果发现:(1)特殊教育师范生感知班级氛围对学习投入具有正向预测作用;(2)专业认同在感知班级氛围与学习投入的关系中起着重要的中介作用;(3)未来取向显著调节特殊教育师范生感知班级氛围对学习投入的直接路径,也调节中介效应的后半段即特殊教育师范生专业认同对学习投入的影响。本研究结果丰富了特殊教育职前教育理论,对提升特殊教育师范生培养质量具有实践意义。  相似文献   

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