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Restricted multidimensional scaling models for asymmetric proximities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Restricted multidimensional scaling models [Bentler & Weeks, 1978] allowing constraints on parameters, are extended to the case of asymmetric data. Separate functions are used to model the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the data. The approach is also extended to the case in which data are presumed to be linearly related to squared distances. Examples of several models are provided, using journal citation data. Possible extensions of the models are considered. This research was supported in part by USPHS Grant 0A01070, P. M. Bentler, principal investigator, and NIMH Grant MH-24819, E. J. Anthony and J. Worland, principal investigators. The authors wish to thank E. W. Holman and several anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions concerning this research.  相似文献   

The vast majority of existing multidimensional scaling (MDS) procedures devised for the analysis of paired comparison preference/choice judgments are typically based on either scalar product (i.e., vector) or unfolding (i.e., ideal-point) models. Such methods tend to ignore many of the essential components of microeconomic theory including convex indifference curves, constrained utility maximization, demand functions, et cetera. This paper presents a new stochastic MDS procedure called MICROSCALE that attempts to operationalize many of these traditional microeconomic concepts. First, we briefly review several existing MDS models that operate on paired comparisons data, noting the particular nature of the utility functions implied by each class of models. These utility assumptions are then directly contrasted to those of microeconomic theory. The new maximum likelihood based procedure, MICROSCALE, is presented, as well as the technical details of the estimation procedure. The results of a Monte Carlo analysis investigating the performance of the algorithm as a number of model, data, and error factors are experimentally manipulated are provided. Finally, an illustration in consumer psychology concerning a convenience sample of thirty consumers providing paired comparisons judgments for some fourteen brands of over-the-counter analgesics is discussed.  相似文献   

A new nonmetric multidimensional scaling method is devised to analyze three-way data concerning inter-stimulus similarities obtained from many subjects. It is assumed that subjects are classified into a small number of clusters and that the stimulus configuration is specific to each cluster. Under this assumption, the classification of subjects and the scaling used to derive the configurations for clusters are simultaneously performed using an alternating least-squares algorithm. The monotone regression of ordinal similarity data, the scaling of stimuli and the K -means clustering of subjects are iterated in the algorithm. The method is assessed using a simulation and its practical use is illustrated with the analysis of real data. Finally, some extensions are considered.  相似文献   

The kinds of individual differences in perceptions permitted by the weighted euclidean model for multidimensional scaling (e.g., INDSCAL) are much more restricted than those allowed by Tucker's Three-mode Multidimensional Scaling (TMMDS) model or Carroll's Idiosyncratic Scaling (IDIOSCAL) model. Although, in some situations the more general models would seem desirable, investigators have been reluctant to use them because they are subject to transformational indeterminacies which complicate interpretation. In this article, we show how these indeterminacies can be removed by constructing specific models of the phenomenon under investigation. As an example of this approach, a model of the size-weight illusion is developed and applied to data from two experiments, with highly meaningful results. The same data are also analyzed using INDSCAL. Of the two solutions, only the one obtained by using the size-weight model allows examination of individual differences in the strength of the illusion; INDSCAL can not represent such differences. In this sample, however, individual differences in illusion strength turn out to be minor. Hence the INDSCAL solution, while less informative than the size-weight solution, is nonetheless easily interpretable.This paper is based on the first author's doctoral dissertation at the Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The aid of Professor Ledyard R Tucker is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Probabilistic multidimensional scaling: Complete and incomplete data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simple procedures are described for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates of the location and uncertainty parameters of the Hefner model. This model is a probabilistic, multidimensional scaling model, which assigns a multivariate normal distribution to each stimulus point. It is shown that for such a model, standard nonmetric and metric algorithms are not appropriate. A procedure is also described for constructing incomplete data sets, by taking into consideration the degree of familiarity the subject has for each stimulus. Maximum likelihood estimates are developed both for complete and incomplete data sets. This research was supported by National Science Grant No. SOC76-20517. The first author would especially like to express his gratitude to the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study for its very substantial help with this research.  相似文献   

This paper presents a stochastic multidimensional unfolding (MDU) procedure to spatially represent individual differences in phased or sequential decision processes. The specific application or scenario to be discussed involves the area of consumer psychology where consumers form judgments sequentially in their awareness, consideration, and choice set compositions in a phased or sequential manner as more information about the alternative brands in a designated product/service class are collected. A brief review of the consumer psychology literature on these nested congnitive sets as stages in phased decision making is provided. The technical details of the proposed model, maximum likelihood estimation framework, and algorithm are then discussed. A small scale Monte Carlo analysis is presented to demonstrate estimation proficiency and the appropriateness of the proposed model selection heuristic. An application of the methodology to capture awareness, consideration, and choice sets in graduate school applicants is presented. Finally, directions for future research and other potential applications are given.  相似文献   

An Extended Two-Way Euclidean Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) model which assumes both common and specific dimensions is described and contrasted with the standard (Two-Way) MDS model. In this Extended Two-Way Euclidean model then stimuli (or other objects) are assumed to be characterized by coordinates onR common dimensions. In addition each stimulus is assumed to have a dimension (or dimensions) specific to it alone. The overall distance between objecti and objectj then is defined as the square root of the ordinary squared Euclidean distance plus terms denoting the specificity of each object. The specificity,s j , can be thought of as the sum of squares of coordinates on those dimensions specific to objecti, all of which have nonzero coordinatesonly for objecti. (In practice, we may think of there being just one such specific dimension for each object, as this situation is mathematically indistinguishable from the case in which there are more than one.)We further assume that ij =F(d ij ) +e ij where ij is the proximity value (e.g., similarity or dissimilarity) of objectsi andj,d ij is the extended Euclidean distance defined above, whilee ij is an error term assumed i.i.d.N(0, 2).F is assumed either a linear function (in the metric case) or a monotone spline of specified form (in the quasi-nonmetric case). A numerical procedure alternating a modified Newton-Raphson algorithm with an algorithm for fitting an optimal monotone spline (or linear function) is used to secure maximum likelihood estimates of the paramstatistics) can be used to test hypotheses about the number of common dimensions, and/or the existence of specific (in addition toR common) dimensions.This approach is illustrated with applications to both artificial data and real data on judged similarity of nations.  相似文献   

A method for externally constraining certain distances in multidimensional scaling configurations is introduced and illustrated. The approach defines an objective function which is a linear composite of the loss function of the point configurationX relative to the proximity dataP and the loss ofX relative to a pseudo-data matrixR. The matrixR is set up such that the side constraints to be imposed onX's distances are expressed by the relations amongR's numerical elements. One then uses a double-phase procedure with relative penalties on the loss components to generate a constrained solutionX. Various possibilities for constructing actual MDS algorithms are conceivable: the major classes are defined by the specification of metric or nonmetric loss for data and/or constraints, and by the various possibilities for partitioning the matricesP andR. Further generalizations are introduced by substitutingR by a set ofR matrices,R i ,i=1, ...r, which opens the way for formulating overlapping constraints as, e.g., in patterns that are both row- and column-conditional at the same time.  相似文献   

Abstract: A probabilistic multidimensional scaling model is proposed. The model assumes that the coordinates of each stimulus are normally distributed with variance Σi = diag(σ21, … σ2Ri). The advantage of this model is that axes are determined uniquely. The distribution of the distance between two stimuli is obtained by polar coordinates transformation. The method of maximum likelihood estimation for means and variances using the EM algorithm is discussed. Further, simulated annealing is suggested as a means of obtaining initial values in order to avoid local maxima. A simulation study shows that the estimates are accurate, and a numerical example concerning the location of Japanese cities shows that natural axes can be obtained without introducing individual parameters.  相似文献   

The psychometric and classification literatures have illustrated the fact that a wide class of discrete or network models (e.g., hierarchical or ultrametric trees) for the analysis of ordinal proximity data are plagued by potential degenerate solutions if estimated using traditional nonmetric procedures (i.e., procedures which optimize a STRESS-based criteria of fit and whose solutions are invariant under a monotone transformation of the input data). This paper proposes a new parametric, maximum likelihood based procedure for estimating ultrametric trees for the analysis of conditional rank order proximity data. We present the technical aspects of the model and the estimation algorithm. Some preliminary Monte Carlo results are discussed. A consumer psychology application is provided examining the similarity of fifteen types of snack/breakfast items. Finally, some directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Two constrained multidimensional unfolding models, the goal point and slide vector models, are proposed for analyzing confusion matrices. In both models, the row and column stimuli are expressed as two sets of points in a low-dimensional space, where the difference vector connecting a column point to the corresponding row point indicates the change in the stimulus representation through a cognitive process. The difference vector is constrained by the hypothesis that the trend in the representational change is invariant across stimuli: the goal point model constrains all difference vectors to point toward a single point, and the slide vector model constrains all difference vectors to be parallel to each other. In both models the coordinates of points are estimated by the maximum-likelihood method. Examples illustrate that the two models allow us to examine hypotheses about invariant trends in representational changes and to grasp such trends from the resulting configurations.  相似文献   

Netscal: A network scaling algorithm for nonsymmetric proximity data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple property of networks is used as the basis for a scaling algorithm that represents nonsymmetric proximities as network distances. The algorithm determines which vertices are directly connected by an arc and estimates the length of each arc. Network distance, defined as the minimum pathlength between vertices, is assumed to be a generalized power function of the data. The derived network structure, however, is invariant across monotonic transformations of the data. A Monte Carlo simulation and applications to eight sets of proximity data support the practical utility of the algorithm.I am grateful to Roger Shepard and Amos Tversky for their helpful comments and guidance throughout this project. The work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant BNS-75-02806 to Roger Shepard and a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship to the author. Parts of this paper were drawn from a doctoral dissertation submitted to Stanford University (Hutchinson, 1981).  相似文献   

A procedure for ordering object (stimulus) pairs based on individual preference ratings is described. The basic assumption is that individual responses are consistent with a nonmetric multidimensional unfolding model. The method requires data where a numerical response is independently generated for each individual-object pair. In conjunction with a nonmetric multidimensional scaling procedure, it provides a vehicle for recovering meaningful object configurations.The author wishes to thank Jack Hoadley, Larry Mayer, Sheldon Newhouse, Stuart Rabinowitz, Forrest Young, and three anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions.  相似文献   

Two generalizations of the Rasch model are compared: the between-item multidimensional model (Adams, Wilson, and Wang, 1997), and the mixture Rasch model (Mislevy & Verhelst, 1990; Rost, 1990). It is shown that the between-item multidimensional model is formally equivalent with a continuous mixture of Rasch models for which, within each class of the mixture, the item parameters are equal to the item parameters of the multidimensional model up to a shift parameter that is specific for the dimension an item belongs to in the multidimensional model. In a simulation study, the relation between both types of models also holds when the number of classes of the mixture is as small as two. The relation is illustrated with a study on verbal aggression. Frank Rijmen was supported by the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO). This research is also funded by the GOA/2000/02 granted from the KU Leuven. We would like to thank Kristof Vansteelandt for providing the data of the study on verbal aggression.  相似文献   

Abstract: At least two types of models, the vector model and the unfolding model can be used for the analysis of dichotomous choice data taken from, for example, the pick any/ n method. The previous vector threshold models have a difficulty with estimation of the nuisance parameters such as the individual vectors and thresholds. This paper proposes a new probabilistic vector threshold model, where, unlike the former vector models, the angle that defines an individual vector is a random variable, and where the marginal maximum likelihood estimation method using the expectation-maximization algorithm is adopted to avoid incidental parameters. The paper also attempts to discuss which of the two models is more appropriate to account for dichotomous choice data. Two sets of dichotomous choice data are analyzed by the model.  相似文献   

Multidimensional successive categories scaling: A maximum likelihood method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A single-step maximum likelihood estimation procedure is developed for multidimensional scaling of dissimilarity data measured on rating scales. The procedure can fit the euclidian distance model to the data under various assumptions about category widths and under two distributional assumptions. The scoring algorithm for parameter estimation has been developed and implemented in the form of a computer program. Practical uses of the method are demonstrated with an emphasis on various advantages of the method as a statistical procedure.The research reported here was partly supported by Grant A6394 to the author by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Portions of this research were presented at the Psychometric Society meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, in June, 1978. MAXSCAL-2.1, a program to perform the computations discussed in this paper may be obtained from the author. Thanks are due to Jim Ramsay for his helpful comments.  相似文献   

A new procedure is discussed which fits either the weighted or simple Euclidian model to data that may (a) be defined at either the nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio levels of measurement; (b) have missing observations; (c) be symmetric or asymmetric; (d) be conditional or unconditional; (e) be replicated or unreplicated; and (f) be continuous or discrete. Various special cases of the procedure include the most commonly used individual differences multidimensional scaling models, the familiar nonmetric multidimensional scaling model, and several other previously undiscussed variants.The procedure optimizes the fit of the model directly to the data (not to scalar products determined from the data) by an alternating least squares procedure which is convergent, very quick, and relatively free from local minimum problems.The procedure is evaluated via both Monte Carlo and empirical data. It is found to be robust in the face of measurement error, capable of recovering the true underlying configuration in the Monte Carlo situation, and capable of obtaining structures equivalent to those obtained by other less general procedures in the empirical situation.This project was supported in part by Research Grant No. MH10006 and Research Grant No. MH26504, awarded by the National Institute of Mental Health, DHEW. We wish to thank Robert F. Baker, J. Douglas Carroll, Joseph Kruskal, and Amnon Rapoport for comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Portions of the research reported here were presented to the spring meeting of the Psychometric Society, 1975. ALSCAL, a program to perform the computations discussed in this paper, may be obtained from any of the authors.Jan de Leeuw is currently at Datatheorie, Central Rekeninstituut, Wassenaarseweg 80, Leiden, The Netherlands. Yoshio Takane can be reached at the Department of Psychology, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.  相似文献   

The purpose of this note is twofold: (a) to present the formula for the item information function (IIF) in any direction for the Multidimensional 3-Parameter Logistic (M3-PL) model and (b) to give the equation for the location of maximum item information (θmax) in the direction of the item discrimination vector. Several corollaries are given. Implications for future research are discussed.This research was supported in part by an Educational Testing Service (ETS) Harold T. Gulliksen Psychometric Research Fellowship to the author.This revised article was published online in August 2005 with the PDF paginated correctly.  相似文献   

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