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Clemmont E. Vontress, professor of education at George Washington University, discusses the genesis, status, and future direction of cross-cultural counseling, the subspecialty of which he is a pioneer and frequent contributor to its growing body of literature.  相似文献   

This article presents an interview with Dr. Janet E. Helms, scholar, researcher, and mentor in the fields of multicultural counseling and psychology. In this interview, Dr. Helms reflects on her educational and professional development and gives her thoughts about multiculturalism as it relates to her own work.  相似文献   

In this interview, Clemmont E. Vontress, a pioneer of cross‐cultural counseling, reflects on his life and work. He shares personal stories about the people and events in his life that had a major impact on his theory formulation; research and clinical work; and publications in culture, race, ethnicity, and counseling. En esta entrevista, Clemmont E. Vontress, un pionero de la consejería trans‐cultural, reflexiona sobre su vida y su trabajo. Comparte historias personales sobre la gente y los acontecimientos de su vida que tuvieron un impacto significativo en la formulación de su teoría; investigación y trabajo clínico; y publicaciones sobre cultura, raza, etnicidad, y consejería.  相似文献   

This personal interview with Dr. Pedersen highlights his contributions to the field of counseling and psychology in general and to the field of multicultural counseling in particular. This interview includes four major sections: personal background and development, professional development, focus on multicultural counseling issues and interests, and future directions in multicultural counseling.  相似文献   

The authors have had the honor of knowing Gilbert and Kathleen Wrenn for 20 years; this story is about them. As Gilbert stated, “I am not a lone star, but part of a constellation… ”(Wachowiak & Aubrey, 1976, p. 76). The authors are privileged to know that for Gilbert, Kathleen (his partner of 72 years in 1996) is the center of that constellation. This article briefly captures pieces of the journey of 72+ years, on which Gilbert and Kathleen, each at 96 years of age, are continuing to travel together.  相似文献   

Postpartum depression is an important mental health problem for women, and women with disabilities are at greater risk than are women without disabilities. This article explores the disability‐specific contextual, environmental, social, and systemic causes of postpartum depression from an ecological perspective. I aim to help counselors develop a nonpathologizing, multicultural counseling–rooted approach and to prepare counselors to work effectively with this unique population. Implications of multicultural counseling tenets and advocacy are also examined for best practices. La depresión posparto es un problema de salud mental importante para las mujeres, y el riesgo es mayor para las mujeres con discapacidades que para las mujeres sin discapacidades. Este artículo explora las causas contextuales, sociales, del entorno y sistémicas de la depresión posparto relacionadas con la discapacidad desde una perspectiva ecológica. Mi objetivo es ayudar a los consejeros a desarrollar un enfoque no patológico basado en la consejería multicultural y preparar a los consejeros para trabajar de forma efectiva con esta población singular. También se examinan las implicaciones de los principios de la consejería multicultural y la defensoría para las prácticas recomendadas.  相似文献   

The use of multicultural principles to enhance cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for individuals of marginalized backgrounds has received increased attention in light of the heightened national awareness of systemic oppression and racialized violence directed towards Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. However, there has been less of a focus on applying such principles to consultation for skill development. If ethical guidelines are expected to influence the behavior of clinicians in session, guidance is needed to indicate how and where and when clinicians should receive training in implementing culturally responsive CBT. Individual reading and reflection are necessary but are not sufficient in acquiring new clinical skills. Consultation is recommended and strongly suggested when clinicians are working with new populations or delivering a new treatment, or even using a new modality. Consultation can also be useful when adopting a new approach or stance to therapy. For practicing clinicians who have not developed these skills, additional consultation can and should be used to address this gap. Moving forward, integration of cultural responsiveness into standard consultation will ensure that these skills are seen as a core competency, rather than an optional additional skill that may be (or not be) elected. This paper presents core experiences that may be integral to a CBT consultation model that aims to enhance providers’ ability to provide CBT in a way that is culturally responsive to their clients. These recommendations attend to both content and process within CBT consultation and reflect guiding assumptions for helping clinicians to develop the ability to practice CBT in a culturally responsive manner, including (a) normalizing discussions of cultural identity and oppression, (b) an emphasis on cultural self-awareness, (c) emphasizing culturally informed CBT case conceptualization, and (d) skill development in applying cultural elements to CBT interventions.  相似文献   

Puerto Rican migrant women require cultural‐specific counseling. The intersection of ethnicity, gender, culture, and sociopolitical contexts affects Puerto Rican migrant women's psychological coping and identity development. A psychology of place lens is used to discuss how numerous Puerto Rican migrant women nurture their identity development from borderlands (transfronterizas ) to transboricuas (trans–Puerto Rican). A case vignette illustrates the use of a multicultural counseling approach to address Puerto Rican migrant women's psychological needs. Las mujeres puertorriqueñas emigrantes requieren servicios de consejería culturalmente específicos. La intersección de etnicidad, sexo, cultura y contextos sociopolíticos afecta a la capacidad de afrontamiento y el desarrollo de la identidad de las mujeres puertorriqueñas emigrantes. Se usa el enfoque de la psicología de lugar para discutir cómo muchas mujeres puertorriqueñas emigrantes cultivan el desarrollo de su identidad de transfronterizas a transboricuas. Se usa la viñeta de un caso para ilustrar el uso de una aproximación multicultural a la consejería para tratar las necesidades psicológicas de las mujeres puertorriqueñas emigrantes.  相似文献   

Training multiculturally competent counselors has become a timely topic, but what underlying philosophical assumptions shape this issue? The multicultural movement has indeed contributed to our greater and much needed understanding and appreciation of the real differences among racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. The current focus on the influence of the cultural background of the individual, however, need not be at the expense of the equally important influences of individual differences and human universal tenets. The new decade for multi-culturalism calls for balance. This article attempts to redefine multicultural counseling using an Afrocentric, holistic, optimal theory that views individuals as unique manifestations of spirit, thus sharing a common core. From this perspective, all counseling is multicultural. Multicultural counseling competencies are then reconceptualized as fundamental counseling skills achieved through self-knowledge and a shift in worldview. As the counselor brings into conscious awareness the various aspects of himself or herself, he or she becomes aware of the universal interconnectedness and interdependence of all life. With this new holistic worldview, the differences among people take on a new meaning. This article explores the consequences of an alternate worldview on the way we conceptualize multiculturalism. The implications of this redefinition of multicultural counseling for training, practice, and research are explored. El entrenamiento de consejeros multiculturalmente competentes ha llegado a ser un tema oportuno¿ pero cuáles son las asunciones filosóficas que dan forma a este asunto? El movimiento multicultural sí ha contribuido a nuestro entendimiento y a la apreciación de las diferencias verdaderas entre grupos raciales, étnicos, y culturales. Sin embargo, el enfoque general de la influencia de la historia cultural del individuo no tiene que ser a costa de las influencias igualmente importantes de diferencias indiviudales y credos humanos universales. La nueva decada de multiculturalismo exige un balance. Este articulo intenta redefinir la consejería multicultural utilizando un teoria afrocéntrica, holística, y óptima que ve a los individuos como manifestaciones únicas del espíritu, compartiendo una esencia común. Desde está perspectiva, toda la consejería es multicultural. Se reconceptualizan las competencias de consejería multicultural como talentos fundamentales de consejería adquiridos por un auto-conocimiento y un cambio de visión universal. Mientras el consejero lleva varios aspectos de sí mismo al consciente, él o ella se da cuenta de la interconexión e interdependencia universal de todos los seres. Con esta nueva visión universal holística, las diferencias entre la gente llega a tener un significado nuevo. Este articulo explora las consecuencias de una visión universal alternativa de como conceptualizamos el multiculturalismo. Se investigan las implicaciones de esta redifinición de consejería multicultural en entrenamiento, práctica, e investigación.  相似文献   

Multicultural counseling approaches variously focus on the counseling relationship. Relatively few discuss clinical techniques and strategies to any significant extent. This article explores enhancing multicultural counseling by offering an array of techniques and strategies based on addressing oppression and increasing psychological freedom. Techniques offered seek to internally free a person cognitively, affectively, and systemically using the Precursors Model of Change (Hanna, 2002). The goal is to help set a person free from oppressive, discriminatory systems and individuals.  相似文献   

The authors review four new instruments designed to assess multicultural counseling competence in trainees and practicing professionals. The Cross-Cultural Counseling Inventory—Revised (CCCI-R), the Multicultural Counseling Awareness Scale—Form B (MCAS:B), the Multicultural Counseling Inventory (MCI), and the Multicultural Awareness-Knowledge-and Skills Survey (MAKSS) were each critically reviewed in terms of item development, psychometric properties, and pragmatic utility. Specific research suggestions for continued empirical validation on the instruments are posited, and strong cautions regarding their current use in training are leveled.  相似文献   

Appalachians have been referred to as the forgotten people and are often overlooked in multicultural counseling. A case study is presented using the extended case method to enhance counselor awareness and demonstrate how counselors can apply knowledge of the Appalachian culture in the provision of best practices for this population. Los Apalaches se han referido como la gente olvidada y se pasan por alto a menudo en el asesoramiento multicultural. Un estudio de caso es presentado usando el método extendido del caso para realzar conocimiento del consejero y demuestre cómo los consejeros pueden aplicar el conocimiento de la cultura Apalache adentro de la disposición de las mejores prácticas para esta población.  相似文献   

Although high school dropout rates have declined over the past several years, rates remain high for many segments of our population. Most of the attention devoted to dropout prevention counseling has focused on group counseling or programmatic issues, whereas individual counseling has largely been ignored. This article draws on commonalities between multicultural counseling and dropout prevention to produce a general framework for individual counseling with students who have potential to drop out of high school.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the creation and growth of a peer counseling program assisting ethnic minority college students. A brief rationale of the program is offered. Problems are described and recommendations are made for subsequent program deuelopment.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of 2 studies designed to test and revise the Multicultural Counseling Awareness Scale (J. G. Ponterotto et al., 1996). Collective results support the 2‐factor extraction (Knowledge and Awareness) as the best fit model and provide initial indices of validity and internal consistency reliability for the newly titled Multicultural Counseling Knowledge and Awareness Scale. Este artículo informa los resultados de 2 estudios diseñados para probar y revisar la Escala de Conciencia de Consejería Multicultural (J. G. Ponterotto et al., 1996). Los resultados colectivos sostienen la extracción de 2 factures (el Conocimiento y la Conciencia) como el mejor modelo y proporcionan los índices iniciales de validez y fiabilidad de la consistencia interna para la nuevamente titulada Escala de Conocimiento y Conciencia de Consejería Multicultural.  相似文献   

Donald H. Blocher has been a major contributor and advocate in the field of counseling psychology for more than 30 years. He has written six books, more than 60 book chapters and journal articles, and has had several publications translated into international journals. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, a recipient of the Distinguished Achievement Award from Harvard University, and a Fulbright Lecturer in the United Kingdom. Donald Blocher was interviewed on the occasion of his retirement after a distinguished career. In this conversation he discusses a wide range of provocative ideas as he looks back at his life as a developmental psychologist.  相似文献   

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