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加强师专心理学课程实验教学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范安平 《心理科学》1997,20(4):380-381
与此文有关的交流请与范安平(334001江西省上饶师专)联系。1问题公共课心理学是师专教育体现师范性的一门重要课程,其教学质量,直接影响到师专学生整体职业素质的培养。目前这门课的教学普遍存在“听起来有味,用起来不会”甚至“学而无趣,学后无用”的现象。究其原因是多方面的。但心理学作为一门以实验为基础的学科,在师专教学中困于理论讲授,缺少实验教学是其重要原因之一。师专心理学课程缺乏实验教学有其主、客观原因。主观原因主要体现在对心理实验教学的重要性和必要性认识不足;客观原因则是多方面的:首先,课时有限。师专…  相似文献   

采用实验组对照组前后测设计对232名大学生进行重复测量方差分析和中介效应检验,考查双元互动教学模式下大学积极心理学教学对其学生积极心理学知识、态度、情感、价值观的改善效果。结果发现:(1)双元互动教学模式能显著提升大学生的积极心理学知识;(2)双元互动教学模式下大学生的总体幸福感、积极的价值观念显著提高,生活满意度得到保持;(3)在双元互动教学模式下大学生个人价值观以生活满意度为部分中介促进总体幸福感形成,以促成教学目标。由此可见,双元互动教学模式可以实现大学积极心理学学科教育和情感培养的双目标。  相似文献   

自70年代美国学者乔尹斯和韦尔《教学模式》一书出版之后,教学模式的研究引起了国内学者的兴趣,目前已成为新的研究课题,这一课题的研究触及到了心理学的教学指导思想的改革;教学模式的改革以及教学方法的改革。现就心理学的教学模式及近年来的改革试验作一初探。  相似文献   

前言在人类的需求中,住房和食物、服装一样,占有极其重要的地位。从穴洞而居至叠砌砖石为墙的房屋建筑,人们对建筑的理解总认为它是“实质”的,建筑师们也是以表现“体量”和“实质”为主。随着近代工业的发展,钢和钢筋混凝土粱柱、提架、空间结构的先后出现,使墙从承重作用退居到围护的作用,加以建筑思想上的变化,要求“空气和阳光”,人们对于建筑的理解逐步从实体的转变为“空  相似文献   

建构能适应现代化需要的师范院校公共心理学新体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅荣 《心理科学》1991,(4):60-62
为了早出人才,快出人才,多出人才,以适应四个现代化的需要,努力办好师范教育的重要意义,逐渐被人们所认识;要培养合格的人民教师,成为既会教书又会育人,既懂专业知识、又懂传授艺术的教育工作者,一定要学习心理学,这个问题还没有引起有关方面足够的重视。我们认为,准备(即将)做教师的师范生只学好专业知识是很不够的还需要学习教育工作的一般规律,学习“教”的理论与实际,要懂得受教育者的心理活动规律,以便工作起来遵循规律,有的放矢,减少盲目性,增强自觉性,因势利导,收到良好的效果。心理学是这方面的主要科目之好一,师范院校应重视心理学教学和学科的改革与建设。  相似文献   

心理学毕业生专业技能调查及其对专业改革的启示   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
通过对204名心理系历届本科毕业生的调查,结论如下:(1)毕业生对心理学专业教学总体满意度一般,其中对专业实践安排的满意度最低;(2)毕业生认为最重要的技能是“进行心理活动课程”和“心理咨询”,最欠缺的技能是“心理治疗”和“心理咨询”;(3)心理学应用技能课程包含“心理咨询及治疗”、“心理课程及教育”、“心理测评及应用”三个因素。在调查基础上,本文提出了心理学专业改革的设想。  相似文献   

儿童心理学教学内容、体系和方法改革的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽珠  邹晓燕  刘文 《心理科学》2000,23(6):733-734
随着国际社会对面向2l世纪教育的关注。儿童教育越来越成为具有跨时代意义的战略性热点课题。在我国,加强素质教育已成为当代教育改革的标志。儿童心理学怎样实施素质教育,已历史地摆在我们面前。因此,改革儿童心理学课程的教学,不仅对教育系、心理系的课程建设具有重要意义,而且对于整个基础教育都具有重要的影响作用。  相似文献   

建构主义心理学在临床综合课程设置中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当代医学课程改革有着深刻的时代背景 ,而各种课程体系的建立也都有着充分的理论基础和支持。心理学的原理及研究成果常常被用来作为抉择各种课程体系的依据。我院构建的临床综合课程体系是临床医学类、人文社科类等各类课程及相关学科课程的复合系统 ,它兼顾了医学生临床知识、技能及态度品质的培养。心理学作为课程论的主要理论基础之一 ,历来对这种素质教育课程的影响更加直接、更加明显、更加具体。在众多心理学流派中 ,我们着重分析建构主义心理学的产生和发展对临床综合课程设置改革的理论指导意义。在心理学领域中 ,建构主义心理学是…  相似文献   

笔者经由回顾自己如何走上本土理学研究的道路,介绍了本土心理学的由来,本土心理学中的研究进路的选择,以及如何使用本土进路选择研究课题.进而提出应该将社会心理学,本土心理学及文化心理学三者结合起来开展华人心理的研究,为华人心理学在世界心理学界发声和为人民的社会实践提供切实有效的帮助.  相似文献   

管理心理学课程的教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘星期 《心理科学》2001,24(1):106-107
如何有效实施大学生素质教育是当前高等教育改革的核心内容.课堂教学是大学生受教育最普遍、用时最多的教育活动,可谓素质教育的主渠道。高校教师在课堂教学中.如何结合所授课程的学科特点.进行教学改革实现素质教育目的,具有普遍的重要意义。在管理心理学课程教学中,向学生传授知识的同时.如何促使大学生形成健康的学习心理机制,培养大学生以思维能力为核心能力的多种能力素质。达到优化大学生综合素质的教学目标。笔者就这一课题在97届、98届、99届等三届财会专业学生作了有益的教学改革探索,且卓有成效。  相似文献   

Suicidal behavior among "normal" high school students   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The findings of a pilot study, focusing on suicidal behaviors among 313 high school students in the Midwest, are discussed. Of all the students who participated in the study, 62.6% reported some degree of suicidal ideation or action, including 8.4% who had actually made a suicide attempt. The current study provides a linchpin between the studies of adolescent suicide attempt rates and the studies reporting on percentages of adolescents who made suicide attempts. When the percentage of attempters who made attempts but did not seek medical help is taken under consideration, these two groups of studies become equivalent. Apparently, suicide is a personal concern for most high school students--a problem that warrants immediate attention.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of an elementary physical education curriculum in which development of positive social skills, including leadership and conflict-resolution behaviors, was the primary focus. A second goal was to determine possible generalization effects beyond the primary intervention setting. Students in two urban elementary physical education classes served as subjects, with a third class used as a comparison. The effects of the curriculum intervention were evaluated in the training setting and in the students' regular education classrooms using a multiple baseline across classrooms design. Results showed (a) an immediate increase in student leadership and independent conflict-resolution behaviors, (b) an increase in percentage of class time devoted to activity participation, and (c) decreases in the frequency of student off-task behavior and percentage of class time that students devoted to organizational tasks. Similar changes in student behavior were also observed in the regular classroom settings.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a consultative model for school psychology which includes several techniques that have been independently presented in the past. The primary contribution is the integration of these different methods into a model which is specifically designed for school psychologists. The proposed model is adapted from Caplan (1970), and it includes four levels of functioning: I) Direct Service to the Child; II) Indirect Service to the Child; III) Direct Service to the Teacher; and IV) Service to the School System; a distinction is made between the content and process of consultation, and a shift in emphasis from level I to the remaining levels is suggested.  相似文献   

R Stevens  R O Pihl 《Adolescence》1987,22(86):333-345
This study was designed to assess the effects of failure on the subsequent test performance in school of young adolescents. Fifty-one seventh-grade students, identified as at-risk for future school failure, were compared to 51 randomly selected classmates on individually administered measures of intelligence, self-concept, problem-solving ability, coping ability, attribution, and locus of control. Teachers' ratings, mathematics ability, and grades of the two groups were also compared. Students with a history of school failure, although of normal intelligence, were found to be significantly less intellectually, academically, and affectively competent than their more successful peers and were rated by their teachers as significantly less able to deal adaptively with normal school stress. A discriminant analysis separated the groups with 93% accuracy. On two equivalent mathematics tests, one given under relaxed conditions, and the other under normal school test-like conditions, approximately thirty percent of both the at-risk and the otherwise normal students got lower scores when they thought they were taking a test. Implications of these results for the understanding and remediation of stress-depressed school performance are discussed.  相似文献   

蹴鞠运动起源于临淄之我见   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
现代足球运动是由古代的蹴鞠运动演变而来。蹴鞠起源于中国已成定论。然而,蹴鞠起源于中国何地?这就需要中国的研究体育和文化史、研究中国历史文化的专家学者给予研究论证和解答。本文借助现存文献,在分析的基础上,给出了蹴鞠起源于临淄的结论。  相似文献   

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