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The authors interviewed older women in Alcoholics Anonymous to explore the participants' most beneficial and meaningful experiences in the program. Findings suggested that these women obtained unexpected social benefits from their participation. These benefits are examined through the framework of Carstensen's ( 1993 ) socioemotional selectivity theory.  相似文献   

This report reviews the literature on the values of alcoholics and addicts in treatment and presents data that suggest a shift in values is involved in recovery from alcoholism through participation in Alcoholics Anonymous and that values clarification and value therapy may be useful in chemical dependency treatment.  相似文献   

This article describes the contribution of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to drug and alcohol treatment. The potential for AA's steps to encourage growth is discussed, and their consistency with counseling philosophy examined. To stimulate constructive discussion, 12 new steps based on counseling theory are proposed and contrasted with AA's steps. The need for counselors to be aware of these differences is emphasized and the move toward more solid boundaries between AA and the counseling profession is advocated.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2):97-109
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


The authors examined the subjective experience of well-being (WB) among abstinent Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) members and social perceptions of an abstinent alcoholic's WB among 3 nonalcoholic French-Canadian samples: male police officers, Catholic nuns, and university women. The short-term abstinent AA members, along with the university women, reported the lowest self-ratings of WB, whereas the Catholic nuns reported the highest. However, among the abstinent AA members, the level of WB was positively related to the length of abstention. The 3 nonalcoholic groups evaluated an abstinent AA member more positively than a nonabstinent alcoholic. These evaluations of an abstinent AA member converged with the AA members' self-evaluations on the measure of WB.  相似文献   

The authors examined the subjective experience of well-being (WB) among abstinent Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) members and social perceptions of an abstinent alcoholic's WB among 3 nonalcoholic French-Canadian samples: male police officers, Catholic nuns, and university women. The short-term abstinent AA members, along with the university women, reported the lowest self-ratings of WB, whereas the Catholic nuns reported the highest. However, among the abstinent AA members, the level of WB was positively related to the length of abstention. The 3 nonalcoholic groups evaluated an abstinent AA member more positively than a nonabstinent alcoholic. These evaluations of an abstinent AA member converged with the AA members' self-evaluations on the measure of WB.  相似文献   

Tenets of Adlerian theory and practice are compatible with the philosophy and practices of Alcoholics Anonymous. Counselors can expect treatment approaches based on Adlerian counseling theory to be congruent with 12-Step practices of individuals who are in recovery from alcohol dependence.  相似文献   

This study compared the Career Saliency ratings of students planning to enter teaching and those who were considering other occupations. The subjects (68 men and 118 women) were juniors and seniors in college. They were rated by three judges on the basis of information secured through a one-hour structured interview. The ratings were high, medium, and low Career Saliency. Setting up 2 × 2 contingency tables for “high” (high saliency) and “not high” (medium and low saliency) individuals, chi- square values were obtained for teachers and other groups. The chi-square value was not significant for the female sample, but a significant value was obtained for the male sample indicating a significantly lower number of high saliency individuals among prospective men teachers. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a model for career counseling of families. Parents need to have skills to help their children and young adults make good career decisions. Children can also help their parents clarify their goals for either reentering the labor market or making career changes. The model can also be adapted for other groups whose members' ages differ widely. The differing ages representing people in different stages of career development provide a dynamic element, which can increase effectiveness. Laramore provides a summary of counseling sessions to assist the counselor in working with groups of this type.  相似文献   

The author examines methods that are designed to expand and transform consciousness and argues that aspects of transpersonal psychology form the basis for the investigation of rituals, spiritual disciplines, and techniques that provoke shifts in awareness and energy. A psychosynthesis model for understanding these experiences is outlined, and an inner source of guidance—the Higher Self—is examined. A twelve step program for facilitating the expansion and transformation of consciousness—Creative Explorations of Inner Space—is also presented.  相似文献   

Extant historical scholarship in the Jungian literature and the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) literature does not provide a complete picture of the treatment of Rowland Hazard by C. G. Jung, an analysis that AA co-founder Bill Wilson claimed was integral to the foundation of AA in theory and practice. Wilson's original report resulted in archivists and historians incorrectly calibrating their searches to the wrong date. The current work definitively solves the mystery of the timing of Hazard's treatment with Jung by placing his preliminary analysis with Jung in the year 1926, rather than 1930 or 1931. Previously unexamined correspondence originating from Jung, Hazard, his cousin Leonard Bacon, his uncle Irving Fisher, and his aunt Margaret Hazard Fisher is supplemented by relevant primary and secondary source material.  相似文献   


If we take a careful look at what happened to our species scientifically and socially during the 20th century a rather unsettling fact quickly becomes apparent. It is that we are entering this awesome 21st century laden with immense challenges and the most serious kind of questions bearing on the human future with a scientific theory of evolution based almost entirely on the study of the past and the prehuman and the subhuman. Is this really true? What about the books one can think of that deal with human evolution and the future? But how many of these books have become part of the established or mainstream paradigm for evolution theory? By this I mean what is generally taught in schools and generally thought of-even by most scientists-as evolution theory. After a moment's thought, I believe anyone sensitized to the problem I am getting at will conclude I am not over-stating the case: that for the whole of science today supposedly bearing on evolution an emphasis on the human and the future still remains a mere fraction of a whole in which the central tendency is as I have stated it. This is the crux of the crisis in the evolution of our species and the crisis in the development of evolution theory that lies behind the Toronto papers. Here, we look at the 15 foundations and 12 guidelines these papers identify for building the fully human theory of evolution needed to end or resolve this closely interwoven pair of crises.  相似文献   

There are currently no guidelines available for enhancement of resilience in professional nurses. This study aims to provide broad guidelines with specific strategies that may enhance resilience and psycho-social well-being in professional nurses. These guidelines are based findings from previous qualitative research on resilience in professional nurses in the public and private sector in South Africa. We used Kumpfer's (1999) theoretical model of resilience to frame the guidelines. Resilience among professional nurses appears to vary in manifestation across settings of practice.  相似文献   

Anonymous pastoral care is one of the options for help in problems pertaining to sexuality. This paper explores the topics they seek help for, the religious aspects involved, and the relation between the normativity of their church tradition on the one hand and sexual and spiritual health criteria on the other. We analyzed helpseeking questions of two protestant Christian organizations in the Netherlands providing anonymous pastoral care: Refoweb and EO-Nazorg. Sexual themes were addressed in 19 and 2.3 % of the submitted questions, respectively. Of the helpseekers, 56 % is female, 15 % male, and 29 % unknown. Questions and problems for which people seek anonymous pastoral care focus primarily on premarital abstinence, gender roles, contraception, sexual orientation and masturbation. The authority of the Bible seems to be important for questioners, especially when dealing with ethical questions. Different relations between the normativity of the church tradition and sexual and spiritual health are discussed.  相似文献   

Professional psychology was the first mental health profession to challenge the preeminence of psychiatry and in so doing blazed the trail for clinical social workers, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, and addiction counselors. Social work has followed one decade behind psychology's footsteps, and the other rapidly emerging mental health professions are not too far behind social work. This article reviews the lessons learned by professional psychology when it adopted the strategy of statutory regulation, freedom of choice, control of its own training and of its national organization, and future strategies for Medicare and eventually for the enactment of universal health care. These lessons are important to the professions following psychology.  相似文献   

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