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If people are shown a dynamic movie of an action such as kicking a soccer ball or hitting a tennis ball, they will respond to it faster if it requires the same effector. This standard congruency effect was reported to reverse when participants viewed static images of famous athletes not actually performing an action. It was suggested that the congruent response was inhibited because of a social contrast effect, based on an implied action, whereby responders viewed themselves as comparatively worse than the professional athlete. The present study recorded hand and foot responses when identifying static images of both famous and novice athletes in soccer and tennis. The action was either explicit or implied. In Experiment 1, a standard congruency effect was found for all images. In Experiment 2, when a response was based on the identity of the athlete rather than their expertise, the standard congruency effect was enhanced for images of novice athletes, but was eliminated for experts, suggesting a social contrast effect. Our study is the first to show that embodiment effects can be seen for implied and explicit action images of both novices and experts, and that static images are capable of eliciting priming effects associated with sport-relevant effector pairings.  相似文献   

The authors examined 13 skilled and 12 novice tennis performers' ability to use visual information of an opponent's movement pattern to anticipate and respond. In Experiment 1, skilled and novice players anticipated the type of stroke and the direction in which the ball was hit in a highly coupled perception-action environment. Both groups of players correctly anticipated at greater than chance levels. Skilled players were significantly more accurate than novices with live and video displays but not with point-light displays. In Experiment 2, the reaction latencies of 10 expert performers were significantly faster when they returned balls hit by a live opponent than when they returned balls projected from a cloaked ball machine. The findings indicate that experts are able to use movement-pattern information to determine shot selection and to use that information to significantly reduce their response delay times. The findings are discussed in terms of perception-action coupling in time-stress activities.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we explored how novice and expert athletes represent the everyday and sportspecific objects and actions that they read about. Novice and expert ice hockey players (Experiment 1) and football players (Experiment 2) read sentences describing everyday or sport-specific situations and then judged whether a pictured item (either matching the action implied in the previous sentence or not) was mentioned in the preceding sentence. The sentences in Experiment 1 consisted of everyday and hockey-specific scenarios. The sentences in Experiment 2 depicted football scenarios implying football-specific or non—football-specific actions anyone might perform. Everyone responded most quickly to items that matched the sentence-implied actions for everyday and non—sport-specific actions. Only athletes showed this effect for their respective sport-specific scenarios. Differentiating between the same item in different action orientations is thought to be driven by embodied knowledge containing the sensorimotor characteristics of what one is reading about. We show that possessing this type of representation depends on experience interacting with objects and performing the actions in question.  相似文献   

To further our understanding of the role of the motor system in comprehending action-related sentences, we compared action experts (athletes) to visual experts (fans) and novices when responding with an action-specific effector (either hand or foot). These conditions allowed inferences about the degree and specificity of embodiment in language comprehension. Ice hockey players, fans and novices made speeded judgments regarding the congruence between an auditorily presented sentence and a subsequently presented picture. Picture stimuli consisted of either hockey or everyday items. Half of these pictures ‘matched’ the action implied in the preceding sentence. Further, the action in these images involved either primarily the hand or the foot. For everyday items, action-matched items were responded to faster than action-mismatched items. However, only the players and fans showed the action-match effect for hockey items. There were no consistent effector-stimuli compatibility effects, nor skill-based interactions with compatibility, suggesting that the action-match effect was not based on motor ability per se, but rather a construction of the action based on knowledge or visual experience with the hockey related sentences.  相似文献   

This study used a dual-task paradigm to analyze the time course of motor resonance during the comprehension of action language. In the study, participants read sentences describing a transfer either away from (“I threw the tennis ball to my rival”) or toward themselves (“My rival threw me the tennis ball”). When the transfer verb appeared on the screen, and after a variable stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), a visual motion cue (Experiment 1) or a static cue (Experiment 2) prompted participants to move their hand either away from or toward themselves to press a button. The results showed meaning–action interference at short SOAs and facilitation at the longest SOA for the matching conditions. These results support the hypothesis that motor processes associated with the comprehension of action-related language interfere with an overlapping motor task, whereas they facilitate a delayed motor task. These effects are discussed in terms of resonance processes in the motor cortex.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that moving images are remembered better than static ones. In two experiments, we investigated the basis for this dynamic superiority effect. Participants studied scenes presented as a single static image, a sequence of still images, or a moving video clip, and 3 days later completed a recognition test in which familiar and novel scenes were presented in all three formats. We found a marked congruency effect: For a given study format, accuracy was highest when test items were shown in the same format. Neither the dynamic superiority effect nor the study–test congruency effect was affected by encoding (Experiment 1) or retrieval (Experiment 2) manipulations, suggesting that these effects are relatively impervious to strategic control. The results demonstrate that the spatio-temporal properties of complex, realistic scenes are preserved in long-term memory.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the impact of attention on sensorimotor skills. In Experiment 1, experienced golfers putted under dual-task conditions designed to distract attention from putting and under skill-focused conditions that prompted attention to step-by-step putting performance. Dual-task condition putting was more accurate. In Experiment 2, right-footed novice and experienced soccer players dribbled through a slalom course under dual-task or skill-focused conditions. When using their dominant right foot, experts again performed better in the dual-task condition. However, when using their less proficient left foot, experts performed better in the skill-focused condition. Novices performed better under skill-focus regardless of foot. Whereas novices and the less-proficient performances of experts benefit from online attentional monitoring of step-by-step performance, high-level skill execution is harmed.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported that assess how well the identity of highly familiar (famous) faces can be masked from short naturalistic television clips. Recognition of identity was made more difficult by either pixelating (Experiment 1) or blurring (Experiment 2) the viewed face. Participants were asked to identify faces from both moving and static clips. Results indicated that participants were still able to recognize some of the viewed faces, despite these image degradations. In addition, moving images of faces were recognized better than static ones. The practical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Theories on motor skill acquisition predict that earlier learning stages require more attention, which should lead to higher cognitive-motor dual-task interference in novices as compared to experts. Expert and novice table tennis players returned balls from a ball machine while concurrently performing an auditory 3-back task (working memory). The groups did not differ in 3-back performance in the single task. Cognitive dual-task performance reductions were more pronounced in novices. A similar pattern emerged for the number of missed balls in table tennis, except that experts outperformed novices already in the single task. Experts consistently showed costs of about 10%, while novices showed costs between 30% and 50%. The findings indicate that performances of novices suffer considerably in motor-cognitive dual-task situations.  相似文献   

Ratings of the perceived relative importance of psychological and physical factors for successful athletic performance were obtained from 29 men and 53 women in sports of track, swimming, soccer, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, baseball or softball, tennis, diving, and golf, by level of competition (high school, college, and professional), and sex of athlete. The over-all rating of the relative importance of psychological factors was 39%. Significant differences in the ratings of the relative importance of psychological factors were found for sport, level, sex, sport x level, and level x sex. Ratings of the relative importance of psychological factors for successful performance in various sports increased in the order listed above. The significant effect for level and interaction of sport x level were accounted for primarily by the higher ratings given to professional golf. The significant effect of sex and the interaction of sex x level were attributable to higher ratings of the importance of psychological variables for high school women athletes as compared to high school men athletes.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the relationship between field dependence-independence and complex motor skills. According to the requirements of each sporting activity, subjects' motor system can be mainly controlled through exteroceptive or proprioceptive information. Sport performances require the athlete to disembed himself, other players, or the ball from the background, and decision-making appears to require cognitive restructuring. 26 athletes (13 men and 13 women) involved in acrobatic sports (gymnastics, trampoline, half-pipe snowboard, synchronized 3-m springboard, acrobatic rock, skateboard, and free skating) and 26 athletes (13 men and 13 women) involved in individual racket sports (tennis and table-tennis) completed the Group Embedded Figures Test. Participants (at least 10 years of practice) were from 16 to 35 years of age (M=22.0, SD=3.1). No significant difference among athletes on scores for field dependence-independence was evidenced given this expertise, sex, or age. Significantly higher scores were obtained by athletes in acrobatic sports, indicating that they tended to be predominately more field-independent whereas the lower scores were obtained by tennis and table-tennis players.  相似文献   

The influence of orthographic knowledge on lexical tone processing was examined by manipulating the congruency between the tone and the tone marker of Thai monosyllabic words presented in three metalinguistic tasks. In tone monitoring (Experiment 1) and same–different tone judgement (Experiment 2)—that is, tasks that require an explicit analysis of tone information—an orthographic congruency effect was observed: Better performance was found when both tone and tone marker led to the same response than when they led to opposite, competing responses. In rhyme judgement (Experiment 3), a metaphonological task that allows tone to be processed in a more natural way since it does not require explicit analysis of tone, the orthographic effect emerged only when the interstimulus interval was lengthened from 30 to 1,200 ms. In addition to demonstrating the generalization of the orthographic congruency effect to the suprasegmental domain in Thai, the present data also suggest relatively late and task-dependent activation of orthographic representations of tone.  相似文献   

The influence of orthographic knowledge on lexical tone processing was examined by manipulating the congruency between the tone and the tone marker of Thai monosyllabic words presented in three metalinguistic tasks. In tone monitoring (Experiment 1) and same-different tone judgement (Experiment 2)--that is, tasks that require an explicit analysis of tone information---an orthographic congruency effect was observed: Better performance was found when both tone and tone marker led to the same response than when they led to opposite, competing responses. In rhyme judgement (Experiment 3), a metaphonological task that allows tone to be processed in a more natural way since it does not require explicit analysis of tone, the orthographic effect emerged only when the interstimulus interval was lengthened from 30 to 1,200 ms. In addition to demonstrating the generalization of the orthographic congruency effect to the suprasegmental domain in Thai, the present data also suggest relatively late and task-dependent activation of orthographic representations of tone.  相似文献   

进行了三项实验以探讨篮球运动员知觉预期优势的原因,实验一通过对假动作任务和无假动作任务的预期正确率和自信心程度分析发现所有被试在假动作任务中的正确率和自信心程度均小于无假动作任务,假动作任务中运动员在这两个指标上均优于新手且趋势更满足二次曲线。实验二通过多重任务方法比较了点刺激和运动情景刺激条件下有无假动作任务的预期判断,发现假动作任务中运动员在反应时和正确率方面都有显著优势。实验三通过ERP分析发现运动员诱发了较大的N200和P200。据此认为,运动员的知觉预期优势可能主要存在假动作任务中,运动员在预期中采取启发式策略、并且更早编码、注意范围集中且稳定。  相似文献   

Experienced athletes in sports with moving objects have shown greater skill when using visual information to anticipate the direction of a moving object than nonexperienced athletes of those sports. Studies have shown that expert athletes are more effective than novices in occlusion situations in the first stages of the sports sequence. In this study, 12 athletes with different competitive experience in sports with moving objects viewed a sequence of tennis ball launches with and without visual occlusion, launched by a ball-shooting machine toward different areas with respect to the participant's position. The relation among visual behavior, occlusion time, and the precision of the task is reviewed. The spot where the balls bounced was analysed by a digital camera and visual behavior by an Eye Tracking System. Analysis showed that the nonexperienced athletes made significantly more errors and were more variable in visual occlusion conditions. Participants had a stable visual search strategy.  相似文献   

The current study extends existing sport psychology research by developing a more comprehensive athlete attitudinal survey—the Sports Performance Inventory (SPI). A multiple item survey consisting of sport-related attitudinal items was distributed to 274 students enrolled in a large Division I Midwestern university. A principal components analysis with varimax rotation performed on the original survey items resulted in an 83 item survey with six interpretable factors: Competitiveness, Team Orientation, Mental Toughness, Emotional Control, Positive Attitude, and Safety Consciousness. All subscales demonstrated adequate item discriminability and internal consistency. Important statistically significant differences between college/novice and male/female athletes were found: (1) College athletes were found to have a higher SPI composite than novice athletes; (2) College athletes were found to have a more positive attitude than novice athletes; (3) College athletes were more competitive than novice athletes; (4) Females were more team oriented than males; and (5) Novice males were more competitive than novice females, while college females were more competitive than college males. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Field-dependence scores of professional dancers, highly skilled performers in tennis, soccer, cricket and track and field athletics, medium-ability level players in the same four sports and a group of non-game players were measured using a rod and frame test. Results showed that highly skilled tennis players were significantly more field-dependent than top-class track and field athletes and medium-ability level tennis players.  相似文献   

Advance visual information, awareness, and anticipation skill   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The authors examined 13 skilled, 13 recreational, and 11 novice players' awareness of the advance visual information that they used to judge tennis serve direction. Participants viewed video clips of serve actions under 5 conditions of spatial occlusion. The authors assessed participants' awareness by comparing the different groups' confidence associated with correct and incorrect judgments and by conducting a postexperiment free-recall test. The results indicated that information from the ball toss and the arm + racquet region underpinned players' anticipation skill and that greater expertise was accompained by increasing awareness of the information on which judgments were based. The authors discuss the implications of the present results for researchers' use of confidence ratings to assess awareness in perceptual-judgment tasks.  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that an interaction of construal levels and task types would improve performance outcomes, mediated by imagery abstraction levels. In a pilot study (N = 30; table tennis rallies, jumps, throws) and a main study (N = 32; badminton rallies, soccer penalties), athletes performed tasks after receiving high or low construal frames, with an imagery recall completed in the main study. Table tennis and badminton players won more rallies in low construal conditions; track athletes and soccer penalties had higher success rates in high construal conditions. Frames impacted self-reported imagery, but abstraction levels of imagery did not affect outcomes.  相似文献   

How information guides movement: intercepting curved free kicks in soccer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies have shown that balls subjected to spin induce large errors in perceptual judgments ( [Craig et al., 2006] and [Craig et al., 2009] ) due to the additional accelerative force that causes the ball’s flight path to deviate from a standard parabolic trajectory. A recent review however, has suggested that the findings from such experiments may be imprecise due to the decoupling of perception and action and the reliance on the ventral system (van der Kamp, Rivas, van Doorn, & Savelsbergh, 2008). The aim of this study was to present the same curved free kick trajectory simulations from the perception only studies ( [Craig et al., 2006] and [Craig et al., 2009] ) but this time allow participants to move to intercept the ball. By using immersive, interactive virtual reality technology participants were asked to control the movement of a virtual effector presented in a virtual soccer stadium so that it would make contact with a virtual soccer ball as it crossed the goal-line. As in the perception only studies the direction of spin had a significant effect on the participants’ responses with significantly fewer balls being intercepted in the spin conditions when compared to no-spin conditions. A significantly higher percentage of movement reversals for the spin conditions served to highlight the link between information specifying ball heading direction and subsequent movement. The coherence of the findings for both the perception and perception/action study are discussed in light of the dual systems model for visual processing.  相似文献   

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