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The Career Awareness Program for High School Dropouts was an experimentally funded project to determine the effect of a concentrated vocational assessment and vocational counseling program on the employability of high school dropouts. Various aspects of CAP included individual and group counseling, vocational-educational assessment and diagnosis, job attitude training, vocational guidance, and career exploration. The results of a follow-up survey showed that approximately 60% of the dropouts were still employed six months after completion of the program. In addition, the dropouts reported benefiting from the program through increased awareness of their own needs, abilities, and interests as well as through better awareness of the types of skills and behaviors desired by employers.  相似文献   

The study examined the possible roles that creativity plays in students dropping out of high school. It used data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS: 88), the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS: 2002), and 87 high school students from a low income area in southeastern Michigan. NELS and ELS questions related to creative personality and anticreative school environment were selected and asked of students. The students’ responses were compared to their scores on measures of creativity (Runco Ideational Behavior Scale, Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, & Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students). The NELS respondents who showed creative personality were identified and examined whether their creativity related to dropping out. The results of logistic regression analyses indicated that the questions selected from NELS and ELS that showed anticreative school environment have a negative correlation with the scores on the creativity measures, which affect students’ dropping out. An understanding of these students and their behavior will help promote creative students’ academic and lifelong success through appropriate classroom restructuring.  相似文献   

A group of 3,731 marines on whom age and educational status at enlistment were available were studied. At the end of two years of active duty, subjects were classed as Non-success if they presented evidence of unsatisfactory adjustment to the Corps. All other subjects were classed as Success. The Success rates of different classes of subjects by educational grouping are shown. The hypothesis that subjects who complete high school before enlistment have higher Success rates than do those who drop out of school, and that, of the dropouts, those completing their education after enlistment have a higher Success rate than those who do not complete their education, was supported.  相似文献   

The authors attempted to identify key contributing factors to school dropout among 3 categories of at‐risk students: those with low grade point averages, those who had been suspended, and those from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Logistic regression analysis of the data, which were derived from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth‐1997 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2002) indicated that student dropout rates were affected differently by students' membership in the 3 at‐risk categories.  相似文献   

Prior studies report a variety of demographic, school, individual, and family characteristics that are related to high school drop out. This study utilizes data from a 19-year prospective longitudinal study of “at-risk” children to explore multiple predictors of high school dropouts across development. The proposed model of dropping out emphasizes the importance of the early home environment and the quality of early caregiving influencing subsequent development. The results of this study demonstrate the association of the early home environment, the quality of early caregiving, socioeconomic status, IQ, behavior problems, academic achievement, peer relations, and parent involvement with dropping out of high school at age 19. These results are consistent with the view of dropping out as a dynamic developmental process that begins before children enter elementary school. Psychosocial variables prior to school entry predicted dropping out with power equal to later IQ and school achievement test scores. In our efforts to better understand processes influencing dropping out prior to high school graduation, early developmental features warrant further emphasis.  相似文献   

Using three waves of data (1998, 2000, 2002) on 1,325 emerging adults, we examined depressive symptoms and life satisfaction among a diverse group of high school dropouts and graduates. Emerging adults who left school without graduating were significantly more depressed and reported lower life satisfaction than graduates at the time of their expected graduation (T1), but these differences were nonsignificant 4 years later (T3). Working within an ecological developmental framework (Bronfenbrenner 1977, 1986), we found that graduation status, household composition, family general and transition specific support, peer support, and adolescent attachment styles protected against adverse mental health consequences at T1. However, only parent and peer support and attachment predicted changes in depressive symptoms and life satisfaction from T1 to T3.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of classifying under the common category of “dropout” both those students who are dismissed for academic reasons and those who withdraw voluntarily. Two groups of college dropouts, namely the dismissed and those who withdrew, were compared with a control group of persevering students in performance on cognitive and personality measures. The two groups were found to differ in an inverse relationship on several sets of measures, thus demonstrating differences in intellectual ability and personality characteristics.  相似文献   

Dropouts speak out: qualitative data on early school departures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R Tidwell 《Adolescence》1988,23(92):939-954
From interviews conducted in the home, qualitative data were obtained from 374 urban high school dropouts concerning their primary reason for leaving school early. Female and male respondents of five ethnic groups answered closed- and open-ended questions concerning their (1) dropout history, (2) reasons for leaving school, (3) feelings about various aspects of the high school experience, (4) past and present activities, (5) academic and general future plans, (6) reflections about school, and (7) recommendations for school improvement.  相似文献   

A potentially useful program-evaluation approach obtains information from program dropouts. This method was applied to university students who dropped out of four developmental programs offered by a student counseling center. Of 44 students telephoned, 29 were successfully reached by student paraprofessionals using a structured interview format. The results contain general implications for developmental programming and provided useful input for three of the programs.  相似文献   

Differences were found in the dropout patterns of minority and nonminority undergraduates that have implications for further research and for retention improvement programs.  相似文献   

Norms were collected to determine the relative dominance of different meanings of homo-graphic words. Forty-six subjects wrote down the first word that came to mind for each of 320 homographs. Each homograph, the number of times each meaning was given, and the specific associates are made available. In addition, correlations with other norms are presented.  相似文献   

The elder population continues to grow rapidly in many countries. Florida's elder population is growing faster than most states', with over one-quarter of the Florida population projected to be aged 65 and over by 2025. Involuntary examination (i.e. emergency commitment) under a state's civil commitment law is one means by which older adults experience assessment for acute mental health care. In Florida, the civil commitment law permits the involuntary examination of an individual for up to 72 hours to determine whether the person meets standards for involuntary treatment. From calendar year 2001 through 2005, there were 531,091 involuntary examinations in Florida for 301,886 people of all ages. Thirteen percent were 60 years and older at the time of their examination. The purpose of this paper is to describe the characteristics of older adults subject to involuntary examination and the nature of their examinations. While these data permit a number of inferences, there is an expansive area of research and policy analysis that remains untapped and would permit better understanding of how older adults experience such examinations. These research and policy issues will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated multiple beneficial outcomes of communal school organization for teachers and students alike. The current research uses data from a nationally representative sample of 253 public, non-alternative, secondary schools to examine how a communal school organization interacts with school contextual factors, such as school size and racial diversity, to affect school disorder. It was found that more diverse schools are less likely to be communally organized and that communal school organization had a stronger negative effect on school disorder in these more diverse schools. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the relationship between third grade final marks, achievement test scores, and subsequent achievement in elementary and secondary school. It was focused on the early identification of students for whom changes in the curriculum might be indicated.  相似文献   

The study sought to better understand the cultural contexts of the risks for adolescent females who have dropped out of school. Focus groups were conducted with 37 Black and Coloured females aged 13 to 17 in Cape Town, South Africa. Data were analysed using content analysis. Methamphetamine, cannabis, and alcohol were used by both, however, Black teens also used methaqualone and Coloured teens used heroin and ecstasy. Some teens traded sex for drugs and others did so at the request of their drug-addicted mothers. Teens revealed high rates of violence, including rape, and many myths and barriers about condom use, revealing risky sex behaviours. Conclusion—Cultural nuances between the two groups will help inform the adaptation of an HIV prevention intervention.  相似文献   

学校归属感与学生发展的探索研究   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
采用问卷调查法探讨中小学生的学校归属感与学校适应、自我概念、同伴关系及班级环境的关系。结果表明:1)学校适应、自我概念、同伴关系和班级环境与中小学生的学校归属感有密切的关系;2)学校归属感能有效的预测学生的自我概念;3)师生关系和同伴关系对学校归属感有重要影响,是学校归属感显著的预测变量;4)学校类型对学校归属感有显著的影响,重点中学学生的学校归属感显著高于其他类型学校的学生。  相似文献   

The role of the school counselor has undergone numerous revisions over the past few decades. The current emphasis on accountability and academic performance of students has forced counselors to scrutinize their role in promoting students' academic success and school completion. In this article, the authors review the problem of school dropout from the school counselor's perspective and offer guidelines for how school counselors can deliver empirically supported strategies to address this problem as part of their comprehensive guidance programs.  相似文献   

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