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This article providas career counselors with an overview of career-related issues relevant to students with disabilities in postsecondary educational settings. Topics addressed include the impact of disability on career development, the impact of disability on postsecondary educational participation, and access and accommodation issues. The authors argue for an expanded role for career counselors who work with college students with disabilities. It is concluded that career counselors can play an important role in facilitating college students with disabilities in their adaptation to the college environment, their acquisition of appropriate accommodations, and their transition to employment.  相似文献   

This article identifies how REBT views the concept of self-worth and self-acceptance as they apply to children, adolescents and parents. The practical blending of a competency model with REBT to conceptualize a functional model for enhancing self acceptance is discussed. Practical suggestions for assisting children, adolescents, and parents in this process are described.  相似文献   

Governments of contemporary welfare states call upon citizens to care for people with psychiatric or intellectual disabilities. This is deemed sensible and morally just. However, social–psychological theory suggests that stereotyping may stand in the way of engaging into contact. Sociological theory suggests that the giving of help is based on either balanced or generalized reciprocity. Balanced reciprocity depends on one's ability to ‘pay back’, which people with disabilities may have trouble doing. Generalized reciprocity depends on close social bonds, while people with disabilities often have fewer social bonds than other citizens. The current study aimed to find out whether citizens—despite socio‐psychological and sociological theories expecting otherwise—enter into supporting relationships with people with intellectual or psychiatric disabilities. Although we found socio‐psychological and sociological theory to be largely correct, we also found people to be more creative than theory assumes. A smile can be experienced as a return gift, thus including people with intellectual disabilities in the web of balanced reciprocity. Some people create new social bonds to include people with disabilities: they feel close to them because they had a job in the healthcare sector or because they had a family member with a disability. In disadvantaged neighbourhoods, recognition of each other's problems can create feelings of similarity and concomitant reciprocity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in participant structures in classroom environments are often examined in terms of their effects on student learning. In this study, we proposed a way of examining participant structures in terms of power. According to Wertsch (1998) "the emergence of new cultural tools transforms power and authority" (p. 65). When researchers or teachers introduce new tools into classrooms including new participant structures, they create the potential for transforming many relationships of power: between students and teachers, among students, and between students and the material being studied. Using data from a 6th-grade classroom involved in a science unit, we consider how these transformations of power play out. In considering the role of participant structures, we look at how a match between the participant structures and the structure of the discipline can positively affect these relationships of power.  相似文献   

This study utilized performance-based and self-report measures to examine differences in executive functions in college students with and without histories of childhood maltreatment. On the performance-based measures of executive function, all scores fell within the normal range for age. However, participants in the childhood maltreatment group reported more problems with metacognition than those without history of maltreatment. Severity of childhood maltreatment was associated with poorer cognitive inhibition/switching and phonetic fluency. Although significant group differences were found on a laboratory-based task of executive function, performance across the other tasks was generally similar. However, those with a history of maltreatment reported more problems with metacognition, suggesting a potential avenue for brief interventions focused on improving metacognitive skills important for success in the college environment. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Career education is as important for students in special education services as it was a decade ago. The majority of these students continue to experience extreme difficulties in making a successful transition from secondary programs to employment and independent living. The authors review the state of the art and then present a life-centered career education curricular approach to prepare students with the important competencies needed for successful adult adjustment. Sample programs are cited. The school counselor is viewed as an important contributor to this process, and several critical guidance functions are recommended by using a comprehensive guidance program model. A challenge to the professional is presented to complete the unfinished agenda that presently exists in services to students with disabilities.  相似文献   

Remedial strategies for children and adolescents with disabilities should have their roots in assessment. In this article the authors discuss improvements in assessment approaches, including new standards for psychological testing, updated and renormed cognitive assessments, and vocational assessments with increased ecological validity. The combined efforts of school psychologists, rehabilitation counselors, vocational evaluators, psychologists, and school counselors have yielded progress in the technical qualities of assessment and utilization. Through comprehensive and functional assessment, students with disabilities should find the transition from school to work with greater success.  相似文献   

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provides an impetus for the development of special services for learning-disabled college students. The article describes the problems of three such students and the services they needed to improve their chances for academic success. The authors provide suggestions for working with the learning-disabled college population.  相似文献   

Tam and Watkins (1995b) explored the basis of self-concepts of physically disabled and nondisabled Hong Kong Chinese adults and developed the hierarchical multidimensional self-concept models. Two questionnaires that measure self-concept were developed and validated for those groups. The questionnaires share 41 common items in 6 self-concept areas. In the present study, the 2 groups' responses were compared via univariate analysis of variance. The nondisabled participants (n % 200) were found to have statistically significantly higher means than their disabled counterparts (n % 214) in total self-concept, material self-concepts, and physical self-concepts. There were no significant differences in their family, social, and work self-concepts. The nondisabled participants reported greater openness (indicated by higher self-criticism scores).  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of a Career Placement Project using enhanced career services specifically designed for community college students with disabilities. The 4 areas of services provided by the project were career exploration, Job readiness, Job-seeking skills, and Job shadowing. A pretest-posttest design using a participant group and a control group measured change in career readiness. Based on the data, it seems that the Career Placement Project was effective in increasing the career preparedness of participating students with disabilities.  相似文献   

The author addresses the importance of vocational assessment for students with disabilities, discusses the legislative and governmental impetus for the development of vocational assessment programs in the schools, and presents several current vocational assessment models. The transdisciplinary vocational assessment model developed by the author, school-based models that have been developed in four states, and a traditional rehabilitation-based model are presented.  相似文献   

In an investigation of stigma by association, 179 nondisabled students gave free-response and adjective checklist responses in one of four experimental conditions: stimulus person as dating partner of a disabled male, of a disabled female, of a nondisabled male, or of a nondisabled female college student. Adjective checklist results indicated that, as compared with the partners of nondisabled individuals, the partners of disabled individuals were perceived as significantly more trustworthy and nurturant. Content analysis of the free-response item showed that the partners of disabled individuals were more likely to be described as having nurturant qualities than the partners of nondisabled individuals and were less likely to be described as intelligent, sociable, or athletic. Discussion focuses on the significance of these results for understanding disability stigma by association and on the implications of these findings for interaction between individuals with and without disabilities.  相似文献   

Enhancing participation in age-related activities is a key goal in the education and rehabilitation of children with diverse disabilities. The aim of this study was to explore a multidimensional and ecological model of participation for young children. Seventy eight children with mild developmental disabilities (MDD, such as motor and visual-motor difficulties), and 110 children without disabilities, between the ages 4 and 6 years old, participated in the study together with their parents. Data were collected using standardized assessments for child capacities and newly developed questionnaires for child participation and for human and physical environmental factors. Associations were found between personal and environmental factors and the participation dimensions amongst young children, thus supporting the validity of the proposed model of participation. Moreover, the study results outline different pathways for the participation of children with and without MDD. Child factors (e.g. process skills) were found to be crucial predictors of participation particularly for children with MDD, whereas human environmental factor (e.g. maternal self-efficacy beliefs) was associated with higher participation scores especially for children without disabilities. These findings may facilitate the development of effective intervention programs which focus on environmental factors as well as on child factors.  相似文献   

The importance of quality of life has been increasingly recognized in the field of special education. To date, however, there are no studies focusing exclusively on students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). This study examined quality of life differences between students with EBD and their nondisabled peers in four domains: (a) General quality of life; (b) Self; (c) Relationships; and (d) Environment. Additional analyses compared parent and adolescent ratings. Results indicated adolescents with EBD were significantly more dissatisfied with their quality of life in all domains than their non-EBD peers. No significant within group differences were found for gender or age; however, EBD students in self-contained schools rated self and environment significantly higher than their peers with EBD in public schools. Parents of adolescent with EBD rated their adolescent’s quality of life significantly lower than their adolescent did, while parents of non-EBD adolescents rated their adolescent’s quality of life as significantly higher than did their adolescents. This study has several implications for programming to improve the outcomes among this group of students.  相似文献   

The present study assessed how children with a range of cognitive abilities fared during a mock cross‐examination. Ninety children (aged 4 to 11 years; 18 with intellectual disabilities, 13 with borderline intellectual disabilities and 59 who were typically developing) witnessed a staged event, participated in an initial forensic interview (a few days later) and were cross‐examined by a barrister‐in‐training (10 months later). During cross‐examination, 98% of all children changed at least one response from their initial interview when challenged. However, group differences in performance (total number of changed responses, ‘resistance’ to challenges), controlling for age and memory for event details, were not significant or did not prove reliable at the level of individual group contrasts. Overall, little robust evidence for group differences in performance on cross‐examination could be identified, and memory for event details was the most reliable predictor of performance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Students diagnosed with learning disabilities experience many challenges that school counselors may address through narrative therapy. Narrative therapy is a postmodern, social constructionist approach based on the theoretical construct that individuals create their notions of truth and meaning of life through interpretive stories. This article identifies potential challenges students diagnosed with learning disabilities encounter, provides an orientation to narrative therapy, and offers a case example illustrating the application of narrative therapy with this client population.  相似文献   

MMPI-2 responses of 515 male and 797 female college students from four universities were examined. College students were compared with the new MMPI-2 normative sample on the clinical and validity scales. The reliability of MMPI-2 scores of college students were compared with reliabilities of the MMPI-2 normative sample. The results indicated that college students respond to the MMPI-2 in a highly similar manner to the MMPI-2 normative sample. Mean score differences on the validity and clinical scales were within 1 to 3 T-score points on most scales, and the frequency distributions of the college students were highly similar to those of the MMPI-2 normative samples, Slight differences obtained on the Pt, Sc, and Ma scales may reflect the younger age of the college groups compared to the MMPI-2 normative groups. The MMPI-2 norms were shown to be appropriate for use with college subjects. Test-retest correlation coefficients obtained from college students who were administered the MMPI-2 on two occasions showed reliabilities comparable to those found for the MMPI-2 normative sample.  相似文献   

This experiment examined how disadvantaged group members cope with discrimination when they perceive that social support is available. Women reacted to a failing test grade after ambiguous information about the probability for discrimination. With no social support, women minimized discrimination and attributed their failure to the quality of their answers. Participants were less inclined to minimize discrimination when social support was available. When they perceived that either emotional or informational support was available, women were equally likely to blame their failure on discrimination as on the quality of their answers. The results revealed less minimization of personal discrimination when both emotional and informational support were available, in which case participants blamed their failure more on discrimination and less on themselves.  相似文献   


The present study focuses on the following questions: (a) Are students with learning disabilities (LD) and low-achieving students (LA), when controlling for age and gender, less accepted by peers, do they feel more lonely, do they have lower self-esteem, and do they feel more depressed than NLD and NLA students? (b) Does low achievement per se or does selection into special education programs or special class placement of students with LD affect these students' psychological adjustment? Two analyses were conducted to elucidate these questions. Concerning the first question, the analysis was based on a sample of 1,434 4th-, 7th-, and 9th-grade students drawn from regular school classes. It revealed that students with LD compared with NLD and NLA students were less accepted by peers, had lower self-esteem, and felt more lonely. LA students compared with NLD and NLA students were less accepted by peers, had lower self-esteem, and were more depressed. Concerning the second question, the analysis was based on a subsample of 276 LD and LA students. It revealed that, when controlling for age and gender, and holding achievement in reading, writing, arithmetic, and intelligence constant, LD students compared with LA students were less depressed but were less accepted by peers and felt lonelier. Thus, besides the effects of low academic achievement, to be labeled “a student with LD” may have negative effects primarily on peer acceptance and directly and indirectly on feelings of loneliness, particularly in primary school.


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