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正道教是中国土生土长的宗教,是中华沃土孕育了道教。道教的根在中国,因此道教与中华传统文化有着非常密切的关系。道家道教文化是中华传统文化的重要组成部分和重要载体。道教的前身是道家。汉朝史学家司马谈的《论六家要旨》评价道家可以使人精神专一,然后身体也会随精神而专一,再然后人的行为和思想自然就合乎  相似文献   

道家与道教精神疗法之现代价值郑晓江每个人的存在都是“身”与“心”、肉体与精神、生理与心理的合和体,缺失任何一方,人都不可能是活着的存在。长期以来,人类孜孜不倦地发展医疗技术,对“身”、肉体、生理之病的治疗已有了惊人的长足进步。但是,人们逐步意识到身体...  相似文献   

略论道教伦理思维的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道教伦理思维是中国道教认识伦理本体、完善自我和协调自然的特有的方式方法,是古代中国人道德智慧的独特体现.自我性思维、人本性思维和生态性思维是道教伦理思维的三大特征,它折射出道教抗命逆修、抱朴守真、清静恬淡、慈爱和同、度人济世、性命双修、顺应自然和力行不止的主体精神.道教伦理思维和主体精神的最终旨趣是对自我完满、人我和谐和人物(自然)和顺的追求.在现代化过程中,道教伦理思维及其主体精神是人类精神资源宝库中使生命得以充实、发展和丰富的重要智慧,值得我们认真汲取.  相似文献   

养生是一种身体文化,它以身体意识培养为目的,以形神调养为手段,其真正精神在于拥有灵活而有悟性的身体:不但把身体塑造成拥有优雅、美丽等审美品格的外在对象,而且将身体作为主体性存在去感知这些品格,去体验这些品格带来的审美愉悦。它使身体与身体化合二为一,达到身心合一的自由境界,达到身体、认知和道德的改进,以至合理化我们的生活方式。养生的旨归在某种程度上体现为舒斯特曼的身体美学的终极指向。  相似文献   

囚禁与解放:视觉文化中的身体叙事   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
一、身体转向进入文明时代以来,身心二元性亦即身体与理念、身体与灵魂、身体与精神之间的张力,一直是西方哲人所坚持关注的基本立场。漫长的主体性哲学推崇理性、灵魂、精神,而身体及其所表现的感性则总被视为价值的对立面而备受压抑。柏拉图哲学在西方思想中的奠基地位毋庸置疑,正是他为西方自我认识的以灵魂为主导的身心二元性倾向铸造了最根本的基座。从柏拉图费尽心思地论证灵魂的不朽以及身体的暂时性和局限性开始,漫长的主体哲学将人或者看成智慧的存在(柏拉图),或者看成信仰的存在(基督教),或者看成理性的存在(启蒙哲学)。在这背后…  相似文献   

梅洛-庞蒂的《知觉现象学》和胡塞尔的《危机》《观念2》之间存在着直接的承继关系,其中对身心关系的探讨是这种承继关系的核心问题。胡塞尔认为,人的感知实际上是自由意志支配下的身体活动,在此身心是一体的。胡塞尔动感理论对身心一体的初涉,为超越笛卡尔身心二元论作出极具创见性的贡献。然而,囿于意识哲学和知识论的束缚,胡塞尔最终仍然没有彻底摆脱身心二元论。梅洛-庞蒂从存在论的角度提出:身体在世界中的活动、行为的意向性以及身体性的知觉体验才是现象学的最原初状态;在“在世之在”的初始条件下,身心必然是浑然一体、不分彼此的。这使他在处理身心合一问题时获得比胡塞尔思想更加合理的解释。  相似文献   

道教养生学是道教徒在追求长生成仙和济世度人信仰目标过程中,通过无数实践积累起的保持身心健康的方法。道教养生学是道教关于长生成仙的系统学说,包含着多种多样的形式和内容,是一种综合性的养生学模式。 道教养生学来源于道教长生成仙的信仰,建立在道教宇宙观、人天观、身心观的基础之上,与道教的生道合一、重生贵生、天人相应、形神相依、我命在我、以德养生思想有着密切关系。道教养生  相似文献   

司马承祯"坐忘"论在借鉴佛教工夫方法的基础上,系统梳理道教典籍的思想资源对《庄子》进行宗教化改造,最终形成了可与"宴坐"相对抗的道教修养工夫。论文对比分析了司马承祯、郭象、崔譔、成玄英"坐忘"说,论述司马承祯从"安坐"到"端坐"的身体姿态变化中内涵的学道阶次。论文还分析了司马承祯在言说身心问题时使用的两个话语体系,阐述司马承祯通过对形神关系和身心关系的融合,将庄子中对身心的否定意诠释为积极的身心贯通的工夫进路。此外,论文还讨论了程颐以"坐驰"释司马"坐忘"说存在的问题,并以此反思司马承祯在身心问题上的不足。  相似文献   

本文认为早在老、庄时代就已经出现了道教。老子、庄子、列子所代表的是当时的道教神秘派。他们以精神修炼为主,同时也不反对道教对身体的修炼。道教神秘派是当时诸多道教流派中的一个。文章后半部分对道教神秘派与伊斯兰教和基督教神秘主义作了比较研究。  相似文献   

道教服食是道教信从者通过摄取食物、药物、气、符等来防治疾病、养护身心,以求长生成仙的过程中所应用的一切手段、方法、知识等活动方式的总和.它包括服药、服气、辟谷、饮食、服符等方面,是一类富有特色的道教养生类型.近年来,学术界对道教养生学关注较多,因此道教养生中服食问题也相应地有一些学者加以探讨.黄永锋博士认为道教养生学研究课题众多,服食养生应该专门加以系统研究;同时有必要重新界定道教服食,在新的理论平台上进行多视角深人的审视.  相似文献   

在先秦儒学与医学之中,身体之“窍”(七窍/九窍)被视为“精神”的“孔窍”、“门户”与“通道”,它们内根于“五脏”,外联于天地之气。保持“孔窍”的通畅,无论对“卫生”,抑或对“修身”均意味重要。其中,耳、目、口三窍尤为儒家修身所注重。阴阳五行理论兴起后,身体之“窍”与天地万物之“窍”之间的同构关系得到彰显。 在承继前人五脏“开窍于目”、“开窍于耳”、“开窍于口”、“开窍于鼻”、“开窍于二阴”这一思想基础上,理学家一方面深刻挖掘出身体之窍的本体论向度,提出一个完整的“天地之心”的发窍路线图:“天地之心”发窍于人心,人心(通过五脏六腑)发窍于耳目口鼻四肢这一连续性的发窍结构,并借助于汉儒身体之“窍”与天地万物之“窍”之间的同构关系思想,揭示出天地之心一人心(灵窍)一七窍一体结构的时间性(“七窍”、“灵窍”与天地万物的运作的同步性),另一方面,呈现出丰富的“七窍”与“心窍”修身经验,这些经验极大丰富了孔孟“四勿”与“践形”功夫。 儒家强调身体之窍、心窍的“虚”、“无”性格,与萨特所代表的意识现象学有着本质的区别。儒家“通身是窍”的理念折射出儒家的“主体性”乃是扎根于生生不已、大化流行之中与他者、天地万物相互感应、相互应答的身心一如的存在,这种主体性本身就嵌在身体之中,无论是“惕然动乎中,赧然见乎色”之耻感,抑或是“恻然动乎中”之“不忍”、“悯恤”、“顾惜”之同感,乃至生意津津之一体生命的生机畅遂感、乐感,皆是深深嵌入身体之中“觉情”与“实感”。儒家身体的这种本体论向度,不仅迥异于Hans Jonas所批评的存在主义的虚无主义精神气质,而且为克服这种虚无主义提供了深厚的理论资源。  相似文献   

It is now increasingly acknowledged that anorexia nervosa is a ‘culture-bound syndrome’ which must be understood within the context of an increasing idealization of female thinness and a high prevalence of dieting and body dissatisfaction, particularly amongst women and girls. Whilst this socioculturally-oriented perspective is important, it is also simplistic to conceptualize anorexia simply as a ‘slimmer's disease’. The ways in which contemporary Western culture is imbricated in anorexia are both complex and multiple. This paper uses a discourse-analytic approach, informed by feminist Foucauldian theory, to examine some of the multiple and often conflicting meanings and discursive constructions of the (female) anorexic body. The paper is based on a series of interviews conducted with 23 women (21 diagnosed as anorexic and 2 self-diagnosed). The analysis focuses on the explication of two discourses: a romantic discourse and a discourse of Cartesian dualism evidenced in the interviews. By contrasting the very different ways in which these two discourses constitute the anorexic body, this paper aims to provide thereby a socioculturally contextualized and gender-oriented account of the multiple discursive constructions of ‘anorexia nervosa’ and ‘anorexic’ bodies. Implications for psychotherapeutic interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

In keeping with recent views of consciousness of self as represented in the body in action, empirical studies are reviewed that demonstrate a bottlenose dolphin's (Tursiops truncatus) conscious awareness of its own body and body parts, implying a representational "body image" system. Additional work reviewed demonstrates an advanced capability of dolphins for motor imitation of self-produced behaviors and of behaviors of others, including imitation of human actions, supporting hypotheses that dolphins have a sense of agency and ownership of their actions and may implicitly attribute those levels of self-awareness to others. Possibly, a mirror-neuron system, or its functional equivalent to that described in monkeys and humans, may mediate both self-awareness and awareness of others.  相似文献   

Males have been facing increasing pressure from the media to attain a lean, muscular physique, and are at risk for body dissatisfaction, disturbed eating and exercise behaviors, and abuse of appearance- and performance-enhancing drugs (APEDs). The aim of the current study was to examine the relationship between body checking and mood, symptoms of muscle dysmorphia, importance of shape and weight, and APED use in undergraduate males. Body checking in males was correlated with weight and shape concern, symptoms of muscle dysmorphia, depression, negative affect, and APED use. Body checking predicted APED use and uniquely accounted for the largest amount of variance in Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (MDDI) scores (16%). Findings support the view that body checking is an important construct in male body image, muscle dysmorphia, and body change strategies and suggest a need for further research.  相似文献   

This research explores the influence of consumers’ body‐related information on beliefs and purchase intentions toward products for which the consumption experience is significantly and directly determined by body‐related information (e.g., feel, fit, sense of safety) when the products are bought in body‐absent purchase environments such as the Internet. We examine the effects of consumers’ body esteem (i.e., like or dislike of one's body) and body boundary aberration (variation in the perceived location of the edges of one's body) in the context of apparel purchases that are made on the Internet. Body esteem had a positive influence on involvement with apparel, and body boundary aberration had a negative influence on consumers’ overall concern with the fit of apparel. Involvement with apparel and overall concern with fit, in turn, significantly influenced consumers’ intentions to purchase apparel online. Consequently, consumers with high body esteem were less likely to buy on the Internet and those with high body boundary aberration were more likely to buy.  相似文献   

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