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当代中国正面临着从传统社会向现代社会、从农业社会向工业社会、从计划经济社会向市场经济社会的深刻转型。转型期间,人们的价值观发生了深刻的嬗变。价值观嬗变在社会转型期具有客观必然性,但是对这种嬗变我们不能任其自流,而应该加以正确  相似文献   

当今社会正处于社会经济结构和社会文化的激剧嬗变之中。市场经济的发展与社会文化结构的重建带来了剧烈的社会震荡,导致了社会文化功能的缺陷,犯罪现象也随之而改变其内容、结构和发展趋势,因此,运用社会变迁的理论,从社会文化学的角度来考察犯罪现象,可以从更广的视角,从更深的层次上揭示犯罪与社会文化变迁的关系,揭示社会变  相似文献   

姚颖 《学海》2006,(5):193-195
在中国走向现代化的历史语境中,考察全球化时代马克思主义哲学的现代性视野具有重要的理论和现实意义.马克思主义哲学在批判资本全球化的"现代社会"中出场,深刻阐述了传统社会向现代社会的嬗变,具有"世界历史"意蕴的前瞻视野.在全球化时代,整个世界逐渐凝铸以知识资本为主导的多元的现代文明.  相似文献   

从小农生产逐步过渡到社会化生产的视角对农村孝道嬗变的历时性考察,可以看出农村孝道嬗变的内在逻辑,伴随着农业生产从自给自足到社会化生产,老人的经验、技术和价值取向的现实效用不断下降,逐渐丧失了其在社会和家庭中的主导作用,老人在家庭中的地位从主导转向依附。加之政治运动、市场经济对社会伦理道德的冲击,最终导致作为中华民族两大基本传统道德准则之一的孝道不断被淡漠。  相似文献   

卓新平 《天风》2012,(1):36-37
文化是民族之魂,是社会共构的精神支柱。中国文化之“道”是什么?这种“道统”能否一以贯之以及如何继承与弘扬,在现代性和世俗性的当今社会几乎被遗忘或悬置。在今天强调文化建设、文化繁荣的新机遇之际,反思中国文化及其精神资源,制定中国的文化战略,以应对国内外复杂的政治局势和社会嬗变,就显得既特别及时又非常重要。  相似文献   

中国家庭伦理文化的变化及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国家庭伦理文化的变化及思考李桂梅家庭是社会的结构单位,家庭伦理文化也是社会文化的重要组成部分,它的发展变化受着社会发展变化的制约。随着社会现代化的到来,中国的家庭伦理文化也发生了嬗变。这种变化主要表现在三个方面。一、家庭利益观念淡薄,个人利益观念逐...  相似文献   

宗教信仰的个体化历程初探尹志华本文考察了宗教信仰从群体性向个体化转变的历程,指出:在原始社会,宗教信仰完全表现为一种集体行为;进入阶级社会后,由于社会本身的分化和人类精神领域的分化,宗教不再是人类的整体文化,这就为宗教信仰的个体化提供了条件。然而在中...  相似文献   

探讨18世纪中国文化的发展方向必须从它所处的时代性和社会思潮的性质特点切入,进行历史的考察和辩证的分析,才有可能作出正确的判断。 18世纪的中国所面对的国际环境,简要地说,是西方国家通过经济、政治和思想文化领域的变革加速资本主义的发展。它们为了发展资本主义,不断向外开拓商品市场和原料产  相似文献   

中国文化中具有十分丰富的社会认知思想,其中包括通过非言语行为进行社会认知的思想。中国文化中非言语行为的社会认知,是指通过对认知对象的非言语行为的判断以达到对认知对象的了解过程,包括视瞻、言语、容止、颜色、声音、好尚等内容。中国文化中非言语行为的社会认知是典型的具有中国文化特色的社会认知,它以中国社会、中国文化、中国人的思维和生活方式以及中国语言特有的形式表现出来,既不同于西方的社会认知思想,也有别于现代社会认知的理念和范式,形成了独具特色、自成体系的中国人的社会认知心理思想。  相似文献   

当代中国家庭变革动因之探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪以来 ,特别是最后的 2 0年 ,中国社会发生了深刻的变革 ,日新月异。改革开放政策的确立、经济翅膀的腾飞 ,文化窗口的打开 ,从总体上把中国的社会进步引入了加速的轨道 ,社会生活的方方面面发生着巨大的变化 ,所有这些都可以从当代中国家庭的变革中找到痕迹。本文从当代中国家庭变革的动因入手 ,为预测未来家庭的发展趋势提供一定的理论依据。当代中国家庭的嬗变既取决于家庭内部功能和结构的内在矛盾性 ,也取决于家庭所处的外在客观环境 ,社会的政治、经济、文化三者的合力及其与家庭的互动作用推动着家庭的变革 ,此外 ,也不可忽视科学进步和全球化的影响  相似文献   

在中国改革开放和社会变迁的新时代背景下,分析青少年价值观构成特征,形成有效的测量工具,并对初、高中共780名学生的价值观结构及价值观的学校和社会适应功能进行调查。结果发现:中国青少年价值观由社会平等、集体取向 、遵纪守则、亲情、友情、上进竞争、时尚、享受快乐 8个维度构成,问卷具有良好的信、效度;男生相对女生更认同友情,初中生相比高中生更认同社会公平和亲情,高中生更认同享受快乐;青少年价值观各维度对学校和社会适应的某些指标具有预测作用:对上进竞争的认同可以正向预测学业成绩和学校能力;对时尚的认同负向预测学业成绩和亲社会行为,正向预测学习问题;对亲情的认同正向预测社会能力和亲社会行为;对友情的认同正向预测同伴偏好。总体而言,新时代青少年价值观构成特征受到自身发展阶段、社会经济文化等因素的影响,研究结果有助于理解现阶段青少年健康心理发展与价值观教育之间的关系,对未来的青少年价值观教育提供了心理学的实证依据。  相似文献   

This paper will suggest a mapping for human dynamics to see where emerging digital technology currently and could further affect the dynamics of the human, technological and natural, and the cultural forms that define them. Emerging technology will be seen to reveal and surpass the limitations of human measures built on human abilities and perception. and the social structures that are derived from them. The formation of this conceptual mapping is based on the premise that digital technology has the ability to better relay and hence refine dynamics working at points where culture is created and necessitated in our perception of a shared reality. Technology thus alleviates the layering, representation, labelling, and reification notions of culture that are based in human perceptual limitations. Information as referential will be seen against the tendency of technology to offer succinct mediation and direct actions as a format for any change and application with refined cultural constructions. The mapping presents a notion of homeostasis or more bereft of balance at the point where the proximal dynamics of the unit, that is, the individual, is closely supported by the technology with a changing orientation to the dynamics of a natural environment. The notion of a person as an individual is also reconsidered in terms of technology and how this changing definition is part of how we conceptualize a balanced world. Nonlinear mapping rendered in a complex will be introduced to align these mixed dynamics. Complex is here defined as a concurrence of dynamics evident in shifts of change that act as a whole and where each action affects the whole. As measures are revealed so, too, will be the source of notions of linearity and nonlinearity; mapping; point of view as a basis of complexity; and evolutionary theory as a function of a labeling of cultural dynamics.  相似文献   

Growing, or even simply sustaining, profitability in today's rapidly changing environment is a daunting task. Today's firm must contend with increasing competition, changing customer requirements, and unprecedented technological change. Further, changing government regulations, such as the recent wave of deregulation, have dramatically changed the way business has traditionally been done in certain industries. In such a turbulent environment many firms have discovered that a total organizational sales effort is necessary. For many firms, this means a paradigm shift that involves strengthening their sales culture.

The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the sales culture (SC) concept and discuss its importance in contemporary business strategy. First, we will discuss market orientation from a corporate culture perspective. Second, the sales culture component of a market orientation will be defined and examined. Third, an exploratory investigation of constructs associated with sales culture will be investigated using an example taken from an industry that is experiencing rapid change, the banking industry. Finally, strategic implications, limitations and suggestions for future research will be shared.  相似文献   

Under the influence of Western learning, there was a revival in the study of “traditional Chinese learning.” It moved from the “center” to the “edge” after its ideological sanctity was eliminated in modern times. Traditional Chinese learning is still a vital force, however. Traditional Chinese culture emphasizes the productive and social “relationships” and the harmonious “whole,” as well as the Chinese efforts to control their own fate. Traditional Chinese learning revolves around the idea of “human beings,” a vivid manifestation of which is the idea of “benevolence” in Confucianism. If China’s modernization is no more than the transformation and transcendence of the nation under the influence of external forces, traditional Chinese learning would be able—through its inheritance and development of benevolence—to become an important philosophical source for Chinese people. But this can only occur through sufficient awareness of culture and learning.  相似文献   

本文挑选了儒释道三教与民俗的关联这一视角去观察中国文化。从这一视角虽看到中国文化的若干侧面,但却是与中国一般人的社会生活和精神生活关联最为密切的侧面。中国人的一生,一年四季都在与这些侧面发生着联系,使得一些基本的素质稳固下来,变为人的行为习惯,也往往由此养成一些思维定势,一代一代相传,又完成着传统文化的基本内容的传递。那么,从这一视角观察问题,中国人国民性的养成,中国文化传统的绵绵不绝,也都可以由之提供线索。  相似文献   

Inglehart‐Welzel's ‘Traditional‐Rational’ Index has been widely accepted as a way to summarize changes in values between agricultural and industrial societies. An empirical re‐examination of the Index using the most recent World Values Survey data, however, suggests that it fails to represent the value profiles of mainland Chinese. I introduce a five‐item measurement called ‘Confucian Index of interpersonal relations’. It aims to capture some salient values in Chinese culture and show that, in China, Confucian values that govern interpersonal relations within one's immediate social environment are not in conflict with support for democratic government and social liberal values, such as tolerance and trust. The opposite is very much true in the rich West, where those who endorse ‘Confucian’ values are less tolerant of social diversity and where Inglehart's Index does make a lot of sense.  相似文献   

As China is undergoing marketization and privatization, the doctor-patient relationship (DPR) is changing, posing numerous social problems such as a trust crisis. In this article, the authors look at the characteristics of the DPR, and then present an historical account of the changing features of the Chinese DPR. In the final section, they explain how Chinese traditional culture is important for rebuilding the DPR in reform-era China and make suggestions for its health care reform.  相似文献   

The social learning strategies tournament was an open computer-based tournament investigating the best way to learn in a changing environment. Here we present an analysis of the impact of memory on the ability of strategies entered into the social learning strategies tournament (Rendell, Boyd, et al., 2010) to modify their own behavior to suit a changing environment. The tournament showed that a strategy's ability to remember the past and to predict the future were both key to its success. The possibility that a strategy needs to engage in an approximation of ‘mental time travel’ to succeed in the tournament strongly implies that investment in randomly timed social learning is not enough to guarantee success. A strategy must use social learning strategically with reference to both predicted future environmental states and past environmental states. We examine the two most successful strategies (DiscountMachine and Intergeneration) in terms of their use of memory and discuss the impact of their complex memory use on their ability to time learning moves strategically and track environmental change. The tournament suggests that the human capacity for mental time travel may have improved the efficiency of social learning and allowed humans to invest in more sophisticated social learning than is seen elsewhere in the animal kingdom.  相似文献   

新的婚姻登记管理条例修改实施后,婚前体检率大幅度下降.婚检率的下降导致一系列社会问题出现,针对这些社会问题,政府、婚姻双方当事人都应从责任伦理角度承担起应负的责任,共同担负起保证人口素质提高的历史重任.  相似文献   

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