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In this paper it is demonstrated that the analysis of variance techniques yield results equivalent to the calculation oft by means of expressions based on the short or the long formula. It is also shown that the covariance technique gives results equivalent to those obtained by means of the formula fort which should be used with matched groups. The conditions necessary for equivalent results are such that the conventional formulas fort would normally be used rather than the variance or covariance techniques. However, a knowledge of the relationships described in this paper should contribute to one's understanding of the variance and covariance techniques.The relationships described in this paper were brought to the attention of the author by the excellent article of Eugene Shen (8). The proofs given here and the examples are the work of the present author.  相似文献   

The author discusses counseling considerations and techniques for use with adult women experiencing adjustment difficulties relating to childhood experience of incest with father or stepfather. Particular consideration is given to the use of techniques that allow for in-depth work on family of origin issues In the individual counseling setting.  相似文献   

A least squares method is presented for fitting a given matrixA to another given matrixB under choice of an unknown rotation, an unknown translation, and an unknown central dilation. The procedure may be useful to investigators who wish to compare results obtained with nonmetric scaling techniques across samples or who wish to compare such results with those obtained by conventional factor analytic techniques on the same sample.Part of this work was done while the senior author held a visiting research fellowship at the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey.  相似文献   

Pray erformance     

Female prisoners in recovery may anticipate defeat when projecting possibilities for their future hopes and dreams. These clients often identify with and attach to the role of prisoner and addict. This article describes a 12-week group treatment program, titled by the author as “Prayerformance.” In this work, female prisoners in recovery have an opportunity to connect spiritually and psychologically by using techniques like role play, improvisation, spontaneity training, storytelling, character development, mask work, and movement.  相似文献   

The author presents a system of behavioral techniques that permits clients to manage their own depression. By coaching clients through the sequence of self-management procedures identified by Kahn (1976) and using the strategies offered by Lewinsohn (1975), counselors have an effective set of techniques to lead clients to successful coping with depression. The sequence of self-observation, self-mediation, and self-reinforcement activities is based on Lewinsohn's (1975) work and is effective with moderately depressed clients. This comprehensive treatment program requires a minimum amount of counselor intervention for a maximum amount of client gain.  相似文献   

Eight techniques used by the author in teaching an introductory applied behavior analysis course are described: (a) a detailed study guide, (b) frequent tests, (c) composition of practice test questions, (d) in-class study groups, (e) fluency building with a computerized flash-card program, (f) bonus marks for participation during question-and-answer sessions, (g) student presentations that summarize and analyze recently published research, and (h) in-class behavior analysis of comic strips. Together, these techniques require an extensive amount of work by students. Nevertheless, students overwhelmingly prefer this approach to the traditional lecture-midterm-final format, and most earn an A as their final course grade.  相似文献   

This essay is a reappraisal of Pierre Hadot's concept of spiritual exercises in response to recent criticisms of his work. The author argues that contrary to the claims of his critics, Hadot articulates a compelling argument that spiritual exercises that employ imaginative, rhetorical, and cognitive techniques are both necessary for and successful at producing a subject in which reason is integrated into human character. Such exercises are critical for overcoming the effects of habit, as a result of which everyday conduct resists rational control, and Hadot provides a nuanced account of how particular practices affect different aspects of emotion, behavior, and thought. The concept of spiritual exercises remains a viable component of theoretical frameworks for the study of religious ethics, though the author concludes that Hadot's position on habit and its role in ethical practice requires further investigation.  相似文献   


The paper sets out to stimulate interest in counsellors and therapists about the unconscious relationships which people form with their work, through describing and analysing what goes on in work-related counselling with a psychodynamic approach. The author draws on twenty-five years of experience to reflect on the changing nature of what was once termed ‘vocational guidance', and offers some short case studies, as examples of ways in which a person's world of work can become intertwined with their internal world in a confusing and disabling way. The core concepts and techniques which have evolved are identified and discussed; attention is directed particularly to the importance of the client's expectations, die effect of time limitation, the place of work in the whole life, and dealing with transference.  相似文献   

Student self-beliefs are significantly related to several types of academic achievement. In addition, results from international assessments have indicated that students in Japan have typically scored above international averages (D. L. Kelly, I. V. S. Mullis, & M. O. Martin, 2000). In this study, the author examined relationships between mathematics beliefs and achievement of elementary school-aged students in the United States and Japan. The students had participated in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS; A. E. Beaton et al., 1996). The author examined several self-beliefs and used variance estimation techniques for complex sampling designs. The author identified a number of significant relationships between self-beliefs and mathematics achievement. Students who attributed success in mathematics to controllable factors (e.g., hard work, studying at home) showed higher test scores whereas students who attributed success in mathematics at school to external factors (e.g., good luck) tended to earn lower mathematics test scores. These results extend the findings of previous research results because the author examined large national samples of students in cross-cultural settings as part of a comprehensive international assessment.  相似文献   


This paper analyzes the ways in which morticians and funeral directors—people who make their living by handling the dead—attempt to overcome the stigma associated with their work. It reflects over 2 years of field work involving extensive ethnographic interviews with 19 morticians and funeral directors in four different states. The qualitative analysis reveals that morticians and funeral directors are acutely aware of the stigma associated with their work, most of which comes from handling the dead and being viewed as profiting from death and grief. Within the general theoretical framework of symbolic interactionism, the author identifies and examines the symbolic and dramaturgical techniques employed by morticians and funeral directors to neutralize and diminish the stigma associated with their work. Among these are symbolically redefining their work, practicing role distance, emphasizing professionalism, cloaking themselves in the “shroud of service,” and enjoying socioeconomic status over occupational prestige. Morticians and funeral directors make special efforts to shift the emphasis of their work away from the handling of the dead to providing important and necessary services for the living.  相似文献   

The author uses a “professional memoir,” a story about his first experiences in clinical work, to illustrate what he believes to be certain fundamental aspects of an analytic attitude. Taking place in a psychiatric hospital, it is meant to highlight the central place of intuition, emotional receptivity, empathy, relatedness—and their inherent dangers—in engaging therapeutically with patients' emotional disturbances. The author postulates that these and related aspects of clinical psychoanalysis are not sufficiently emphasized in psychoanalytic training and are often eclipsed by idealizations of psychoanalytic theories and their derivative techniques, third‐party demands for evidence‐based data, preoccupations with neurobiological correlates of experience, etc. Despite the clinical fact that psychoanalysis can be extraordinarily helpful to patients, he questions whether clinical psychoanalysis is rightly regarded as a “treatment.”  相似文献   

The author uses case studies to illustrate the effectiveness of two techniques which pastoral caregivers may teach to family carers of dementia patients. In the last stages of dementia, it is important to seek meaning and keep in significant contact as long as possible, both for family members as well as for the dementia patients. After a brief literature review, implications for care theory, practice, and policy are reviewed, and a scientific bias is illustrated. These techniques build on the work of C. G. Jung and James Hillman, utilizing metaphor in non-rational uses of language. It is suggested that pastoral caregivers could teach these techniques to families of this population, in the hope of prolonging meaningful connection with their loved one.  相似文献   

This paper reviews Hofmann’s (2012) An Introduction to Modern CBT: Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems. Hofmann’s book is a new tool in the struggle to disseminate CBT to the uninitiated and to train new clinicians in the basic elements of cognitive behavioral treatments. This book is an accessible introduction to basic cognitive behavioral models and techniques across a variety of conditions, with ample hypothetical case material to illustrate the approaches described. The book provides a theoretical introduction to CBT, discusses the general processes and procedures used in treatment, illustrates the approach in 10 specific problem areas, and summarizes empirical support for the approaches described. Particularly helpful are the clinical examples, learning objectives, suggested exercises, and sample dialogues that are provided. While the book tends to give less attention to the behavioral tradition in CBT, and is not intended to illustrate the use of CBT in complex cases or diverse populations, it achieves the author’s goal of providing a primer on both traditional CBT techniques and emerging CBT technologies. Students, new clinicians, allied health professionals, and patients can benefit from this important work.  相似文献   

Current psychometric models of choice behavior are strongly influenced by Thurstone’s (1927, 1931) experimental and statistical work on measuring and scaling preferences. Aided by advances in computational techniques, choice models can now accommodate a wide range of different data types and sources of preference variability among respondents induced by such diverse factors as person-specific choice sets or different functional forms for the underlying utility representations. At the same time, these models are increasingly challenged by behavioral work demonstrating the prevalence of choice behavior that is not consistent with the underlying assumptions of these models. I discuss new modeling avenues that can account for such seemingly inconsistent choice behavior and conclude by emphasizing the interdisciplinary frontiers in the study of choice behavior and the resulting challenges for psychometricians. The author would like to thank R. Darrell Bock whose work inspired many of the ideas presented here. The paper benefitted from helpful comments by Albert Maydeu-Olivares and Rung-Ching Tsai. The reported research was supported in parts by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

In the author's clinical work with Vietnam veterans experiencing symptoms of PTSD, Gestalt theory and concepts have proven to be very helpful in (a) conceptualizing what sustains Vietnam as a deleterious problem in the lives of these veterans and (b) providing techniques which are effective in helping them overcome their Vietnam-related troubles. Although of great potential, the author feels that the effective application of Gestalt therapy techniques necessitates the kind of prudent clinical discretion which ordinarily requires a solid background in general psychotherapy and specialized training in Gestalt theory, concepts, and techniques.  相似文献   

Many senses exist for perceiving sensory experience; there are in turn others which make it possible to perceive emotional experience: intuition is one of these. The author, using W. R. Bion's work, studies intuition psychoanalytically, considering it to be a powerful ‘sense’ in clinical work. He describes the metapsychology of intuition, and proposes models that make it possible to think—from different perspectives— about how to make use of it in an analysis. To this end, he examines a series of useful processes and concepts: growth, tolerance, ‘suchness’, suffering and courage. The author defi nes the intuitive mechanism as a derivation of the renunciation of memory, desire and understanding; such a renunciation, learning from the experience of suffering the pain of facing the Truth in at‐one‐ment, makes it possible to tolerate the frustrations associated with observing the analysand ‘such‐as‐he‐is’. Finally, once immersed in the intelligence of intuition, the author considers ways in which intuition might be linked with concepts, with a view to interpreting the facts that must be transformed in the analysis.  相似文献   

The author describes work undertaken in New Delhi with two young Indian women and their families from 1995 to 1999. Both presented with depression and suicidal ideation. One was severely cerebral palsied, the other was diagnosed with endogenous depression. As an integrative therapist, the author looks at her work from several perspectives. The debates highlighted here focus on the optimal usefulness of each of these perspectives in different situations, both the benefits and the limits and the very limits of contemporary psychotherapy itself. The author uses a cultural lens to explore the use of the self of the therapist and issues around boundaries, continuity, ethics, and compassion in psychotherapy.*Part of this work has been published in N. Hutnik (1999). An unusual intervention: Disability and abuse. Psychological Foundations - The Journa1, 1, 81–84, and is reproduced here with the permission of Psychological Foundations, New Delhi.**My heartfelt thanks are offered to Reenee Singh, friend of many years and very competent family therapist, who offered me her comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

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