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In this paper, I would like to propose the idea of “extended mind” for a new paradigm of psychology. Kohler (Integrative Psychology & Behavioral Science 44:39–57, 2010) correctly pointed out the serious problems of the machine paradigm, and proposed the “organic” view as a new paradigm. But the term “organic” signifying the processes inside the body, is inadequate to express the characteristic of human mind. The recent philosophy of mind suggests that the mind is realized neither only in the brain nor only in the body, but in the whole system of brain-body-environment, namely, in the “extended mind”. The characteristic of human mind resides in the interaction with the mediating tools, artifacts, and the humanized environment. We should propose an “extended mind approach” or an “ecological approach to humanized environment” as a new paradigm for a psychology.  相似文献   

Acculturation can be understood as the continuous meeting of different cultural elements. This phenomenon has increased globally due to advancements in technology, economy and globalization. The development of a psychological study of acculturation has been a complex process with great challenges. This new discipline within cross-cultural psychology has expanded with a great number of articles in psychological journals and subsequently increased in significance within cross-cultural psychology. The acculturation psychological theory of multilinear bidimensionality with its quantitative methodology has been the predominant framework. However, critiques have challenged this paradigm and suggested the emergence of a new paradigm founded on a cultural psychological approach. In this review, the different conceptions and methodologies within acculturation psychology are assessed and suggestions for future research using mixed-methods are presented.  相似文献   

工作记忆:一个备受关注的研究领域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作记忆(Working Memory,WM)是对信息暂时保持与操作的系统。它是由英国心理学家Baddeley等人于1974年提出的一个记忆模型[1~3]。30多年来的研究表明,它不仅在表象、言语、学习、推理、思维、问题解决和决策等高级认知活动中起着重要作用[4~6],同时在认知心理学、神经科学和发展心理学等领域中也有很大影响,得到了广泛的应用[7,8]。1工作记忆的发展进程工作记忆是在对短时记忆系统特征研究的基础上提出的。在Atkinson-shiffrin的多重贮存模型中,短时记忆被认为是一个工作系统。它有两个功能:其一,作为感觉登记和长时记忆之间的缓冲器。…  相似文献   

进化发展心理学:发展中的人类本性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进化发展心理学研究社会能力与认知能力发展背后的基因与环境机制,以及基因与环境机制在特定社会文化中的表现。进化发展心理学探讨的主要问题与设计到的主要概念包括:(1)自然选择在毕生发展的早期阶段发挥作用;(2)进化发展心理学特别重视适应在婴儿期及儿童期发展中的作用;(3)儿童期的延长有助于儿童学习人类社会的复杂性;(4)发展背景的方法可以用来理解成人外显行为的进化起源;(5)基因与环境因素相互影响约束个体发展;(6)认知能力与行为活动敏感于早期环境,但二者发展也具有可塑性  相似文献   

The world possesses a hierarchical structure and evolves through emergence. Its levels are the result of emergence, and possess unique properties and functions which their components and emergent bases do not. Each of these levels also possesses basic laws or rules which cannot be logically deduced from other levels, and evince downward causation. Therefore, there are non-linear causal networks among the levels of complex systems in which causal reductionism does not hold. The hierarchical structure is formed in accordance with the increasing organized complexity of the objects, so that different levels give birth to different disciplines, and different disciplines have their own theoretical autonomy and independence. Therefore, theories across different levels are essentially irreducible, and any apparent case of reduction may only be so in the sense of a partial reduction. Emergence-evolution-hierarchy ontology and multi-synergic holism is compatible with reductionism even as it transcends it.  相似文献   

具身社会认知:认知心理学的生态学转向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
薛灿灿  叶浩生 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1230-1235
具身社会认知是具身认知同社会认知对话的产物,这种对话从三个维度展开,即具身自我认知、具身人际认知、具身群体认知。本研究不仅论证了具身认知的视角提高了传统社会认知心理学的生态效度,而且从进化心理学、镜像神经元视角对具身社会认知的现象进行了探析。具身社会认知作为一种研究思潮,面临着许多挑战:(1)具身社会认知是对行为主义研究范式的回归;(2)具(体)身(体)是社会认知过程的一种附带现象。  相似文献   

This paper is based on the author's interpretation of the film Music Box by Costa Gavras. The external and internal preconditions in the development of a persecutor are discussed in an attempt to understand the process from a socio-psychological as well as psychoanalytic viewpoint. During crises of a social nature, earlier coping strategies lose their validity, resulting in a narcissistic blow to the individual's ego. Earlier repressed primitive aspects of the personality are reactivated. When the individual is exposed to a totalitarian ideology which promises salvation from anxiety, paranoid processes become anchored and may dominate.

The protagonist in the film is approached as a case-study. By reviewing his present and past actions, the process by which the young man became a persecutor is exemplified as well as the long-term effects upon his object relations.  相似文献   

病菌和传染病构成的选择压力导致动物进化出了身体免疫以及行为免疫反应。而人类的大脑进化促使他们发展出了最为复杂的行为免疫系统。很早开始, 我们就依赖自身的各种行为免疫反应抵抗病菌。当这些疾病抵御机制跟群体生活协同进化之后, 我们的很多社会行为和态度都具有了减少疾病感染的功能, 它们包括对外群体成员的偏见、歧视, 以及对内群体成员的从众、服从。而更高层次的文化差异比如集体主义-个人主义, 至少部分原因是要管理与疾病感染有关的风险。本篇综述讨论了与抵御病菌威胁有关的社会行为、态度和其他心理现象。  相似文献   

道德虚伪在个体层面是指人们言行不一, 在人际层面是指人们持有双重标准。心理学家通常从道德动机、认知失调以及精神分析的角度考察道德虚伪。诱发道德虚伪通常会促使个体做出跟他们公开承诺相一致的行为。作为一种机会主义的适应策略, 道德虚伪可能起源于群体适应情境下的自我谋利需要, 带有欺骗他人和自欺的特点。除了情绪、权力等因素之外, 未来研究需要考察自恋、羞耻、社会操纵能力、情商、文化因素对道德虚伪的影响。  相似文献   

We characterized the control mechanisms underlying crossing an intersection with vehicular traffic. Specifically, we identified potential markers of the coupling between information and movement through a kinematic analysis of the approach. We exposed participants in a driving simulator experiment to several scenarios. We manipulated task constraints by varying the acceleration capabilities of the vehicle and the time available to make speed adjustments. The results highlighted gradual, systematic adjustments, which make it possible to cross the intersection in a zone that is close to the center of the intervehicular gap. The functional nature of these adjustments was highlighted by concomitant and opposite variation in the variability of current speed and current deviation. In all cases, an increase in the standard deviation of speed was accompanied by a reduction in the standard deviation of current deviation. Neither time to make adjustments nor acceleration capabilities modified the observed kinematic patterns, but they did modulate the adjustments that were produced. Overall, these results were consistent with a control mechanism based on the implementation of an information–movement cycle.  相似文献   

立足于基本适应目标与决策原则的功能分析,致力于心理过程多维度的动态考察,动态进化心理学在坚持适应主义原则基础上,将基因与经验、环境同时纳入心理发展解释框架,更为彻底地贯彻了有机体与环境交互作用观,在一定程度上克服了传统进化心理学的局限。但由于忽略社会实践的作用,它所展示的更多的是生物学意义上的人的发展图景,对心理过程的动态分析亦难以挣脱形而上学的桎梏。  相似文献   


The primary process model is part of Freud’s struggle to define and distinguish conscious and unconscious mental activity. He created two embryonic models of unconscious mind. One he derived from studying symptoms of dynamic repression or sequestration of content already capable of symbolic mental representation. The other, the primary process, is his landmark effort to define a mental activity different from reflective representational thought, derived from studying dreaming. He could not clearly separate the repression model, as it is also based on the primary process. He vacillated as to whether the primary process is qualitatively different from representational symbolic thought. His efforts to articulate preconscious mentation suggest an ambiguous gray area between conscious thought and the primary process. Although he concluded that the primary process is unconscious because it is not intrinsically reflective, its manifestations are psychologically conscious and directly evident except in the physiologically unconscious state of dreaming. Similar problems color the efforts of others including Klein, Matte-Blanco, and theorists of attachment and implicit learning to separate conscious and unconscious mind and to articulate a model of mental function different from reflective consciousness. A model of conscious mental activity different from reflective representational consciousness, called primordial consciousness, is proposed to account for a wide spectrum of human phenomena both normal and pathological that share characteristics of immediacy and belief. They include, in addition to dreaming, psychosis, creativity, spirituality, and mental process in non-western cultures.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates Nancey Murphy’s contribution to philosophy of religion paying special attention to epistemology and ethics. I argue that Murphy’s intellectual moves are motivated by a reflective and constructive engagement—around particular loci such as human knowledge, divine action, and the moral nature of the universe—with reductive materialism as a rival tradition of inquiry. At paper’s end, I suggest an amendment in Murphy’s contribution to ethics.  相似文献   

Chuck Tate 《Sex roles》2011,64(9-10):644-657
Three studies (N?=?329) using U.S. community samples examined the relative contributions of self-reported ??sex,?? gender identity, and actual number of sexual partners to the question how many sexual partners individuals desire over the lifetime. In Study 1, the more ??feminine?? a participant identified, not self-reported sex, was significantly related to the desired number of sexual partners. Study 2a showed that a person??s actual number of sexual partners also correlated with the desired number. In Study 3, Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) (Bem Psychological Review, 88: 354?C364 1981) femininity scores and actual number of sexual partners significantly predicted desired number of sexual partners separately for men and women. These results suggest that non-evolutionary variables drive the ??problem of number?? in mate preference.  相似文献   

This article summarizes discussions that took place following Paul Toros presidential address for the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA). Toro argued that community psychology and SCRA are big tents. He suggested growth through increasing the involvement of ethnic minorities, community practitioners, international colleagues, students and early career professionals and individuals from allied disciplines. Themes in the discussions included: the founding values of community psychology, diversity, and social action. Those present felt that the field was facing a mid-life crisis and needed to re-establish its identity. Newer professionals looked to their seasoned colleagues to help define and establish that identity, and involve them in the process. Respondents were supportive of increased involvement of individuals from oppressed groups and practitioners in SCRA. Less attention was paid to increasing the role of international colleagues, professionals from allied disciplines, and members of the community.  相似文献   


Fundamental changes in sciences offer new perspectives for the management of complexity. Increased complexity in society, economics, and technology requires a new and suitable organization and management. What are the consequences and results for project management? That is the theme of this article. First of all it will given a short introduction to project management, which will be later called “traditional project management” or “project management 1st order (PM-1).” Then, the challenges by the fundamental changes in sciences and the increased complexity in society, economics, and technology will be discussed. It will state that traditional project management cannot solve these challenges. The widespread working-themes and results of the research program “Beyond Frontiers of Traditional Project Management” as an answer to these challenges will be presented at a glance. Subsequently, it will discuss some selected results of the research program:
  • The principle-definition and foundation of “Evolution of 1st and 2nd Order.”

  • The Evolution of 1st Order and the impact on Project Management methods and processes.

  • Evolution of 2nd Order and the Grand Evolutionary Systems Theory (GEST) of E. Laszlo as also the impact on Project Management methods and processes.

  • Management of crisis: turn a change to advantage or risk-assurance?

Thereafter, the concept of “Project Management Second Order (PM-2)” is presented as a highlighted result of the research program, as a new paradigm in project management, and as an answer to the challenges, described earlier will be explained in detail. Finally, a real example of transfer evolutionary and self-organizational management principles in a real project life will be demonstrated.  相似文献   

While salespeople use adaptive influence tactics in interactions with consumers, consumers can act as goal-oriented individuals attempting to manage those interactions. Prior research has documented a repertoire of consumer response behaviours, but little is known about the motivational forces. The present research examines the effects of regulatory focus on consumer behavioural tendencies in response to personal selling attempts. The findings suggest that the more promotion-focused consumers are more likely to engage in goal-seeking behaviours. This research not only addresses a void in the literature, but more importantly, sheds light on motivational antecedents driving consumer behaviours in customer–salesperson interactions.  相似文献   

The construct validity of the five bioenergetic–analytic character types was explored through a multitrait multi-method approach. Twenty-five college students had full-body photographs and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) data rated using this typology, and these were compared to psychometric data, including from the Adjective Check List (ACL). The photographic ratings by two bioenergetic experts correlated significantly across all 5 types, evidencing satisfactory inter-rater reliability, but ratings on the TAT and ACL did not show adequate reliability and a comparison of the photographic ratings with the psychometrics did not evidence validity for the typology. The importance of developing multi-method approaches for holistic research across different domains within humanistic psychology, such as mind (psychological self-report) and body (photographic ratings) based methods, is emphasized.  相似文献   

In May 2014, a workshop on “The future of qualitative research in psychology” took place at Aalborg University (Denmark), Department of Communication & Psychology organized by Carolin Demuth. Participants from Aalborg University engaged in a lively exchange with the two invited discussants Svend Brinkmann (Aalborg University) and Günter Mey (Stendal University of Applied Science). The discussion started out by addressing the specifics of qualitative research in the field of psychology, its historical development and the perils of recent trends of standardization and neo-positivistic orientations. In light of the discrepancy of what could be potentially achieved with qualitative methods for psychological research and how they are actually currently applied, an emphasis was made that we need to return to an understanding of qualitative methods as a craft skill and to take into account the subjectivity of the researcher in the process of scientific knowledge production. Finally, a re-focus on experience as the genuine object of psychological research, as well as a transdisciplinary approach to our understanding of human psychological functioning within a socially co-constructed, biological, as well as material world was discussed.  相似文献   

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