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The current study is a 25‐year follow‐up to a mental health needs assessment in the often overlooked, but rapidly growing, Orthodox Jewish denomination. Results suggest increased acceptance of mental illness and its treatment and satisfaction with quality of care, along with decreased mistrust of the mental health field, belief that religion and psychiatry conflict, and tendency to attach stigmas to psychiatric problems. However, issues of stigma and affordability continue to be obstacles to treatment. El presente estudio es un seguimiento tras 25 años de una evaluación de necesidades de salud mental en la población frecuentemente ignorada, pero en crecimiento rápido, de individuos de denominación judía ortodoxa. Los resultados sugieren una mayor aceptación de enfermedades mentales y sus tratamientos, así como la satisfacción con la calidad de los cuidados, además de una reducción en la desconfianza hacia el campo de la salud mental, la creencia de que existe un conflicto entre religión y psiquiatría, y la tendencia a estigmatizar los problemas psiquiátricos. Sin embargo, problemas relacionados con la asequibilidad y el estigma continúan siendo obstáculos para el tratamiento.  相似文献   

Cultural traits have an influence on the person's interpretation of mental illness, the expression of distress and help-seeking attitudes. UAE has a unique sociological context where Eastern and Western traditions coexist. Given that there is a scarcity of mental health studies and no study on the explanatory models (EM) of mental illness, it is important to examine the connections between Western biomedical approaches and traditional Emirati illness explanations and how those affect the Emirati EM. In order to explore the influence of those connections on Emirati future clinicians, the present study focuses on young Emirati psychology students in a Western-oriented university. In-depth interviews were performed regarding their EM. The results highlighted the influence of cultural traits on the EM formulation, the importance of family in the Emirati society and the impact of the UAE socio-economic and religious reality in forming the participants’ beliefs on mental illness.  相似文献   

Parricide is a rare type of homicide in which mental illness is often an important factor. The aims of this study were (a) to describe the characteristics of parricide offenders with a focus on mental illness and clinical care and (b) to examine Heide's widely used typology of parricide through a data-driven approach. We analyzed all homicides in England and Wales between 1997 and 2014. Parricide offenders in our sample were most often male, unmarried, and unemployed, with a third of offenders diagnosed with schizophrenia; 28% had been in contact with mental health services before the offense. The latent class analysis resulted in three types of parricide offenders: middle-aged with affective disorder, previously abused, and seriously mentally Ill, which confirmed, to an extent, Heide's typology. Health and social care services should actively engage with carers of people with mental illness and support to those caring for older relatives and victims of abuse.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the rate, type and duration of respite care use in carers of an adult with mental illness, and the differences between respite care users and non‐users on demographic, caregiving context and adjustment variables. A total of 106 carers completed a postal survey questionnaire. The majority (76%) of carers who accessed care used it weekly, fortnightly or monthly. The most common types of respite services were in‐home, day programs, and residential respite. The mean duration of respite care periods was 58.18 hr each time respite was used. Compared to respite care non‐users, carers who accessed respite care were more likely to live with their care‐recipient and provide more caregiving. They also reported more benefits associated with their caregiving. Findings suggest that respite care services need to be varied, available for carers on a weekly to monthly basis with a range in duration, but catering for higher use of 2‐day respite periods. Carers who are highly engaged in a range of caregiving tasks and who live with their care recipient are more likely to have a greater need for respite care. Future research should examine the effects of a range of respite care factors on carer adjustment outcomes.  相似文献   

With an endless range of subgroups and individual variations, culture bears upon what all people bring to the clinical setting. Culture could account for health-seeking behaviour, type of services and support system and variations in how people communicate their health concerns. Culture may underlie presentation of sets of symptoms that are peculiar to certain societies – culture-bound syndromes. Culture also influences the meanings that people impart to their illness and also stigma associated with such illnesses. Culture must be viewed from the patients, clinicians and health system dimensions. Changes in mental health service delivery in last few decades have yielded culturally competent mental health services. The aim of this paper was to discuss culture and mental health with a focus on Nigeria and from a global perspective.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a novel approach to investigating the problem of public opposition to community mental health facilities. With the move towards community care, organizations setting up mental health facilities have encountered public opposition. It has been argued that this is due, in part, to the attitudes held by the public towards mentally ill people. A knowledge and understanding of attitudes towards this client group therefore has the potential to be of practical use to policy makers and practitioners who have a responsibility to consult on, and implement, community care for mentally ill people. The survey approaches and hypothetical situations used in previous British studies of community attitudes towards mentally ill people have, however, failed to take account of the rhetorical richness and complexity of the attitudes likely to be expressed in real‐life community care contexts. By contrast, the study reported in this paper used a discourse analytic approach to explore the views expressed about mentally ill people in a ‘hot situation’. Specifically, people's views were explored in the contexts of the arguments they used to challenge or advocate a supported accommodation project for mentally ill people in their community. This paper examines some of these arguments and discusses the theoretical implications for traditional approaches to attitude research. In conclusion, the potential practical utility of the findings is considered. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the evidence-based Individual Placement and Support programme highlights the importance of the vocational rehabilitation (VR) counsellors' focus on competitive employment during career counselling, studies have shown that counsellors do not always target such jobs. This study examines which determinants affect the counsellors' intentions using an extended version of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Cross-sectional data of 263 VR counsellors of three public employment services were analysed using structural equation modelling. A path model comprising attitudes, prior behaviour, and subjective and moral norms explained 69% of the variance in intentions. The findings indicate that counsellors focus more on competitive employment when they (1) view the placement in a competitive job as positive, (2) experience support and (3) have prior relevant experiences.  相似文献   

The task of community mental health is to provide quality services to clients despite funding cutbacks. This paper describes the recent evolution in conceptualization and service delivery in one center. The outcomes are a philosophy that is customer oriented, and treatment that draws upon brief techniques, in group and long term contexts.  相似文献   

An observational approach was employed to investigate the role played by architectural characteristics of supported housing facilities (SHF) in sustaining interactional behavior among people with severe mental illness (SMI) (N = 29) and staff (N = 27). The observations were carried out in dining areas, corridors and outdoor environments of SHF (N = 4). In order to test differences in the observed behaviors two SHFs with high physical‐environment quality (HQ) and two with low physical‐environment quality (LQ) according to the perception of people with SMI were chosen. Results showed that the dining areas of HQ better support social interactions between SHF users. No differences between the housing facilities were found concerning corridors areas, while housing facilities that provided proximity and accessibility to outdoor environments, such as those with HQ, were significantly more supportive for social interactional behavior than LQ housing. These results corroborate previous findings from this project and suggest that the characteristics of the housing design have a significant impact on the use of the environment and on the behavior patterns in the setting.  相似文献   

Public health and in particular mental health have been severely affected by the multitude of socioeconomic crises experienced by people in Greece. The severe austerity programmes, have reduced access to health services and increased demand for publically funded health care. This paper presents a case study focusing on the impact of these measures on the lives of mental health providers in one prefecture in Crete. Focus group methodology was applied and the data were analysed using thematic analysis. Analyses revealed three superordinate themes that converge at many levels and appear to be going counter to the circumstances: firstly, ‘forging partnerships for mental health’; secondly, ‘extending our reach’; and thirdly ‘transformations in professional identity through praxis’. These themes are discussed using the words of the participants and the relevant literature.  相似文献   

Most attempts to study the impact of psychosocial interventions on parents of persons with severe mental illness (SMI) are quantitative. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the subjective experience of parents of persons with SMI who participated in either a psychoeducational intervention which emphasized providing information on the illness and support, or a therapeutic alliance focused intervention (TAFI) which emphasized the alliance between the group members and group leaders. Ninety-three parents, who participated in either one of these two interventions, were interviewed using the Narrative Evaluation of Intervention Interview. Results show that participants found both interventions to be beneficial with no statistical differences in the level of perceived change. Themes describing change in relating to illness were significantly more frequently mentioned by participants in the TAFI group, whereas significantly more participants in the family psychoeducation interventions reported that implementation and information provided contributed to positive change. Also participants in the TAFI reported significantly more often that group regulation contributed to change. As both interventions were perceived as contributing, the findings support the relationship orientation to psychosocial interventions, which stresses the quality of the social support and interpersonal interaction as the source of positive outcomes of intervention.  相似文献   

In order to meet the challenging needs and behaviors of children with Serious Emotional Disorders (SED), a school and community based Intensive Mental Health Program (IMHP) was developed and evaluated. We describe the conceptual framework, treatment principles, and model for service delivery for psychological and educational interventions under the umbrella of the IMHP. The program illustrates a model of comprehensive services for children with SED.  相似文献   

The California AB377 Evaluation Project was established to study the replication of an innovative system of care in three California counties for youth suffering from severe emotional disturbance. Development of the innovative system of care was pioneered in Ventura County, California, and the replications were legislatively enabled through Assembly Bill 377 (AB377). This paper reports evaluative findings about a central goal of the innovative care system: the reduction of use of highly restrictive out-of-home placements though creation and maintenance of coordinated and effective community-based services. Group home facilities are the focus of the evaluation work because these facilities consume the largest proportion of all public expenditures for youth in residential placements in California. More than 10 years of aggregate county and state level monthly expenditure and utilization data are presented. The results indicate that the demonstration counties have generated lower per capita inflation adjusted rates of expenditures and per capita group home placements than California as a whole. The evaluation results provide evidence that an integrated system of care can reduce group home placements. However, the nature, quality and effectiveness of any and/or all alternative services provided remains a topic for further investigation.  相似文献   

The widespread development of comprehensive community initiatives that aim to improve community health is driven by the need to change the systems charged with delivering the services and creating the policies related to a variety of health outcomes. Georgia's Family Connection initiative is the nation's largest statewide network of community collaboratives for health, with collaboratives operating in 159 counties. Data on community context, collaborative processes, engagement in systems change, and changes in programs and activities implemented, gathered consistently at the collaborative level over 3 years, will be used to answer the following questions. How do community contexts and the structure and processes of collaboratives affect implementation of systems change? How do systems changes affect intermediate outcomes such as the type of programs offered in a community? Longitudinal change in systems change and program implementation is described and significant predictors of between‐collaborative variation in longitudinal change for each outcome are identified.  相似文献   

This paper is the third in a series of reports on preliminary empirical findings from replications of an integrated system of care for youth suffering from serious emotional disturbance. The development of the innovative system of care was pioneered in Ventura County, California, and the replications in three other California counties were legislatively enabled through California legislation (Assembly Bill 377). This report presents results on the expenditure and utilization of foster homes, residential placements made through special education programs, and state hospitals. Evaluation results indicate that foster home and state hospital utilization and expenditures are lower for the counties replicating the innovative system of care than for the state of California as a whole. Expenditures for special education residential placements are either at the state rate or lower in one county. The cumulative evidence supports the conclusion that the replication counties are utilizing restrictive levels of care at lower rates than would be expected, given state-wide patterns. The results, in conjunction with prior findings, are discussed in the context of questions about the possible fates of youth who no longer live in publicly funded residential facilities.  相似文献   

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