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Three experiments investigated the effects of food deprivation on several behavioral categories in two species of sunfish. In Experiment 1, predatory behavior and general activity were observed under five levels of deprivation. For both species, predation measures increased in a similar negatively accelerating manner with increasing deprivation, while activity changed in a more complex fashion. Experiment 2 examined the effects of deprivation on activity in a novel environment and showed that the deprivation effects of Experiment 1 were masked by the response to the new setting. In Experiment 3, measures of aggression toward intruders of each species were recorded from resident fish of both species under three levels of food deprivation. Both species were more aggressive toward conspecifics, and bluegills were more aggressive overall. Aggression was significatly influenced by food deprivation, with the effects dependent on the species making up the pair. Theories of motivational summation, generalized drive, and activity-mediated aggression were unable to explain the differential effects of hunger on the three behavioral categories observed. A dynamic boundary-state model of behavior control was found to predict the motivational interactions observed between distinct behavioral control systems.  相似文献   

Parental care can be costly to a parent in terms of both time and energy invested in the young. In species with cuckoldry or brood parasitism not all of the young under a parent's care are necessarily offspring. In such cases, distinguishing between kin and non-kin, and investing only in the former (nepotism), can be advantageous. Bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) are characterized by paternal care and cuckoldry, and care-providing males appear to show nepotistic behaviours. Here, we investigated nestling recognition in bluegill, determining whether parental males can differentiate between young from their own nest (familiar and related) and young from non-neighbouring nests (unfamiliar and unrelated) using (1) visual and chemical cues, and (2) chemical cues only. In the first experiment, wild-caught parental males were presented with samples of eggs or fry (newly hatched eggs) collected from their own nest or a foreign nest and placed on opposite sides of an aquarium. The time these parental males spent associating with each sample, and their "pecking" behaviours (indicating cannibalism), were recorded. Parental males showed no preference between eggs from their own nest and eggs from a non-neighbouring nest, but they preferred to associate with fry from their own nest over foreign fry. There also was a positive relationship between male body size and the time spent associated with fry from their own nest. Parental males pecked at foreign fry more than 5 times as often as fry from their own nest, though this difference was not statistically significant. In the second experiment, fry that were collected from the nest of a wild-caught parental male or a non-neighbouring nest were placed in different containers and the water from each was dripped into opposite ends of an aquarium. The time the male spent on each side was recorded. In this case, parental males spent more time near the source of water conditioned by unrelated fry, but there was a positive relationship between male condition (fat reserves) and the time he spent near the source of water conditioned by fry from his own nest. Results confirm that chemicals cue nestling recognition by parental male bluegill. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The aggressive behavior of eight adult female rhesus living in a captive social group was studied prior to and during a breeding season extended by vasectomizing all the adult males in the group. Female reproductive status was ascertained by: recording all adult female-adult male copulations; detecting menstruation by vaginal swabbing; and analyzing serum progesterone levels by radioimmunoassay. Females showed more non-contact aggression during the breeding season, but wounding did not increase. Individual cycling females directed more frequent aggression to: particular adult males subordinate to them, subordinate females also in estrus, and (in a few cases) juveniles and infants.  相似文献   

Differences in reproduction as well as in behavior in the presence of females were evaluated according to dominant and subordinate male rank in albino mice, in the temporary absence of each male's antagonist. Dominant males reproduced more successfully than subordinate males. Subordinate males were generally inactive, except for displacement activities, during the first 15 min they were exposed to female partners. These findings suggest that mechanisms other than male-male interference or mating order may be operating or influencing behavior and reproductive results.  相似文献   

Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science - This study was done to further analyze the neural mechanisms underlying aggressive behavior associated with psychomotor or temporal lobe seizures....  相似文献   

This study examined influences of gender-specific social experiences on the development of aggressive and sexual behavior in male mice. To determine the effects of gender-specific social experience three different types of groups were constituted after the animals had been weaned. The subjects were randomly assigned to different treatments. Female groups were composed of one experimental male and three female cohabitants. Male groups were composed of five experimental males each, and the mixed-sex groups were composed of two experimental males and of two females. The experimental subjects stayed in these groups until the age of approximately three months, when the testing for sexual and aggressive behavior commenced. For the sexuality tests, a receptive female was placed in the home cage of the experimental male for ten minutes. A nonaggressive male was placed in the home cage of the experimental male for seven minutes for the aggression tests. The experimental males were administered both sexuality and aggression tests, the sequence of testing sexual and aggressive behavior was systematically varied in order to control the influence of the two different types of behavioral tests. The results showed that males with only male social experiences showed fewer responses and were less active in both the aggression and sexuality tests than the males from the two other types of groups. Significant positive correlations between activity during aggression and sexual tests were obtained for all three groups. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two contrasting investigative techniques provided evidence consistent with the interpretation that female quail (Coturnix japonica) regulate male copulatory behavior by the duration of their immobility and through this behavioral mechanism they also control the rate of fertilization of their eggs. In Experiment 1, copulation tests with males and females from different genetic lines showed that the type of female that participated in a copulatory test significantly influenced the latency of the male's grab, mount, and cloacal contact responses and also determined the efficiency of the male's copulatory behavior. These measures of male performance were correlated with female immobility in Experiment 2, which used a more homogeneous population of quail. Furthermore, 2 of these measures (copulatory efficiency and the latency to make cloacal contact) were correlated with fertilization rate.  相似文献   

Small bilateral electrolytic lesions placed just posterior of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus cause a strong increase in offensive behavior. The histology suggests that damage to the ventral premammillary nucleus is responsible for this effect. A summary of the neuroanatomical literature shows that this structure is connected to most other brain structures reported to be involved in offensive behavior.  相似文献   

The effects of a variety of alpha and beta adrenergic antagonists were examined on the social encounters of isolated male mice with anosmic male partners. A range of alpha antagonists, including phentolamine, prazosin, and yohimbine, all suppressed social aggression. A range of beta antagonists, including propranolol, atenolol, metaprolol, and ICI 118, 551, also reduced this type of attack. Ethological assessment of the lowest effective dose of these adrenergic antagonists revealed a marked inhibitor action on offensive, social, and nonsocial behavior, while defensive responses and immobility were enhanced. It is concluded that the noradrenergic system has a significant non-specific role in mediating intermale aggression via both alpha and beta adrenergic receptor subtypes. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The technique for simultaneous development of aggressive and submissive behaviors as a result of successive experiences of defeats or victories in daily intermale confrontations in male mice permanently living under sensory contact conditions is offered for behavioral, pharmacological, and neurophysiological studies of mechanisms of agonistic social relations. Distant sensory contact is achieved by placing a pair of males into a common cage separated by a transparent partition with holes permitting visual contact and the individuals perceiving each other's odors but preventing any physical at contact all times except for 10-min daily tests. These conditions essentially elicit aggression in winner males and quickly result in submission by losers of the same strain of mice. The meaning of consecutive stages of the technique, the problem of controls, and applications of this model are discussed.  相似文献   

Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) are regarded as opportunistic breeders with reproductive behaviors mediated by short-term proximal environmental conditions. This article provides experimental evidence for the role of humidity in reproductive behaviors. Zebra finches were subjected to experimentally manipulated high levels of relative humidity. Males gathered more nest material and sang more. Females showed no relationship between humidity and gathering nest materials, egg laying, or changes in rates of vocalization.  相似文献   

Naive male brown lemmings were paired with the same opponent for 10 min/day for 11 consecutive days. Males of a control group were placed in an empty arena for the same period. There was no decrement in the incidence of attack and chase by dominant males in pairs showing stable dominant-subordinate relations. Subsequently, seminal vesicles of dominant animals were heavier than those of subordinate, control and “no rank” (pairs in which no clear-cut dominance relations were established) animals. Dominant animals also had greater mean testis weights and higher plasma testosterone levels than subordinates. Adrenal weights did not differ significantly between the various groups. Among dominant males there were significant positive correlations between plasma testosterone levels, testis and seminal vesicle weights, and attack and chase scores. These results suggest that many of the physiological correlates of dominance status reported in previous studies in which subjects were group housed are also observed when contact between naive individuals is limited to brief encounters.  相似文献   

Blind mole rats (Spalax ehrenbergi) are solitary and aggressive subterranean rodents. Aggressive defense behavior in the mole rat functions to deter neighboring competitors from territory, food, and mates and includes seismic and odor signals. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the aggressive defense behavior displayed by male mole rats is testosterone dependent. Five behavioral variables were taken as being representative of such aggressive interaction: exposing teeth, biting, bulldozing movements of the head, soil blocking, and self‐grooming. We monitored male testosterone levels and aggressiveness throughout the annual cycle, which can be divided into three main climatic periods: cold and rainy (September–February); warm, during which the soil is still moist and easily excavated (March–May); and hot (June–August), when the soil is hard and dry. In a second experiment the effect of endogenous and exogenous testosterone on male aggressive defense behavior was determined before and after castration and following testosterone propionate replacement. We found fluctuations in male testosterone concentrations, with three peaks: in November, May, and August, one in each of the three climatic periods. However, these fluctuations did not correlate with male aggressive behavior, which remained constant throughout the year. Furthermore, because neither castration nor testosterone propionate replacement in castrated individuals affected their defense behavior, we suggest that such behavior in male mole rats is testosterone independent. The continuous excavation and maintenance of the mole rat’s underground tunnel system demands high energy expenditure year‐round and constant defense of territory sites and food caches from intraspecific rivals. Thus, although testosterone may fluctuate as a result of seasonal breeding cycles, constant high levels of aggressive defense throughout the year are crucial for the survival of the male mole rat in its solitary subterranean environment. Aggr. Behav. 27:64–72, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two hundred and four students (108 college freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors; 96 high school juniors and seniors) participated in this study. The socioeconomic status of the participants (high school = 93% Caucasian, 7% African-American; college = 96% Caucasian, 4% African-American) was primarily in the lower middle-class range. The purposes of this investigation were (1) to test whether or not differences exist between high school and college students' perceptions of one form of male sexually aggressive behavior against women, (2) to determine if differences exist between male and female students' perceptions of such behavior against women, and (3) to explore the sex role socialization theory by providing empirical observation of its basic tenets. Findings suggested that boys may experience slower maturation and development of sensitivity toward sexual aggression than girls, but that this gap may lessen with advancing age for college males.  相似文献   

After placing a female house mouse into the home cage of a male, the occurrences of four behaviors were recorded on separate channels of an event recorder: (1) male sniffing female, (2) male mounting female, (3) male intromitting female, and (4) 70-kHz vocalizations. The amount of vocalizing was greatest shortly after pairing and was associated with the male sniffing the female. After the male began mounting, vocalizations also were associated with mounting. Vocalizations were recorded during intromissions and occasionally occurred coincident with pelvic thrusts. Very few vocalizations were detected when the male was not sniffing or mounting the female. Vocalizations ceased following ejaculation but typically resumed several minutes before the resumption of another mounting sequence. Thus 70-kHz vocalizations appear to be closely linked to male sexual arousal.  相似文献   

The effects of gonadal hormones on aggressive behavior in the female bank vole was investigated in 10 min home cage tests. Ovariectomized (ovx) or intact females injected with oil, with progesterone (P), with a mixture of progesterone and estrogen (P+E), or with testosterone (T) alone were confronted in a resident-intruder test with unfamiliar, nonoperated females as intruders. Intact females showed aggressive behavior more frequently than ovx females. Ovx females injected with P, with P+E, or with T made significantly more attacks, and these attacks lasted longer than those observed for oil-treated voles. The results indicate that P, the typical female hormone, is responsible for aggressive behavior in female bank voles; however, only T increased the duration of interfemale aggression. Aggr. Behav. 24:63–70, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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