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The authors describe a counselor education faculty peer review model that addresses the professional functioning of each member of the counselor education faculty regardless of her or his rank, salary, status, or administrative responsibilities.  相似文献   

Developing countries, such as Brazil or Argentina, share most of the benefits and problems concerning use of cognitive enhancers with developed countries; however, they present some peculiarities related to the potential clientele for these drugs. The ageing population has increased very sharply in Brazil and Argentina because of a rapid increase in life expectancy, but their financial means have not increased. Furthermore, the stress of poverty constitutes a major factor in the development of cognitive disturbances in these countries, in both the young and the old; these disturbances usually pertain to categories that should not be treated with cognitive enhancers.  相似文献   

《Psychological inquiry》2013,24(2):83-109
Major current notions of persuasion depict it as attainable via 2 qualitatively distinct routes: (a) a central or a systematic route in which opinions and attitudes are based on carefully processed arguments in the persuasive message and (b) a peripheral or heuristic route in which they are based on briefly considered heuristics or cues, exogenous to the message. This article offers a single-route reconceptualization that treats these dual routes to persuasion as involving functionally equivalent types of evidence from which persuasive conclusions may be drawn. Previous findings in the dual-process literature are reconsidered in light of this "unimodel," and novel data are presented consistent with its assumptions. Beyond its parsimony and integrative potential, the unimodel offers conceptual, empirical, and practical advantages in the persuasion domain.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors offer a contemporary perspective on psychoanalytic theory. The authors present a clinical vignette that illustrates how one analyst applied the principles of transference, countertransference, and resistance in a modern clinical setting. The authors describe how analysis is similar to and different from humanistic counseling and conclude by describing how analytic insights might be applied in the clinical practice of counselors.  相似文献   

A potentially useful program-evaluation approach obtains information from program dropouts. This method was applied to university students who dropped out of four developmental programs offered by a student counseling center. Of 44 students telephoned, 29 were successfully reached by student paraprofessionals using a structured interview format. The results contain general implications for developmental programming and provided useful input for three of the programs.  相似文献   

疼是在特定情境下的世界对人作用时产生的否定性感受,也是人所呈现出来的一种世界对人的意味。疼具有切己性、返身性。在儒家思想史上,疼曾被视作为礼、仁、良知辩护的基石。在日常生活中,疼则被拿来进行自我确证。有了疼的经验,才能理解疼的现象,才能理解人情世界。疼人者为他人疼,能暂时超越自我而心系他人,并能在疼的驱动下诉诸行动而解除他人之疼。由疼确立的关系既高尚又真切,疼与所疼乃真正的一体。由此看,与天地万物一体实在是一个不易达到的境界。  相似文献   

王绍坤 《心理科学进展》2010,18(11):1716-1721
神经精神分析学是一门试图将神经科学与精神分析学结合起来的学科, 作为一个新兴的领域, 在其成立的短短10年中, 已取得了丰硕的研究成果。为精神分析学这拥有一百年历史的学科带来了新的生机。对精神分析的基石——压抑的研究是神经精神分析学的热点。神经科学家试图从不同角度证明精神分析中压抑这一过程确实是存在的, 而且还存在相应的神经基础, 但是, 目前神经精神分析学的研究还存在一些局限。  相似文献   

If universities are to support faculty contributions across the full range of the mission of higher education (teaching, research, and service), several changes must occur. Teaching must become a community activity discussed openly and widely: presidents and provosts must hold departments as a whole responsible and accountable for contributions to mission: and learned societies must participate in supporting teaching and, when appropriate, reflective practice in addition to research and scholarship. These points are brought out in the articles contained in this issue and warrant further attention.  相似文献   

The authors introduce the special feature on faculty development in higher education. They discuss some of the ways in which people from the helping professions can not only contribute to faculty development but also take the lead in creating supportive programs for faculty on college campuses.  相似文献   

心血管疾病已经成为威胁国人健康的首位疾病.现代医学的发展使药物、介入和外科手术成为治疗心血管疾病的三大基石,但专科的进一步细化也带来相当多的弊端.因此,需要以患者为核心,摒弃学科的分野,将各种医学知识和防治手段有机融合,构建一个新的整合医学体系去培养年轻医师,切实控制心血管疾病.  相似文献   

Journal of Medical Humanities - Academic programs in the medical/health humanities have proliferated widely in recent years, and the professional, academic, and cultural drivers of this growth...  相似文献   

In this keynote speech to the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities in October, 1999, Hilfiker suggests that the underlying goal of teaching ethics should be to develop in those who care for others an empathy with the outsider. Unless care givers cannot see the world from the victim's point of view, they will have a difficult time developing an ethical framework in which to work. In this paper, Hilfiker tells the story of how he came to find the victim's point of view through his own experiences as a physician and through the work of Dorothee Sölle, René Girard, and John Rawls.  相似文献   

Although there has been a rapid increase in funding and attention to after-school programs, there is little understanding of how after-school programs impact children's developmental trajectories. The heterogeneity of American children makes it very unlikely that all children need after-school programming or that there is but one brand of after-school programming suitable for all youth. We discuss the numerous developmental and contextual factors that may influence which children benefit most from after-school programs as well as the nature of the after-school programs most beneficial to children's needs. The value of utilizing an ecological and developmental perspective to after-school program evaluation are presented, including the need for improved research designs and more detailed analyses of program type and services as well as a more complete determination of which children benefit the most from after-school participation.  相似文献   

孙斌  张艳芬 《现代哲学》2003,(1):124-128,134
本文试图从“对象”和“看”这两个概念出发来讨论维特根斯坦语言观的一个转变,在此讨论中,维特根斯坦有关“对象”和“看”的论述被置于其前后期思想的大背景中来加以考察。文章首先考察了维特根斯坦前期思想在“对象”这个概念上所面临的困难与错误,这种困难与错误构成了对其前期图像论语言观的挑战。接着,文章考察了维特根斯坦对图画所做的分析,认为图画的要点不在于它所指称的对象,而在于它如何被看,而如何被看实际上是“看”这个词的如何被使用。在此考察中,其后期游戏论的语言观得到了探讨。  相似文献   

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