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The reported study compared change in stereotypic perceptions of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups, when subjects were presented with a pattern of stereotype-inconsistent information that was either concentrated in two extreme group members or dispersed across six members. Results pro vided some support for the ‘conversion’ model (in which stereotypes change in response to salient instances) in the case of a homogeneous group, where stereotypical responding was lower in concentrated than dispersed conditions. In the heterogeneous-group conditions, there was no effect of pattern. In addition, subjects' estimates of stereotype-consistent information were higher, and of inconsistent information were lower, and they perceived more members as typical, and fewer as atypical, when the target group was heterogeneous versus homogeneous. There was also support for the ‘subtyping’ model (in which disconfirming individuals are isolated from other group members) in the concentrated conditions. A theoretical account of these findings is given in terms of stereotype change via salience for homogeneous groups, and the need to integrate research on cognitive models of stereotype change and perceived group variability.  相似文献   

We report investigations of change in, and cognitive representation of young people's stereotypes of the police, in response to a police-schools liaison programme. This programme provides a real-life application of the ‘conversion’ model of stereotype change (in which stereotypes change radically in response to salient instances of disconfirming information). Study 1 revealed that school police officers were rated significantly more positively than the police in general, but that this view did not generalize to perceptions of the police in general. Stereotypes of the police became less positive over one year, although females were more positive than males, and school police officers were not judged typical of the category. Study 2 revealed that subjects categorized their school police officer separately from the police in general, and perceived him to share features with ‘caring and welfare’ professions, rather than other police officers and authority figures. Both studies converge on the limitations of the conversion model and tend to support the subtyping model (in which extremely disconfirming individuals are isolated from other group members).  相似文献   

Despite recent laboratory successes in demonstrating stereotype change in response to disconfirming information, stereotypes remain resistant to change or modification. The reported research employed an information gathering methodology in which perceivers could control the amount and nature of the information they received about members of a stereotyped group prior to evaluating the group on a number of stereotype-relevant characteristics. Perceivers showed a stereotype-preservation bias in their information gathering (Experiments 1 and 2) and, consequently, showed no modification of existing stereotypic beliefs. Experiment 3 manipulated the salient processing goals under which perceivers gathered information and found that, under certain conditions, the stereotype preservation bias could be overcome and stereotypes moderated.  相似文献   

What changes in brain activity are associated with changes in motivational state? The present study addressed this question by having participants perform a cognitive task (AX variant of the Continuous Performance Test; AX-CPT) under three different blocked motivational conditions (reward-incentive, penalty-incentive, and baseline). Behavioral data showed that the incentive conditions modulated task performance, potentially by altering participants’ cognitive control strategy. Neuroimaging data indicated that the reward condition was associated with a sustained increase in a primarily right-lateralized network that included parietal and prefrontal cortex. Additionally, individual differences were observed, such that activation in both reward-related brain regions and frontopolar cortex was linked to the degree of motivation-induced performance enhancement and to motivation-related personality variables. These results suggest that changes in motivational state may modulate performance through sustained activity in cognitive control regions and that the effect of incentives may be affected by the personalities of the participants.  相似文献   

Using the cognitive appraisal conceptualisation of the transactional model of stress, the goal was to assess how victims of stereotype threat respond to this situation in terms of primary appraisals (threat/challenge) and to investigate whether those appraisals may mediate the relation between stereotype threat and performance. Results show that, while participants from North Africa living in France did appraise the situation more as a threat and less as a challenge, only challenge appraisal mediated between stereotype threat and performance.  相似文献   

Past research has demonstrated the powerful influence other people have on the thoughts and behaviors of individuals. However, the study of intergroup attitudes has focused primarily on the influence of direct exposure to out-group members as determinants of stereotypes and prejudice. Two experiments tested the hypothesis that learning that others share one's intergroup beliefs influences intergroup attitudes and behavior as well as stereotype representation. Experiment 1 demonstrated that learning that one's beliefs are shared or not shared with others influences attitudes, behavior, and the strength of the attitude-behavior relationship. Experiment 2 demonstrated a potential mechanism for such effects by showing that learning about whether others share one's stereotypes influences the accessibility of those stereotypes and related stereotypes.  相似文献   

The Instrumental Enrichment (IE) program (Feuerstein, Rand, Hoffman, & Miller, 1980) is an intensive intervention curriculum, geared to enhance the capacity of the low functioning adolescent to modification as a result of exposures to new experiences. The IE program is based upon Feuersiein's Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM) and Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) theory. An IE program group (n = 93) of 7th grade students of low SES background participated in the IE program for two years and were compared to a nonprogram group (n = 98) of similar social and academic background. Tests of cognitive modifiability were administered before and after IE using the Learning Potential Assessment Device (LPAD) by Feuerstein, Rand, and Hoffman, (1979). The Harter (1981) Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Orientation Scale and the Perception of Competence Scale (Harter, 1979) were administered before and after the IE program. A MANOVA carried out on the cognitive measures indicated that the IE program group showed higher gain scores than the nonprogram group on the LPAD Organizer test. Higher gain scores on the Organizer test were also found for the IE program participants who obtained the lowest scores on an initial indicator of cognitive modifiability. On the LPAD Set-Variations-II test the control group, unexpectedly, obtained higher gain scores between pre- and post-IE, when compared to the IE program group. Students with high initial cognitive performance (pre-IE) in the IE program group became significantly more internal than those in the nonprogram group on the Cognitive Informational Orientation factor of the IEPS. Results are explained in relation to Feuerstein's SCM and MLE theory.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to identify the motivational–cognitive profiles of students in Singapore secondary schools using cluster movement. Five distinct motivated strategies for learning (MSL) profiles based on a sample of 304 students were revealed: those with low levels of motivational beliefs and cognition but high anxiety (Poor MSL); high motivational beliefs and cognition but low anxiety (Good MSL); moderate high motivational beliefs, cognition and anxiety (Average MSL); high motivational beliefs, cognition and anxiety (High MSL); and low motivational beliefs, cognition and anxiety (Low MSL). Findings of this study also showed cluster movement across two time points, revealing the shifts in cluster membership in terms of motivational–cognitive profiles over time. Students in Good MSL demonstrated the most adaptive learning profile and achieved the highest grades than other clusters. Our findings contributed to practical underpinnings of educational research as well as provided meaningful insights to both researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

This study explored the differential contribution of cognitive and motivational factors on the comprehension of an expository text in secondary school students. One hundred and fifty-five 7th and 8th grade students were assessed in prior knowledge, inferences, metacognition, reading motivation, topic interest, and reading comprehension of history text. According to the multiple regression analyses, inferences and self-efficacy uniquely contributed to reading comprehension. Intrinsic motivation moderated the association between metacognition and reading comprehension of a history text. These results confirm that the final outcome of reading comprehension greatly depends on a complex interplay between cognitive and motivational variables.  相似文献   

This study examined the influences of cognitive resources and motivation on how young and older adults process different quantities of persuasive arguments. In the first experiment session, both young and older adults rated their attitudes toward marijuana legalization and capital punishment. After a week, they read either 3 or 9 similar-quality arguments supporting marijuana legalization and capital punishment. Half of participants were assigned to the high-involvement condition (i.e., told that they were going to discuss the arguments later with the experimenter) and the other half were assigned to the low-involvement condition (i.e., given no instructions). After reading the arguments, participants rated their attitudes toward those 2 social issues again. Highly involved young adults changed their attitudes regardless of the quantity of arguments, whereas lowly involved young adults' attitude change was influenced by the argument quantity. Older adults in both high-involvement and low-involvement conditions changed their attitudes according to the argument quantity. Working memory was found to mediate the age effects on attitude change. This finding demonstrated the importance of a cognitive mechanism in accounting for age differences in attitude change.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that both reward anticipation and expected or experienced conflicts activate cognitive control. The present study investigated how these factors interact during conflict processing. In two experiments, participants performed a variant of the Stroop task, receiving performance-dependent monetary rewards in some blocks. In addition, we manipulated the level of conflict-triggered reactive and expectancy-driven proactive control: In Experiment 1, we compared the Stroop effect after previously congruent and incongruent trials to examine the conflict adaptation effect (reactive control). We found that the level of motivation did not interact with conflict adaptation. In Experiment 2, we varied the proportion of congruent and incongruent trials to manipulate conflict expectancy (proactive control). The data suggest the effects of motivation to be less pronounced under conditions of high conflict expectancy. We conclude that the interaction of motivation with cognitive determinants of control depends on whether these activate proactive or reactive control processes.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the way in which the presence of a comparative or inter-group context during stereotype formation affects stereotype change, induced by subsequent disconfirming information. Participants learned about a focal group, after learning about one of the two context groups. After reporting their stereotypes about both groups, participants learned additional information about the focal group. This information described new group members who either confirmed or disconfirmed the group stereotype. Consistent with previous research, participants formed more extreme stereotypes about the focal group on dimensions that distinguished it from the context group (i.e., a contrast effect). In response to the subsequently presented disconfirming group members, a greater stereotype change was observed on dimensions that distinguished the focal group from the context group than on dimensions it did not. We argue that these effects are due to differences in perceived typicality of disconfirming group members.  相似文献   

In this review, we examine the recent cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) outcome literature with anxiety-disordered children and, specifically, explore the status of cognitive change and increased coping ability as (1) specific treatment effects, and (2) possible mediators of the efficacy of CBT. In the past decade, the number of controlled CBT studies with clinically diagnosed anxiety-disordered children has increased substantially. CBT aims to restructure distorted or maladaptive cognitions and teach the anxious child to effectively use diverse coping strategies. Our review shows that in recent CBT research with anxiety-disordered children the use of domain-specific measures like cognitive and coping measures is, unfortunately, not common practice. Furthermore, only one study examined the issue of treatment mediation. Generally, recent CBT research has not been designed to test mediational issues and does not clarify whether cognitive change and enhanced coping—the presumed central components of CBT—are in fact responsible for its efficacy. Implications for the direction of future CBT research with anxiety-disordered children are discussed.  相似文献   

Research has suggested that aging is associated with a decline in the efficiency of controlling processing operations. Three studies examined the moderating impact of personal relevance on age differences in one index of such operations: the ability to ignore distracting information. Young (17-26) and older (58-86) adults read a series of passages interspersed with irrelevant, distracting information, with the relevance of the passage content to these two age groups being systematically varied. For both groups, processing was more efficient and comprehension enhanced when passage relevance was high. These effects were particularly strong among older adults, a finding consistent with a growing body of data highlighting the importance of motivational factors in determining age differences in cognitive performance.  相似文献   

近年来对职业性别刻板印象的探讨成了刻板印象研究领域的新研究方向,职业性别刻板印象成为社会认知领域的新课题。职业性别刻板印象与我们的生活休戚相关,是指人们对职业进行性别划分和性别归类的趋向。目前国内此方面的研究相当有限,采用的实验和调查研究也停留在起步阶段。本文对职业性别刻扳印象研究的模型及方法进行综述。  相似文献   

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